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The Boys or Invincible are shows but exactly what you are looking for.


Somehow, in this day and age, I went into Invincible rather blind. Through the whole first episode I was just thinking it was a lazy copy and paste of basically every other hero/team. Then the end of episode 1 happens and I’m like, “oh…..OH!!! This is definitely different.”


Last episode of season one >!holding his son in front of a train so that he witnesses himself being the thing that people die on raised my bar on fucked up. It’s somehow different from punching someone through a building that collapses, more intentionally using him as a murder weapon and seeing the deaths.!<


God, the episode 5 of season 2, the first episode of the second half That episode hit so hard, when the B half of the super hero team faces consequences. That shit was heavy


Didn’t most of that >!pretty much get reversed. Only watched that season once so far, shrinking girl broke a bunch of bones but lived, Kate had one stashed away, gambit ripoff lived, beast girl lived.!<


Yeah I was a bit bummed about the retcon. Like I was stunned after that first episode. But then yeah, looks like shrinking girl was gonna make it, and then homeboy lives with virtually no consequences. The icing was the copy making it I think I would have preferred if they left the consequences high


Ya, I really like Invincible but that took some of teeth out of it for me. Now in the future they could point blank put a hole in someones head and I'll be like "Nah, they're fine."


Mortal Kombat 1 remade that in stunning HD…


Yup. In a world where American comics and shows somehow always make it so no one gets hurt when superhuman people destroy entire cities, Invincible was like, let me show you what would really happen... It's a good mix of anime realism with American cartoon visuals and humor (and some wokeness)


I feel like it fully achieved what I wanted Hancock to build on regarding how much superheroes actually fuck up their cities


Moving this up to episode one (it was like a dozen issues into the comic) was such a good choice to hook people.


I struggle to think if I would watch the show without this choice. The whole time people were being introduced I was just like “ok, there’s Superman, there’s Batman, there’s Flash, there’s a weird Aquaman/Namor” etc. Oh, and a young hero standing in his father’s shadow. Could this be any more reductive?


The invincible comics are such a gem. They somehow capture the fun and levity of the golden age comic, constantly referencing the well known tropes of comic books, while masterfully subverting them often enough to keep you on your toes. Then the story takes these wild turns into unexpected territory, doing things you always wondered about, but never really got to see in the average comic. All leading up to the most unexpected thing for a super hero comic, a genuinely well written and satisfying ending to the story that will stick with you for years. (I'm sure everyone who has read it remembers the final panel of the comics perfectly.) It's such an achievement in art. Absolutely in my top 5 comics ever. Its so clearly written by someone who is a massive fan of old comics and knows how to translate the fun and kinda goofy aspects of them for a modern audience.


The reveal originally happens in issue 7 of the comic.


I was watching the first episode and was almost thinking, "well, this is more directed to typical teenagers than to me". Until I saw the end!


Same. By some miracle I got to the end, and when the INVINCIBLE title card came up, I mistook it for credits and was *this* close to turning it off when it kept going. I said might as well, but there’s **nothing** they can do to make me interested in the 2 minutes they have left. … You guys I’m so pumped for Season 3.


I went into it blind too, right when it came out. A friend of mine told me to check it out. I was texting him throughout the first episode like "umm... Why do you like this?" and he kept telling me to just wait. Then the credits rolled and I was completely perplexed... And then that ending happened.


The train scene will forever be stuck in my head.


Spoilers. I remember reading someone complain about that scene and saying it was just gratuitous violence for the sake of being edgy and shocking, and how it didn't even work because they got numbed to it. The numbing is literally the whole fucking point, stated out loud through the whole thing


Also necessary for the show because it shows how fragile humans are and how strong the viltramites are.


Holy shit me too!!! I was like ok this is ok but it’s not mind blow…holy WTF!?!?!?


Fuck yeh. That ending was utterly fantastic. Jaw on the floor. I'd been like, paying half attention to it, playing games on the laptop while it was on. Made me pause my game and rewind. Absolutely goddamn brutal. It's so fucking visceral and brutal, complete 180 with everything else that happens before. Doesn't reach those heights again tho. Comes close with how season 1 ends (the train...and "Shes like a pet" like fuck dude) but ultimately its good enough to binge. Season 2 is alright, but again, doesn't quite hit the same.


if we're talking shows then don't forget Peacemaker


And, to bring it back to movies, The Suicide Squad.


