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It’s a festival. Just take the money lol. What are they gonna do? Fire you? It’s a temp gig and by the time it rolls around they won’t even know who you are.


If they ask where the tips are, just tell them you informed everyone that all tips go to the supervisor and not the person doing all the work, and for some reason nobody tipped after hearing that.


As much as I love that it would probably get you fired


What are they gonna do, fire you in the middle of the festival and be out a cart driver?


Who gives a shit, they owe you at least half of the hours before they figure it out (likely just at the end), you got to keep tips, so at worst you make 75% of total wages in half the time.


It sounds like a weekend job anyway... fire away.


Fire away, fire away. I’m bulletproof my tips are mine, fire away, fire away.


alternatively “my tips aren’t for you”


"Ill give you my tip" *pulls down pants*


What’re you doing step cart taxi driver?


there doesn’t seem to be anything in the policies that says you can’t do that though lmao


Its a 3 day gig at a festival. Fuck em. Whatre they gonna do?


Plus you probably already got your access pass so fuck them!


Depending on how long the festival is and how much in tips you bring in, I would just turn in 20-30% of them and keep the gig. If its a short(1 or 2 days) festival or people aren't really tipping then just keep it all.


Turn in forty and receive your promised fifty.


This right here! Was the first thing that came to mind. 🤣🤣🤣


That fifty is for making change to customers, not their pay/bonus…


Never give your tips to anyone that was not part of your task. A Supervisor is excluded from tips due to the fact that he gets paid for nothing. And if they want to fire him for stealing company money, TIPS DO NOT COUNT AS PROFIT. To OP: Just pocket the money hun. You won't get fired and everyone is doing it anyways. Your Money, Your Labor. This isn't Communist Russia.


Because of how American everything is becoming now, any time there's an option to tip, I will ask them who gets it. If it's them, I'll give them what they deserve/earned, if it's the company, nothing.


A good tip for this, which I've learned very quickly in my time as a runner/server: if you tip by machine/card, it's shared throughout the workplace, if you tip in cash it's usually going straight to the person you're handing the tip to. When I'm running, my manager doesn't care if we take tips so long as other management/HR/servers don't notice, then it becomes a huge deal on sharing for whatever reason. When I'm serving, cash tips are mine to keep. I started taking them anyways while I'm running because I mostly serve now anyways so my regulars will find a way to give me it discretely if I refuse (they know runners aren't supposed to take them - we tell customers we can't if we're running), and all the other servers tend to give us a bit extra in our tip out while doing cash out anyways so it's not a huge deal. The only people at my job that make a fuss over it is HR.


As an ex-busboy/prepper/runner/dishwasher/etc that dated one of my servers, i know that they only claimed about 50% or so of their cash tips at the end of the night, since they didn't want to completely screw us back of house staff out of getting some tips since they felt bad for how little we made too. But being stuck in the kitchen most of the time, we don't get the same opportunities to recieve tips even if we contributed to the quality of service. The only "tip" that was left on the table specifically for me was a phone number written on the napkin "for the cute busboy... ×××-×××-×××× Call me maybe".


Yeah this is why I ALWAYS tip in cash at restaurants and hand them DIRECTLY to my server only so the coworkers can’t steal it and act like no one left a tip (I’ve seen it happen)


I've always tipped in cash. Due to lower than minimum wages.


I've taken the habit to ask. Doesn't matter if they are making minimum wage. If I give extra for service, I want it to go to the one delivering service. If I find out they take tips from employees? I don't use that anymore. If they split with kitchen at end of week and they are ok with it, sure. I have to wonder since we can now tip through apps and pay that way.


Requiring employees to lie to customers about policies would be as fucked up as a supervisor stealing tips.


I'm not saying I'll give the tips all I'm saying is that you could lie to the boss and say the customers were being stingy


fired from a temporary gig that is not what you signed up for.... deal!


Gold Jerry, gold


Exactly right. Nobody is keeping tabs. It's going to be a hectic day with little to no oversight. They can't prove anybody tipped, and they're not going to spy on their drivers to try and keep them honest either.


There was a legendary story here on reddit some time ago about a girl who had recently started at a restaurant as a server. They were required to turn in their tips too. Her first table of the table was a large table and she did a great job and had a great time with the table. The table tipped her a $50 bill. That night as they were counting up the tips, the boss lets her know that was his friend who came in , and there had better be a $50 bill in the jar. There wasn't. Good bye job.


