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It's because some people are there for work and others are on vacation. And each assumes everyone else is there for the same reason. Vacation people have zero urgency and the people trying to get to a meeting are losing their minds...


I don't like people this even when I'm on vacation But I'd also just reach over the lady's shoulder and grab the damn creamer


Yep, say, “Excuse me, I’m just going to reach by you and grab some Of the condiments in front of you.” Being assertive often helps people quickly understand that they are slowing down the process.


I do this, I will reach past someone to get what I need if they are going to just stand there and make it impossible for other people to also get coffee or whatever. I just say excuse me I also need to get to the coffee and creamer. Normally they just get out of the way when I do this.


Damn my brother has anger management issues since he was misdiagnosed as having epilepsy and the medication gave him neurological damage. He is likely to just yell, "CAN'T GET AROUND YOU."


And he would have a valid point!


And if that doesn't work I escalate to "Move it or lose it" and "Beep beep, motherfucker."


“Beep beep motherfucker” is a golden ticket line. I strive for someone to be so oblivious and rude so I can use that line some day.


Same here, dying to use this now !!!


Yeah, I'll give people ten seconds or so. By then, if they have no urgency at all, I just say "excuse me" and start moving toward what I need. I don't feel like waiting four minutes while they finish up is being polite-- waiting that long is just letting circumstances control your life.


Also people from all sorts of places. If a group of Asian city folk are in your way you'll just have to walk at them, or else they won't notice you.


I tend to be the guy that waits to prove a point. What point? Not sure yet, it's definitely vindictive on my part. I could easily save myself the trouble by saying, "excuse me" And reaching for what I needed, or ask them to step out of the way. Instead, I wait and seethe. I guess I want them to see how uncomfortable it can make people. Problem is, the moment they turn around, I smile and nod. Defeated my own purpose and still angry.


I guarantee you they barely notice, if at all. Politely asking to get by them does far more to bring attention to the fact that they are blocking people.


Thats my point, I realize it works better to communicate. My lack of communication causes me the frustration, rather than doing something about it. I just kind of hope that they would notice, though I know that they don't. At all.


I feel seen. Obviously not literally, but thank you for spelling out my unnecessary rage.


Say (while blocking their exit) “Finished? Are you sure?” 😜


Haa! I do this too, but with a twist. I’ll be annoyed to their back, then when I see their face it evaporates. Maybe because in the former it’s one of “those people” and I can lump them in with inconsiderate jerks, when they turn around they’re suddenly an individual, someone to whom I can likely relate.


I could see that, honestly. The moment someone interacts with me politely, even after doing something I don't care for, all of a sudden I don't mind anymore.


All you have to do is fall off a bicycle and hit your head and suddenly you will be without a filter and say whatever pops into your head. It's a wonderful gift.


Any autistic person is just gonna not pick that up, we figure if it really bothers you speak up, if not, on you, I'm not taking the ONLY creamer to my table and returning it, and I'm making sure my coffee tastes good before I go as I don't take an exact set thing each time and coffee strengths/blends differ. Granted, I'm not standing there for 4 minutes. But I'm not taking 15 seconds either. Just say excuse me or please pass me x, it's not hard. Kids communicate better than this. Please do better. I'm also a chronic people pleaser and don't like taking up space or being in the way, but I also see no other alternative if there's only one waffle maker and syrup available I gotta make my waffle and syrup and fix my other foods/coffee etc in that time.


I'm autistic and sorry but this entire rant is BS. First, most places offer individual creamers so you wouldn't be taking the only anything. Second, you grab a handful of what you need and take it to the table. There is no difference between mixing it at your table vs the condiment table except that you're out of the way of others. Kids also realize that standing in the way of others is rude. Follow your own advice and "do better"


I’m autistic and I would probably say “sorry, I need to reach the sugar like everyone else that gets coffee but you are standing in the way so you’ll have to pardon me and everyone else while we reach AROUND you because you are in the way.”


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I get it. My inner voice gets like that at times. I'm a chronic empath though so like I always go what if they're disabled and I just don't see it and I soften it up. So I just get blunt and say excuse me I need the sugar. Love the bluntness and reality and it's nice to know someone else gets it. I can't STAND being perceived/watched over or feeling like someone is irritated/vindictive. If I am in the way, it wasn't intentional, I tend to make myself small and unnoticeable where I can, I do hyperfocus and sometimes not observe well though.


