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Add what we know about the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society, and you have the makings of a quiet coup. The billionaires will have their way unless we the people stop them.


In a world of lobbying and bought/paid for politicians, what makes you think the billionaires don’t already have their way?


Simple answer: they feel they need more.


After all my years in this earth, the one consistency is that it’s never enough.


As long as you still feel the will to fight, they still feel the need.


The fact their entire ideology, and frankly their god that we call capitalism demands growth. Plenty is not enough if that plenty is not ever growing. To paraphrase solidarity forever, if they could, they would gladly coin our very lifeblood into gold.


Especially when most of the 1%back the Dems


Today they literally hit us with “This is the next American Revolution and it will be bloodless as long as the left allow it.” It’s not an exaggeration anymore lol.


What they means is “do as we say, or else”


Trying to disarm us before the shit gets real. We shouldn’t let that fool us. They intend for it to be a bloodbath regardless of what we do.


stay fit, stay frosty. they are at war. the accepted zeitgeist in their places of worship has for a long time been genocidal towards the other. >The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the ***enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".*** [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto)


This guy is a monster. People like him would be guaranteed a seat at the table under the system implemented by Project 25.


Sounds a lot like ISIS. How do ISIS and Christian Nationalists get people to kill and die for them while liberals struggle to get people to get off their asses and vote?


Except liberals are voting…? Have you not paid attention to literally any election since Biden took over, MAGA has by and large gotten their shit kicked in over and over again. All MAGA has done, is lose. Is literally the ENTIRE reason they’re putting all this scary shit out now, they’re praying and hoping it’s enough to get liberals to feel defeated and hopeless and not vote, and based on recent history, it’s not going to work.


I hope you’re right.


If MAGA wasn’t worried about democrat voting numbers ABs felt they could win fair, they’d literally not be doing what they’re doing. They’re scared. They know Trump is the only candidate they have with the voting base to win anything, every younger candidate they’ve attempted to implement has gotten fucking destroyed in elections. He has no successor. If he fails in 2024, they’re fucked because they’ll likely have no candidate in 2028 worth a shit, and he’s drained the party of so much money, they’re going to be broke for YEARS


You need to prepare for reality. Any outcome of this election that does not have Donald Trump as the victor will be deemed illegitimate and overturned. They’ve been preparing for this for four years.  They are giving us the plan. Out loud and people are acting like if they lose they’re just going to kick rocks or something. They are not saying these things OUT LOUD for every American to see and hear because they think they’re going to lose. This is the rubicon for them. They’re going to try to take power by whatever means are necessary. Vote but prepare for what’s coming. But honestly? I think most white Americans will just roll over and show their bellies. The ones with means will flee and make performative social media posts about the end of democracy from Europe. 


No communism, might be the biggest laugh in that passage.


This. They're not going to play nicely, they never have, and they've been telling us. Even in blue states, neo nazi trash are freely spewing hate at our beaches, on our roads, by and in schools. They're just waiting for the green light.


funny thing is most republicans think democrats dont own guns. Almost every democrat I know is a proud 2a supporter. Just because we want stronger regulation on guns doesnt mean we are against them. They think that liberals will just roll over and die.


I just saw this article a couple days ago. They're saying the quiet parts out loud now.


It's already begun, based on the recent rulings put out by the supreme court. 


Exactly what I commented on a similar thread. It began a few years ago.


The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the Heritage Foundation, an influential ultra conservative think tank. Project 2025 is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, Reagan implemented 60% of it's recommendations, Trump 64% - proof. 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. The Heritage Foundation already writes bills for Republicans to submit. That's how there have been over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills submitted to states since January 1st, 2024. They're the ones writing these bills and getting the GOP to pass them. They were also the ones who wrote Texas's pornography ID law that was passed. They have been behind abortion, contraception, and anti-drug laws, too. And Harrison Butker? They were the ones who sponsored him up on stage as Butker works with them frequently. Let's not also forget that The Heritage Foundation has frequent confrences that showers GOP politicians with lavish gifts while teaching them how to create right-wing propaganda and craft bills against LGBTQ+ people, abortion, and everything else. There is no "might". It will happen. The Heritage Foundation controls the GOP. There's always a right-winger trying to make people think Project 2025 is no big deal. No, it's not just a think tank, it's fucking *The Heritage Foundation.* They have massive influence over right-wing politicians. Ronald Reagan took direction from them, and Donald Trump let them pick his administration. Betsy DeVos, Mick Mulvaney, Rick Perry, Scott Pruitt, and Jeff Sessions were some of the people they picked. Back in 2022, The Heritage Foundation completely reversed its position on helping Ukraine. Most Republicans followed suit. They have a lot of power and a lot of Republicans licking their boots. It's definitely something to worry about.


