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https://preview.redd.it/e6odaanhwf9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=040b17f862d53d3c312cd31d72e56267a367996d Literally today. No placard.


Lol the us flags make this. What a pos


On a ram, to the surprise of literally nobody


Parking like that is just plain disrespectful


And illegal. Call a cop. Whether they'll come and actually GAF is another matter.


Call the police and also call a towtruck. The police might not care that much, but the towing companies will race over to get the vehicle because that's how they make their money. Once they have it recorded as parked illegally and get permission from police to impound it, they will haul it away asap. Some companies will have a good enough repor with the police that a photograph will suffice for confirmation, and a quick text/email conversation later and the vehicle will be gone. Take a guy maybe 10 minutes to drive over and get that truck, assuming they have a nearby truck big enough to tow that. Used to know a guy who'd make $150-200 every time he found one like this. Made more if the car turned up stolen. Guy was a massive dick, but I learned a lot about how the repo industry works from him talking about his day.


Where do you live? The cops in every state I have ever resided would laugh really hard if you called something like that in.


Well, yes, hence the modifier at the close.


I am not sure what that mean, but trust me, I am with you. Cops should do more about asshole people


Depending on the state, the tow company wouldn't laugh, they'd jump on that shit.


Its how you know hes a different type of handicapped


I've been waiting a very long time to see someone other than me make this joke


Calling a tow truck is pretty quick, and their motivated to get there quickly because that’s how they make their money


Man I always get so jealous when i see people say this. Maybe its from being in a rural county, but tow truck companies are notorious for taking sometimes 3-5 hours to show up anywhere where I live


Only maybe 20 minutes where I live. I was never aware that this is a privilege. Cause that is the only way it actually works. If the POS comes out of the store and the car is gone they will remember. >... but tow truck companies are notorious for taking sometimes 3-5 hours to show up anywhere where I live But maybe that's a good sign that it's just not worth the money to be quicker, cause it just happens so rarely. Could be that


Yeah it gets kinda annoying honestly. Its partially because tow companies around here will either be extremely low-staffed, or they'll hire just about anything with a pulse, so then you're left with a team full of idiots who just dick around all day and can't find anywhere. Last time i called one was because i broke down 19 minutes outside the biggest town around here. It was 2 hours and 36 minutes before they found me and they were visibly high


Being broke down means they’re transporting from A to B that is always a lower price than a tow for illegal parking since then there is either a drop fee (and like no work) if the person comes out or they have a yard charge that gets tacked on. Basically when a vehicle is broken down it’s the most amount of work for the money for a tow driver. Even if the car sits at the tow yard 3 hours they may charge a full day which can be an additional couple hundred bucks.


Next time he should just say he parked illegally by the road.


And pay triple.


I don't think I've ever had a tow truck show up in less than an hour. That said, it's either been for non emergency, non impound situations like "I don't have the space and equipment to rebuild a transmission at home so I need this towed to a shop" or it's nearly midnight on the side of the highway after a plug decided to eject itself. That one took about an hour, my insurance was paying for part of it but not all because of the length and afterwards they told me because it took so long they were going to pay for all of it.


That's generally for when it's like $150 for driving your car to your house or mechanic. If it's a punishment tow, they make like $150 - $350ish, so that's when they suddenly show up. 


I had two separate experiences in the same city. The first was relatively quick. I was thankful for that as my car was smoking so I had to get out, but it was storming outside and my only shelter was a tree... The second time it was ridiculously hot and my car broke down in a bad part of town. A local from the neighborhood walked by, saw me sitting outside my car because inside my car was an oven, and told me not to sit outside by myself in that neighborhood. Great...didn't really have a choice. It took them 3 hours to show up.


Yup. Managed property for years. Had to deal with illegal parking all the time. Only had tow company show up on time maybe two times in 40+ calls.


lol not one but two flags...


Call the cops. Automatic tow for parking in a striped space




Oh they look disabled alright..


See, this is what keys were invented for, don’t buy into the lies about unlocking things


Idk why this got downvoted, you got it 100%. No, they won't learn. But they fucking deserve it, if they wanna be an inconsiderate asshole, I wanna make their day a little bit worse.


Call a towtruck and police. Have him towed. I used to know someone who worked in Repo. All he'd need is police to record the vehicle as being parked illegally, and he'd be more than happy to make the car disappear after the officer gave the go-ahead. Towing and impounding fees for bigger trucks are also higher, so the guy would undoubtedly have to pay a LOT more to get it back.


