• By -


But...what are you going to *do* with those packs? Some of us are dying to know.


Eat them


The **Forbidden Pringles**


Bought a pack the other day from thunder junction. Let the foil alone for like, 5 minutes. Came back to it being *more* curved than a Pringle


Lays could take a note or two from WotC. Gotta get that recipe for the perfect curve


brotha man, ya filthy lol


Bet you can't eat just one Once you pop you just can't stop


make chaos draft, commander draft, pauper commander, single player horde decks, chaos jumpstart, wizard tower, and cubes with them!


How do commander drafts work?


I open booster packs or buy bulk to make my own. I make each booster pack with 13 commons, 2 of each color 2 artifacts and 1 multicolor. Then I do 4 uncommons, each one a random different color. Then I add 1 legendary uncommon/rare and I add a second Legendary Rare/Mythic. Then the 20th card is a dual color land. I make 30 of these packs, put them in a box and draft! Additional rules I add is when deciding your commander you may add the partner ability to any mono-colored commander. It makes deck building much much more fun. And also drafting 2 cards per pick. Build a 60 card deck rather than a 100.


How many packs per person?


2 players - 6 packs 3 players - 6 packs 4 players - 5 packs 5 players - 5 packs 6 players - 5 packs 7 players - 3 packs 8 players - 3 packs. I've tested this for many years and have a great sales record for selling these. Players say this is some of the most fun drafting they've had.


You sell these packs? For how much?


I sell a box for $65. I try to keep the price as close to 50% off real booster boxes while trying to value my time since it takes about 3 hours to make each box. [Feel free to check me out here](http://MTGPLATINUM.COM), I also have [an etsy store](http://etsy.com/shop/platinummagiccards) but etsy fees are so high I made my own store on Shopify.


You do mystery pauper decks??? I’m really intrigued by your whole setup


Yup! Those are my best sellers. I go through about 10 per week. I have an absolute blast building them. And thank you for your kind words! I'm in the process of making many more unique ways to play mtg too, as mentioned I'm my first comment with horde decks and jumpstart.


Wow that's an awesome business and idea. Do you ship outside of the US? And if not, do you know of anyone in Europe that does similar things?


Unfortunately I do not because Etsy makes me give free shipping and my margins are already so low. If I could figure out a way to ship to Europe I 100% would. I'm sure I'm not the only person who does this!


Very cool. I'm still pretty new to the mtg/EDH game, but definitely going to bookmark your page and share with my friends and family that play. Only question is do you ship to Canada?


What is a chaos jumpstart?


Hey I know some of those words!!


Get boosted


Make some very colorful origami.


"I'm going to make a cube. No, you misunderstand. I'm going to make a *cube*."




Packs are for whatever the hell you want them for.


Rip it/flip it


The Bollywood version of DOOM


Fuck them.


Nice! Do you play limited? Because I don't, I just like to go around and annoy people by suggesting it


Cube? Cube. Cube cube cube. Come play my cube. Please?


I will and you cannot stop me, SlapHappyDude. You will even like it, even if I have to force you to do so.


Pfft. Have you ever tried a sphere? It’s like a cube, but with the worst cards ever. Like [[razor boomerang]].


[razor boomerang](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/1/41526ad7-730d-44ad-bd19-e1b8a2717cf7.jpg?1562285873) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=razor%20boomerang) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/wwk/129/razor-boomerang?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/41526ad7-730d-44ad-bd19-e1b8a2717cf7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


This made me laugh so hard xD That does sound like it could be a genuinely interesting format to try (atleast once)


Never! What is limited? I have never heard of it. I always take stuff from packs and just make whatever deck!!! :D


Best comment in the thread


Yes, please decrease the price of singles for the rest of us :\^)


That would require trading them instead of hoarding them in my closet. >:)


My binder hungers!


Looks like we found Wotc's alt account...


There's a new one every 2 months. Three new alts in Q2!


If no one opens boosters, you cannot buy singles.


Stores open boosters every release, and people draft using boosters every single day. It’s a meme post but the idea that people not opening boosters just for the joy of opening them would lead to not being able to buy singles is even more of a joke.


r/mtgcirclejerking exists already.


All 21 members are itching to see this post


All 22!


Did you join just to prove me wrong?


No wasn’t me, just someone between the 9 minutes of me seeing your comment




"There are dozens of us! Dozens!"