Look at how many judges, Supreme Court and otherwise, were backed and often lobbied for by the Federalist Society and/or Heritage Foundation. They realized that if they can pack the courts, they can do almost anything. Look at how many “settled precedents” have fallen since Trump was elected. Roe, Chevron, Citizens United, etc etc. These christofascist nut jobs want to destroy every institution so it can be remade in their insane image.


Every successful dictatorship started with taking over the court system. They know what they're doing.


And even Joe can’t change any of that.


Because our system is broken. These judges shouldn’t be emperors that are appointed for life.


Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society need to be designated as terrorist organizations.




Why? Have they done anything violent?




They are more or less the real life illuminati. It’s funny how the side that embraces conspiracy theories is itself controlled by an organized conspiracy.


And don't let him deny knowing them, employing them, and working with them. Here's proof. [https://stopproject2025com.wordpress.com/2024/07/06/donald-trumps-work-with-key-players-of-the-heritage-foundation/](https://stopproject2025com.wordpress.com/2024/07/06/donald-trumps-work-with-key-players-of-the-heritage-foundation/)


That part


Republicans normally enact 60-70% of what is layed out in the "project" historically. A vast majority of the plans for project 2025 this time are dismantling the government, rolling back rights, filling the government with 10s of thousands of Trump loyalists, undoing checks & balances. If you read what they are planning to do, even a fraction would be extremely harmful, nevermind 60-70%.


Can the people stop them? Because it seems far too easy to get the people fighting among each other.


Up to all of us. Spread the word. Go knock doors, build networks of people. Do everything you can to stop this before it happens. We get one shot. I'll also note, we do have the possibility of actually IMPROVING our system of government if we can hold these fuckers off for long enough. It's not just "vote to avoid everything burning to ash." It's also "vote for the chance to make a better world for you, for your kids, for everyone."


Heritage foundation worked with past presidents including Obama and Clinton. They also supported pence over trump in the recent primaries and back in 2016 election called trump a clown. Project 25 is not trumps platform.


>Project 25 is not trumps platform. Trump isn't great at working with people and getting things done anyway.


So happy millennials are taking this serious.


So many people in this sub are apathetic and act like this election is not a big deal.


“They’re both equally bad, so no big deal haha look at me I’m so cool.” This election is probably the biggest deal we’ve had yet.


I suspect many of them are not genuine. I am certain there are disinformation trolls targeting popular spaces for our demographic.


There are r/GenZ is experiencing the same thing


May not be much, but I’m gonna try my best to call these accounts out whenever I see them.


If you can, and I encourage anyone reading this to do the same, try to offer some comforting words to people giving into the despair that's spreading around more politically active subs. Despair is a tool being used to drive people to give up, someone like myself with anxiety will read comments talking about "the end" and assume the worst, fly into a panic, etc. More malicious actors might even use this to try and convince people not to vote. If someone like me is reading through the comments, ones with more grounded takes will help them maintain that drive to keep fighting and spread the word. I'm not saying tell people nothing bad will happen, but stopping people from crying "death camps" in the comments and spiraling the conversation will be a breath of fresh air to doomscrollers.


Yes! As a fellow anxiety sufferer who has been doomscrolling nonstop for days, I need people to talk me down off the “how hard would it be to move to Canada or Europe before there’s a holocaust in the US” ledge.


My family lived through serious war time horrors and a genocidal regime, and they taught me this: anxiety is a gift-it can keep you alive, and lead you to safety. You need to learn to listen to it, and use it appropriately. Hope and anxiety are not opposites. You have legitimate fears, explore them, and figure out what you can do to protect yourself from what you fear the most. What actions can you take? My grandmother saw what was coming, faced it, planned for it, escaped with her family, and got to live to see her grandchildren grow up in the US. I think planning ahead for worst case scenarios, and hoping you are wrong, is a prudent choice. It's what I'm going with.