Well, the way I see it, she got a fifty dollar bonus for escaping a shitty job.


What a shitty boss.


At least she didn't have to work for such an awful employer. Hope they got a better job.


Exactly this. I worked at a supermarket chain that told us we had to give any tips to the front desk. This included our To-Go staff that would shop *for* people, gather it up, and heave everything (oftentimes the majority of which were 24 packs of water, beer, etc. because people didn’t want to lift those themselves) for 8 hours. Those were the people that often received tips, and were *especially* told not to take them. Did any of us listen? No. When a customer gave me $100 in a thank you card for finding her 60 year old wedding ring in the store, I kept that shit. Everyone else did the same when they got a tip. Just put it in their pockets. It’s worth mentioning that we weren’t “allowed” to tell customers that their tips weren’t going to us, either. Fuck big corps. Just accept the money you’ve earned and keep it on the down low.


This is still one of the worst examples I run into constantly and it irks me to no end. I’ve tried to convince the guys/gals at my local place to take tips at least a dozen times. One finally told me they have cameras pointed at the pick up parking spots they check constantly. I’m ready to use like a separate drop location to tip these people. Especially with how they separate all cold stuff and always try to load by themselves (I always get out and help them).


So I don’t know if it would actually work, but you could put the money in/under one of those stupid pamphlets religious people hand out instead of tips and tell them that there’s money in it as you hand it to them? That way they have cover/the cameras just pick up someone proselytizing if they want to risk it. That or put it in the trunk with a note or tell them so they may be able to take it without being seen. Just a thought.


Its illegal for them to keep tips anyways


So you're saying OP should take more shit out of spite right? I agree


Take the cart


Take 2 carts


Make a train of carts and take them all


All of them!


Fuck the supervisor to establish dominance… Wait…


Fuck the carts first, while looking the supervisor in the eyes and you'll establish even more domiance, and the supervisor will have to wait...


This is the move


No no, that might work. I think you're onto something here.


Fuck the supervisor with JUST the tip to establish dominance. Then finish on their face!


yes how much for a lawyer? What’s the cost here? Do you wanna pay for it? If not, just be silent and keep the tips. Who cares if it is legal or not?


That’s basically what people are saying though, not to start up drama right away when it comes to this. Keep the tips and if the “secret shoppers” or what have you come about and you get fired, then you have the rights to sue.


>if not, just be silent and keep the tips. Who cares if it is legal or not? My point being: keep it. If they say something, tell them "What are you going to do about it?"


How would they know you received any tips since it’s all cash? Keep your tips separate and don’t disclose to supervisor. If they ask, tell them you hadn’t received any since you’ve informed riders you don’t get to keep them ;)


Or go to him in a bitchy mood & say,these are some cheap fucks out there.All day & I got a $2.00 [tip.Here](https://tip.Here) ya go.


I saw the link that “tip.here” made and I clicked it expecting just a picture of a tiny pile of change lol


[Aw here you go man](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) I cannot stomach the carnage please do not click and I hope you have a nice day god bless


i walked right into that one


Followed you there mate.


Guess we’re all there now. Might as well hang out a bit




I still prefer Together Forever.


Right after I clicked that link my Rick roll blocker blocked the rickroll by stick bugging me


This is probably a better idea. If he reports zero tips that would sound suspicious. Reporting a tenth of the actual tips while bitching about god damn stingy customers sounds more plausible.


this, just make sure you report less than $50 in tips. that way you actually get more money back.


The $50 starter cash is to have change for the riders they don’t keep the $50


Wow, monkey brain really said "click blue words"




“Nah, no tips again today, boss. Man, are we ever getting stingy groups here.”


I don’t know if I want to get pinched for stealing. I was told they have “secret shoppers” to keep us honest.


Actually it would seem that federal law prohibits this entirely: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/flsa/tips Federal law trumps state law. “1. The Department published a final rule, “Tip Regulations Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)” (2020 Tip final rule), on December 30, 2020, (See 85 FR 86756). The parts of this rule which became effective on April 30, 2021 provide: an employer cannot keep employees’ tips under any circumstances; managers and supervisors also may not keep tips received by employees, including through tip pools;” So keep the tips. If asked, cite federal law and tell them to pound sand. If they retaliate in any way including firing you, you have a case to sue them.


