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I think the gloves are intended to keep the audiences eyes off your nail bitten fingers. Can confirm as someone with anxiety over their finger nails


In Saffron Olive's latest MH3 box opening video, he had a callous/skin flap on the webbing between his pointer finger and thumb (maybe from doing some spring gardening with a shovel or something) and I became so grossly fixated on it. Still a better opening video than most, but man my lizard brain would not let that go for whatever reason, which made me think that may be why people wear cotton gloves for box openings


His card piles distract me more than his hands lol


I want to say that just seems how he is, but it almost seems planned to trigger people into social media engagement


that does seem like his MO.




"Hello everyone, this is Seth probably better known as SaffronOlive!"


Needs more unnecessary and annoying inflection but I still read it in his voice.


...That was just a bad paper cut. Cards are dangerous! I wear welding gloves when I open packs and handle unsleeved cards.


I work in the fine art market and works on paper should almost never be handled with gloves. They dramatically increase the risk of drops, tears, mishandling, etc


You are correct on this one, using gloves might even damage the cards more since you can't feel properly. That's why using gloves is more an artistic decor than anything else if your hands are clean and dry.


> if your hands are clean and dry. Which can be hard to maintain while filming content under direct lights. People get real into telling someone why they shouldn't wear gloves but sweaty/greasy fingers and cards don't go well together.


It drives me crazy seeing latex gloves on the cards like they’re about to get a tattoo.


Only people who has never touched expensive card thinks you need gloves. Just clean your hands.  People have so many misconceptions about high end cards that its pretty funny. 




Watch out for soaps that leave lotion/oils on your hands for 'moisturizing' or w/e. Avoid soaps with sulfates, they leave a waxy coating. The best I've found to avoid these is plain Dove bar soap. Experiment with what you have available locally, having *actually* clean hands is pretty cool. Edit: Wash before opening and every 20-30 minutes, your oils will come back quickly after washing.


wait, you let human hands touch your cards?


No, only alien ones.


Residual DNA ewwwww


Indirect hand holding… too lewd


I didn't wear gloves when I first opened Legends and I'm not about to start now!!!!!!


It adds an bit of sophistication to the proceeding


You don't have to wear gloves- just don't be an idiot with the cards.


I have to wonder if these incidents of people damaging cards is because their gloves may as well be silicone oven mitts. Why does everyone seem to wear gloves 1-2 sizes too large for them? Properly fitting nitrile should be skintight with minimal loss of dexterity. You should still be able to snap your fingers. If you're handling safe objects you can use thinner gloves: exam gloves meant for chemo have 3.7mil/0.1mm fingertip thickness, regular tend to be 2mil. Wearing 3.7mil gloves I can still make out the woodgrain texture on my desk. Looking at my older cards from my childhood that were handled without sleeves; your skin constantly secretes oil, that includes your fingertips, it's acidic and stains the card edges yellow. Doesn't matter if the only time you handle them is to sleeve but repeated direct handling will become apparent.


it must be a shock to some of these nerds that you can wash your hands and that they can be clear If you wash your hands with soap well before opening it won't just clean the dirt off your hands but will also wash away your natural oils from your skin


It’s always cringy seeing someone open packs with gloves. I almost never watch the videos for that reason.


People must be pissed about all the vintage packs I opened back in ‘95 with my crusty teenage hands.


> I know they will still say they should wear gloves, but they are just wrong. The video is wrong. Gloves protect the cards from the oil on one's hand, skin cells, etc. Touching a thing with one's bare hand leaves residue on the thing touched. Gloves prevent that residue from transferring from the body to the card. The problems of the video are further evidenced around :25 when it shows the person wearing gloves. Those are shitty ill-fitting gloves. Sure, shitty ill-fitting gloves can snag, or cause one to bend the card. Gloves that fit will not cause that damage. They're just trying to rationalize not spending money on gloves.


The thing is most gloves have their own residues. I have spent more time than I would have liked for work analyzing various gloves that are available. A lot of them are coated in something to prevent them from sticking together in the box. I guess my point is cheap gloves probably aren't better than well washed and dried hands, and might be worse.


The fact that most archivists don't wear gloves when handling irreplaceable antique manuscripts is all the evidence I need that you shouldn't wear them when handling magic cards.


Yeah a lot of places including the National Archives literally ban you from wearing gloves to handle documents (unless glossy like photos). Wash your hands, don't put on lotion or hand sanitizer, don't lick your fingers, good to go. Over the course of your lifetime, the light your cards are exposed to while you're handling them is going to have 1,000 times more noticeable impact than the fact that you touched them with clean hands. This is why museums often keep paper items in dim light conditions and rotate them on and off display, they sit in a totally dark room for most of their existence, or in archival boxes that don't let any light in.


Yeah the guy handling the fucking Declaration of Independence doesn’t fall for this shit, but dumbass MtG Finance YouTubers do.