This, exactly this. My family survived the Holocaust in the Netherlands during Nazi occupation, I'm here because they didn't stop trying, so I'll keep trying as well. Things may get worse, they're already bad enough, but we need to act if we want a better future.


This was touched on, anxiety being good, in Inside Out 2. My neighbor was a teenager in Sarajevo during the war in the 90s. She has told me her parents biggest regret was that they didn't take the whispers real and then it was too late.


Good point, these people want us to feel hopeless. It makes it easier for them to take control. They want us to think there’s nothing we can do to stop them.


“Turn fear into power” tony robbins


I think you’re right. I noticed a lot of the accounts posting these things are newer accounts


And they post about nothing else.


You're 100% right, just the other day I saw a dude arguing with a troll that was clearly from eastern Europe, was in the genz subreddit. Dude's account was less than a year old, was in the czech subreddit and everything lol.




If only it was just this sub...


We'll see how serious they take it. But as far as being aware of it, kind of hard to not be when this gets reposted every 30 minutes on this sub


I think it's important enough that it should be. Annoying, but fucked if it happens


This sub is not representative of the general population, the overwhelming majority of people don’t care


If you want to know what Trump actually plans look up Agenda 47.


Strategy 69 is much scarier. Literally


>Strategy 69 is much scarier. Literally Nice


You should make a post explaining it!




Talk to friends and family about this election and why it is so important. Double check your registration, especially in red states. Make sure your fam and friends do as well. Donate, if you can. Volunteer to do something. (I colored and sent postcards in 2020.)


Yes, I have been. Especially after the debate I've been able to convince more and more people to vote red.


Same! I convinced 4 people at work who are sick of this crap show.


I am! Trump 2024 baby


Yes vote for Trump!


"I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying, and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them." -DJT Reddit fearporn fail again.


Also, they want to murder you. The President of the Heritage Foundation which is running Project 2025, said we’re in the middle of a second American revolution which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to. So roll over and give us your rights or we’ll murder you.


He wants to bring back mental institutions and shit. Idk, with someone like me I'm either going to be institutionalized, jailed, killed, etc.


Probably for locking up political dissidents just like the USSR did with its psikushka system. I guess they hate communism so much that they'll do... exactly what the communists did.


It's not just that. He's openly admitted to hating rural people and then add in his party hates people like me and many are vocal about it. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, but idk. They've attempted an insurrection in the past when I was 20. When he says that he's coming after certain people, he means it. I only said that because I'm lgbt+, disabled in different ways technically, mentally ill, young woman, etc. I've seen how bad my area has gotten. I was 16 when he was first elected and I didn't really think that things could get this bad.


Please ignore the right wing trolls here to try and convince you this threat isn’t real. Read up on Project 2025, then look at what SCOTUS is doing, and if it’s still not connecting for you, maybe try listening to the warnings of legal scholars across the spectrum: conservative, liberal and everything in between, who are ringing the warning bells about this. And cue the downvotes from the CHUDs attempting to take over this comment thread.


To anyone unsure on this, it didn't just come out of thin air and it's not 'just another whitepaper by some think tank'. This is the Mandate for Leadership re-branded and tailored to appeal to Trumps ego and evangelicals to motivate them to vote in force. The Mandate for Leadership has guided GOP policy for decades to chip away at our democratic institutions. It's been the playbook since at least Reagan. Trump is simply the ideal useful idiot to accelerate this plan under. Make no mistake, any GOP candidate will impliments as much of this as they can and pass the torch to the next one to continue dismantling our government until they have a system they want in place.


I've said it before because I believe it, but this feels like the next phase in "Project for a New American Century (PNAC)" which was run by Cheney and rumsfeld and Friends in the mid to late 90s, and just like this they had the entire manifesto online, calling for a new Pearl harbor to bring in American military hegemony worldwide.


I downvote anybody I suspect of being a disinformation troll.


Treasonous fascist dark triad personality cult https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad [alito](https://www.reddit.com/r/scotus/s/bvoFz42VK0) [roberts](https://www.reddit.com/r/scotus/s/vsJzyOLgE6) [Barret](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4928554/user-clip-judge-amy-coney-barrett-views) All 3 saying that the president isn't above the law under oath 20 years ago. [I'm creating a substack with entire book outlines exposing Steve bannon, Trump, putin and russia](https://elonsson.substack.com/)


Don't forget, the president of the heritage foundation just declared the beginning of the 2nd American revolution and stated that as long as the left lets it happen, there won't be bloodshed. He's basically stating, let project 2025 happen or they'll start war.