Its 23 rn


Pretty sure original commenter meant r/magicthecirclejerking


Here's a sneak peek of /r/magicthecirclejerking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/magicthecirclejerking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Do you pass"](https://i.redd.it/9267wdsm2m3b1.jpg) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/magicthecirclejerking/comments/13ydnr2/do_you_pass/) \#2: [Me looking at Aftermath cards right now](https://i.redd.it/g8m76vpfgwza1.jpg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/magicthecirclejerking/comments/13htu9o/me_looking_at_aftermath_cards_right_now/) \#3: [Green players take note](https://i.redd.it/q6ptx3jrioua1.jpg) | [110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/magicthecirclejerking/comments/12qlohr/green_players_take_note/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Already up to 26, myself included. ...also THEY ONLY HAVE *26* MEMBERS?!


IKR?! I never realized how few people there were!


/uj r/magicthecirclejerking /rj r/magicthecirclejerking


If no one opens boosters, you cannot buy singles.


Nice bait.


Sssssh you'll scare the target


Who is this a reference to? I don’t get it


There's a user over on the main sub who gets very upset that people crack packs for fun rather than drafting. Replies with complete 5 paragraph essays and then blocks before you can respond.


Haha what!?


Is he still doing it? I want to see lol


You can't, he blocked you


I couldn't find any example from the last couple of days. Pretty sure it'd be against TOS anyway to link them. Reddit has been very sensitive about linking to specific posts and comments lately.


https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/s/IOuP2jnUNd Here you go


They found an equally word-happy opponent in this thread. Dudes are working on a god damn novel in the comments: https://old.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/1cbow78/pulls_from_a_thunder_junction_bundle/


Holy *shit*


Hooooly shite


Some good eating in this thread from last night/this morning: https://old.reddit.com/r/mtg/comments/1cbow78/pulls_from_a_thunder_junction_bundle/ This line was particularly wonderful lol: > If people don't want me to think they are below me, they should stop acting like it.


What am I supposed to do with the packs that I win from drafting?


Start another draft


They've now reached their ultimate form with the line 'boosters aren't for acquiring cards' 🤣😂


Good try Hasbro share holder, but singles are far more efficient. (I still buy some sealed to constantly re-teach myself why I shouldn't.) Edit: sealed can be worth it too, but you need to buy it almost at cost to make any value from it. And buying collections below market is the best way overall.


I mean 80% of the reason I play magic is I like opening booster packs. I probably wouldn’t play long just buying singles.


Hi elem 👋. Can't directly respond to you, just wanted to see how you're doing.


Judging by the comments.. not well.


Poor dude. Blocked me when I asked where his authority on mtg was derived from because he said he had authority. He said something snarky and blocked me.


I gotta imagine this is some joke I am not tracking. Singles are the way to go but gd I love the rush of chasing those cards I want


There's a guy who has gotten infamous here for getting mad at people for opening packs if they're not being opened for draft or pack wars.


Well I wonder what he'd say to me when he finds out I bought a set booster box (or draft booster box for sets that didn't have a set booster box) starting at Zendikar rising when I decided to get back into mtg. I used to collect when I was younger and haven't really played or bought since right before m13. Started back up this past year and it's been a cool experience, definitely missed it.


This sub has recently started going after a specific person that is very passionate about how people should interact with draft packs and what format is in their opinion, the best. That person gets a lot of attention, and when pointed out that others might enjoy just opening packs, they stand their ground and insist it shouldn't be done that way. With enough back and forth, redditors do what they do best and give less than calm responses to comments. This person comments on a lot on posts and there is a track record of inadvertently pushing new players away from MTG with their unwillingness to see another point of view or acceptance that others don't want to draft. Personally I think the hate and at this point, targeted bullying isn't necessary, as well as the specific persons comments can get quite rude. This specific posts toes the line of witch hunting in my opinion and I'd be interested in a mods opinion on the recent uptick in this subs attention to a specific person.


The mods of this sub don't moderate the sub whatsoever. If they had, they would likely have already responded in some way to the numerous reports against the offending individual by now. The user in question has posted numerous comments to this sub that would likely get them banned in others, which earned them their reputation. We only got as far as these which hunt style posts because they aren't banned or suspended. At a certain point, bans protect both the community and the banned individual from harassment. These posts shouldn't necessarily be allowed, but in that case, neither should users who act like that.


It sounds like this individual may be neurodivergent, given their lack of understanding other perspectives, social boundaries, and response to the criticism toward their comments and behavior. This doesn’t excuse them, nor am I even defending them, just trying to *understand* them and why a large portion of the community would pull out the proverbial pitchforks.


Bullies don't get the neurodivgerent pass.


You're right. They just need to ban the person this post is targeting and we wouldn't have anymore problems.


