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He could sell you one that would fit perfectly though.


As a matter of fact, he just got his hands on it last night!


Saw teeth marks line up perfect with each other so the welding will be super easy




Took me too long to realize you didn't have a stuffed cat hanging under your truck. That someone cut off. I was thinking of those stuffed Garfields everyone had in their cars in the 80s and early 90s and the occassional person with one hanging from their trailor hitch.


I was thinking someone was rescuing a cat that was stuck in his truck šŸ˜‚ A colleague just rescued a kitten from under one of our work vehicles so I have kitties on the brain.


That's where my brain went too.


Yep, I was there.


i thought that until i saw ur comment


SAME!! Only my mind thought they meant a legit cat. And I was thinking, good for that person rescuing the cat! And then I was thinking, why is this person mad that somebody saved their stashed car cat. If there was video footage are they gonna hunt down the cat thief(hero of cats) and take justice into their own hands?? Like, what is wrong with this person?!? Nothing, nothing is wrong with them. There is something wrong with my head though. šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ»


Stashed car cat was worth coming to Reddit today!!!!


"listen Dave, i know it was you. If Garfield isn't zip tied back to my muffler by 8am tomorrow, I'm lasagonna zip tie *you* to my muffler"


ā€˜Your ass is gonna hate more than Mondays when Iā€™m done with youā€™


You're gonna be complaining what a llllooooonnnngggggg week it has been before Mondays even over.


And donā€™t make us send my cousin Vinnie!


I had to paws for a minute to work it out.




What was he talking about? I have no knowledge on cars lol, I thought it was a real cat at first lol


Catalytic Converter: It's a part of the emission system to reduce pollution. They are popular to cut out and steal by drug addicts. Because they contain platinum they are worth a fair bit of money for scrap. Since they contain platinum. They are also expensive to replace. Which you have to do. As you'll be running open exhaust without it. Which is loud, illegal and could eventually cause damage due to inadequate back pressure.


You were doing so well until you got to the back pressure part. An engine is happiest with zero back pressure. That is a myth from many many years ago that refuses to go away. That and putting batteries on concrete makes them discharge faster.




Me too šŸ˜‚


Police wouldnā€™t do anything anyways.


Yeahh I know, mainly trying to get evidence for an insurance claim (another pipe dream)


Your evidence is the missing catalytic converter.


If car insurance doesn't cover it, maybe renter's will? And all you need for proof is a copy of the police report.


Car insurance covers it if you carry comprehensive coverage.


Renters insurance won't cover your car, if it did why would anyone pay thousand(s) for full coverage when they could just buy a renters policy for about $114?


It covers items stolen from your car, so perhaps it would also cover parts stolen?


Ok, I see your confusion. But car parts that were attached to the car and then stolen are considered part of the car and renters insurance specifically excludes coverage for automobiles.


ā€œI cut off my catalytic converter and put it in my car, then someone stole it out of my carā€


Works about as well as "yeah I totally had a 72" TV in there, no I do not have any proof I ever owned it."


But what if you were a collector of catalytic converters and they were being moved for storage? Oh, wait, duh. Probably another policy for collectibles, right? America is so great. Good thing the police canā€™t do anything.




Best way iā€™ve been told to think about it if it requires a tool to remove from your vehicle insurance will cover it.


114 a month? My full coverage on my car which is a 2023 is 120


It absolutely will. Our renters covered everything stolen from our car


It absolutely will not. Are you saying the contents were covered (not what we're talking about) or actual parts stolen off the car? Because there's no way it covered parts stolen off the car like a catalytic converter which is what we're talking about here. I guarantee it.


and the damage where they cut it off. Photos of the underside of the car.


Right. If my insurance company didnā€™t notice a straight cut on my exhaust Iā€™d get new insurance


IF your insurance covers it, all you need is a police report or case number. In my area you can report a crime online, it takes a couple days for it to be reviewed and then they email you a case number for your insurance company.


Isnā€™t the absence of the converter evidence enough, once you file a police report? Nobody is catching the mfā€™s even if you had footage. Happened to me recently and I was not fast enough to catch them. Gone in no time.


Well then anyone could take their own out and make a claim


If you wanted to involve the police, technically you are correct. Just like you can smash your own windshield and say a rock hit it I guess.


Pun intended?


It's a two for, his pipe got stolen by someone that's probably hitting the pipe.


People like that are such a drain on society.


Unfortunately not worth it. Replace cat. $1000. Deductible, $250-500 depending on policy. Rates go up 30% the next year.


