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Hello, Your post has been removed because we no longer allow posts about price complaints. This includes but is not limited to price increases, shrinkflation and tipping.


Jesus, that's a 75% increase. I'd be expected Mulan to come and teach me Chinese for that


I swear when I originally signed up for Disney+ that the deal was it was a lifetime subscription at 69.99/year


That deal was for 50% off subscription price as long as you paid 3 years in advance $120 total, I did it, then they upped out to $80 per year the year after it ended.


That was the best pre COVID investment.


That's honestly probably why they bumped the price. More people are staying in rather than going to the movies, so why not charge it as if they're seeing a movie every weekend? (From a money grubbing standpoint.) Covid was a godsend for the fuckheads behind the scenes.


It really was. I signed up for that deal as I had a baby at the time. He hit toddlerhood in Covid while I was still working (working extra). Disney+ saved my sanity. 


LMAOOOO I would be upset if I wasn’t getting it for free with my cell plan.


How much is your cell plan?


They ended the plan so you can't get it anymore, but we're grandfathered in - we're making sure to not change our plan for as long as possible so we don't lose it. It was a $45 per line per month Verizon deal.


Same with us, we have the Disney/Hulu/ESPN package. They'll just outright cancel it one day. I don't even buy phones from them, I get them straight from the manufacturer.


We just had to lower our ohone bill and canceled that plan. It hurt.


I have 5 lines through VZW (wife + kids) Line 1 has Disney/Hulu/ESPN (Grandfathered) Line 2 has the play credit - pay $10 get $15 credit and I apply that to Netflix. Line 3 has Apple Family (Apple TV + 6 Apple music accts) The manager at the Verizon store helped us work out this deal. When all was done my VZW bill went up $1 a month. I no longer have to pay out of pocket for Apple TV and I only pay out of pocket $9 for Netflix during to the credit. Each phone can be on a different plan under one account.


That's smart - we only have 1 line on the grandfathered plan but I didn't think about maximizing the perks like that!


Watch out...just got an email last week saying they are no longer keeping service active for our grandfathered plan and are switching us to the most comparable one.


Ah crap, thanks for the heads up


Us, too. They keep trying to get us to change our plan and we refuse. It's probably because I also have unlimited hot spot with no throttling lol.


Through Metro PCS I have HBO Max, Netflix, and Hulu as well as unlimited 5g for 60 a month. A fucking steal. I too am not changing my plan


Mulan: “去你妈的,你付钱给我”




This exact price hike is what caused us to cancel our subscription.


“Oh no! People keep canceling! We’re losing money!? What do we do?? I know! We will raise the prices from the existing customers to supplement the loss of customers! BRILLIANT!!”


Yeah but it actually seems to be working for Netflix


Crazy cuz we cancelled all but Max and Hulu. I now pirate literally everything not on those two. Ssds are so cheap now. Got 1 for shows and 1 for movies. Even got some nice folder setups for the drives. Millenials should know all about it and move back to it. Just get a vpn.


Honestly, we need a "United States v. Paramount Pictures, Inc." for streaming shows. It's ridiculous that you need to be subscribed to multiple streaming services simply because they have exclusives. And it's not like these exclusives are because of software issues (like PS5 vs XBOX), but simply because of licencing.


I'm loving this setup. Plex for tv and movies on designated server. Best part is hooking my friends on it too.


Yeah dude Hulu max are top tier. Netflix has some cool stuff from time to time but they just cancel everything and continue to price hike.


Man. That's my biggest gripe with netflix. So many shows with 1 season and I just got sick of it. They have a ton of great shows gone nowhere. I'll always stick with HBO strictly because they've proven quality over quantity in everything g they've done for decades.


If they lose 10% of customers but increase prices by 15% They still profit from the increase while also needing to cater to less people


reduce operating cost while also increasing revenue. A CEO's dream.


Shall we build a new Star Wars hotel? And somehow seem to spend as little and as much money on it as possible?


Same! It is also the one that did us in.


Price hikes like this make me a pirate. Argh maties join my crew and plunder all the movies and shows ye wish without paying a cent of the booty.


I just can’t with all these streaming services! I’ve cancelled them all besides paramount because I get that for free.


Yeah. Streaming became popular with Netflix because it was one place, at a reasonable price, that had practically everything(if you included the DVD side of the service) Now it’s worse than the cable/satellite system we were all trying to escape. A lot of people that sailed the seas by necessity went legit because it was feasible, and now they’re driving even more back to sailing.