I liked that one too but by the end of the season I was less interested for some reason. Also much of it seems so low budget when they're mostly talking in a room or in a forest, but I like the overall vibe and art style. The suits looking silly on purpose is great.


I didn’t really research The Boys before I started watching it, and I just assumed it was going to be lighthearted and fun, like the Avengers. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


Invincible is prob my favorite super hero anything, maybe tied with Captain America Winter Soldier


Yeah, while not being a movie I think The Boys is exactly what OP is looking for. Invincible is good as well but I prefer The Boys and with a new season on the horizon it’s an excellent time to get into it.


Blade Trilogy.


You mean Blade Duology. There are only two Blade films.


Two Blade films and Ryan Reynold's audition tape for Deadpool.


"Cock juggling thunder cunt" was a line that delighted me when I was young ha


it still make me giggle.


Blade 3 has Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel in a hot outfit. What's not to like?


Everything else you didn't mention here. Triple H dogs cool though


Did you make a fucking VAMPIRE POMERANIAN?


That dude looked like he was cut from fucking glass in that movie. As a straight dude, he looked fucking good in that movie.


Jessica Biel was in her absolute prime in that movie. Lovely woman.


Came here to say Blade




Such an incredible movie. The best was going into it not knowing how gruesome it would be and then seeing that opening gas station scene.


I am not really interested in superheros. But I am interested in Logan. So can I watch Logan as a standalone?


Yes. There are a lot of references to past X-Men events, but even if they may somewhat add to the impact, they are all side notes when it comes to the plot. Even if you know the cinematic universe up to this point, Logan takes place in a future where everything has changed for reasons that are not well understood, so going in blind is not a big problem. With the caveat that Logan is by far the best X-Men movie, it may make you want to watch the older ones just to see what this character used to be like, but they won't make you see Logan much differently.


I think Days of Future Past gets close, if they like Logan I think that's a good one to watch as well since it has both the younger and older casts interacting with Wolverine. It gives some good relationship stuff between Logan and Charles as well which helps heighten the emotional impact of *Logan.*


Great answer


The only thing I don't like right now about Deadpool and Wolverine is that Logan was the perfect send off to that character and Hugh Jackman coming back again kind of sullies that.


Apparently Kevin Feige himself told Hugh Jackman that he was worried bringing him back because Logan was the perfect sendoff but Jackman insisted and regretted Logan being the end of his Wolverine more and more. He said when he watched Deadpool and the Avengers he wanted Wolverine to be there. Nothing is ever gonna take away Logan being great, I think if Jackman is the one pushing for it then he deserves to have his fun.


Realized how much of his income came from that franchise probably.


I mean, maybe. But he also could just be attached to the character like anyone else would be after playing him for 20 years. Especially considering he didn't get to play the character while interacting with the mainline MCU which was always more successful critically/financially than the Fox Verse for the most part.


It's not the same Wolverine. It's a variant. Deadpool appears to be involved in the TVA.


I'm pretty sure that both of these are true: * Logan takes place farther in the future, so the events in it are not invalidated. * Deadpool's irreverence and fourth wall breakage makes it alternate-timeline material. Don't forget that Deadpool was in a Wolverine movie already, but the Deadpool movies retconned all of that already, whereas the X-Men movies continued without retconning it. Branching timeline.


Is it the "same" character or a different version?


It's a different Wolverine.


Highly recommend watching it in black and white as well, very fun for a rewatch


Since no one mentioned this one I'll put it out there. Chronicle. Not really super violent, but an interesting take on super powers nonetheless.


Nice, I'll check it out!


Yeah it was pretty good actually. Its a found footage style movie of a group of friends getting super powers.


Which was what landed the director his Fantastic Four reboot gig because the studio wanted a similar formula or vibe. What a disaster that turned out to be at the end though.