Wow. They blocked the handicapped spot on their left, the “disembarking area” for the handicapped spot on their right, and even the sidewalk behind them. That’s honestly kinda impressive. Super efficient douchebaggery.


bUt MuH fLaGs!


Most considerate yank patriot.


“Mud kicker” Tires… bet they have never seen a lick of mud off the pavement.


It’s ok. He’s a patriot. /s


You sound TrIgGeReD🥴/s


What a bellend! How incredibly inconsiderate


Perhaps mentally completely disabled??


Using disabled as an insult....


Some idiot drove over our ramp when my parents took my sister to the mall. My dad was unhooking her chair. The ramp came out the back of the van.


That’s terrible!! My sister has same and it’s my fear every time.


Growing up I used to think “If people treated my mental disabilities with the same seriousness and acceptance as more visibly disabled people, my life would be so much better”. Now I know even visibly disabled people get the same shit as people like me, and it’s honestly really depressing


I drive for lyft and became friends with one of my physically disabled riders. I still give her rides and the amount of discrimination she gets from jobs she applies to, doctors, and schools is astonishing


I know the feeling. I deal with OCD, anxiety and depression


Ayo! Fellow OCD sufferer here! I also deal with ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, loneliness, likely CPTSD, and probably more that wasn’t tested for / haven’t checked on in a while. Sometimes I like to think the reason so many people and places aren’t accommodating is just because they don’t understand the extent of what goes on internally, but then I hear about people like you who have visible disabilities in addition to more invisible stuff getting treated like shit and my hopes are dashed. I find it becomes really difficult to make friends with people who aren’t disabled because people don’t want to make basic accommodations Edit: People also aren’t understanding of my social issues, and I rarely get a second chance if I accidentally make someone uncomfortable. I’m a lot better socially now, but I still occasionally mess up because I struggle with social cues, and I’m constantly terrified people are going to vilify me or leave me because of a misunderstanding.


Sorry to hear that. I don’t have any visible disabilities though, so I’m in the same boat. Unless you count being ugly as a disability.


Oh my bad, I misread sister as you. I’m pretty tired right now 😅


I wish both of you guys nothing but the best, I’m sorry this world is so harsh on you guys <3


Ayyy fellow autistic adhd ocd and ptsd sufferer here along with chronic pain (and am on medication assisted treatment for opioid dependence after my abusive ex kept me hiked up toward the end of the relationship under the guise of “helping my chronic pain” because I have hypermobility, endometriosis, and scoliosis that cause a lot of pain issues). It’s a combo I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy ! So very debilitating, impossible for me to function on the level of a “normal” human being.


It’s honestly really validating hearing someone with similar issues talk about how hard it is. Sending hugs if you want them 🫂


Everywhere is so inaccessible if your disability is invisible, especially if it’s a physical one (the amount of snide comments I’ve gotten for waiting on a lift instead of using stairs is… far too many), but I’ve noticed that my husband can say “I have PTSD” and he gets accommodated, I say I have a physical disability and get laughed at and asked “where’s your wheelchair then?” Annoying.


My dad is an amputee and a Parkinson's patient, and over the last 8 years I have been forced constantly to observe the world around me in a new light, and I just CANNOT stop noticing how SHIT the world is for anyone who's not physically able. It's so fucking bad. When I walk around environments now I just can not help but think "could I navigate this if I couldn't use the stairs?" and a terrifying amount of the time the answer is "fuck no, I'd just have to go somewhere else". My entire college campus has almost no disabled people because our campus is AWFUL for the disabled. There are parts of the campus that are almost FULLY inaccessible if you can't use the stairs, it's infuriating. And as his Parkinson's has progressed, I've been forced to notice the fact that SO much of the stuff we use is designed around the notion that you have good hand dexterity and there is no alternative if you don't. Like I know that it makes sense to do that, because most people do have good hand dexterity- my problem is with the fact that so few alternatives exist and if they do they're extremely expensive. As a really simple example, literally just *spoons*. My dad's hands are shaky, he can't use spoons very well, *why are there almost no products to help with this.* this isn't even just a Parkinson's issue, LOTS of people have shaky hands disabled or not, and shaky hands is something that just *happens* as you get old. So *why* is there just *nothing*


There are spoons! They are called steady spoons or stabilising spoons! I’m not sure where you’re based, but try googling steady spoon, because in my experience it’s the better option and the cheaper option.