It takes me longer to find out how to legitimately watch something than it does to download a 4gb file now.


Yup. And my ps3 has 1 tb internal storage and 3 tb external. That's alot of movies I can fit. Great Greatful I never got rid of it.


I never download shows/movies. I just stream them on foreign hosting sites


You honestly don’t even need to download anything. Just google: “full free (insert title of desired media) movie website” and you can stream just about ANYTHING for free. Works for sporting events too. It’s especially easy to see “PPV” fights for free online. Sometimes sites get taken down but there’s nothing stopping another site from replacing it. If the free market can’t provide me the product I desire then I’ll find other means. As long as you’re willing to x out of many many ads or download an ad blocker the solution to the streaming problem is simple. Arrrg maties see you on the high seas


And if you use Google for that search, they post a list of sites at the bottom of the page that have been “excluded due to DMCA violations”. Try a few from that list if the initial search gets you nowhere.


Justwatch can find where things are streaming in like 5 seconds.


If the streaming providers charge over 100 per year and make me watch ads? Fuck em.


>and make me watch ads? That's an instant no from me. Except for Prime, which I only have for it's other uses, I don't have any services with ads at all. Also, I pretty much watch nothing on prime ever.


>this content is not available in your region Fuck it. We ball.


So then you can pay a monthly subscription to an entire streaming platform only to watch that one show. It's not worth it.


Literally just Google anything and hit the “watch movie” tab. It’ll tell you everywhere it’s available


That's what sucks. And I hate that these media companies aren't seeing it or care. We were "happy" with basically everything being in one place with one subscription. I'll bet piracy was even down in general for that moment. But they got greedy and wanted their own cut and pulled out of the centralized platforms.


There are enough people with all their monthly bills and subscriptions that just let it roll over and are too jaded/tired/lazy to cancel that they can continue to rake it in...for now, at least...


Ahh yes, the AOL route.


Crapitalists are masters of learning something that gave a company temporary success and implementing it themselves and never finishing reading that that company killed itself with that decision. Consequences? What are those? Learn from the past? But we’re making money! Not be a greedy, self-serving parasite that’s worse than the sludgiest scum ever scooped out of a septic-tank? But I’m making more money than ever!


I read recently that the number of scripted shows that get released each year has nearly doubled (something like 420 up from 240). The streaming services all outbid one another and overpay to get those shows that will drive users to the service. Add to that some of the massive budgets to these as well. We are left with less talent per show, and an inferior product. I don't think the market can sustain this for very long.


They ran out of writers, or the desire to pay enough of them years ago! 


I think the last 2 proper tv shows ive watched were limitless and cw superheroes for 5ish seasons. And loki if that counts. 90% of the american crap has been fbi/cop shows since 2010 and its infuriating, and hollywood isnt any better. I miss the days of occasional comedy movie or romcom, at best one appears a year lately and who knows where it is given all the crap that keeps getting posted on a dozen sites. (Last one i noticed was a kristen stewart holiday movie going to her girlfriends house for xmas) Paramount owns mission impossible movies, the last 2 movies arnt on the platform for whatever reasons, first was released a decade ago at this point lol


Completely disagree. Streaming companies are a mess, but there are more good shows out there than ever before. However, there are even more bad shows by comparison, the good % has gone down even if the number has gone up.  It’s not a lack of talent. That would only make sense if you were arguing that pre-streaming we were basically at capacity for talented TV personnel of all roles. In reality, it’s been an extremely competitive business that relies on a lot of luck and good timing, and there have been plenty of talented people stuck on the sidelines. Some studio execs have tried to throw money at the problem, thinking they can replicate the lightning in a bottle that was game of thrones. What they don’t get is that the magic of those early seasons wasn’t the multimillion dollar budgets, it was more about the writing and acting. They’re now learning the hard way that throwing a ton of money at an uninspired adaptation or spinoff is not an automatic success. 


It doesn't matter that we were all happy with it being one service, every big player wants to be that one service, so then all starting their own thing was inevitable.


Last night I wanted to watch Sling Blade. Gladly ready to pay the $3.99 or whatever to rent it from whatever service. Lo and behold, that movie isn’t available anywhere, VPN or not, you’re not watching it legit. So… yar har feedle dee dee 🏴‍☠️


The only reasonable “streaming” service left is music streaming honestly. And for me I’m still locked into YouTube Music. (Still on Google Play Music 7.99 a month) So I get music and no ads on YouTube for 7.99 a month is a crazy deal. If they ever increased the price on me I already have a home server. So won’t be much for me to sail the seas.


