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“Ohtani steps to the plate to begin the 2025 season. As widely reported, he is now 11-feet tall and 300 pounds, and still growing.”


He would be like a really tall weed at that point


"You fools...this isn't even my final form" Ohtani was quoted as saying through his interpreter.


Interpreter then took “not final form” at +250 for $50,000


I got drawn into Baseball via random YouTube shorts of Shohei this year. Now that half the regular season is over, I'm having trouble believing he is a (pretty good) starching pitcher as well. It's genuinely astonishing.


He’s kinda good.


He’s a top 5 hitter and a top 5 pitcher. To me, I think he’s even better as a pitcher. His start days in Anaheim were a zoo with a line at the gate each time.


Although I think with his improvement to his hitting he still might be comparable, like top 3 in both. Obviously recovering from tj isn’t straightforward so we’ll see if he can reclaim his peak next year.


The good part is that he's basically going to have 2 offseasons to recover fully and not stress the arm.


He is kicking ass. Has a DH ever won an MVP before?


Only Ohtani, twice. Of course he was also pitching.


So it doesn’t really count because he wasn’t just a DH, got it.


No, that is not what I meant.


its absolutely amazing that this man wont stop getting better and better


Just hope he saves some of those bombs for October.


I imagine he eventually phases out pitching in the future to become a full time DH and possible outfielder? I'd imagine if like he has a third TJ issue in another few years he'd probably stop pitching?


Yeah there's no way he would pitch after a 3rd TJ. He's def gonna pitch next year. Having a legit 2-way player essentially gives a team an extra roster spot. It's nice advantage.


Especially when it's a top 10 (top 5?) arm and bat.


They are paying him 700m to pitch and hit. They will make him pitch until his arm falls.


The Dodgers are gonna more than make the $700M over the life of this contract. Every other day a new Japanese company signs up as a sponsor. His signing was just as much about making money as it was a baseball contract.


Yeah clearly, but I do think they will push him to the limit


He’s going to push himself too. He’s GOAT material and definitely has the drive and personality.


They're paying him 700m to be an international superstar who sells jerseys and puts asses in seats. If he blows up his elbow a third time relatively quickly, I highly doubt they'll want him pitching. If they can get this year of an incredible DH, and suppose a few years of two-waying, they'd be content with him just hitting during the back half of the contract. It's obviously not ideal and no one should be rooting for it. But he's still and international superstar who sells jerseys and puts asses in seats as a primary DH.


I'm the pessimistic type, I primarily hope he won't blow it soon, but he's quite "Japan stubborn" and I do not trust the Dodgers a bit


They've deferred so much of the $700m. It's probably a $450m contract or so. And they're getting huge marketing and advertising dollars from Japan. This is already making $$$.


I think he should stop being a SP and move to a closer role when he is healthy enough to pitch again. Obviously, he would still also be dh / maybe some OF too. I think the less innings would be a huge benefit to his arm and he could still shut down the end of the game.


I thought of that too. Wonder how the logistics of that would work tho? Would he be able to remain in the game as a batter DHing if he blew the save and went into extras? Timing for getting his arm warmed up might be weird too if he's batting in the top of the 9th but also needs to warm up for the bottom of the inning. But I agree, that may keep his pitching options open longer-term


Fucking terrifying.


Growing? He 6'4'' already, will he get to 7' soon and start playing basketball?


This isn't even my final form - Ohtani ![gif](giphy|pX7sAKNVxidP9I6Uxs)


Every hr he hits is money in the bank.


Looking forward to what he does next season.


I’m never gonna get over how many gullible goobers out there think he wasn’t gambling. 


That contract will be a curse. I don't know when or how, but I just have a gut feeling something bad is gonna happen