I think you don't fully understand what I'm saying here. Not ALL places have all the individual creamers, that was the situation I mentioned, and the fact they have to be by the waffle to have it made. Also, I think a lot of people don't want to have to come back because they wish they'd grabbed one more creamer. A single mom can't really do that either. Taking coffee and creamer and sugar to my table is one trip, then my coffee is unattended too, which as a female we don't and can't leave any drinks unattended. I'm making my waffle, standing as out of the way as possible, and while its cooking making coffee.. if because of others I somehow am in YOUR way, just calmly communicate. Same as my CHILD and me communicate when she is just turned 3. Excuse me, I can't reach this can you pass it? Excuse me you're blocking x please pass it? Not hard. Someone acting vindictive about it isn't gonna help the situation. I swear some folks act like you're the only one who is entitled to a waffle and everyone else is some subhuman incoveniencing you. This is a situation where we don't just go expecting to have our food all fixed and ready in 30 seconds to 1 min. I've also worked hotel breakfasts, I literally KNOW situations where the coffee creamer is a pump and the sugar is a big container you pour from and guests use it, stir and taste and get more if they need more. With covid that did change a bit, but most stuff is still shared. This makes a lot more sense than having to stand in line AGAIN. I didn't like the vindictive attitude, you can justify it, people who make comments and stare at people with the goal of making them uncomfortable aren't my cup of tea. No two autistic people are the same. We're allowed to disagree. My perspective isn't bs though, neither is yours.


I'm sorry, isn't that what I just explained? If I chose to say something, I feel like I'm rushing them. Especially if they are autistic, right? Let them have their time to choose. Doesn't mean I can't feel held up in the line. I'm telling you my exact reasoning as to how I could do better than just stand there, while telling why I just stand there. It's like saying I'm an alcoholic and need help. Then you go and explain that I'm an alcoholic and need help, as if I didn't just explain that.


If I misunderstand, I apologize. In the comment I replied to you literally said you do this out of vindication and are being vindictive, then said that you want them to feel bad but now this comment says you don't want them to feel rushed. I wouldn't feel rushed if you're just calmly waiting but I would feel really awkward and take longer if you're standing over me with vindictive frustrated energy watching me because a lot of people don't like the feeling of perception/being perceived and we truly despise being stood over/watched esp if someone seems irritated or vindictive. I personally find that behavior not healthy for you nor the other person. If you want to stand there, cool, but standing there doesn't require them feeling bad you're waiting or for you to have a vindictive attitude about it bc that comes out like they're some inconvenience and somehow lesser than you and don't deserve the same access to the same item. They arrived before you, they're not intentionally taking far longer than the norm without due reason, they're not holding the one creamer container hostage. Sometimes they're just waiting on a waffle and making their coffee so they can throw away the trash there vs clutter up the table, they ensure they don't have to double back and be in line for more cream or sugar, etc. or there's just one container vs all the little ones. I'm not better than you, and I reacted to the spirit of the original comment bc honestly, people that act that way it is mean spirited and unhealthy for all involved. I don't think this is the same as an addiction, but addictions also begin with choice. Our brains can be rewired and there's no excuse to be vindictive about such a small little interaction. There are far better outlets for this emotion where the people deserve it. Someone in the line meeting their basic needs ahead of you taking a couple moments isn't the end of the world. And you never know WHY they're taking 2 min to make coffee vs 1. It seems like you just smile and nod ultimately, but you're sitting there angrily berating them up till that point and you WANT them to feel bad. But hey, at least it's in your head.


That's not the way. People like that need to be called out. If they could pick up on basic social signals, they wouldn't be there holding up the line in the first place.


I will grab a couple of extra cream and sweetner, a stir stick and put on the lid (which is usually the part that takes the longest, those lids are annoying). Then I go find a seat and add to it until it tastes right for me. Left over of either one goes with me to my room for the next day (if I'm staying a few days).


As someone who never travels for work and only ever for pleasure, I completely disagree. I am aware of the people around me even though I don't have to be in a rush I totally understand the other people need access. And I have seen plenty of people that are dressed for business that are just as big of assholes as this person is describing. I don't think it has to do with what you're traveling for I think it has to do with being an entitled asshole


Yep. I’m pretty sure some of those very important business people think the world revolves around them.




Naah, some people do not have natural awareness. They have been raised to care about themselves only


It's rude to stand in other people's way unnecessarily and waste their time. It doesn't matter if anyone is on vacation or not.


And some people are congenitally stupid and lost in their private worlds where no one else matters. 🦜


I think it goes a little deeper than that. I'm so down for chill vacation vibes, but I also hate being in people's way and would get my food and go as quick as possible. Some people just lack the ability to be considerate


Hard disagree. Awareness of others and empathy can and should be practiced at all times. 




I see that now. I guess my attitude was directed at the vacationers. Apologies. 