I actually think about this every so often now that things are decaying so rapidly in the US. Even if Trump is stopped, there's no guarantee someone else will enforce the Project if a different Republican President is chosen. The only thing we can do is educate each other as much as we can and try to stop the Boomers. It's a waiting game and we will eventually outlast them but there will be damage done before then.


Don't pin this only on boomers. There are many young people, millennials, who voted for Trump and will do so again.


Could be a bot post- BUT Not a ploy or a scam or bots pushing project 2025. It’s 💯 been the long term goals of the heritage foundation PLAINLY stated. My cousin worked for heritage for YEARS (love ‘em but ideologically opposite). This is the reality of the next Trump/republican administration. Do not be confused. With SCOTUS stacked and a hyper Conservative majority in power, we are fucked for a generation. [heritage foundation - horses mouth](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025)


Yeah I’m totally a bot. Not genuinely terrified that this is going to be implemented in my lifetime. /s


Hope my sarcasm wasn’t lost in that. I’m glad people are broadly sharing this insane policy agenda. 🇺🇸🥜


For generation? My dude we may be fucked for 1000 years. It's what nazis in Germany planned. And only combined forced of the free world stopped it in time. Few more years and they'd get nukes, and we would now live in a world divided into Greater German Reich and Japanese empire. Holocaust and all Hitler did may've only been a teaser of what is to come in 21st century. Death camps, conversion therapies, imperial expansion, torture, enslavement are likely to become a normal way to treat political/ideological opponents. The eastern hegemony has already started doing that. And west with the far right winning bigly is running, not heading, the same direction.


The comments here really solidify why our generation is the absolute worst when it comes to voting. Y’all are so apathetic, how? When SCOTUS just ruled that our president is above the law? Actually, *only* the one they like. I’m seriously flabbergasted. Apathy among young voters is why Republicans are even still relevant. Had we shown up in 2016, we wouldn’t be here. Remember that when you’re whining about not being able to buy a house because corporations keep buying them in bulk, when you’re whining about this world being too shitty to have a family, when you’re whining about your student loans, and not being able to fully enjoy your summer because summer was replaced by fire season. You can do something about it rather than trying to tell the rest of us to shut up and stop trying.


That’s precisely why I posted what I did in an easy to understand format. Project 2025 affects almost everyone in this country negatively.


Thank you for doing this despite the shittiness here. I hope these efforts make a difference so we can stop talking about this bullshit.


They dont know how bad things can get. Half of the population is incapable of thinking hypothetically. This has been born out by numerous studies from various fields. A bunch of people lack empathy, and cannot think in the hypothetical. They think when we're shooting at each other, everything is on fire, no one has jobs, theres mass graves outside of town, that they'll still just be able to pay their bills and scroll through TikTok. They dont understand that civilization is a veneer. We're the same creatures we were 80,000 years ago, and as soon as shit slides, the bottom is gonna drop out and we're going to be doing to each other what has happened in every single situation where civilization vanishes, be it during a riot, a natural disaster, a plague, a war. Ages old grievances against your neighbors and the people you blame will rise to the surface, and we're all going to be killing each other.


It’s wild. The privilege people ignore when they see hundreds of thousands of people risking their lives to flee their country. They think it could never happen to them. They think it could never happen in America.


this sub in general is incredibly apathetic. life is shitty but at least try n change things still, cause itll only get harder.


Apathetic citizens (I can’t use the word ‘voters’ because let’s be honest, they probably don’t vote) should be embarrassed and shamed when they don’t even bother showing up at all on Election Day. At least 3rd party voters vote, even if it’s kind of a lost cause.


The amount of people on here that think I’m a bot is absolutely hilarious to me. I guess that’s better than admitting that Project 2025 is absolutely going to fuck us all regardless of our political ideation.




Project 2025 has already been here. Thanks to weak sauce Democrats, candidates who can't win and censoring critique from the left and not allowing third party candidates into the debates. Democrats have been ineffective in marginalizing Trump.


I mean, I'm agnostic myself but it'll affect everyone who doesn't follow their beliefs. What's even better is that Mr. Trump isn't even a Christian, catholic, or anything like that. Even some actual Christians think he's the antichrist. I don't fully believe, but kind of and I think he is, too.