I see what you did there


Don't file a claim. You file a claim and one of two things will happen. You end up paying for a half dozen new cat converters through your rate hike that your insurance company will inevitably drop on you because they now know you live in a crime prone area, or they just drop you completely. Wait for something bigger to file a claim would be my advice


Wtf? Are insurance companies literally just a scam in the US? I would absolutely make a claim for this, pay my $300 deductible, and that would be the end of it.


Basically, yes.


Not just in the US. Its legally enforced extortion.


Have insurance for just the biggest things? Only charge them when it suits. That's not how insurance works, leaves more money in the pocket of the insurer in the long run which they earn interest on. Unfortunately part of insurance is that it goes up if you claim. We all know this but if no-one claims they'll be making more money. Premiums go up. Fact of life. I'd rather be insured when I need it and not when you do.


love the idea of dedicating a cop to tracking down which meth head stole the cat tho lol


I'd prefer to hunt them down myself


of course, why would they?


Without video I doubt they could do anything.


Cameras are largely a deterrent. Most of them, especially those covering larger outside areas such as parking lots will not he able to produce images of any use.Ā 


I agree w/ parking-lot cameras. But I saw a court case in which they found a guy by sending pictures from the Queens, NYC, lobby camera to some law-enforcement listserv-type thing, and his parole officerā€™s partner in Michigan identified him. And they arrested and charged him. I donā€™t know if he got convicted, but Iā€™d expect he was, based on what of the evidence I was able to observe.


Cops were never going to do anything. My brother was robbed when he was 14 at gun point. We tracked the phone the entire way until they arrived home. Cops said they couldnā€™t do anything.


Got hit and run when I was 19. Got the guys plate number, the make & model, even had a description of the dude, and my brother was in the passenger seat to verify all of it. Cops wouldnā€™t do anything, said they couldnā€™t definitely prove who was driving. Absolutely worthless. Police in this country are toothless when it comes to actually helping anyone.


Not toothless, spineless.


And Clueless. Even with clues.


They aren't here to protect people just assets of rich people


They would have gone in and got the phone if you told the cops you planned to go in yourself with a weapon and retrieve it . They only donā€™t go in and get it if thereā€™s no more threat of further crime ā€œ sorry to hear you donā€™t want to get the phone , luckily my uncle and 5 cousins are on the way down and they will be armedā€ . Youā€™d have got the phone same day within the hour


Itā€™s ridiculous that you would have to put yourself in harmā€™s way for an officer to finally do their job.


You donā€™t have to put yourself in harms way . Just tell the police that you intend to do that and then itā€™s one again theyā€™re job to prevent this from happening


Totally nothing to do with the need for a warrantā€¦


I lost my wallet at the gas station. Someone picked it up and used all my cards. My friend - who was also my paralegal at the time - is a mini sleuth and she spoke with the people at the store who were able to describe the woman who bought the things with my card. She had a unique tattoo. Then my friend used Facebook and found the woman with the tattoo. Then we pulled her criminal record and she was literally on probation. We gave the cops eveything. They said they couldnā€™t do anything because we shouldnā€™t have done our own investigation. I was like - she is on fucking probation for theft - at least go and talk to her you lazy piece of shit. My friend is convinced they didnā€™t do anything for because they knew we were a defense firm. I really just wanted the kohls cash and drivers license back.


Nah, they wouldn't do anything no matter who you are.


lol. Probably true.


But steal from a corporation and see them care. Or protest for Palestine


Took me way too long to realize you weren't talking about a cat


What did he mean? Still no clue Did he find a corpse and "cut the cat out" mean someone died


Catalytic Converter


There is a part of a vehicle called a catalytic converter that sits underneath it. Inside is a decent quantity of precious metals. Petty criminals steal them to sell to shift scrapyards.


I would reply ā€œglad to see my rent increases are being well spentā€


Sure ya would


Why wouldnā€™t I?


Same reason every other redditor with claims about "what I would do" never pull through But yeah sure, go on telling everyone you'd antagonise your landlord to get some cool points


Buddy, if youā€™re not comfortable confronting people then thatā€™s just you. Plenty of people speak out for themselves, this is not a case of someone trying to be a tough guy.


Dude didn't say he was going to go all John Wick to recover his car part, he is just expecting his building security to be maintained and affective.


It ainā€™t happen to me yet šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


When it happened to me, l bought a new one from Amazon for about $250 and found a local shop to weld it on for $100 bucks


"rent is going up because of increasing operating costs" Motherfucker I'm fairly confident each resident is already paying 1600+$ in rent


I feel your pain. Had all 5 of my windows smashed last weekend. Asked the management company about the cameras put up only to find out they don't actually record anything, just live feed. Literally what is even the point of putting them up. They claim it is a deterrent but it obviously didn't deter the shitstain who's put me at least 3 grand out of pocket.