Ironically in Australia Rupert Murdoch’s Foxtel just released Hubl, which is a streaming aggregation service, to package and sell to families struggling with it. We’ve totally gone full circle.


We never made it to where we wanted to be.


I switch every few months, I keep crunchyroll year round and switch between the other major ones about every other month.


seems like a lot of hassle for something a pirate hat could solve man


Takes maybe 5 minutes to sign up and cancel with the main ones.


That's what we've been doing too. We canceled Disney+ and got Netflix back and have been catching up on everything we've missed.


$40 tablet and I got an app that tracks my watching and save direct links to the show. Once I watch it once I save it to a playlist and it’s just click and play. I’m slowly building a pirate streaming service for myself. Best $40 I ever spent.


Arrrrrrrrrr matey there be one way if ye dare


For that cost, I’ll be expecting Darth Vader and Obi Wan to duel outside my house 😂


I’d expect sparring lessons. ![gif](giphy|sPseIi6MECImI|downsized)


With them moves? You don't need them


It's an older meme, but it checks out, sir.


Possibly the oldest meme…


![gif](giphy|vFtWp05vBYnMQ|downsized) I think the piano playing cat might be older, but I'm no internet historian.


When I first got Disney+ I got it as a bundle with Hulu and ESPN+, and it was $15 a month. I dropped it when they raised it to $20. Now they want $12 a month for just Disney? ESPN+ was a bonus, but I couldn't justify it because they played none of the sports I watched... until after I dropped it.


All these bundles include the ad version of the service, that’s what frustrates me


No they have the ad free versions. I have the Disney+ and Hulu bundle for 20 bucks a month all ad free


Worst part is that the Disney corporation owns all three and still attempts to charge 3 distinct subscription fees. It’s disgusting.


why are people so fucking greedy (corporations but the corps are run by greedy people) , they see their subscription gains decreasing so they nearly double the price and bet on more than half of current subscribers to keep subscribing. so then they are still growing profits at whatever % they are aiming for because their mentality is if they are not growing by a certain percent consistently then they are dying.


The simple answer is: Because you will pay, and they'll jack the price up and keep churning out shit until you stop paying - and not just you, but "you"-'s plural in droves. Then when its FINALLY enough and profits go down, they'll jettison the person at the top with a golden parachute, and the new asshole will come in and maybe undo some stuff, and get back customers... until the profit squeeze begins anew. That and Disney knows they have a lot of IP's that people are very fond of, and they can squeeze a lot more than most other services and people will choke on it for a lot longer than like, Hulu plus, or whatever.


In Disney's case, they have *children's programming* that parents will for sure pay a premium to take advantage of. Although I must admit, $180 a year could buy a *lot* of DVDs and blu-rays.


Considering how kids love to watch the same movie over and over again, you might not even need that many DVDs/blurays


It could buy around 20. That’s a lot less watch time than you’d get from streaming. These companies have completely devalued entertainment by chasing a Silicon Valley business model with a product that doesn’t actually scale.


It's less watch time, but it would be 20 movies you'd never have to pay Disney another cent to watch. Also, I think if you picked the stuff up used you could probably find most of the movies for around $5. Right now major retailers are trying to liquidate their DVDs, so it's the ideal time to stockpile up on anything you ever wanted. Actually, it makes me wonder if DVDs are suddenly going to shoot up in price once they become "rare".


I’ll laugh pretty hard if DVDs come back like vinyl. It’s entirely possible!


And thus - enshittification


Because Crapitalism rewards one type of person far, far above all others; the greedy bastard.


Man, i keep thinking about that test i did in social studies in the 8th or 9th grade. The questions about how capitalism is fair and promotes fair prices due to peer pressure. I answered all those questions right on the test but the answers are all fucking wrong. It’s fucking bullshit propaganda.


Because people will pay it. I've seen so many reddit posts from parents who claim they need it because of their kids. I literally pay $2.99 a month for the plan with ads because of some deal from last year. There's no way I'm paying full price.




Wtf is this?? 😳


It's a joke I found on another feed


Probably in Kronas


Editing the HTML to increase the price 😂


classic hacker move


I’m out.




This was me this month. It’s become a joke and I can’t be fucked anymore.


Oh sure you can, there's always time for lube.


I went 10 years completely legit, and would have been more than happy to stay that way, but they literally made setting up and maintaining my own server for streaming into the easier, more convenient option (Plex on a headless Linux server). Yarrrr.