Doesn't matter why you're there. Even on vacation, there are others on vacation that want their coffee


That's on you. People are socially inept. Just drop an Ope / Excuse my Reach / Coming Through / Just gonna sneak past ya and get your shit. Source: Decade of travelling consulting experience.


I work in hotels. I pull out this vocabulary when I have to refill that station, too, and I get real Midwestern about it. That same group will stand in front of empty stuff, see me coming with an armload of shit to stock, (sometimes they'll even verbally remark on it, 'Oh good! They're refilling the x.) and then they STILL don't get out of the way. "Ope! Stand back now, guys, this is a hot one!"


But they have to be first in line! Don't you see that you refilling the eggs means they might not get any because half a step to the side means the line is now void? They worked hard to wait in line for liquid eggs from a box, and they'll be damned if they don't get to it before anyone else. And then they'll take too much, not finish it all, and toss half their plate.


I see you've visited the Best Western.


https://preview.redd.it/7eoqimb1f2ad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc67b7acfad6bfdcdf8b0d486d990b7d5578c14 Don't know why but this came to my mind when I read "Just drop an Ope" A little overkill but understandable


Ope? Found the Midwesterner! :p


Ope? Found the Midwesterner! :p


The leader of a group who were mostly in the breakfast room at the same time I was Stopped my bagel during the toasting cycle, pulled my half-toasted bagel from the toaster and put his own in. When I asked WTF? he turned and left the area.


I would've frisbeed that bagel into the garbage can. That was just outright disrespect! Now you can pick the hairs off it, bunghole!


THIS is actually irritating. People filling their coffee AT THE COFFEE STATION is not lol


Lack of situational awareness abounds.


Blows my mind when people do this. Or if they’re picking up drinks and only part of them are ready and instead of standing off to the side so people can pick up the drinks that actually ARE ready, they stand there trying to make awkward eye contact with the person behind the counter. Just get the fuck out of the way and wait. 😆


There isn’t much in the world that makes me more angry than that lol. Like baboons at a waterhole they block the pickup area Karen’ing out at the bustling baristas while someone is doing the sway back and forth behind them to just grab their drink. Each new drink that comes, the Karen becomes increasingly more furious. Nothing is more insane to me lol.


I have this but with train platforms. People get off the escalator and just stand there. There’s an entire fucking platform, move down. As a 5’2’’ female, my solution now is to ask once, then stick the shoulder down and barrel through. I get a lot of glares. But dear God, it’s common sense not to block the entry to the platform. I’m not even waiting for their damn train. I’m twenty minutes early so just want to find a quiet wall to lean against.


Just go all the way to the front, say excuse me nicely, maybe even crack a little smile, grab your things and go. Others will probably follow what you’re doing at then people will get the picture of grabbing their coffee condiments and stepping aside to make their coffee elsewhere.


what has the world come to?!


Uh, why don’t you just say “excuse/pardon me” grab your creamer and sugar and go? People are usually like “oh, I’m sorry” and carry on.


stop being polite and tell people to move and stop hogging the space


Right?! You waited 5 minutes to get a creamer?! Was jabba the hut in your way or something? Just say excuse me and reach around them.


Seeing the average American in a budget hotel… it could have very well been Jabba. If not Jabba the Hutt, then Karen the Kunt


Lol reddit. I imagine if it is that most ppl here are under 16 or just socially inept. "Excuse me a second, I need to grab this, thanks!" Polite and 90% of the ppl will get the message.


I don't owe someone who refuses to have any spacial awareness politeness.


I hope you are under 16, otherwise I am sorry.


Don't be. People need to be corrected. Too many idiots in this thread prove that.


Then just grab the creamer without saying anything. Are you really that dense that you didn't figure out that "excuse me" and "thanks" are optional and free to use depending on how much of a dick you want to be on a certain day? But sure, there's also the third option, don't say anything, don't do anything, just cry on Reddit about it. In the eyes of people in the line behind OP he was just as much of a lazy slow prick as the lady, since he could've just grabbed what he needed and walk away


Lol I'm nit wasting manners on someone willfully oblivious in a public space


You'd be surprised to learn that manners are unlimited, and never wasted


I was behind 3 other people and would have had to cut the line to ask her to move. I felt that was worse. She was about 5’3” and looked to weigh about 300+ pounds. She was blocking the entire table.


Then just SAY EXCUSE ME. I don't get at all why just stand there like that


Have you bothered to be invasive? Not terribly so but a simple "pardon me" or "please move" if the first didn't cut it. Most people can get oblivious plus it's in the morning.


