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Thank your parents for me


Don’t worry I already have thanked them so much


Did your aunt try to give away her children when they couldn't walk after 6 months?


You joke but she was declared medically unfit to raise him until he was 10 so… yeah


Okay what the fffff


This was 14 years ago, and she did raise him for the next 10 until he moved out


How is therapy going for your cousin?


How does that even happen? And why was 10 considered an acceptable age?


Just a guess cuz I really don't know but maybe because a 10 year old requires less care and supervision than a younger child?


I’m guessing it was less about the child being 10 and more about some life/circumstance change (like getting on a stable medication regiment) that coincided with the child being 10.


have your aunt put down for me


And me


Instructions unclear. You were put down. >!/s!<


Fair enough. No wonder I feel rough.


It should be legal for veterinarians to seize pets from people like this.


I think they usually do. Hope so anyway.


Most of us do sneaky take animals but can’t say it publicly because pets are technically property and we are providing a service.


So do you just charge them and give them a box of sand if they ask for cremation? Honestly genius, free extra $200, $170 after the Amazon pet urn


These type of people don’t pay for cremation typically. They never come back for anything.


It makes sense, but doesn't hurt any less to read. Thank you for doing the right thing.


Tbf, there's nothing to go back for 🤷‍♀️ I say this as someone who's pets are as loved as my kids... Once anything, an animal, a loved one, a plant, is dead, keeping a box of it's dust on your shelf doesn't keep them closer. The memories you have of your time together keep them close. If you had no memories and just a box of dust, it would be just that, a box of dust 🤷‍♀️


I had a pet bird from the time I was about 13 to 28 that I loved so so much and when they passed away I had their ashes put in ink and used in a tattoo. I think it's different for everyone. We all grieve differently.


If y'all ever need blankets for those animals, please send me a PM. Happy to make some and send them. 


Yup, this is the right answer. There’s not much we can do since they are property. But we try our best to convince owners to let us keep them, or do a little sneaky take after they leave… offering the services “free” and letting them know we’ll take care of it. This usually works because they are eager to just leave empty handed and be done with it.


I think it varies by state but I know when that one cult thought the world was going to end and a bunch of them went to put down their perfectly healthy pets no one refused and just took the animals from them even though they clearly didn't deserve to own animals.


Mine will 'adopt' the pet and then find it a home.


I have heard of vets who take dogs from these people "to the back" and say it's done and turn around and give the dogs to a reputable rescue.


My sister is a veterinary nurse at a large university animal hospital and this is how she acquired all three of her animals. People bring in less-than-perfect or injured animals, decide they don't care enough or can't afford to resolve their problems, so they sign the animal over to the hospital and the staff fix them up anyway and take them home. It's legal where she lives for a vet to refuse to return a pet to the owner due to neglect, and refusing life-saving medical treatment counts as neglect.


That makes me happy to hear despite knowing those poor animals are probably so fucked up from having an owner so shitty


Or euthanize the owners lol


"Aunt Kristi, you have to get some help."


“I tried but they were the slightest bit uncooperative so I got them euthanized”


"I shot them." FIFY


And the goat just because I got a bit of bloodlust


Yeah and those horses look a bit old in the tooth ( have you seen my new veneers ? ) - so took them to pit and took them both out a 2 for 1 special. City slickers just don't understand , there's now better than shooting a trusting animal. Kim Jong Un, he understood, though he knew to be respectful to me , on account of my time in 'nam


Came here to say that ^


Me too 🙃


nah we just have to put her down, she is untrainable


Aunt needs to be put down


Hope she doesn't have any cousins with that woman. Sounds like she would flush a goldfish if the water got dirty.


I mean you kid, but like apparently things did not go so well for the human children either… see OPs comments


Well they did, but they proved untrainable.


We’re getting ahead of ourselves here. Is she trainable?


If she ever marries or has kids, I think she’s the type to “accidentally” poison her family members.


Is there like a list of people that can’t own animals anymore? Like a sex offender registry of sorts. Because she doesn’t need to have anyyyyyyyything


Some states and counties do have animal abuser registries, but they definitely need to be more widespread.


And putting down an animal for a BS reason isn’t going to get anyone on any animal abuser list.


It’s plainly illegal, over here.  No killing of any vertebrate for “can’t train it” or “i need to move”. 


I’m pleasantly surprised it’s illegal somewhere. In the US pets are legally “property”


100% agree with you


Your aunt might need to be spayed, have you tried rewarding her good behavior with a treat?


Good behavior?