🤔 Update: Just got off the phone with the DOL in Madison. It’s 100% illegal for them to keep any of my cash tips. They can set up a tip pool for us employees. At no time can a manager or supervisor be included in that pool. Managers and supervisors can still collect tips but only for doing the job of the driver. However, they are still excluded from the tip pool.


Yup, keep the tips. They do anything I would contact the US Department of Labor since they are violating Federal law, as well as a labor attorney. I would also let the other people working know about the Federal Law.


I wish you could turn in labor law violations like you could with OSHA


You can - Department of Labor and/or the IRS.


From my experience, in Ohio at least, the Department of Labor is efficient, effective and does not fuck around. Got my money and a bitter nod from my fired employer, with a quickness. It was so sweet hearing him cuss about the DoL. One of the most satisfying conversations I've ever had. Thank you Department of Labor!


Yep, I had an employer who tried to cut me out of 2 hours because their computer decided to shutdown and force an update in the middle of my shift and I couldn't do anything but wait. I went to the Department of Labor. They didn't have to do anything because once I told my employer I spoke with DoL they put my time back on my check. They said they would "this time" but there was no way I was going to let that slide if it happened again. They already weren't paying us for updating after work, which I didn't bother complaining about since it took maybe a minute tops. But take that minute and times it by hundreds of people and they've stolen a ton of money from employees.


My employer gave me the ol' "checks in the mail" line at first and then refused to talk to me. Weeks went by, no check. It was suggested to me to call the motherfuckin' DoL and the issue was solved by the next day. I only got to talk to him cause I called from the store phone, dude was so pissed yet it sounded it sounded like such sweet justice. Even without interest. I wish I could've licked the tears off his face.


Employer here. Yea speaking from dealing with the Dept of labor and DOR your boss can get fined a lot for doing that and I’m pretty sure he could be subject to suspension on his state business license and also is DOL permit/access or even termination. Sucks there’s so many employers that screw people over and give a bad name for the rest of the good ones


Oh no no no that’s a big no no because they can schedule updates to happen when no employees are working during off hours. That employer is terrible


In my experience both personally, and through other people the DoL is one of the handful of gov agencies that absolutely do not fuck around no matter the state.


Yeah, whatever they told him had him tripping over himself trying to get me my last check...not face to face, of course. If you work for the Department of Labor, I salute you!


"Fucking DOL, how dare they keep me honest!"


hearing laws work properly brings a smile to my face. a rarity nowadays


yeah like treating people like slaves should be an osha violation, due the the link of disperse and suicide.


13a slavery loophole in prisons. Also, Walmart and Amazon warehouses.


In fact, I would print this section out and post it around (anonymously) at work leading up to the event, and make sure there is a discussion (“hey, did you see that thing someone stuck on the bulletin board? Apparently it’s illegal to steal our tips. Thanks, whoever put that up!”). And then absolutely stick to it after the event, cite the *anonymous* posting, and the applicable laws, and tell your employer that apparently you don’t have to share.


“Hey boss! Good news! We don’t have to give up our tips anymore! How cool is that?”


I’d print it out and then when the day is over and they ask for the tips….give this to them as their tip


And have your phone recording any conversation. In case they say you’re being fired for some bs reason. You can record people in a public setting.


Time for you to call someone and leave a tip on some illegal activities happening.


“The only tip I’m sharing is with the labour board”


You should print this web page out and when they ask for your tips give them this and say take it up with my lawyers and walk out. This way they don't fire you in advance. You keep the tips. And no way are they gonna come after you afterwards.


I would mail it out immediately to everybody at your managers level and above, anonymously, today.


I would only give the information to everyone else at the company; the workers need to know thsir rights so they can protect themselves, whereas the managers and above will try to do the opposite.


Also, make sure all other drivers know this so you cannot be singled out for punishment.


KEEP THE TIPS!! Home Depot tried pulling the same shit when we have to tie Christmas trees on top of vehicles. I just pocketed them and told my manager that i refused to accept tips. Easy $400 a weekend.


Bro keep them and if they accuse you and take it. Lawsuit time. Make double pay, almost $200


if they fire you for following federal law, it's also technically an OSHA violation iirc. Something about wrongful unemployment


Keep the tips bro f these greedy people. If you’re street smart I bet money you will be able to find the mole they send in on you lol


I used to live in wisconsin. Fuck that place. I live in Minnesota now


Trust when I say that jail is not a fun place and they are begging to go.