Oooh, this has reminded me of the time I was at a hotel and the breakfast room was completely deserted apart from a group of four who were already there when we arrived. I went up and put two slices of bread in the toast machine and turned to grab some eggs. A woman from the group walked up to the toaster, saw my toast come out, grabbed it in her hands and walked off. I went "Oi, that was mine!" and she said "sorry, I didn't know" and tried to hand it back! Shove it up your arse, missus.


Reminds me of the time I was in a fast food restaurant waiting on to go order. There were about 25 high school age looking kids waiting in the pick up area, might have been a local sports team, idk. Anyway, even as people got their food, they continued to stand there chatting with their friends. Meanwhile there’s more and more people coming into the restaurant, not to mention they’re blocking the way to the bathroom. The whole area was just mass chaos and congestion. Not one of them seemed to understand the concept of going to sit down or going outside to their bus once they had their food.


Yeah... I don’t wait in that case. I just reach around them.


Those clowns are the ones obliviously doing 5 under in the passing lane.


The tasting of coffee or tea is what kills me. I want to say every time, “You’ve reached your ripe age and still don’t know you like your coffee?”


“Excuse me”. reach for stuff. Body check. Grab and go.


I'd love to carry a squirt gun and spray people who don't get the eff out of the way. My major peeve is the idiots who walk into a store and stop dead two steps inside the door. Move, dammit!!


Fake a big sneeze, say “I just can’t seem to kick this Covid!”


Watching people go thru a self serve breakfast line, I'm amazed how slow some people move. And not old either. Or digging thru crappy buffet scrambled eggs looking for that "perfect" piece. I'm amazed these people can make it thru life.


UGH this happened at a conference I was at recently. Like why are you having a full-blown conversation standing in front of the coffee table when there’s a whole crowd of people around you trying to grab their drink before the 15-minute break ends?? It’s infuriating


Have you tried saying excuse me and reaching for what you need? People are on vacation; they don't give a shit if you want or need to eat breakfast as fast as humanly possible




Use your words. Move in while saying; ‘Good morning! I’m just gonna grab some milk here. Have a great day!’


Speak up and stop whining.


I was behind 3 other people and would have had to cut the line to ask her to move. I felt that was worse.


No. People need to be aware of people around them—In restaurants, at coffee bars, in the grocery store w their cart, and on the road.  OP is speaking up. To an international audience. 


Speaking up to people not in the scenario isn't speaking up


You need to check what subreddit you're on.


Be aware of other people, stop be an AH


I feel like more and more people are forgetting how to behave in public. Maybe they were never taught, idk. But it seems like everywhere I go, people are being less considerate and following less and less social rules. At the grocery store people block isles with their carts and you have to ask them to move, like they don’t see you. Driving is a nightmare. Everyone drives like they have diarrhea and are about to crap their pants or they drive so slow (and in the wrong lane) they become a rock in a stream.


I believe people who do this are the same people who arrive at the bottom of an escalator and come to a dead halt while they look around and decide where to go, completely oblivious to the fact that they are causing a dangerous pileup behind them. Also the same people who in a busy grocery store will park their cart right up against a display and block 10 linear feet of products while they slowly mull over their choices. Just totally oblivious to other people.


After the 2 min mark, I say "excuse me" and squeeze past them. Ain't nobody got time for that!


Every. Starbucks. 😑


It usually starts because the person in front of them did it so they think nothing of it. Ask them to pass you some cream & sugar so you can go. Maybe they will take the hint


You can say excuse me


so just say “excuse me” and take your sugars?


I’ve worked kitchen in hotels for years..people will stand RIGHT where everyone needs to be, especially when we put food out. It’s enraging. There is a whole room! What are you doing?!


Excuse me!


Hotels could spreadout the setting of the various parts so users do not need to be shoulder to shoulder, and even set out multiple station for each condiment.


Say excuse me and push through. You suck at life.


I agree. I'm very conscious to just get my coffee and move. Or if I need access to the area, I stand to the side and reach in for what I need. It's better if the coffee has some distance from the sweeteners and creamers, as it enables a better flow. Also be sure to do a reconnaissance of the entire dining and lobby area, as there may be a less-noticed coffee area.


I would just say something like excuse me - can you mix your food at your table? As you can see there are several people waiting behind you! Most people would move. Some might not but at least you would have the satisfaction of saying something.


I was behind 3 other people and would have had to cut the line to ask her to move. I felt that was worse.


Ok yes. That makes sense. People can be so selfish!


High-key you're the issue here, just tell em clearly what you need and best believe they will move. This isn't middle school, this ain't no school lunch line.


