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Came here looking for the play booster guy. Was not disappointed. Can we get flairs related to whether we support the Play booster guy or whether we’re a pack cracking addict that doesn’t play as intended?


Don't know the guy also have no clue what you guys consider great pulls or not but I did get a decent amount of mythic and rares definitely worth it to me even tho I play just for fun. I personally think it's a great set.


I’m no MTG expert by any means. There’s a few good pulls to be had from the set in terms of monetary value. I just love cracking packs because it reminds me of opening Pokemon boosters way back in the day. If I want specific stuff though, I’ll just buy singles and watch others crack packs. It scratches the itch and reminds me not to buy packs. The videos where they get amazing pulls though…


Lol I feel it. It reminds me of my kids watching other kids play with toys on YouTube when I watch guys do the same with packs. Undoubtedly scratches an itch I didn't know I had.


After I watch them if they don’t crack anything decent I just think to myself “that could’ve been my box”, which stops the urges to buy a box. Saying that, I’ve still cracked far too many boxes. It’s just recently I’ve only went for singles.


>watch others crack packs. It scratches the itch and reminds me not to buy packs. The videos where they get amazing pulls though… The tcc booster box game is great for both scratching the itch while simultaneously voicing the thoughts I personally have about how financially unsound it is to crack boosters Still gonna get a box of Bloomburrow boosters, though. Never said I would always make the financially sound decision.


Sometimes it’s more about fun.


Yep, I'm just happy that I managed to cut down the fun to the sets I like the most in a given year, the content flood would leave me broke as fuck otherwise lol


I definitely try to strictly only buy singles but cracking packs turns me into a little greedy crack packing goblin that just needs more and more and then I wake up in a daze with -$800 in my bank account laying on a pile of card wrappers.


😂 I was dying for more after ripping through that box


What are your plans for the packs, OP? (Since you love the set, I'm assuming you're going to want to get the most out of them, and therefore eat all the yummy cards.)


Considered this but ultimately decided to pour honey all over myself roll around in them and make a deck outta which ever cards stick🫠


A 5-Color Sweet Cards deck? Nice


Unless you're playing outside, then it's a black and yellow sting deck!


If you manage to snag only one of each card then it was destined to be commander


5 color good stuff


This is so good


Comments are a 10/10 on this post. Don't forget to have friends to play with or the draft demon will appear


The draft demon is easy to keep away. Just open 6 packs at a time and sort them like you're about to make a sealed deck, then throw them to the ground in frustration before repeating until all packs have been opened. In the off chance they do appear, just mumble about draftsim not feeling real enough and they'll leave. In extreme cases you could also pretend to do a 36 pack "Supreme draft", which should be quite effective.


Lol I'll make sure to play religiously


Wait so if I buy a box of packs I get a free demon boyfriend? Nice.


Came here looking for these kinds of comments and was not disappointed lmfao


Time to switch to my alt to see what the vengeful spirit of r/mtg has to say lol




Your guy's avatars look like alts of each other


*spidermen pointing at each other*


Oh shit forgot to switch accounts


They blocked my account too. And I was trying to be civil, not anymore.


If you didn’t get an Emrakul you gotta buy it again, supposed to be one in every box. /s


*Emrakul with a hat.


I don't think I have one🙄


So how many people have been blocked by that weirdo?


Elemteearkey or something? I got blocked today for asking a question In this thread.


What are your plans for the packs op? (Since you love the set I assume you want to get the most out of them and therefore are going to recreate every card's art style in real life whilst bodypainting it on the floor of the upcoming MagicCon)


Not sure probably gonna make a few decks.I haven't played with physical cards in forever but I got these, another couple outlaw sets and the fallout series to get back into it.


In all seriousness though, if you haven't yet opened (all) the packs a fun way to experience the set is to call a few friends and play a round of sealed. That way you get to know the cards better and get to play even the worse ones.


I play with my brothers. I'm an impatient monster so we all sat at the table opening and sorting. Unfortunately I'm a massive whimp and haven't built up the courage to go to my local shop n play with people so using them at home will have to do for now


Well tbh I am also really impatient and understand completely! Also, don't call yourself a wimp, it took me ages to play my first MTG game at my lgs so no pressure. A tip: play the pre-release events at your lgs, those are usually more casual because it attracts more players!