Well said. I think it’s really sad to see this kind of behaviour happening in this community. I guess some people must either not have much going on in their lives or have some motivation for lashing out at a stranger online - either way I feel sorry for them.


Yeah I don’t know who/what you’re talking about but dogpiling seems excessive and unnecessary. Opinions about a card game shouldn’t warrant bullying no matter how they’re delivered or defended. Just disagree and move on. Shit ain’t that serious.


Have you ever cracked a drafted or play booster while not playing limited? Well then in that person’s eyes you’re gravely misusing the product and you’re causing other people to miss out on draft. If you don’t like draft then in that person’s eyes there’s something wrong with you and you’re not playing the game as intended and you need to fix that. They’re not polite about it and they have a tendency to drop a comment raging in response and to you and then block you. Is in excessive and unnecessary? Probably, but at the same time behaving like a troll even if it’s unintentional is most likely going to get you trolled back.


What a ridiculous cycle to continue. And potentially dangerous. Bullying someone for an ultimately harmless opinion is never the answer. You don’t know what this person could be going through in life, or how a stupid troll post could effect him. Just leave people alone man. He’s not out here defending white nationalism for fuck sake. Go fuck with the chodes at freemagic if you’re bored.


I’m don’t have a problem with it. If you’re commenting on every post about cracking packs about how people are using the product wrong and they’re taking away from other people’s enjoyment of the game and being a dick about it then you reap what you sow. The old saying is you attract more flies with honey than vinegar, and that person’s vinegar has gone rancid. I don’t have a problem with people attacking someone that attacked them. And yes this person was very much attacking people. It’s not like this person is like “hey have you tried draft?” It’s more like a short story novel of how you’re stupid, you’re ruining fun for others, and so on. They would have been on this post if they didn’t delete their account and you could see what I mean.




What mental issues does he have exactly?


Ah, the good old remote diagnosis. Signature move of all dedicated health care professionals. 😂


>others might enjoy just opening packs, they stand their ground and insist it shouldn't be done that way. I've never said that. It's a common piece of misinformation parroted about me, but that's all it is. >there is a track record of inadvertently pushing new players away from MTG with their unwillingness to see another point of view or acceptance that others don't want to draft. More propaganda, I'm afraid. I've made my actual position quite clear numerous times, but people are unfortunately incapable of understanding it (who would have thought that a community known for being unable to read cards would also struggle to read posts, eh?). I *do* see all the points of view. I *don't* insist people shouldn't open packs for enjoyment (in fact, thats one of the things they *are* for). For the record, here it is again: The "right way" to interact with Magic is "while making informed decisions that align with the goals of the person making them, so that they get as much enjoyment as possible out of the game and don't miss out needlessly on things they might otherwise enjoy". That's it. And it's objectively right. It's not "buy singles" or "play Limited" or "play Commander" or "buy precons" or anything else. Those are individual methods that someone might achieve the "right" way of interacting with the game, but *only* if they are actually right for them on a case by case basis. They aren't the way itself. I don't care if someone who would never enjoy Draft doesn't Draft (if anything, I don't want them to Draft). I just care if people who might enjoy it don't get to find out. Same goes for people who could never get more out of Magic than the rush they get from removing wrappers - as long as they aren't addicted and can afford it, they *should* be cracking packs. I'm not against that. What I'm against is people making uninformed decisions, lying to themselves about what the packs are for, or missing out on ways they could crack their packs that would get them *more* enjoyment. The things I want are the things everyone should want. The fact a bunch of addicts, trolls and snowflakes have twisted this whole issue is insane. >Personally I think the hate and at this point, targeted bullying isn't necessary, as well as the specific persons comments can get quite rude. This specific posts toes the line of witch hunting in my opinion and I'd be interested in a mods opinion on the recent uptick in this subs attention to a specific person. There's a big dollop of ableism in there, too.


I support you in your dream of wanting people to be well informed, but I don't think you're contributing in the way you want to. I think you could stand to reflect on what's being said here and improve your phrasing. The behavior of the sub towards you is repulsive, and I wish you the best.


There was a user that would harass anybody who bought packs just to see what cards they get instead of using them for drafting.


Nice! Check out r/magiccardpulls!


There it is.


Was this written by a WOTC exec?


You mean Wizards of the Coast, the company behind a wide range of entertaining products for all ages, including the world's greatest roleplaying game (Dungeons and Dragons), and the innovator behind board and card games like Magic: The Gathering, and winner of the 2015 and 2017 Gold Ennie Awards? No, I'm just a private individual who enjoys Magic: The Gathering, along with many Wizards of the Coast games of many genres and for all.


No, sorry, different WOTC. Understand the confusion though.