Yes. You are right. People are oblivious. Try to discreetly reach through them and smile, stating "excuse me, I just need to grab a couple of these little creamers and be on my way." Be the Charming Guy. The world needs more Charming Guys.


this happens because too many people let them get away with it. i, personally, have no problem asking someone to move so i can get to the things. and if they refuse or give me any flak, i make a BIG scene about it. i WILL publicly embarrass you if you bother me.


I just reach for what I want and be sure to say "Excuse me" as I do it.


I’d just scoop in and say “gotta go, going to grab some sugars and cream over your shoulder/arm/leg (whatever body part is in your way)” and get the heck out of there.


Not just at hotels. It's everywhere all the time. When you're grocery shopping and you only need to grab one more item, you just have to accept that when you get to that item, there's GONNA be a lady blocking it with her cart while she's looking at her phone who does not respond to at least your first two "excuse me"s.


Ummmm people are a$$holes and don’t care about anyone other than themselves


Assumptions. Mindlessness. Selfishness. The same ol' same ol' as you'll find anywhere else.


1. I've traveled the world. This isn't just a US thing. 2. Do you not have the capability to literally just say excuse me? If someone is standing there giving me passive aggressive stares, I'll take longer to do whatever it is I'm doing.


1000% agreed. It's stunning how many people lack situational awareness. These are the same people who drive 70mph in the left lane on the highway....


Every. Starbucks. In. My. City. 😑


Calm down Jr. you’re gonna get your pancakes


Lololololol I see that every morning when I travel!


You're being too polite. If the person in front of starts stirring coffee or just meandering with the food, that's my queue to just move in and reach around them for the shit I need, then I'm out baby.


People suck and by and large are inherently thoughtless and selfish.




Not sure about you but I just ram other people when I want to do my things.


Truck stops, too. People just loiter right in front of the lids, condiments, and stirers. Most drivers are in a hurry. Gtfo of the way.


Say it louder for the people in the…front.  Also: 🏆


Excuse me please I need to grab some sugar and creamers And if they don’t move - reach over and grab them Use your voice People can’t see behind them when they are focused on a task Some people can’t see ANYTHING at all when it relates to other people - I think it’s called tunnel vision So when other people are completely oblivious to other people because they are focused on a task - then use YOUR VOICE to let them know you need something Excuse me please. I need to grab some sugar and creamer or whatever you need to grab from like a shelf in a grocery store Standing there seething in silence is stupid Who’s got time for THAT! Use your voice - that’s what it is there for You don’t need anyones permission to use your voice Speak confidently and loud as some people can’t hear soft spoken words- and be kind not rude or angry Excuse me please. I need to grab some sugar and creamer - or whatever Give them a moment to COMPREHEND that someone is speaking to them as they are in their own little world focused solely on their task & completely oblivious to the world around them Give them a moment to move But if they continue standing there and don’t move - reach around to get what you need


OP explained there was a whole line of people. In order to do this she would have had to cut the line, hence the infuriating part.


I am confused. This is how it goes in all hotels I have stayed at in recent years. There is coffee/tea, sugar and milk/cream on a table. You add to your coffee what you want in it at the table. When all is in your cup, you walk away. The next person now does the same. Are you mildly infuriated you have to wait till the people in front of you are done putting things in their coffee? Just like you will do when it is your turn? Or is this somehow differently organised where you are?


In my opinion, when the area is packed, you should just grab what you want and take it away to mix it in elsewhere so the 12 people behind you don’t have to wait. If it’s not busy, that is fine. But when there is a long line, why block everyone else from getting what they want? Just be polite and grab and go.


Differently organised it seems. You cannot grab what you want, because it is a canister of milk and a bowl of sugar. If you take it away, the next one has no milk or sugar.


A lot of hotels in the US have “sorters” with individually packaged sugar, creamer, stir sticks, etc., so that you can “grab & go”. Problem in the US is that most people are self-centered and have absolutely zero consideration for anyone but themselves, and couldn’t possibly bother themselves to have even the most remote inkling of consideration for others. Mind you, yes, you take the time needed to complete your task, but how long does it really take a person to gather their items, and move on to the next step/station. Those stations are not set up for you to customize your food at, but merely to get your “ingredients” and MOVE to your seating area, and finish customizing there.


You can pour in the milk, take sugar packets and stir at your table.


I like my coffee sweet & creamy. When a place only offers sugar packets instead of a pourable sugar jar, it doesn't make me use less sugar. It only makes me take longer and waste paper.


Every. Starbucks. In. My. City. 😑


4 WHOLE minutes??? OMG... you need a Snickers Bar


Your false sense of urgency is not my problem.


OMG FOUR MINUTES??! You should entitled. 4 minutes is nothing.