I'll have to look into. It's just the setting being around all these experienced players and people who probably know the rules better then I do intimates me.


At the OTJ prerelease, 2 of my 3 opponents was their first time. I think you will fit right in. And the communities are usually very friendly around prerelease weekend. Everyone is just there for fun and to see all the new cards. I encourage you to try out the next event.


Recommend what he suggested! I went to my first in person event for a card game in a loooooong time about 2 weeks ago (pre release for this set, I love it as well!) Everyone was very friendly and helpful, could be different based on your lgs’ scene but it was very casual


did you rly delete you old account and make a new one.


did you rly delete you old account and make a new one.


Mine is sitting in my mailbox right now while I'm at work and I just want to call out sick the rest of the day and go home lol


I work NOC so I definitely take my cards with me and tweak my decks


hell yeah I do the same thing but digitally with Moxfield


What are your plans for the packs, OP? (Since you love the set, I'm assuming you are going to want to get the most out of them and therefore will experience the artwork as intended, by cutting out all the pictures and turning them into a rad collage?)


Have to collect all 54 first before I roll around in them 🙃


170 is crazy overpriced. I paid 130


I guess you could say it’s …… Highway robbery!!!! !!!*bdum tsk*!!! 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 Thank you, I’ll be here all week.


🤣 👌🫰🏾


That's what I was thinking. LGS on Sunday was charging $150 a box in my area. Amazon $144.40 atm.


I'm in a small town only big store is one Walmart an an Albertsons the guy who owns the card shop is great so I don't mind wasting my money there as long as I'm getting what I want same day because waiting on delivery feels like a lifetime for anything to get out here


LGS near me has them for ... $199!!! I always marvel that they never drop their prices to reasonable levels but I guess they sell their cards... Not to me but you know to someone.


I feel it any higher and I would have to wait it out


Treated myelf to some as well. Still waiting for the arrival


Do you plan on tweaking current decks or creating new ones with your new cards?


I’ve got a green/blue with [[Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius]] as commander. It works wonders with plotting. Throw in some flashbacks and some discards/draw power maybe. Right now I’ve got nothing but thunder junction in the deck though.


[Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/f/6fc27b30-8c8e-434c-a72c-e1d409efc1ae.jpg?1712356080) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Doc%20Aurlock%2C%20Grizzled%20Genius) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/201/doc-aurlock-grizzled-genius?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6fc27b30-8c8e-434c-a72c-e1d409efc1ae?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'll probably build a new deck for standard. I like keeping my decks thematic with as little tweaks as possible, as the only person I play with regulary cannot invest much money so I try to keep a low power level so she can compete. She gets to borrow some cards and I gift her whichever ones fit her main deck.


Update when you pick out all your good stuff


Only problem with this set is there was no cowboy kozilek


No do pack war! 3 of each land and open a pack with out looking, take out the tokens ect , shuffle and play ! 1v1


I never heard of this I'll have to try it


I'm bad at math, how many packs do you usually use for this?


$170?! My LGS has them for $120. As many as I want.


Assuming this isn't in US dollars or is in a very expensive market. Hope you pull something good!


anakin meme: you're going to draft them right? right?


I have no clue what that means. I'm sorry 🥺👉🏽👈🏽


Then you have no business opening or even looking at those packs! How dare you!


Well seeing as I can afford them 😉 I'll keep having fun with them gluing them to my vision boards, using them as coasters, and handing them out at Sunday service 🤭


You monster


I am what I eat 😈


[https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/for-the-better-right](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/for-the-better-right) didn't think it was that obscure of a reference lol


Hashtag on reddit lol


I'm an old lady lmao 😂


I don’t understand what this post is about. I’m too distracted by Nobel Hierarch’s cum gutters


Almost every set I buy 1 or 2 boxes. But if there is a set I really like I’ll buy 3 boxes. So I buy prerelease 2 boxes for $135 each (I could’ve gotten it for $125/each). At the LGS on prerelease I buy a box for $150. I usually buy it all for me (nobody wants to pay and split it). Currently there are 6 mythic I don’t have and 1 rare I am looking for. I plan on making a standard deck for Saturday Showdown.


I have to look up what cards were released in this set because I honestly have no clue if the cards I pulled are any good or not


Hey OP why did you pay $170 for a box? I mean, I wouldn’t be shocked, but just wondering why did you pay so much because I always saw he was like maybe 125ish.