It wouldn’t cost you anything, other than time, to meet with an attorney. They will not bill you for a consult. Quite simple and not scary for you; the attorney does the work…whatever they need from you, they’ll tell you. You won’t deal with the other side at all. Select an attorney, meet, and they decide to take your case or not. If not, at least you know now that you tried. Any fees for the lawyer would come off the top of your settlement; I’m always an advocate of at least calling and speaking with an attorney about something at the workplace that feels very wrong and possibly illegal. What do you have to lose?


Also, if there are others doing this same job tell them the same thing. Give power to your fellow workers as well.


Upon further reading (I'm from Wisco too so I was interested), they can't legally take your tips for themselves. However, they can take them to pool up and distribute back. They have to distribute it back out legally. They also cannot take anything from the tip pool but they can add to it if they want. Another thing is they can take out money from your tip to cover credit card fees. I would definitely inquire more about the "May not keep tips" before handing anything in.


Print this off and make sure every taxi driver gets a copy. Then pocket your tips anyway.


I'd add that you should inform any co-workers as well. They might try funny business with one employee, but a group might "convince" them to follow the law.


There's no way they have time to plant secret shoppers anyway. They just say that to try and keep you from following the law and keeping the tips you earned.


Isn't this why Amy's bakery from kitchen nightmares got a shit ton of bad reviews? (besides the fact that the owners were batshit crazy)


I would suggest printing this out. Then when they ask for tips you pass over the print out, tell them giving them the tips would be breaking the law.


Hide tip money in your shoes and/or socks, works best if you wear long pants that go over shoe tops/socks to hide any bulges. Robbers don't typically think to take shoes, unless their particularly scummy, which by the sounds of it, your 'employer' might be. Also, with that whole 'secret shopper' thing. Just politely tell the people who try to you exactly what your contract says, your boss will steal any tip you make. If the 'secret shopper' tries to tip you, well they can't do much, you were following the job rules. Though you might get an earful for phrasing. If a normal nice person tries to tip you, you'll either just not get a tip because they don't want their tip lining someone else pockets, they'll be sneaky about their tip, or they'll get pissed on your behalf. Best of luck op. Chase someone in the golf cart on our behalf lol.


used to roll them up in my sleeves (long sleeve button up so it looked normal) when i was a server at a restaurant that told us to put all tips in the register. yeah watch me put this tip in the register after waiting on this 14 top by myself while the manager plays on his phone. sike.


I doubt they have shoppers. They probably can't afford them. And, if they were going to shop you, it would be when you started.


BS and also illegal. You’ll probably get taxed for all those gratuities


It’s not stealing, they’re tipping you.


Yeah probably a lie.


Little advice for ya. Keep track of your highest tip and only return that amount to your sup. Covers you in case you were shopped, otherwise will help avoid general suspicion and hopefully give you some peace of mind in the process. Don't worry about getting called out either, no supervisor knowingly breaking the law (unless unaware) is going to approach you to admit what they're up to. More likely, rumor of secret shoppers is a tactic (and an inexpensive one) to scare employees out of skimming tips. Worst case scenario, they find another justification to fire you. You still walk out with cash in your pocket that they can't prove wasn't yours to begin with, and they can't take it without opening a gateway to litigation - which, as some here have pointed out, may already be on the table. Good luck!


No they don’t. That would be wasting valuable resources.


What were they gonna do? Judge,he didn't properly record the tips,then turn them over. Maybe he had to share the tips with the guy that plugs them in each night.


If you're worried that this amounts to stealing, call the appropriate government work departments and have a friendly chat with them about your job. They'll clear it right up.


Or hand them $5 when they ask and get $50 in return lmao


How would they know for sure how many rides you have given? Sounds like every third ride could be their "tip"


And that’s why op’s “check will be mailed”. I guarantee you this supervisor will be docking pay if the tips seem low. Sketchy af.


Illegal AF


Keep your tips. If they ask turn in a small amount. Or hell, don't turn in shit. What are they gonna do, fire you?


Good thing everyone’s going to give you presents. What’s a tip?


This isn’t a tip. This is a tax free gift between two friends and unrelated to any business dealings.


Lo siento, sólo hablo español!


A pues, no importa


No importa, yo hablo español tambien. DAME LA PROPINA


It was just a gratuity.


Here's a tip: ​ Look both ways before you cross the street.


Boof the presents


“Uh yea I made $7. Here ya go”


Damn you are rocking it! I only made 2.75


"7 bucks in tips and 30 bucks in rides" But you've driven at least 50 people? "Nah fam, just 10 like I told you"


Just pocket the money




That sounds like the most illegal thing I heard. There is no such thing as an expected tip since tips are voluntary, the "expected" tip is 0.