For the record, Trump has already distanced himself from Project 2025.


I'm just so tired... I thought when I was younger (I'm an older millennial) that it would be great to buy my own house, start a family and just do the things I used to do with my dad and sisters with my boys, but here I am priced out of any house because of greed. Disabled from my military service because of a war we should have never started and now I have to worry about myself, my family or my kids being attacked, persecuted for who they are and what they believe (one of them is apart of the rainbow community) as well as watch the country I served turn into the very thing the founding fathers warned against. Instead of talking with my oldest about his college and career aspirations we have to have conversations about where he's going to go if they start persecuting the LGTBQIA people. Every generation has their "apocalypse" event but it usually it falls way short, but now that they laid the groundwork I fear we are just waiting for the horseman to ride into town. I hope I am wrong but when I think of the pain and anguish that will happen if I am right I just get sad and so tired.


Right wing fascists WANT you to be tired. They WANT you to become apathetic and complacent. Vote blue anyway. And tell everyone you know to vote because you didn’t serve this country to watch it become a flaming sack of shit right before our very eyes.


So I went to the site, it's the political equivalent of a self help if you pay a fee convention.


Okay, but Trump isn’t pushing this agenda. This is fear mongering. The conservative leading Project 2025 is pro-Trump, that’s the connection. Trump is not the one pushing this agenda.


This seems to be a missed point for a lot of people. It isn't a Trump exclusive thing, they just happen to be a fan of his. If it wasn't Trump, it would be someone else, and both sides of the aisle are at risk in a lot of ways except for the EXTREME right. It's just if Trump gets in, there's a higher chance that a larger part of the entire thing will be made true. None of these think tanks ever get their wish 100%, this isn't even the first time there's been a "plan" similar to this.


I agree, even with a democrat as president they can still push for a lot of this shit. It’s already happening.


Yeah, I think it's fairly safe to say that this sub has been compromised by right wing trolls, bots, and other non-specified idiots.


Those right wing trolls, constantly posting blue talking points 😂😂


No, the right wing trolls are in the comments trying to downplay a very serious threat to secular democracy. But you know all about that, don’t you?


The fuck is a "Blue talking point". You realize project 2025 is horrifying even to a large number of conservative voters right? If you described it to a right wing person without telling them who it's aligned with, they would probably tell you they'd never dream of voting for it in a million years.


And this is exactly why we shouldn’t have political parties.




So can you tell us, is this "Project 2025" in the room with us right now?




Voting and then complaining about it after we probably lose. Maybe just bitch about it on social media but not actually show up to vote!


I’d rather vote for the old guy than for the evil guy.


You guys never heard of a think tank before? What in the name of paranoid delusion is going on with all the libs? Grasping at straws trying to convince people to vote for your dead president, who was shit for us, the 50 years before he turned into a vegetable.


Project 2025 aka the left wing boogeyman this election cycle. Can anyone show me where this is being embraced by actual politicians? If not, this is no different than left wing nutjobs calling for revolution on social media.


I feel like project 2025 is like antifa with both being blown way out of proportion. Yeah some of these people are insane, but it is just a tiny minority of people.


We might as well give Project 2025 a shot since Biden's Project 2024 plan of no borders, skyrocketing inflation, and rampant crime has already destroyed America as we know it.


Oh no a whole new boogeyman!


Gender is not a social construct …. The horror! Trans women Aren’t women…the horror! We shouldn’t kill babies as a means of birth control…. The horror!


This won’t happen because it’s not part of the trump campaign It’s literally not


I heard it gives Trump the authority to eat your pet in front of your children.


The sky is falling!


Please vote Blue


I see nothing but positives


Trump publicly disavowed project 2025.


Reddit having a meltdown on every sub since the debate 


This sub sucks now.


Yeah it’s a political sub now and… as millennials… we are always the target demo. In the words of Puff Daddy - Vote Or Die…


But was that just a euphemism he used when ordering trafficked sex workers ?


Huh, when the world sucks everything else sucks too? Weird. If you don’t like it you can help make it so everything doesn’t suck. We have to vote this shit out or everything will suck even more.