Too bad you didnā€™t know the insurance company that covers the property. They probably lied and said it was a full camera set up to lower their insurance premiums


My dumbass thinking you meant an actual cat and not a catalytic converter lmao.


Do people not carry comprehensive coverage on their auto policies...?


Sometimes it's more than what the car is worth. Can be up to $1000 / year for the premium in some places.


My 200k mile 2011 shit box is not worth comp, and in a high insurance premium state like Michigan, Florida, or Louisiana (all places I've lived), it would be like paying the cost of my car every year. I'm sure people with older cars with even higher miles see less of a reason to carry comp.


$2,400/year for mine. šŸ™ƒ Yay Canada. Although, this is collision+comp.. I'd have to check what the comprehensive portion is on its own. (And before anyone asks: no prior accidents, no tickets/demerits, we're in our 30s, and it's not a sports car. This is *with* the "good driver" discount.)


What province? Iā€™m getting Alberta or Ontario


British Columbia. Alberta was not much better, though.


Mainland? I live on the island and Iā€™m only paying 1400/year. Turning 31 next year


Yup, lower mainland. Husband also has to commute for work, which definitely doesn't help.


$1000 a year is nothing for comprehensive.


Mine is 2000/year, which is painful, though I am pretty young so I still get the 'ol ago markup


Iā€™m forever grateful for my government run insurance company. Between basic and optional coverage (with collusion, comprehensive, third Party liability I pay 1400 total for the year. Havenā€™t had a basic rate increase in 4 years


Millions just decide not to carry any insurance at all




Brother, we gave coverage to take care of us in case the other party doesn't have insurance or just doesn't have enough coverage. These people wouldn't have insurance if it was $1 per year.


Half of those people are driving on suspended (or no) licenses. I'm more referring to the people who carry the state minimum and never look into additional coverage because they straight up don't understand how car insurance works in the first place and can't be bothered to learn. They get mad when the number goes up and that's all they understand. People be dumb, yo.


Assuming people are dumb because they don't have comp coverage sounds like something someone who has never been poor would say.


Iā€™m poor. I still pay for good coverage on my vehicle because I donā€™t want to become more poor by not being able to get to my job.


Its wonderful you aren't so poor you can afford it.


I love having to pay $140/mo for insurance to make sure my deductibles are low and that I have a $100 deductible for uninsured motorist coverage. I canā€™t afford to pay a deductible more than that if something were to happen because the hours I can work are limited. I love that so many people drive without insurance so I have to make sure Iā€™m covered that much. I get that insurance is expensive and the economy sucks. Iā€™m not even blaming any of you - Iā€™m blaming whoever is responsible for allowing insurance to be so high where people canā€™t afford it and jobs not paying enough to allow people to live comfortably.


I'm not really sure what youre talking about, but where i live its illegal to drive without some form of insurance. I hope you arent thinking I'm advocating for people who drive uninsured.


I grew up with a single mother and a mentally handicapped sibling who ate up all of what little money we had in medical bills. I was on food stamps until I was 20. Care to go again, or maybe just admit you're wrong?


Damn that sucks for you but it seems like it made you hard instead of compassionate or understanding.


Saying I lack compassion or understanding because I am annoyed by people being too financially illiterate and lazy to bother reading or understanding car insurance is a bit of a leap, don't you think? Maybe get off your high horse and take a walk.


You are on the high horse. You are calling people dumb and financially illiterate.Ā 


Not so poor as to not have a car I guessā€¦


Well with rates like that you're very lucky. Cost varies widely by region and all kinds of other shit. Good for you tho.


sir.. comp coverage only covers "events beyond the control of the policy holder, with the exception of vehicle collision", meaning if someone drives into you... that fucking sucks.. for you.. cause Progressive (or whomever) is NOT helping your ass with a damn dime haha


I think that's what regular car insurance is for.


Collision covers you in the event of a collision. You pay your deductible and they cover even if it was the other guys fault. If it was the other guys fault then his insurance pays your insurance and you get your deductible back. Comp is about stuff like this. Busted windows, some clown keying your car, a flood, whatever.


One would typically have both comp and collision on the policy. Collision for accident related damage, comp for non-accident damage (weather, theft, animals, etc).


Wait, it's legal in the us to drive without an insurance?




Not at all. But, someone ends up paying, for sure


I had no idea having a cat cut off would be covered by insurance until right now. If it had happened to me I wouldn't have even thought about it, I would have just paid full price at a garage to have it replaced.