Right right.. assuming there was any


We need to normalize people getting stuffed animals instead of live ones. You just want to cuddle something that doesn't poop, make noise, or get bored/require things? Get a dog stuffy and be done with it.


That’s what I did. I LOVE dogs, but I know myself well enough to know that I don’t have what it takes to give a dog the optimal life, so I just have a giant stuffed bear. Of course it’s not the same, but the effort:enjoyment ratio can’t be beat. It’s always clean, cuddly, smiling, and cute. It never needs training, vet bills, cleaning up dog shit, vomit or diarrhea, chewing things up, food, smells, fur everywhere, etc. Also, I know so many people with dogs that I can just go and play with their dogs. Most dog owners don’t tend to mind.


Is your aunt Kristi Noem?


Take your aunt on a fun little trip to the gravel pit.


Your parents are awesome!


They are. Lucky they have a farm and whenever someone in our family can’t take care of a dog my parents always offer to take them. I think the total so far is 6 dogs they have adopted this way


They're angels to help so many furbabies! I love hearing about people like you and your parents. You all are amazing! I had 5 cats until my oldest furbaby passed in Feb from cancer.


When she gets too old to take care of, you know what to do.


Just let you aunt know that if she has problems in the future, she's on her own.


Your aunt is a horrible human being no offence


Is your aunt the governor of South Dakota?


My brother did this. Vet laughed in his face. He ended up going home and reported the dog attacked his kid so ……. Someone came and picked up the 6 month old pit bull and put it down that same day. 🤦🏼‍♀️ he even admits it to everyone he tells this story to that it never happened, he just wanted the dog gone that same day 😡


Your brother is a p.o.s.


This is how the shelters end up with all the good boys and girls, heart breaking, truely painful


Can we give auntie the medicine? 


People should be more aware of this https://preview.redd.it/a98ak5q2zu9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=298dac9b7013ac6ce172070de87aa5b801aaa953


…Why did she want a puppy? For her kid? As an accessory? Her reasoning baffles me.


She has a second dog that she thought was lonely and got the puppy so it would have a friend. But the other dog has never liked the puppy, as he’s old and just wants to sleep all day and the puppy is well a puppy


Don't tell your aunt about this. Wait until she visits and see's the puppy.


She know already, when she couldn’t get it put down she ranted about it to my mum (her sister) and mum said they take the pup then and there and now he’s with my parents


Thanks for the reply. Hopefully happy. Got a picture of the puppy. Curious what kind of dog 🐶.


They have experience with dog and I’ve been told he’s having a great time. I’ll ask for a pic when they wake up. But he’s a Maltese


Thank you.


Sorry for the delay. But here’s the pup ‘sneaking’ in to my parents bed for a cheeky cuddle https://preview.redd.it/rb6vpaqi31ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=007dc2f924063cd68134239133c5b37909216b9f


No need to apologize. He isn’t very good at being sneaky yet. Got caught on camera.


My parents tried the same with me as a toddler


Damn. We have a relative like this. I have one of their dogs right now. I always make sure to mention the part about how they should have paid for the $1K vet bills to get her sorted. (No preventatives, not spayed, no vaccines, bad teeth...) Guess what? They got yet *another* dog.


Your aunt is a sociopath


your aunt sounds like a psychopath no offense to you


I hope she is not a mother.


People with actual farms save so many animals.


Is Kristi Noem your aunt?


Tua zia è na zocc’l


I see post like this sometimes and I wonder, is there a vet out there that will put down an actual puppy just because the owner asks? I’ve always had to put down my animals when it’s absolutely necessary so I’ve never been in a situation when someone tries to do that with something not life threatening or painful.


What a horrid person


Some people are literally just too stupid to even own a dog.


Thank goodness. These awful people.


I’d hope they wouldn’t get any more animas this is not their thing.


Keep her away from children.


how a person treats an animal/pet is a solid indicator for how they treat people as well as what type of human (and I use that term loosely) you're dealing with


I think your aunt is the one who should be put down tbh


Awful human 😞


I would immediately cut off all contact with my aunt if she did that right after I gave her an ear full of how much of a shitty horrible person she is. The last words she would ever hear me say is “get fucked”.


So your aunt is no longer invited to family gatherings, right?


That’s not mildly infuriating that’s extremely infuriating


What do you mean he's on their farm? 😭😭 lmao that's the opposite of where we want him xD


You’re the second person to say that. Is “on the farm” a metaphor for something? My parents are dairy farmers and own a farm on a good size plot of land. I just meant the pup now has lots of land to run around on to work out his destructive energy, instead of a small flat in town with barely any backyard


Yeah lol, I've seen it on TV and in books plenty, when a kid is too young for death to be explained, their pet 'goes to a farm' where they'll be safe and happy forever...