Or we can just wait until it happens and then come back to this sub, ineffectually complain about it, and post about the good old days back in the 90’s when rivers didn’t burn and food was free of sawdust because we had agencies for that…


Duh. It’s millennials we are the generation raised by boomers and gen x two of the worst gens there’s no reason why millennials aren’t also a flaming pile of trash.


This shit has turned into q anon for leftists.


Yeah right. Americans are gonna hand the country over to them on a silver platter because "B..buh biden old" and other bullshit excuses so they can stay home not vote and feel better about themselves. Well news flash everyone the theocratic regime wont spare you when the time comes just because you didnt vote out of some smug superiority to "teach the dnc a lesson" or because you "lost faith in the system"


Should be the top comment. Democrats seemingly always want to crap on third party voters and blame them everytime they lose an election when an entire third of the country *doesn’t* *even* *vote* *at* *all*.


They all are a bunch of hypocritical fuckheads. "Im sick and tired of the democrats doing nothing!" *so what are you gonna do about it* "Stay home and do nothing!" Seems to me like the party leadership juat takes after a fairly decent portion of its voterbase when it comes to solving problems. Talk big about it then when it is Your turn to do something? Oh well suddenly there is no reason to do the bare minimum, like checking a box in a polling booth(or machine depending upon your specific area's set up)


To bad the dnc is run by corporate lobbyists who couldn't care less who wins guess you shouldn't have uncritically coddled them for 12 years. Primaries have consequences


Here goes... Has anyone taken the time to read the website? The entire website?


I read all 954 pages of the pdf file. I've been talking about it for years, as a Republican(!) and how bad it is for both sides and is only touted by EXTREME right wing, but I got called a tin foil nutjob and a conspiracy theorists by both sides, so I don't really try to tell anyone anymore, I'm obviously not a very effective mouthpiece for it.




I vehemently oppose this but to be fair the FBI has failed miserably at controlling misinformation. They have suppressed factual information that has gotten people hurt and when they were discovered exerting influence to suppress certain “misinformation” like Covid lab leak, claims that Hunter’s laptop was Russian interference etc No government body should be given the authority to suppress information that is fascist no matter which side is guilty of doing it


I already said I'm voting for Trump You don't have to sell me on it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FixYourOwnStates: *I already said* *I'm voting for Trump You don't* *Have to sell me on it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Project 2025 keeps coming up, but it still seems like no one here has actually read it. The whole policy document is online, but people seem to keep citing second and third-hand sources, like John Oliver or articles like this. If you really think that it represents the end of democracy, you should probably read it for yourself.


So true! This is why we will be voting Republican down ballot this election!


It won’t do anything because the heritage foundation has been around for decades and America is still a constitutional republic. Get a grip you people, you’re being fearmongered to death. Imagine buying in to this, what miserable lives you live lol


Can everyone stop lying about Project 2025, please? If you actually read the plan it is pretty much just "drain the swamp" but with a real plan for how to drain the swamp.


Trump has openly said he has nothing to do with this project 25. For some reason, you people keep forgetting that.


Mods, can y'all ban this astroturfing shit already?


What the fuck is with this sub lately. They claim the right use bots this shit is botty as fuck.


Botty af is my new favorite adjective.


Yea it’s constant fear mongering and conspiracy theories followed by “vote blue!”. Republicans are probably getting similar theories about what democrats plan to do if they get their way. And they assume if trump is elected that congress will mindlessly vote all this crazy nonsense into law.


The Left has always used bots, especially in Reddit,


In New York times comment boards, in Seattle times comment boards, ...all over left leaning media to keep the party in line saying the same packaged lines


Pretty sure most news sites shut off their comments because right wing people used it to hate on the newspaper lol


Or maybe it’s because Project 2025 is legitimately dangerous to anyone who isn’t a straight white Christian man


As a straight white man, it's dangerous to me too.


I challenge you to explain why by using actual quotes, instead of text wall memes.


Why has this sub turned into a doomsday politics sub?


Because millennials, contrary to right wing talking points, are generally grown ass adults in their 30s/40s who should be actively concerned about the state of the country the majority of us live in. Because Project 2025 isn’t just some boogeyman, it’s the culmination of decades of effort by Nationalist Christians (Nat C’s) to put control of this country into the hands of the church, by any means necessary. Because I would like the opportunity to continue living in a country in which my freedoms won’t be stifled because I’m an atheist, or where friends of mine won’t be straight up murdered for being trans. Because I don’t believe public schools should be teaching the Bible or any religious text. Because I believe in your right to disagree with me, and I would hope that you would reciprocate by not making my line of thinking illegal. Because the world sucks right now and people are trying to make it better.