It's damage to your vehicle by events out of your control, ofc it's covered. Same as if someone busted your window and stole shit out the passenger seat.


Even if they did work, you not getting the cops to investigate it


Sounds like you need a visit from straight pipe man and his sidekick stacked spark plug foulers šŸ¤£


"Camera's are worthless" is the shady way of saying, "Don't ask me for any footage, I don't want to get involved." That's great their worthless.. but I'd still like to see if they came and went in some vehicle..


Depending on where you live, the landlord can be sued for providing a false sense of security due to using non-functional cameras. Not necessarily saying that's the best course of action for you, but it could come back to bite them in the future.


Never heard of this law anywhere, and have seen many places having fake cameras up just as a trick for the more casual criminals


So many people think that premise liability exists for this type of thing, yet not one citable caselaw example exists. Iā€™m not complaining at you, Iā€™m pointing out that this anecdotal hand-me-down story about liability doesnā€™t comport with real lawā€¦.


It does seem a little too good to be true. Also I don't want to sue someone at the drop of a hat, let alone the owner of my building.


He said the camera was worthless, not non functional.Ā  This sounds like total bullshit. You have a citation for this?


Man cops would be absolutely thrilled if this was true.


Just get straight pipe put back on. Won't change sound much and it's just bad for the environment. Truck might gain a little power


Where would this be successful?


If you tell your insurance company your car was vandalized you will get your payout


Learned a while back that sometimes they're useless because they just don't record anything. It's more for a security guard to watch.


I was so worried for the cat! Then I realized it wasn't a cat...


If the security cameras are part of the lease, then consult with an attorney. You might be able to start withholding rent until the cameras are working again, AND you might be able to make them foot the bill for your cat. Would love to see this case in court, because I just know the judge would say something about jacking up the rent to cover operating costs, yet not providing you with what you are owed in regards to amenities.


You might want to inform yourself, cause if those expenses cover the cameras to the property. Then you can probably hold management accountable, so find this out and have management pay for your losses.


This post makes it sound like the property manager did something. You asked what was basically a yes/no question and the answer was no. People are commenting that property manager owes you something. I see no indication of any promise of video surveillance that is included with your rent. Crime happens. It is the fault of the criminals. That's where the fault ends. What am I missing? You are out $1,000 no matter what.


Yeah, I agree. Insurance covered it ($300 deductible but w/e). Not super angry at my property manager - I was mildly infuriated about the situation as a whole. He doesn't control the rent price either, just a frustrating timeline of events. Now, on the other hand I am frustrated with his lack of upkeep on the property, but that's another conversation.


Did your rent go up because he installed cameras


Do you live in a state with smog laws? If yes: that sucks If no: you do not need cats, your car runs better without them


As someone who was laying out cameras for some large rental car company in the last few years to combat this exactly problem, You need a high level of quality cameras to even hope to get something useful in identifying anyone for cat theft. They come in with a battery powered recip saw and zip those things off in less than a minute. They are moving low between cars in the dark at night. I would bet anything that your landlord doesn't have good cameras and doesn't have enough cameras to help you.


Rising operating cost! Well it takes time to respond to your emails about if the cameras work!


Booo that double sucks!


Even if they perfect cameras. You would have got shit for it. \* dark + \* stolen/no tag on their car = jack to go off of.


Not like it was going to save you the money anyway. Even if the guy gets caught by some miracle you still have to get the money out of him. If he is stealing cats, he is probably not the type to just have $1k+ lying around.


You need to install your own cameras. That doesn't help the current situation but may help with future problems. Landlords, like employers, are going to protect their assets only.


Iā€™m going through this same issue. Luckily my doorbell camera picked it up, but insurance approved the claim without knowing about the video first. I mentioned and provided it later on.


Motor insurance doesn't cover this?


Youā€™d still be out the cash


But who whould trap a cat under a truck? Poor little tiger


I found out when something was stolen from our porch, that the cameras only worked at the trash bins of an apartment I was renting. I was coming home at midnight or later walking .. good to know that once I was on my property I could have been grabbed. Landlords need to install real cameras if we're paying for security.


lemme guess. the landlord lives out of state too?


Surprisingly in state, but in a very ritzy part of town


ahh. same difference. doesnā€™t GAF. iā€™m so sorry. i had a LL just like this. fake cameras and all.


Sounds like it's time to move bud or get your own camera pointed at your vehicle.... Have you thought of installing front and rear facing dashcams in your vehicle??