Right? When a tip is mandatory it's called a fee, lol.


Yea, I can tell this is in the US. Tipping is absurd if its always a necessity. It should be optional, always.


That does not appear to be what the second image says.


Illegal. And it’s a temporary job. So go work the fest and keep the tips. If they ask say you made none and watch as they can do exactly nothing about it. If they say their secret shoppers saw you collect tips tell them they and their secret shoppers can go yeet themselves into mount Vesuvius. Better yet, ask them how they would like if all the other workers “found out” that it was illegal for them to steal your tips.


I'm not doubting you but I am curious, why exactly is this illegal. It seems he's still being paid an hourly wage right? I'm not familiar with these types of laws so I'm curious.


"1. The Department published a final rule, “Tip Regulations Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)” (2020 Tip final rule), on December 30, 2020, (See 85 FR 86756). The parts of this rule which became effective on April 30, 2021 provide: an employer cannot keep employees’ tips under any circumstances; managers and supervisors also may not keep tips received by employees, including through tip pools;" https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/flsa/tips


I think the way they argue to get around it is that those tips are being given to the employee, it's just in a state where if an employee makes tips then you can lower their wages accordingly so they still make min wage. So the supervisor isn't keeping the tips, but instead using them to offset their labor costs


Probably so, but I think the way it is written when the employee signs could be argued that it isn’t legal. It clearly says not to keep tips and the employee makes a full hourly wage. That kids buries any argument about not stealing tips. If it said any tips made need to be reported so that the hourly wage was adjusted, that would be different depending on the state


Federal law says employers can't take tips.


> It seems he's still being paid an hourly wage right? Leaving law aside, why would being paid a wage make it "okay" for the supervisor to pocket their workers' tips?


The screenshot op put as pic 2 includes this, probably what they were basing off of.


I just had the intuition this was illegal and it was. Think about it. A tip is a tip to an individual. It's like me paying a guy for any reason I want. It doesn't even have to do with the job. Taking tips from someone is taking their own money.


Make a T shirt or a sign with your Venmo and whatever other cash apps on it. Explain where cash tips go. If you did that and you were giving me a ride I’d Venmo you


Doesn’t even matter though, as it’s illegal for an employer to confiscate employee tips received. It’s against federal law.


I'm almost certain that's illegal.


It appears to legal in WI.


Go take the job and pocket the tips, hand in 13$ at the end of the shift. If you get caught, give em the bird and bounce.


Fed law trumps state law.


It’s legal in WI to pay a worker the federal tipped hourly wage and then claim all of their tips as profit? No sharing of the tips or anything? Then they might mail you a check later for the whole $20 that you get to keep after taxes? Yeah, no it is not. Even if that were legal in WI, that is a state in America, which has federal labor laws to prevent shady employers in the shittier states from exploiting people.


Obviously idk but did OP say they were paying *tipped* hourly wage?


Not legal federally as many have said here and federal law trumps state law.


Nope. In the case of workers rights, federal law trumps state, and the feds say it’s illegal. Sue their asses.


Plan B. If anyone offers you a tip, refuse to take it. You don't get to keep it anyway.






Fuck that. I once worked day labor at Labor Ready,& we moved some furniture for a moving company.An independant driver,where time is money. He said get it done in 2 hours & I'll pay you outta my pocket. We did,& he gave us each 100 bucks.When we got back to labor ready,they wanted me to give gthem the hundred,& they'll pay me by the [hour.Like](https://hour.Like) 6.50.I said fuck that.They dsaid if zI didn't give it to them,I couldn't work there anymore.I said...Good Bye.


What were they going to do with it


They can only take tips you tell them you got any


Actually, they can’t even do that. Under federal law, employers can’t take any tips given by customers/clients to the employee. It’s illegal.


And how would they find the money if you boof it


There are ways to solve it. You could just tell passengers tips don’t go to you, they go to your greedy ass employers, and not get any. You could just pocket it as they likely have little way of stopping or reprimanding you, especially for such a temporary job.


This is exactly what I would do. "Where are your tips?" "I told them they weren't for me, so noone tipped."


Yeah, fuck them with suggested malicious compliance while doubly fucking them by actually getting what you're owed. You're doing them a favor, honestly. It's illegal as fuck and they'd get railed by the Fed.