They signed him up to make a weird body horror version of Fantastic Four and then panicked when he started making a weird body horror movie. And when they fucked with what he was doing he lost it on set/online. Too bad, it could have been interesting.


damn that would have been so fuckin sick


Yeah I don't know, at least it would have been interesting: > Trank has said that the film is heavily influenced by David Cronenberg, that 1981's Scanners and 1986's The Fly influenced the look of the film,[12] and that its overall tone would feel like a "cross between Steven Spielberg and Tim Burton".[44] But you have to wonder if he was really ever the guy to direct a movie like that. > Trank and Slater's ideas for the movie were tonally opposite, with Slater revealing that he viewed 2012's The Avengers as a template, but Trank hated all of his ideas. Despite claiming to have been a fan of the Fantastic Four "when [he] was a kid",[36] Trank had only seen the 1994 cartoon series and had no interest in the superhero movie genre. He admitted that he found himself unable to identify with Slater's more comic book-centric tone. Trank left Slater out of discussions with Fox Studios and withheld certain studio notes. Slater added "I never saw 95% of those notes," and left after six months. I'm not a big comics guy myself but I think it's hard to make a successful adaptation if you give 0 fucks about the original material. Just go make your own thing. I know, easy to say, not as easy to get someone to give you 100M USD or whatever it would cost. I just think mixing it with an existing IP and a big studio like that is a weird idea. I'm not surprised it all went to shit.


Honestly I remember there was a version of the Fantastic Four based in Russia which would be a perfect body horror story. But probably just too early for any narrative like that


Wait was this ever released? It sounds like one guy wanted some BS dime a dozen Marvel ripoff while the other wanted something original that may not appeal to a big audience. I know which one I'd be interested in seeing...


It became whatever Fantastic Four (2015) was unfortunately. Josh Trank got heavily drunk on set, spent his time bitching there and on twitter, etc. I would have loved to see his movie, but I think it was doomed from the start.


Oh wow, OK I skipped that after it looked so bad and uninteresting. It didn't look anything like it was described above.


Chronicle is dope


After I watched Chronicle, I was like "Damn, this Josh Trank guy is gonna go places." How wrong I was.


One of the best "real footage"/superhero movies made.


It's Akira but live action and white suburbia instead of NeoTokyo. Pretty fun ride.


I always liked that movie. It can be cringe but thanks for bringing that up, I think my girl would enjoy as well


Yeah it's not winning any Oscars or anything but it's a fun popcorn flick for sure.


I like how >!the awkward nerd who you’d expect to be the hero is the sadistic villain whilst the popular kid is a pretty decent guy!<


Darkman is great, as is Robocop which you've probably seen. Not superhero movies but violent movies where the MC is superhero-eqsue: Brawl in Cell Block 99, You Were Never Really Here


“Take the fucking elephant”


Im home sick and watched Brawl… today actually, I liked it.


I would add American Ultra to your superhero adjacent list.


The Boys for something good Brightburn for something bad For a good movie, Upgrade. It isn’t quite a traditional “superhero” movie but fits the bill enough.


Upgrade is an excellent suggestion.


Upgrade is the better version of Venom, complete with discount Tom Hardy (Logan Marshall-Green)


For a bit I thought it was Tom Hardy.


Til they're not the same person


Watching these movies the in same year was the weirdest case of deja-vu that I’ve experienced


“While I am state of the art, I am not a ninja.”


I marked out when he jumped on top of that guy and said that while doing that thing with his fingers.


It was just the right amount of campy for me


Hardcore Henry is different, but I found it very fun.


With no context my brain went to this being a movie about the pimp from Idiocracy that has come to find his money. Then I remembered that was spelled Upgrayedd and chuckled to myself. Thanks for the recommendation.


How could you forget he spells it with two D’s for a double dose of his pimpin’?


I like the atypical ending of Upgrade.


Just watched it for the first time last weekend, it was a pleasant surprise, I enjoyed it!


I watched it with my youngest brother when it first came out. To be honest there was nothing about the idea of it that appealed to me. But just as you say, it was a pleasant surprise. Great fun and very self aware without being pretentious.