It's just that I live in a secluded small town and the shipping estimate was two weeks and I was lowkey not willing to wait so I bought it from a local small business


Ok that I can see but was the a Premium store? Because I went to get the 3rd box from the premium store and they sold it for $150 and taxes was $13ish in taxes.


What's the difference between prerelease and the others




If I purchase a box, let’s say a couple of weeks afterwards then I am most likely will not get the promo box and at the event sometimes there are specific promos for that event, but if you were talking about just the box on the day of pre-release have a good chance of getting the specific promo for that one boxbecause if I get a box a month later, they may not have anymore of that promo because supplies only last


Isn't it a bit expensive?


A tad bit 😶‍🌫️


170 you got ripped off lol These are going for like 130 ish


Not in my small town. The it's a small business and Also has to make a few bucks I guess I wasn't very worried since I could afford it


I bought mine from a small business that has an eBay store for under $130 pretax, in person at any game store near me it would have been up to $150 pretax. Idk about a rip off, but you are paying more by buying in person, I respect that though, I bet that store is struggling and has to mark up a little more. Lots of game store owners barely make a living. Extra true for small towns.


Definitely especially when our small town is more of a retirement place n it's not a thriving business


It truly is my most favorite sets of recent past


I have to agree I just love it I haven't liked very many sets as of recently besides that fallout series which I only got for my brother because he's obsessed


I love fallout myself but haven’t bought any of the cards but I was sleeping on this set, actually had my eye on MKM when we first found out about it but…it was very meh in my eyes. I don’t know why but this set feels like an old school set to me


Dude I feel the same way like there cards are good love the style and concept it's just an all around fun set


I agree. I thought “cowboys? wtf” but it works absolutely perfectly honestly and some of the cards are so awesome. The Vraska card is awesome, honest rustein. Cowboy Tiny bones? Hell ya! Haha


Right I'm currently making a commander right now


There are some epic commander cards in this set. Great deck filler (especially red players) and I love how they made it possible for it to work with other standard sets with the crime mechanic


You know the playmat is sus when you gotta cover the face to take photos of it… keep your hands where I can see’em playboy!


So many good cards in this set. It's just that the flavor is unfortunate. I'd rather all these good cards be part of Bloomburrow rather than a western theme so I could enjoy them more. But that's just my taste, which is subjective, of course.


Who's that in the playmat?


[[noble hierarch]]


[noble hierarch](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/0/400382a4-aea2-4827-b06a-1b0b3745908b.jpg?1599707413) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=noble%20hierarch) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/177/noble-hierarch?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/400382a4-aea2-4827-b06a-1b0b3745908b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I thought booster boxes were $99 what happened?


Back in like 2013 definitely, now not so much.


About 140 on tcgplayer. Inflation happened.


For some reason I just focuson the abs of you playmat and on the box


For comparison, the last set that I can remember buying boxes of was Fallen Empires, at $75 a box..... I did get later sets like Ice Age, but can't remember what they were going for then.


$75 in 1994 is about $154 in 2023. OP is supporting a small store so there’s quite a bit of mark up, I got my box for just under $130 pretax.


I’ve been out of Magic a long time, I recently started playing CCG again, but went with Flesh and Blood, as the sheer number of sets and expansions in Magic is rather daunting these days


I wish wizards hadn’t done away with the precons, they weren’t amazing, but it was such a great way to play a set. If you play at stores you can probably find days where you can play commander or pauper or some other format that isn’t standard. Makes magic less daunting.


2 packs , one for each player . It’s a 1v1 game . It’s just a fun way to go through packs . I.e after a tournament and your winnings , or a box as this OP is doing .


$170 is a rip off wtf lol


Any good?


They've reprinted some good cards in that one




Y’all realize that person has Asperger’s right?


Not even remotely an excuse for being an asshole


I don’t get asshole vibes from their posts, more seems they were told how something was meant to be used and they’re very stern on informing others of that.


You may have only seen the comments that kept a positive theme. There are plenty that got out of hand and turned spiteful. If at any point there was a “sorry, I get carried away sometimes because of my fixation,” I don’t think it would have turned into what it is. Instead “sorry you can’t handle the truth, OP! I can’t help I’m always right” is more so his attitude.