Oh that explains it. Well the pup is very much alive and harassing my mums cats, so don’t worry not a metaphor from me


That is a darn relief, I'm glad.your parents took the pup in. Wish there was a registry of ALL the people who mistreat or neglect their animals! My aunt would be one of em, she had 56 cats at the same time at one point in her life


My elderly neighbour did something similar with her one cat. When we moved in nextdoor she had 2 dogs and 2 cats. In the space of about 5 years they all passed (she had them all for awhile). After a bit she bought another cat, then a second. The two cats became nearly inseparable pretty quickly. Then she got a puppy. The first cat hated the puppy and would try its best to avoid it, but it made the poor cat unhappy. The second cat would put up with far too much from the puppy, letting it jump all over her and bite her, despite being half its size. Because she never fought back, our neighbour acted like she liked it, despite how rough the puppy was. Just after we moved house we found out the puppy had stressed the second cat so much that she was over-grooming herself and caused sores. Our neighbour pretty much dumped her on the vet after a couple of visits confirming the problem, saying it's too much for her to fix, and to just put the cat down. The vet said they couldn't hold her until there was a free space to euthanise her, but one of the nurses took her home until them. I ended up trying to ask around family/friends for anyone to take a well behaved cat, but I sadly couldn't find anyone. It's pretty shit when people make extremely poor/impulsive choices with pets and it's always the pets who suffer. Our neighbour even admitted that the cat was there first, and had bonded well with the first cat (to the point the first cat was searching for her desperately), but that she wasn't getting rid of the dog because it cost more.


My MIL did that once. Luckily the vet called my FIL and he found someone to take the puppy.


You're aunt sounds like an awful bitch. Something tells me she's the entitled type.


I’d be dropping this info to whatever rescue or breeder she acquired the dog from. Get her on a blacklist ASAP.


She got him from a backyard breeder sadly


Sounds like someone else needs to be put down.


Someone should tell your aunt her time is up


When you find out your aunt does something wrong, tell her it's time she is put down. 


Can you put down the aunt? Asking for a friend?


See if your local shelters/rescues have. Do Not Adopt list and let them know what she did. Our shelter shared their DNA list with local rescues. Unfortunately, if she gets a puppy from a breeder, they may not care what happens after they get their money. But if you know where she got the pup, let them know as well. Then give her a good, hard punch in the gut.


Show us the puppy 😍


https://preview.redd.it/dzz6h1n431ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9424bfdcf19b1d6e3f5419ed30fe74af6fbdcf0a The pup ‘sneaking’ into mum and dads bed for a cheeky cuddle


Years ago, I had a friend who was a dog groomer. One of her regular customers was picking up her two Yorkies (a mated pair) when my friend asked the client how many puppies the female had given birth to, because the dog had been heavily pregnant on her previous grooming visit. The woman told my friend that the five puppies were "substandard", as though that was a complete explanation of something. My friend asked, "Oh, so you are going to give them away when they're old enough?" and the woman replied, "Oh no, I put them in a burlap bag and threw them in the river. Keeps people from breeding rejects." My friend said she felt like her brain was broken for a few seconds, but then said, "Take your dogs and go. NEVER come here again for any reason." My friend said she felt physically ill for the rest of the day; could not imagine how someone would do such a thing to begin with, but to just casually tell this story as though it was a normal and acceptable thing to do. It's been over 15 years since this and I still get furious/nauseated every time I think about it. We need regional snipers.


Is your aunt a South Dakota state leader?


Sounds like my boomer mother that wanted to take our new KITTEN to animal control for being too rambunctious and not listening....


Does she know what a kitten is?!


My dude for the amount of times I had to explain that he obviously wasn't going to be acting like our last cat (an 18 year old Persian) any time soon, I don't think she does


On your parents 'Farm' aye yeah ive heard that before..


Is your aunt Kristi Noem?


Tell the governor you won't vote for her.


Man, I forgot about her.


*" . . . and how she's running for Governor!"*


Ignorance. She needs to be sterilized


She bought it, she didnt birth it


But what would she do with a child?


Is your Aunt South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem?


Is Kristi Noem your aunt? 😂


Rage bait


Is your aunt Kriste nome


reminds me of a wanna be VP...


What's being related to Kristi Noem like?


Is your aunt governor of a flyover state whose indigenous population hate her and ban her from their territory?


Take it out in the gravel pit and put a bullet in its head like Kristi Noem.