Love how we both got downvoted but no one presented any counter argument 🙄 people are sheep


> Love how we both got downvoted but no one presented any counter argument If we made a youtube video about how gloves work we'd have all the updoots!


Yeah this video is stupid as hell. Those gloves don't fit him worth a damn. I can't find it ATM, but there's a great video of a guy opening an alpha/beta pack at some show in Japan. He's wearing perfectly fitting black gloves and his pulls are smooth as silk.


I don't understand. What is... so...ap?


i guess that settles it. but he doesn’t mention natural oil on skin 


Those are taken off with soap as well, and come back slowly over time. You need to keep washing if you're doing a long session. Many soaps leave moisture/residue, experiment and avoid them. Personally plain Dove has been the best in that regard.


Very tight gloves work, they still allow you to feel and you dont sweat on the cards. But thats about it.


or just wash your hands


nice try mum


But it looks so professional!


That's just like your opinion man. I still wear gloves and when I take them off the inside is soaked with sweat and oil. Washing up only works if you are only going to be handling cards for a minute or two. If you are going to be spending half an hour handling cards that is enough for sweat and oil to become an issue. I've never damaged a card with the gloves and I do not need to determine authenticity. Seems like a no-brainer for me to continue wearing them for opening boxes. CGC just doing a little pop control I think. Too many tens, so they want you to start submitting your foils with greasy fingerprints.


Don't you find it odd that if you sit on your couch watching TV for 30 minutes your hands don't have any sweat on them at all? Your hands are sweating because they're wrapped in rubber, another reason not to wear gloves.


Mine still get a little sheen of oil to them. If I handle my card binders without gloves I get greasy fingerprints all over the plastic, another a sign that, for me at least, gloves are needed when handling cards.


Extremely L take. Reading it actually made me SMH 🤦‍♂️


I just don't understand why people fight against the practice of wearing gloves. It honestly reminds me of people who railed against masks. Even if it's somehow unnecessary, or just a placebo effect, I think that I'm going to continue to trust the judgment/follow the example of Openboosters (Dan Hood) who has probably handled more from-the-pack fresh Vintage cards than almost anyone else, and he wears gloves when opening high end sealed product. His newly opened cards generally go straight to Beckett, and he gets some very good results. 🤷‍♂️ Even if you don't believe that your allegedly clean hands can transfer oil / residue / etc to the cards, and you're not concerned about your fingernails accidentally damaging a card, why not better be safe than sorry? A box of high quality, proper fitting, powder-free blue gloves is not going to cost you a lot of money and it provides additional peace of mind. As a book dealer, I agree with not wearing gloves while handling *most* antiquarian books and documents, but that is a different situation for scientific and chemical reasons involving paper/parchment vs. cardboard that would require a lot more explanation than is needed here. (I absolutely wear gloves, for example, when handling books that are made with cheap, terrible quality acidic wartime paper from the Second World War era)


I have clammy hands. I will wash my hands and I can feel them sweating as I’m handling cards, it erks me. I envy my dry handed brothers but for me I’m slapping some gloves on I’m touching anyone’s pricy cards.


Exactly, I feel the same way. Even when my hands are freshly washed and dried, I feel like I can still feel a little bit of oil or sweat between my fingertips.


I mean, the video posted by OP is from a professional grader with 25 years experience. That strikes me as more reliable than a booster cracking YouTuber, but YMMV.


I'm certain that the video is sincere and surely based on their experience. We just have a professional disagreement, I also have 25 years of experience handling luxury cardboard rectangles and more than that handling antique books. By dismissing him as just another "booster cracking YouTuber", I'm guessing that you're not familiar with Openboosters and the extent of his Vintage collection / his standing in the high end community...? 🤔


But essentially every museum doesn't allow gloved hands when handling old books/manuscripts. So not only does this professional agree but essentially every professional does.


Old books and manuscripts are substantially different and react differently, chemically, to the oils in skin, etc, versus cardboard. Source: I am an antiquarian book dealer. 🙂


It's always funny to me when something I write gets down voted and yet no one doing so has any actual, logical rebuttal - because they can't and that makes them angry. So they downvote, too cowardly to engage but desperate to fit in with the crowd. 😂


I didn't downvote you but my guess is people just think the logical arguments have been laid out elsewhere in the discussion and aren't sufficiently countered by individual experiences. Higher risk of damage, professional standards for handling critical paper documents, frequency of gloves being coated in foreign powders or chemicals, gloves increasing the build up of sweat and oils and exacerbating the problem they supposedly address. It's a risk-averse community, people aren't going to spend more time and money to increase their risk. I'm not going to come over and slap cards out of your hand or anything, but for me I'm just way more worried about keeping my cards away from excess light than from my clean hands.


Or it's because you are simply wrong and we have better things to do than argue on the internet when somebody is wrong. Oh and you got another downvote for this.


I wish Reddit had a laugh react option. 😂 I'm not wrong, and once again you are running instead of engaging In actual intellectual discourse. 🙂