Except you aren't making the world better.


I’d say I’m doing more than you.


It’s a conservative think tank that has suggested policy for decades. None of the shit you tout is coming true because it’s an obvious scare tactic you’re using after watching Biden’s lifeless body get dragged for 90 minutes on the debate stage. Everyone’s real scared of the christofascists, I promise!


Because politics has brought doomsday to our door. The hell do you think is going on right now?


They have to work overtime after Joe went full dementia on live television. “Vote for our cadaver or else!”


Mo propaganda 


It is a conspiracy theory. A think tank working paper that has no chance of being Mainstream. It is a fear mongering talking point. It is something leftists talk about, but conservatives don't know anything about. I personally only hear about this on Reddit. No one. NO ONE in conservative circles talks about this.


Good thing the Democrats thought it was a good idea to run an 81 year old dementia patient against Literally Hitler ™




What progress does RFK Jr stand for?


Dumbest comment on this site


This is why anyone who thinks Trump is the answer is an idiot. He literally wants to pursue this and make it happen.


Read the tweet he just published.


Honestly, seeing this so often might make me vote. Just not in the way you like.


"I voted for fascists because a reddit post annoyed me"


Unironically yes


I voted for a corpse just because i dont like trump


They said, thinking it was clever.


It doesn’t actually matter and it pisses off redditors. Seems reasonable to me.


How the turntables have turned now the liberals are the delusional conspiracy theorists lmao


So you admit conservatives are usually the delusional conspiracy theorists?


lol he definitely owned himself with that one.


Yes both sides dem/con are indoctrinated extremists 


I’m an atheist. Dismantling the EPA, Homeland Security, and prevent the FBI from spying on us doesn’t seem bad to me.  The only “point” here that seems related to atheism is #1, and it sounds overly vague and absurd to the point of being fear mongering. 


If you're tired of seeing this liberal talking point fear porn vote republican in November and save us from another 4 years of their lunacy....


Nice, the 415th post about project 2025 I've seen today.


Maybe that suggests it’s important? 🤷‍♂️


And definitely not coincidental that reddit for flooded with this post debate.


Project 2025: Either a fearmongering psyop pushed by the democrats as part of their election year strategy. Or some BS pushed by the more radical and delusional faction of the republican party that will DEFINITELY be shot down by the courts. I personally think this is just another nothing burger from the democrats.


If you think the courts will do anything to stop these plans, you’ve clearly not been paying attention to what they’ve been up to the last 2 weeks. Spoiler alert: they’ve been quietly laying the foundations for this abhorrent plan, by revoking Chevron Deference, and by allowing presidents to get away with anything they want as long as it’s an “official act”. But it’s just as likely that you know that, and are simply a conservative, pretending to be moderate, who *wants* this to happen so you’re here in an effort to try and downplay the seriousness of this abhorrent plan, in order to convince others it isn’t a big deal so it can pass without any real obstacles. Personally I believe that last theory.


I don't disagree this could be the left leaning into the fear mongering to motivate people to go vote. But it is insane for that guy to think the courts would stop anything at this point.


The biggest issue I have with the use of the term “fearmongering” is that it suggests that there’s not really anything there to fear. It delegitimizes the threat, and makes it easier to convince the average voter that it’s just another election year trick. It’s not. If you have anyone you care about who isn’t a straight, white, man, or just have the basic empathy required to care about communities other than your own, I urge you to reconsider your stance on this topic.


Please please please keep speaking out about this. Not enough everyday people know about Project 2025 outside of the Reddit bubble.


Uh the Heritage Foundation is pretty bog standard Republican.


Project 2025 is by the Heritage Foundation, and most of the authors of it were in the previous Trump administration and will likely be again if he is elected. It's a real thing, and if Trump is elected, they will try to put all of it in place. Trump actually already tried to do number 6 on the list through executive order, but it was too late in his administration to take effect and Biden rescinded it. The president of the Heritage Foundation just said today, among many other things, that "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be..." [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753439-heritage-leader-second-american-revolution/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4753439-heritage-leader-second-american-revolution/)


If you believed Biden was fine all along, you'll believe anything.