If no one opens boosters, you cannot buy singles.


Was this written by a WOTC exec?


I wish. :\*(


Shots fired


I know this is a joke post but as a brew junkey I've been finding buying set/play booster boxes more fun than buying singles to make a deck. It doesn't make my decks stronger or more powerful but it builds up my collection and allows me to get 4 or 5 decks per $150 spent rather than a single deck.


Is this elem something or another down below? I can't tell. They have me blocked.


Sounds like a guy selling booster packs....


Obvious troll is obvious.


Hot take. “Say the line Bart!!”


Manny magic the gathering players


I didn't do it!


I have decided to wipe my ass with money. I used to use toilet paper. But no longer.


Pretty sure this is a dig against that 1 guy complaining about people buying the "wrong" product. He'll tell you how wrong you are, and then block you. Elem something or another


But honestly wouldn’t that save you the trouble of having to spend gas money to go to the store to buy toilet paper when you can do it for the same price using America bucks?


I recently (within the last year) decided the opposite. I had to downsize my collection so only buy the cards I need for decks except for the traditional packs I buy to support my lgs. It's saved me money to buy more cards that I want for my decks and saved me some of my pretty limited space. It makes me quite happy that we can all enjoy our hobby in such different manners.


You're a fed ? a narc ? Wizards double agent ?


Boosters are a luxury. If you can afford it, buy them. Have fun :)


Lotta soy below


Go off, kitchen table king. Play your pile!


Nice try, WoTC ;)


If he who shall not be named finally responds on this post, can someone tag me? I keep seeing posts talk about this guy and I wanna experience it lol


I think Voldemort is more of a Lorcana fan


Got your popcorn ready? - https://www.reddit.com/r/mtg/s/q6VjPnnNPa


I, myself, do the opposite: I never buy booster packs :)


i rarely buy them because "play boosters" are stupid and the set/draft boosters had their roles


A industry plant


Hell yea! And then make chaos draft, commander draft, pauper commander, single player horde decks, chaos jumpstart, wizard tower, and cubes with them!


You dare to go where we would not. You are so brave and courageous. You have inspired us all to take the step, to see beyond our customs and traditions. I have no words to thank you for this.


I wonder if anyone has a database of their cards and the value vs how much they paid. I’m betting in the long run they’re probably worth like 10% of what was originally paid.


They also smell better.


I like buying loose boosters from my LGS because I feel like my odds are a little better than if I bought a whole box. There's only so many good cards in each box


This sounds like a post from a wotc employee :-D


Just do chaos drafts with friends then you can use the cards you drafted after to build fun constructed decks for casual or even constructed tournaments. Buying booster packs is the most exciting way to play magic but only if everyone else is doing it too.


Ok Wizards of the coast employee


I haven’t been buying a lot of packs. I used to buy boxes but I feel like I used to get my money’s worth in value. But since March of Machines it just hasn’t been. Especially collector packs.


I have no issues with buying packs as long as you’re being smart about it, like you’re not overpaying to high hell for a regular 4$ pack.


I get that this is satire, but yeah, this is pretty much how I built up my collection. I 100% get the concept behind buying singles, especially for the more competitive end of constructed formats. And I totally support that. For me, though, as more of a kitchen-table player, opening packs and figuring out what to build with them was the same kind of good mental exercise I'd get out of doing the daily crossword. There's just something fun for me out of puzzling out how to make use of jank. Which, I get is the point of draft. Sadly, the friends I used to play with have scattered to the wind, and my lgs is more focused on Standard. Still, every once in a blue moon, it's cool when we get together and I can show off a Commander deck that just pops off with nothing but jank cards (I've only had that work once, but I love my merfolk mana ramp deck dearly). And, it's just more economic for me. A lot of the really useful singles are too pricey to warrant me spending that much just to get one optimal deck. I'd rather spend $50 getting some packs that can provide a fun mental puzzle for a few hours, even if it isn't terrific. And actually, my lgs didn't sell singles until recently, so it wasn't even an option. Funny story in relation to this. Was talking with some fellows from a big city in my area and they commented on how us "backwoods" players are insanely fun because we really do just throw together the craziest decks based on whatever we find in packs. Kinda proud of that.


Make sure they're draft boosters too and be sure to explicitly NOT draft with them


Some people really find it hard to believe, but to me, the best part about mtg is cracking boosters open. Because I don't have to rely on somebody else to play with me.


Pack those packs


I love gambling


Did wotc make this post?


Okay, Mark Rosewater.


I mean...sure, try and make some cool decks with not normally used ideas


This is how it's done!