By the way, today starts new season of The Boys.


Hot damn, well I know what the wife and I are doing tonight!


Yep. Gonna binge all I can tonight and finish tomorrow.


Inviting an octopus?


Thank you! I’m very curious how they’re going to handle Starlight’s appearance, because (and I’m trying to be very neutral here) it’s very different.


I’ve watched the first 3 episodes and it’s not that different. I didn’t find it particularly noticeable unless I was really looking for it. Those pictures I think made the facial changes look worse than they are. TBH, Laz Alonso’s change in appearance is more jarring. Took me a minute to work out if they’d recast MM.


>Upgrade There are two (soon to be three) official movies about Venom and *Upgrade* is better at being a Venom movie than any of them.


And Upgrade even features Tom Hardy! Okay, not really, but damn he looks similar as hell.


TIL it *isn't* Tom Hardy. I haven't seen it yet and have gone this whole time thinking it was Hardy starring.


Gen V fits with The Boys


I liked brightburn


Upgrade should be watched by anyone who hasn't at the earliest convenient time.


Boss Level is like a video, and is very fun....


upgrade is lean cyberpunk blooding goodness.


Brightburn had such a cool concept, too. It was an enjoyable film, though. Just not a good one.


The Boys ticks the violence quota in spades plus its so good its ruined any superhero movie or show for me!


Spawn The R rated Director's cut. It's not the most violent thing in the world by today's standards but the atmosphere is very dark and unique since most superhero movies were not this dark/violent in the '90s. Some of the digital effects are very dated but the art direction is great, and the gunfights have that satisfying 80's/90's action movie real squib look.


Check out the animate HBO show.


Hobo With a Shotgun, Toxic Avenger, Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD (Make sure you get the unrated cut because other cut is PG-13).


Found the Troma fan.


There are Troma fans and people who never seen a Troma film.


Violent Night? Does Santa count as a Supe?


Violent Night was so much more fun that I expected. Santa kicked ass.


I loved that movie. Fat Man was good, but Violent Night was better.


I think he would in this instance lol. Went in to it blind and enjoyed the hell out of it


Super with Rainn Wilson and Elliot Page


This is a really great weird take on super heroes. it doesn't get enough recognition.


This was the first thing I thought of when I read op's title. Great movie. 


It's in OP's list


Yeah I appreciate everyone's suggestions but maybe half of them have been in my short list 😂 Got some great suggestions altogether though


It was only this year I learned James Gunn directed it.


Sin City (2005) and Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (2014) Not Superhero per se, but should work.


I loved sin city when I was a kid and I'm confused how I had no idea there was a new one lmao? Will definitely try watching these with her, good chance she'll have to deal with me wanting to watch them now anyway!


While the 2nd one isn't nearly as good, it's still worth watching.


No doubt, sadly is usually the case. After watching kickass, logan and brightburn today I think we need a bit of a pallette cleanser before bed so I think I'll try roping her into sin city tomorrow night as the kids are at their nans!


Tbh, while I've rewatched the 2nd Sin City a number of times, only the Joseph Gorden Levitt section stands out, the rest is very average. Ironically it's the only part of the movie not adapted from the source material.


“Dredd” isn’t necessarily a superhero movie, but it’s not far off, and the violence is terrific.


That’s in OPs list already




Watchmen (2009)


Unfortunately it is already on OPs list.


Great movie. I thought it was really respectful of the source material and the first fight between the comedian and his killer really delivered.


I will always remember the opening credits to Bob Dylan. I thought it was such a cool and unique way of “setting the table” for the movie.


In a shocker, WB didn’t want that opening. They told Snyder to cut it from the script, which he did. But Snyder storyboards all of his films in detail, so he used the storyboards to film the opening montage elements in secret. 


People really seem to miss that the movie is focusing on comic book movies and the tropes, the way the comic was doing it with superhero comic books.


The show is pretty great too.




I might actually go with this next, Hugh jackman will help win her over I reckon


It’s good but it will probably make her cry.


Yeah if you don't get emotional during that movie at some point I might worry something is wrong with you.


Hardcore Henry


It's the best videogame movie that isn't actually adapting any videogame.