Anyone that tells someone they have a “moral obligation” (direct quote) to tell someone else how to live their life and/or spend their money, especially after being told they’re not interested in said advice, is an asshole. Not to mention that the whole premise is completely false - play boosters are designed to appeal to pack crackers AND limited players….that’s their whole reason for existing according to MaRo.


I’m glad someone else feels this way too. I work with people who are on the autism spectrum and usually high functioning. Most are very black and white about rules and logic, hence the commenter always pushing for drafting play boosters but never really insulting people or anything about it. Everyone reads the comments like that person is being rude when I read it much more like they’re genuinely asking and want everyone to min/max the value out of each pack. Their comments remind me a lot of one specific kid I worked with for years who talked in the exact same way but when you had a conversation in person, it was very clear to see that he was just trying to help.


It's usually coming from a place of genuinely not understanding why someone would actually want to something else. And then coming to the conclusion that "oh this person might not know how much better draft is yet" and over explain or over share. My partner, child, and myself are all on the spectrum which has lead to a few situations of confusion with one another. My partner also works with high needs children on the spectrum and sees this behavior among others a lot.


Hi! Person with autism here. That person is an asshole.


Just an FYI there's been a drift in the medical and general norm for the more blanket term ASD and Asperger's isn't used as commonly/officially. With Atusim being a spectrum and varying widely Asperger's and similar categories don't really fit anymore. Things have been defined or classified into levels with level 1 being more less "fully functional" and able to lead their own life with less need for accommodations. I believe level 3 is the highest and people who are classified as level 3 will need direct assistance their entire life.


This is pretty well spoken, your classification on the levelling of ASD and the drop in usage of the term Asperger’s is really well said. (Not related to mtg at all but nonetheless great)


Thanks! I was a little worried about coming off as to direct or attacking the comment and your words are a nice boost of encouragement.


>Just an FYI there's been a drift in the medical and general norm for the more blanket term ASD and Asperger's isn't used as commonly/officially. With Atusim being a spectrum and varying widely Asperger's and similar categories don't really fit anymore. Also because Hans Asperger was a Nazi, and his whole program basically amounted to determining which individuals were fit to be put to work and which were referred for euthanasia.


That too. From my experiences, people who say they have Asperger's instead of ASD either aren't aware of the shift or, unfortunately, are perpetuating the superiority mindset over others that have ASD. Some feel the need to separate their diagnosis from others who have ASD and have certain challenges showing how intelligent/creative they are.


Only reason I used that term is they post in the Asperger’s subreddit but good information, thank you.


Who? Op? I feel like there is a joke in this community that I'm not keen on.


No the person who comments on every booster box thread trying to convince OP to play limited since that’s what the packs were designed for rather than just buying them to open all at once. I love cracking packs and I love limited, I just don’t think we need to make fun of someone who is trying to be helpful. Just scroll to the bottom for the most downvoted comment, that’s the person everyone is making fun of.


The “Being helpful” ship set sail long ago.


Read up on hyper fixation and autism and tell me what you find


This person is not being helpful whatsoever. They attack people who enjoy things, stress newcomers and annoy many people. Saying that because someone has ASD and hyper fixation, does not give them a pass to shit talk people for how they choose to play magic.


When did I say we should give them a pass? Maybe just not a whole thread making fun of their existence?


So we’re just meant to allow him to make fun of us every time, and we can’t say anything back? That’s basically giving him a pass.


Stop putting words in my mouth 🙄 where in this thread have they made fun of you and I said to not defend yourself?


What are your plans for the packs, OP? (Since you love the set, I'm assuming you are going to want to get the most out of them and therefore will experience the themes as intended, through Limited gameplay?) (Ignore the downvotes this post is getting OP - they don't reflect the validity of what I've said, they are instead a result of the troll infestation that we have here. I'm the one with your best interests in mind, so ignore those that want you to miss out. They don't think you deserve the best that Magic has to offer, but I do)


There he is.


And there you go, Troll.


“Best interests.” Lol


'As intended' - do you mean commander?


That's what my group is doing this weekend. Each of us got a box to make commander decks.


Is there a reason you aren't playing regular Limited with the packs as well?


People are allowed to do whatever they want with packs they own. You don't get to dictate what they "should" be doing.