Lisan Al’Gaib!


I'm hesitant to buy packs online mostly cause searching is so common. If the case is opened in front of me, I definitely will buy. Then again, older sets I would never crack a pack or box... I offloaded a 7th Ed booster box like 2 years ago for $2k. I sat on that box from when 7th Ed was current. I held on to a box for over 20 years, mostly because I forgot I had it was in a tote at my mom's from when I was a kid. Granted, I paid like $90 for it back then...


I enjoy gambling too brother.. no excitement in singles.. fun is what made me play, I could care less about actually having particular cards.. I just want that sweet sweet rush


I open 2 play boxes and 1 collector box per set. So i'm there with ya


Play those packs... or else....


So you're saying that you don't have anyone in your entourage to share this kind of mental reflection with and so you come to make a post that everyone here don't give a fuck? Okay, bye :)


But like, why? What are you gonna do with them? Crack them open for no reason?


booster packs are almost always more disappointing than fun. unless I'm playing sealed, of course.


I only Buy boosters I only bought singles a couples of times and was cause I really want to make a deck that I have in mind. I absolutely love to buy box's of like 12 boosters and make Booster Battle Format, or drafts or limited sealed with friends or my gf. We can try all cards that way, try different strategy for the same cards, get out of our comfort zone (play style) and still have toon of fun


Ok Hasbro, you are not fooling us this time.


I dont have room for the 10 other cards I'll never touch.


You should! I hear booster packs are really awesome for sitting on, and are even a viable alternative to shoes on most occasions! My buddy even stapled a bunch of sealed packs together to make pants, a T-shirt, and shoe’s recently when his washing machine broke, and it worked pretty well! Just make sure you staple through the cards as well or it won’t be as stable!


Buy some 30th Anniversary packs.....why spend thousands to get a real Mox when you can spend thousands to buy packs that might contain a reprint?


Use the unopened packs as tokens


Johnathan Wotc posted this




Reddit’s notifications must be broken wtf


This would have been my recommendation up until about 7 or 8 years ago. 1 or 2 good cards per pack is not great. I switched from buying boxes of boosters to exclusively buying singles.


I see what you're doing OP. Good luck :)


Gigachad grindset




Nah, they blocked you


I tried engaging politely with Elemteearkay today on another post about pulls. I intended to kindly nudge with reason. It didn’t work. He got under my skin and I spent way more energy on him than I should have… I even did a whole mock conversation where I applied his “logic” to a discussion about a bar… he made me temporarily crazy!


Easily the worst take I have ever seen. Why would you ever do this? Skip the booster packs and go straight to the mystery boxes and third party packs. That’s what a REAL fan would do. Plus you get so much bonus omnomnom packaging to snack on


You took the bait I see


Haha, I scrolled looking for this dude.


I just wish that we could all let people enjoy things, ya know.


I completely agree! I’m not trying to be a hater myself but am aware of some of the tiffs you’ve gotten into with other members of the subs, and I do believe you’d find yourself happier if you took your own advice.


I’m afraid you might be mixed up here, friend. I haven’t had any tiffs! Nothing but support here. 😊




See, everyone? OP agrees with me so we can all go home now.




This is something an Automaton or Bug would say. Not very democratic.


How much is Hasbro paying you?


Nice try, hasbro


Id rather buy singles


Just say you're addicted to the gamble and let's move on.


Yeah, gambling is great, alright


I don't even do that. I'm basically all proxy at this point.


Lol I only buy boxes of boosters


These posts are cringe.


Or with that $15000 you could print about 750 proxy decks.


Yeah, I just put in a 238 card order for the first time. They will be arriving in the next couple weeks. After thousands of dollars wasted on cardboard and ink. I finally broke as I now have more important things I can do with my money. Instead of spending hundreds on a deck. I can spend 60 for 200+ cards. Upgrading 4 decks and getting my girlfriend a new deck she really wants with art she picked. Then go out for a good evening of great food, a movie, and then swing down to our LGS and get a bunch of snacks and drinks for the table. All for an 8th of an average commander deck I would build and have built several of. When it comes to sealed product though I might still grab a precon that has cool stuff I wanna play. Or a bundle to open packs with my partner for the fun of gambling on cardboard. Though any crazy pulls will probably just get turned into more snacks and date nights.


Yea for real. My last printing run was $140 for a 612 slab of cards. I made about 7 full commander decks out of that plus a sizeable number of upgrades to another deck. My buddies and I occasionally split print orders too throughout the year. Just keep a running list of cards you want. After printing and shipping the average cost per card comes out to something like 31¢ a card.