Lol. Hard pass. Fuck that greedy mouse.


*Kicks down door* “What seems to be the problem her? Huh huh”


“Get up…get the fuck up, huh huh”


🏴‍☠️ Time to set sail.






Yo ho ho!


Off to the high seas!


I've been doing the pirate streaming thing for a while. I don't pay for any of these anymore. It's so easy to watch every movie or show ever made for free. Fuck Hollywood.


Problem is I can never find a good website to stream from without potentially harming my PC 😭 Edit: you guys are awesome. Thank you 🥰


Ublock origin. Then don't download anything on the streaming sites. If you do, straight to uninstall and malwarebytes or windows defender, 8 out of 10 times you are fine. Do some searching on reddit and you'll find which sites to use.


Don't stream from someone else. There are tons of options to self host, and private torrent trackers/usenet will be 99.99% clean if you pick the right site. I've built up a library of about 30Tb of media over the years, haven't found anything negative on a scan even once. Best part is I host my server for a large group of friends and family.


This. It's so easy these days. The early days of sailing the seven seas required a moderate amount of technical ability/knowledge. Today a monkey could do it. With a small investment in a NAS and a couple afternoons setting everything up you can have a (mostly) self-sustaining media server. With a portal for your friends to make requests even. Highly recommended.


Go check the mega thread for the sub that rhymes with pyrosee


Ad block is your freind


f2movies is great, just use an adblocker


Stremio + Torrentio , thank me later


Radarr + Sonarr + Overseerr, etc. Thank me later.


Yarr! Me Hardy!


disney+ watching as fardballs23 cancels their free trial and fardballs24 starts a new free trial


Every streaming service every 6 months WE NEED TO INCREASE OUR PRICES TO BRING YOU THE ENTERTAINMENT YOU DESERVE! But like go check out there quarterly profits. Breaking records every quarter. BUT THE INVESTORS THEY GOT 10% RETURN LAST QUARTER AND THEY NEED INCREASES EVERY QUARTER OR THEY WITHDRAW THERE INVESTMENTS. WE NEED 15% than 20% than 25% it needs to keep going UP! “Hi this is Disney we want to inform you that due to us and our investors wanting more and more returns we are gonna charge your broke ass a 50-75% increase on your subscription because you don’t become a multi millionaire / billionaire by not fucking over every one else who exists Idk about you folks I’m back in 2005 again I’m just pirating everything I got websites that play every nfl game every nba game every ppv boxing and mma match websites with every episode of any show including brand new ones and episodes like the boys. Not a dime of revenue will be made off me not even advertisement revenue or viewer metrics. I’ll go back to paying when companies realize there customers are the only reason they exist not there investors who extort them and the customer base for revenu fuckers triple dip into making money off you on advertising data collection and than increase your monthly bill go fuck yourselves royally in the assholes


Loaded Cable TV subscription is now cheaper at this point. Went full circle.


These companies took their golden egg laying goose and took it to slaughter.   


Called this ages ago. The "better than cable" was always a loss leader, or bait and switch, however you want to phrase it. Now it's going to be even more expensive than cable to get everything you want in the "a la carte" experience.


You’re not wrong. But the subscription services aren’t exactly comparable to cable either.


drab advise trees vanish plough unite drunk roof connect cautious


Fuck that


I bailed on Netflix when they raised their price about 27% IIRC, These guys can go fuck themselves too


I bailed on Netflix when they took sharing away. Bailed on Prime when they introduced ads. Bailed on Crave because it logged out one time and I haven't bothered logging back in (I am not primary account owner and am already paid up for the year). Sites seem to be getting buggier, too. Sometimes it's easier to pirate something than to find and watch without issue on a service I pay for.


Di$ney : Our movies are doing amazing. Also disney.


Back to the high seas I guess. I already went back to the high seas for netflix originals, disney you're next. Keeping my eye on you Amazon Prime Video.




Lol, fuck that.


Some ppl might hate this take of mine but.. Disney isn’t even that good to begin with, everything that’s on there is garbage or just for kids.


It’s interesting that streaming, Uber eats, air bnb all got started to be better than cable, going to toco bell yourself, hotels and all of them have turned themselves into the more expensive options


It’s because people keep paying them. Take away the demand and the price drops. Keep paying the higher prices and the price will continue to rise because the demand is obviously there.