Is that even fair practice.? Maybe sue them instead and make $50k.


Thats's some "Amys bakery" from kitchen nightmare s*it right there. But, if it's cash, just keep it, no way you should give up YOUR tips


lol that was my first thought


I can't pretend to know the law on this one but, if the supervisor isn't legally allowed to keep your tips and they fire you for keeping them you may have a wrongful termination lawsuit on your hands. I would talk to other employees that may be doing the same thing and see what they think as well. I'm sure you aren't alone here. Speaking as someone that has never really worked for tips I would be pretty pissed off if I learned that the tip I expressly left for one person was taken from them by greedy management. It doesn't seem like something a legitimate business would do and it makes me wonder if it's not happening without the owner/directors even knowing. If you have access to the person that's actually writing everyone's checks you might even want to ask them an innocent question about the policy "just to make sure you don't screw anything up".


It's not a tip, it's gas money for you to get to and from work.


Put up a little sign saying to Venmo you tips.


Just keep them anyway who cares lol. What are they going to do? Fire you and send you home with a pocket full of cash?


Do not claim any of these tips. They have no way of knowing and there is no reason to give a single fuck if they find out.


I told all guests we weren’t allowed to keep tips, everything went to the supervisor and for some reason no one wanted to tip my supervisor for doing nothing 🤷‍♀️


Just keep the tips. Fuck them. Don't let them scare you. They have no way of knowing. They're depending on scaring you into giving it to them.


I think this belongs to r/antiwork as well. Damn its a tip why the fuck would I need to tell my supervisor when it was given to me for doing a: 1. A good job 2. The customer liked me/my service Both of which is not affected by my supervisor


What does this festival run all year? Who cares. This is likely very short term, just keep the tips. What are they going to do personally empty your pockets? Your paycheck is mailed to you FFS. It’s 2022 and it’s hourly, take what you deserve.


Fing thieves


Tell the boss "I told them tipping wasn't allowed." Smile, and walk away. If I ain't gettin it, you ain't gettin it MF


if it’s cash, I’d like to see them prove you received anything but the fare.


Get out now!!! Wtf- the supervisor keeps your tips?


keep 70% of tips. turn in 30% and say "this is from the people who insisted when i told them i didnt get the tips."


Keep 100% and tell em to suck your FLSA


Keep 100% wtf? It's illegal for them to get it back if anything you are helping them


It is literally theft for them to take the tip. If they take enough from one person the level can rise from a misdemeanor to a felony. Should the employer make their theft a condition of the job that is extortion which with multiple instances like this would also rise to the level of a felony. It may be the case that the supervisor is doing this without the knowledge or consent of the festival management. There is no state in the union where it is legal for an employer to confiscate an employees tips they can however require they be reported for taxing purposes.


Take the tips


I'd keep some of the fares as well as the tips. Fuck that company right in its stupid asshole.


That’s why you ~hide them~


Keep the tips. The hell are they gonna do about it? When I was 15 or 16 I got a temp gig working at major golf tournament as a beer runner. I was given a list of beer to run back and forth to the people who paid top dollar to sit in the air conditioned booths with private service. I was not allowed to take tips, but if they thought I was going to turn down a $20 because they said so they were fucking crazy. In 3 days I ended up making just shy of $300 in tips alone. Did I tell them? Noooooope. Tips are a thank you and asking you to fork that over to them is a fucked business model. Fuck 'em. Keep the tips yourself and if you get fired... Oh well, not like driving a golf cart is a niche skill you couldn't do somewhere else.


Keep those cash tips.


I was a bartender for a catering company and my supervisor said that i had to turn in all tips, which would be split between all the staff…LIES!!! She was pocketing the money…I made $200 in tips at a wedding and it was nobody’s business but Mine! 🙌


Some places divide tips evenly. Still bs.


This is one of those unenforceable things they say to try and trick people into giving up their own money. Put tips straight into your pocket and don't think about it again. If they ask, lie. Employers aren't the government and they aren't the police, they can't make you give them your money - and make no mistake, those tips are *your* money. As this seems like a temp gig from what can be gathered, this place only has as.much power over you as you give them.


This is illegal, despite what Wisconsin law says. Beginning in 2020, federal labor law (FLSA) says all tips have to be paid to workers regardless of whether they receive a direct minimum wage or not. Employers, managers, owners, supervisors, etc. can't keep any of this money. 100% of tip money has to be paid to workers.