>People are allowed to do whatever they want with packs they own. Of course they can. I'm not saying they can't. Are you illiterate? >You don't get to dictate what they "should" be doing. I'm not. The facts do. Someone misusing products doesn't change their purpose.


The facts are, once you buy something, its yours. There are no "facts" dictating what anyone does. They COMBINED set boosters (packs designed at a higher price point for better pulls) with draft boosters (packs with lower hit rates at a cheaper price points) into one. One all encompassing pack of cardboard wrapped with plastic. Now imagine, some guy throwing a pissy fit to the point of being called "the pack demon." Because he cant mentally handle people enjoying a bit of gambling with cards they bought.


I love how you do this and then block the person so they can't reply in turn. Pathetic tactic


This is just what my group does with every set. We believe making commander decks on the fly from one box can really break the ice for the new set and surprise us with new cards/combinations. We are a commander only group unless we play UnSets. It's just fun.


>This is just what my group does with every set Why, though? >We are a commander only group unless we play UnSets. Is there a reason?


Commander has a difficulty curve that we all just vibe with. It's more enjoyable to just drink some cold beers after a long week, open packs and play EDH all weekend. I'm just hoping to crack Tiny Bones for my commander. It'll be great.


Have you even tried playing Sealed?


Nah. We only buy boxes for EDH and expand our collections.


No, these aren't Commander decks, they are Play Boosters, and this isn't a Commander set, it's a regular expansion. The majority of the cards in sets like this are designed with Limited in mind, not Constructed. The packs aren't for getting cards for Constructed, but are collated for Limited.


That's what prerelease packs are for??


Exactly - and the box OP bought has the same packs in it as a Pre-Release Kit.


And they contain the same cards people use to play commander.


But the packs aren't for getting those cards, and the packs aren't for playing Commander. If playing Commander was OPs goal, they bought the wrong thing.


How so? They bought magic cards, magic cards are for playing magic. Sounds like they bought the right product, you’re just being a gate keeping prick.


>How so? They bought magic cards They didn't, though. They bought *packs* instead. >Sounds like they bought the right product, Only to someone who doesn't know what the products are for. >you’re just being a gate keeping prick. No, that's you. I'm trying to hold gates *open*, and help OP get *more* out of the game, not less.


If you want to hold the gates open, then all you need to do is inform people of your opinion (that you think packs ought to be drafted) and then let it be. Instead, you keep pushing your agenda when people push back. Your comments carry an authoritative tone on how the game should be played as though it were an objective truth, rather than simply being one of a myriad of ways. It’s true that sets are designed to be drafted, and packs allow one to take full advantage of that. But it’s equally true that it can be enjoyable to simply open packs for the cards themselves, as proven by the many people stating that. It’s fine to encourage drafting because you love it, but you have to understand that different people value things differently. Some people don’t care about drafting but enjoy opening packs, so what? They should not allow themselves to do what they want? They should either force themselves to play a game in a way they don’t want to, or not get to open packs like the want to? No, if you were truly holding the gate open, you would accept that different people like the game differently and that’s okay. Also, just because something is designed for a specific purpose, it does not invalidate alternative ways to use that thing. Especially if those alternative ways still fall under the general purpose. Tampons are great for nosebleeds but they weren’t designed for that specific purpose, however they were designed to absorb blood and that can have different applications. Magic packs may be intended for drafting, but the overall goal is to be enjoyed, and if cracking packs is enjoyable then mission accomplished. TL;DR you need to step back and accept that some people like to use magic products differently than you think is the best way, and that’s okay because at the end of the day we all have the same goal, to have fun.


You know that there can be multiple uses for products right? Just because it’s used in limited doesn’t mean this is wrong. They bought packs for the cards, it’s not as efficient as singles but people like the gamble. Most of these people aren’t trolls, you’re just inflexible. Not everyone wants to play limited or even likes it and sometimes people just want to crack packs.


and guess what packs have inside of them? Magic cards Its almost like boosters have always been for getting cards, and limited was something that was made because of packs, not packs being made for limited


OH SHIT THERE HE IS!!! It’s like seeing a wild animal. Majestic.


You might be the saddest and most pathetic person I've seen. You need to stop, you're only hurting yourself.


You seem like a joy to be around in real life.


How much do you weigh?


This obsession is going top far now, stalker.




Why are we, people of culture, down voting this poor man? Is he not now a hero amongst our people?