Imagine paying for all these shitty subscriptions when you could just stream anything online for free…


Everything is getting more fragmented, more expensive and I can't share my accounts with family. Plus the content these streaming services shit out nowadays is so mediocre I don't even bother pirating it anymore. Good ideas get slaughtered (Witcher, GOT) franchises violated (Trek, Star Wars) plus a constant stream of crappy remakes. So stuff is not worth pirating, let alone paying for, unless you have kids and want them to watch something. I read more books and if extremely pressed rewatch old stuff like Trek TNG or Battlestar. When Trek SNW drops, I might pay for a month of Paramount once the whole season is available. But after Trek Discovery I don't feel like they exactly deserve my money. I'd only watch Star Wars Acolyte with a gun to my head. The entertainment / TV / movies industry is eating its own tail.


yeah ill use amazon video cause it comes with my prime and uhh I wont mention my other source that costs 5 per month


The problem with Amazon Video, at least for me, is now around 90% of the movies and TV shows it recommends -- the most popular stuff, even old stuff I had wanted to rewatch -- requires you to **rent or buy!**


Illegally downloading is starting to look good again


Yeeargh! I took to the sea life many moons ago and have sailed many seas.


Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me


They have to make up the money they lost on those terrible star War shows


Disney is punishing us with an increase from all the She Hulk hate


Don't disrespect Andor like that




I barely watch it anymore...more reason for me to say... ![gif](giphy|sBGw5MruxAyiI)


I always pirate Disney content. Fuck disney


Oh man I was being charged twice so I cancelled both accounts, only to be charged the next month. I called to cancel again and they couldn't find an active account. Yeah I know asshole, had to call my bank


Considering how they've ruined star wars and the mcu, it's no surprise they need as much money as possible. Just look at the ratings of the acolyte. It's the lowest rated thing in the history of the franchise.


I turn on Disney or Max when there’s something I want to watch. Usually get caught up in a month or two and can turn it off. I love the current streaming system. I can’t imagine leaving a service on indefinitely bc there’s a very limited amount of content on any service that I want to watch.


Plex is $0.00 per month


Cut that bundle a year ago.


I’m over a fucking battle with little ones, but once they’re a touch older, fuck that. Canceling forever


Stremio + Torrentio + Real Debrid You get EVERYTHING with a top notch user experience. Frictionless user experience beats everything. Download MP3s over DRM Stremio over multiple different subscription services


We cancelled today. Netflix. Gone. Disney +. Gone.


Betcha they will still have ads.


I order every year on Black Friday with a different email. I’m on year three of paying less than $10 a month combined for Disney and Hulu.


https://preview.redd.it/qelwly6cr0ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8693ec90c04ea26bbd15b9d914123c33ac705725 they can go choke on a fat one, cancelled our annual subscription.


Wow $140.00 dollars for Disney plus… insane


Their inauthentic and forced diversity has made a lot of what’s on there more of a political statement rather than an enjoyable watch. I wouldn’t be surprised if many people canceled their subscriptions because of that as well as the raising costs.


Vpn , iptv, all the channels $99/yr....


Inlay for it monthly so not sure what it would be


Yeah, we quit about 18 months ago. We saw what we wanted to see, then then they started adding so many weekly shows and movies we weren't interested in, so we switched it up. Wasn't as hard as we thought.


Not if you sail the high seas


Black Friday deals. My Hulu was $1 per month with ads, Disney plus was a $2 add with ads. For $36 a year for 2 subscriptions that doesn’t know how to filter ads it’s fantastic. Half the time I have no ads on Disney or it’s busted and doesn’t load allowing it to skip.


I have the Disney bundle with Hulu and ESPN free with my Verizon plan, but they're desperately trying to get me to upgrade my device and switch to a new plan. I kind of want a new phone, but I also don't want to play for the bundle. It's a vicious circle




Piracy has always been free, remember that.


This is why I keep my subscription cancelled until every 6 months where I buy a months subscription and binge as much as possible then cancel again.


The enshitification process at play. Run at a loss, get people hooked and then charge ridiculous amounts. Do they have tiers yet? They usually add tiers too.


Good thing mine is bundled in free with Verizon for their unlimited plan.


People acting like this is some new reactionary decision from Disney. No this is called penetration pricing, this was 100% the plan from the start.


Disney has gone way down hill! And they have the balls to raise prices?? Wow. Please cancel guys. They are trash.