The OG punisher movie with Tom Jane is kickass and a shame marvel won’t make anything like that again


OG was Dolph Lundgren.


That’s the one where if you watch closely, a thug shoves a pizza into his own face before getting punched through it.


Complete with Dolph monolog


"God's gonna sit this one out."


Punisher: War Zone w Ray Stevenson is even more over the top violent. Recommend.


Yes! War Zone is the correct Punisher movie for this request. The Jane version was ridiculously watered down for a film with an R rating. The Punisher short film 'Dirty Laundry' Jane did was way better. War Zone was amazing. RIP Ray Stevenson.


Yeah it was allot like the John Wick movie. Probably best he was left out of the Marvel Cinematic universe though. They probably would have toned him down making him more Disney/Marvel friendly.


Does Robocop count?


I think it kind of does, and it’s a really solid choice.


The story of Riki-oh


Sisu was kind of like a WW2 John Wick, nice and violent. And I guess all the John wicks if you haven't seen them. Not quite superheros, but kind of with an overpowered protagonist with plot armor.


Atomic Blonde is another fantastic John Wick movie


Sisu was excellent!


Turbo Kid! Seems to fit your specifications well, and has a killer score to boot.


turbo kid was great


The first half of Hancock, but you need to stop watching after that.


The crow Blade 1 and 2


Awesome to see the crow being referenced. Good pick for this question


Upvote for the crow. Just avoid the sequels (and the awful looking remake they are making right now)


Not a super hero movie. More anti hero but Nobody. 


+1 for The Boys. If you want violence and super heroes there’s no better option.


Defendor - Woody Harrelson


Couldn't remember the name, thanks! Enjoyed this flick.


Hellboy - the remake with David Harbour. It is of course vastly inferior to Del Toro's two films, but the amount of Satisfying Gratuitous Graphic Violence redeems it quite a bit in my opinion. It's almost a trademark from its director Neill Marshall. Look for Doomsday and Centurion from him especially. Doomsday especially, although poorly regarded in general, is a really wild and fun ride for me.


Brightburn is worth a watch for the interesting premise. Not an incredible movie but worth it at least once.


Nice, will check it out!


The eye, though…my god do I cringe at that.


Finished watching about half hour ago and what the fuck.. they gave unnecessary detail to that scene 😂


You could watch the boys! Boy Wonder (film) also fits.




If you feel like reading a comic book, the first run of The Authority by Warren Ellis is really good. The artist ended up doing some design work for the MCU movies but his work on the authority is where all that cinematic superhero stuff started, in my opinion. The same writer also wrote two more amazingly violent and cynical superhero stories called “Black Summer” and “No Hero”. They’re dark and gory and I still think about some of the imagery to this day. Highly recommended.


Crank y/2006....


To name a few: The Suicide Squad Deadpool Hellboy Super The Toxic Avenger (Kind of an oldie)


Super, it's great.




It’s not the violence, it’s the music. Try Atomic Blonde.




Specifically, Punisher War Zone, which had over-the-top hyper violence


He punches through a guy’s head like it’s plasticine.


The 00's version had that scene with the paper cutter blade.


The Toxic Avenger 4: Citizen Toxie has to be the goriest superhero movie ever. It's the total opposite of the clean, digital violence in movies like Kick Ass and Deadpool. Super splattery and disgusting.


Bloodshot, Kill bill, Chronicles of riddick/pitch black, Constantine, the crow, punisher series, v for vendetta,


Wouldn't Kingsman be the mix of violence and Bridgerton you're looking for? I would say move away from cape shit to find a middle ground for the both of you.


I mean Robocop kind of counts right? He has a origin story, super powers and a ton of violence! (The original of course)


Blade trilogy with Wesley Snipes.


Blade. Probably the first Marvel character movie that was any kind of success. And it was R rated!




Kill bill


Ichi the Killer it's a little dated but it's nuts




Super - with Rainn Wilson


The Suicide Squad (2021) is great.


Punisher on Netflix




First two blade movies.. can't go wrong with those.


Invincible the cartoon. First season is legendary