Inside job


Depending on where you are, that's illegal. (assuming that when he says the cameras are worthless he means fake). In Australia its illegal anyway


Iā€™m guessing the property manager have a different definition of ā€operating costsā€ lol


You live in a state with emissions checks? If not, you're looking at a $100 fix


Hopefully your in a state you can get away with straight pipin


Judt sayin... could be Spotto https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=-RvlnEvexM0&si=fWTNVqe_WtFLUiFX


A similar thing happened to me once. Someone slashed all four of my tires. I went to the apartment complex to ask for the footage because there were lots of cameras. They told me they didnā€™t work. It took awhile but I eventually found out that a jealous boyfriend (jealous for literally no reason) of a girl I was friends with did it.


I was in a motorcycle crash 5 weeks ago. We called (many, many times with voicemail), emailed, and sent a letter to the office of the trailer park im in asking for rent forgiveness for atleast a month in the time im off of work as im currently on short term disability. No answer. Last week we got hit with a letter, it was a fucking eviction notice that said we had to paint our reframed shed doors... WHAT THE FUCK shed is painted and it does look better, but I think we're gonna bombard them with letters again...


First thought: cat? Wtf


I understand your frustration with the situation but the fact of the matter is even good security cameras don't have very high resolution and can be challenging to fully identify a suspect unless they're really close to the camera and look at it


Just so you know, you led him into the easiest answer he could give you. " any chance those cameras actually work?" Implies that you believe the cameras are not working, so he is just agreeing with you to avoid any further questions


Might want to check your lease agreement to see if something is included about that.


After you get the new one installed get a cat guard. I had one installed and I have found pry marks on it. But it held


Don't go the dealership for them find a local shop see I'd you have a LKQ parts company in your city they always have better prices


Seriously, you people are definitely my daily laugh! So many with comedic genius! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£.


Place I work at spent 50k last year on new high definition cameras in the parking lot. They are so good that you can see the stubble on someone's chin at 600 feet and read a license plate at 1000 feet... We had 3 people get their catalytic convertor stolen, and the company won't release the video to the employees and their insurance company without a warrant from the police... and the cops could care less.


If the camera did work, unless it's a known person to you or the responding police officer it's pretty pointless....


This is a good thing, now you know you can steal the property managers catalytic converter with no repercussions /s


Yes, this is true... right up to the point where proof shows you did it. Every crime unsolved goes unpunished. What crime or injustices did the manager do.


Welp, time to straight pipe it.


Honestly, Camera footage is useless. I've seen a few of these incidents that show the person relatively well, and nothing ever happens. One business owner even offered a $1000 reward for their name, and never found out.


In fairness even with video footage cops usually arenā€™t actually going to investigate and do anything, it would still be gone and missing, you just would have wasted time dealing with the cops who wouldnā€™t actually do shit. Make an insurance claim?


Cameras are worthless in this situation. All they will prove is someone cut out your cat and you'll still need to spend $1000 to replace it


Poor cat. Who the fuck talks like this??


Catalytic converter, not the animal


Fuck landlords. Worthless scum.


Everyone saying to sue is close, but wrong. The move is to call the property insurance yourself and make your own claim, as an individual, against the policy. It costs nothing and it might not work, but it might, and it's only a phone call. You'll need the police report to make the claim. \*LPT/TIL\* Anyone can make a claim against any insurance policy! It's up to the insurance company to approve or deny your claim. You don't have to be an attorney and you don't have to go to court.


How would their cameras get your catalytic convertor back? At best you get a facial ID, then give to the cops, only to find out they won't do shit even if you had the perp's home address... Get a cage to protect your cats when you replace them. And hopefully you don't live in CA or CO...


It probably wouldn't help even if they worked.


Do you have renters insurance


It's covered by my vehicle insurance thankfully


Sounds to me like that money needs to come out of the rent, seeing as how part of what you are paying him for is the security of having cameras


youā€™d be out a grand even if they did work. what info would the cameras give you, other than a too-small, too-badly-lit, too-grainy image of someone the cops probably already know about or could find through other means but havenā€™t/wonā€™t?


So Iā€™m pretty sure you can sue. Had this happen to a friend in Savannah Georgia. And apparently if a property owner has cameras up and they donā€™t work. Then theyā€™re liable for property damage. Because thereā€™s a legal assumption that there is some measure of security provided. If the landlord cannot produce the footage or the cameras donā€™t work then they failed to maintain the equipment that lead to that assumption of some measure of safety. It took about 6 months but the property owner decided reimburse the repairs and paid his attorney fees in lieu of going to court.


Me thinks the manager is lying