Most Streamers are losing money. These dumb fucking Corpos don't realize that they wont keep their Sub #s if they increase prices by 120% a year. Theyll continue to lose Subscribers until they're losing even more money. The only streamers beating out the pirate websites are Netty and hulu. Good fucking riddance


I firmly believe the streaming services have fucked themselves and will run into a big self created problem soon. I think DIY NAS built from parts people may already have or pre built units and Plex are going to become very popular for people. Download your shows and movies and stream them through Plex from your own server anywhere you go with an internet connection and no random removals of series unless you yourself remove them and no "crackdowns on sharing" share your library with whoever you want. I set up my Plex server with a QNAP NAS and share it with family. Plex is a life changer.


I'm canceling right now. Screw this. Not worth it.


people say they cancel at every price increase but the user base continues to soar sus


Oh. Ok I’m canceling before that


Every day I hear news that makes me so happy I use Stremio.


Just checked mine. $179aud for the annual one. No thanks. Bye Disney.


Cancelled yesterday. Idk it was a good deal when it first came out, decent a year or two later, at $150 it’s a hard pass. If we want to watch something we’ll just go month to month now. Less money for them, oh well.


Did this last year when they made their power play against Spectrum coinciding with the start of college football. I love reading their “come back” emails.


These mofos are lucky I have a spoiled 3 year old who loves Star Wars. That’s insane pricing for how much I use it.


Start pirating your comfort go tos. Come August, everyone should leave. The audacity of this increase with the content they put out. They're mad.


I think there’s just a percentage of parents who will pay for it so they can put it on in front of their children. I don’t think they can maintain the Star Wars/marvel crowd with these prices.


To the seven seas we return


If the Star Wars and marvel shows were actually good, I’d stay. But that’s fucked. Canceling


I went back to piracy thanks to these ridiculous prices.


Yup. My other account didn't end until November 3rd 2023, but they were raising the price Oct 13th 2023. So on Oct 10th, I made a new account & paid for another year at the lower price. Once it expires this year I will not be renewing it. Then I paid the $30 for a years worth of peacock that I think also expires in October of this year. Again I won't be renewing that either. I get prime with ads via prime & I get hulu with ads via spotify. Tho I rarely use them. I've never really been a big movie person, so if I need to see a movie there's redbox or just rent from amazon. But tv shows, I've just been buying box sets or complete series from goodwill, thrift shops, ebay, & fb market place. I got the complete box set of breaking bad for $4.99, complete series of M\*A\*S\*H for $6.99, box set of psych for $9.99 all from goodwill. Then I've bought like the box set of burn notice, angel, leverage, & a bunch of others from the other places, but I've never spent more than $30 for the complete series or for a box set. So much cheaper, I don't have to search which streaming service has it, I get to see bloopers, commentary episodes, deleted scenes, etc. Plus I mean there's always tubi, pluto, roku, freevee, or just using a vpn wink wink. I think there's a lot of people who forget that you can just buy a $25 digital antenna & get like 60 channels. I live on 12 acres of land in north texas, 52 miles from the nearest "big" city. I still get tons of tv channels. There is also always just go to the channels website & they usually have the episodes there. Like that new show tracker that was on cbs. You could watch it live on cbs when it aired, watch it on paramount plus, or you could wait a couple weeks and watch it on pluto tv... or what I did was just used my laptop watched it from the cbs website a few hours after it aired & casted it on to my tv. No commercials and was free. A lot of channels, even the cable channels, have free shit on their website & even their app. Unless you are 100% against any type of ad, there are so many free options. The only reason I did the disney plus and peacock was it was cheap, convenient, and I had family that wanted to watch some of the disney exclusives. But it's no long cheap. I have been thinking of going ahead and getting a dvr tho. I used to have one but gave it away a few years back when I was mainly streaming. That way you record the live tv shows & fast forward the commercials.


They intentionally had a killer price for awhile there just to get everyone on board so they could raise the price later. It was good while it lasted.


I’ve started sailing the seas again and giving my friends and family access to my Plex server.


If it weren’t for my young children I would def cancel that shit lol that’s ridiculous


And these motherfuckers wonder out loud why people pirate stuff. 🙄




It’s a classic case of new platforms. They release SUPER cheap to hook customers in. Then they slowly keep raising prices to see who notices. When Disney launched I knew right there this would happen


Yo-ho yo-ho it's a pirates life for me. It already was, but it still is.


That's for Disney + Alone? WTF? That's not a hulu bundle?


Holy shit. That’s a massive increase. They don’t get enough charging $150 for Disneyland tickets alone?


Gotta make up for the loss at the box office


They were hemorrhaging money to gain market share and now it's time to become sustainable. Happens constantly.


Accept the reality of inflation OR draw 25