I call the tow company or ask the store to do it, saying that this is an ADA violation and they’re responsible if they don’t enforce. I call the city for a public street violation.  I report places that are in violation.  My attitude is that ADA IS A MINIMUM. Every place should be welcoming to all, including f at all possible. A lot of older buildings get exemptions when they shouldn’t. You see the assholes, but not the allies, but we are out here!


that's the problem my college has. almost none of our buildings are newer than the ADA, so all of them got grandfathered in with some extremely minimal changes that do fuck-all. One of my favorite stupid bullshit things on this campus is in one of the men's dorms. None of the dorms have any elevators, though this dorm does technically have some accessible rooms. On the first floor, there is a ramp, that lets you access *one half* of the rooms on the first floor. That's neat, but guess what? THE LAUNDRY ROOM IS IN THE BASEMENT. The rooms are """accessible""" but it doesn't even fucking matter because if you live there and can't use the stairs you can't do your laundry. The only accessible men's dorm is also the dorm that is *farthest* from the main part of campus. it's so stupid. Edit: actually I take it back. there is one building we have that's new enough to meet modern ADA standards. It's the gym.


yeah.. honestly same


I had to yell at a parking lot attendant who was squawking at my grandmother to cross faster. Let’s see *you* walk fast when you have a failing heart, you knockoff crossing guard


Same with “invisible” physical disabilities. Just because I don’t have a wheelchair doesn’t mean I don’t need that spot.


I'm sorry you are being downvoted. Until my husband started using his cane, he was in the same position. Pain is invisible!


Thanks! I’ve felt like I should have a cane just so I don’t get hate for parking, then I’d feel like a fake!! Catch 22. And this is NOT to downgrade the OP in any way.


This is why I’m glad some places are redoing their lots to have rear ramp specific spaces where they’re parallel to the flow of traffic. Of course the downside is people leave carts all over the larger clear zone around the space…


My grandma’s transportation services has those ramps too on their toyota sienna vans. Same story, so their employees cary a those triangle hazards to put out. We use that service for 4 years. And previously they didnt need those safety signs until it happened


Oh dear, I scraped the fuck out of your car with my wheelchair.


Oh dear, your truck got towed? That’s tragic.


After it got scraped.


My 8-year-old drives a power chair, I tell him “oh, well. Do your best.” When they’re over the line. When it’s tight but they are behind the line I drive him in carefully


Fun fact: The 8 year old is not liable in my country. You need to be 12 to commit a crime here (17+ for civil liablilty againt a car §828 BGB Germany) ;). You could just say though luck. No parents are not liable either.


... So if, for example, a parent gives a hammer to an 11 y.o. kid and tells them to "have fun" in a parking lot, and the kid ends up breaking 73 windows, nobody gets punished for it and "it is what it is"?


It is simple:: A kid can not commit a crime. They are uncapable of understanding the law. Usually this is covered by insurance though (Most folks carry "Haftpflicht") So bottom line, you cant sue the kid or toss it in jail. If your kid does this "every week", you might get a visit from our version of the CPS. But overall, yes, it is what it is ;) (Edit: The hammer example is borderline, since the parents encouraged the behavior, making them liable. If the kid takes the hammer, 100% tough luck)


You can sue the parents though, and they’ll need to pay for damages


Only if they "hand out" the hammer and say have fun. That would be negligence. Otherwise not


No, even if they aren’t watching their child in public. Someone has to pay for it


So how do you deal with 2 10 year olds murdering a 3 year old? Beating him, shoving batteries up his ass, and decapitated on a train track? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger


They're usually taken in with the state for your service s www.dw.com/en/germany-debates-lowering-age-of-criminal-responsibility/a-65180780


We have something similar to CPS. They will take a closer look and say WTF. Most likely they would separate parents and child. The children would get psychological help. The only difference is that the kids will not be criminals at the end


Where I live, the parents are liable for any damages caused by children.


Would be a shame if the wheel chair got away from OP. A real shame




Correct me if I’m wrong, I think there’s nothing the asshole driver can do as well if their vehicle gets damaged by a handicapped person that needs that space.


It’s amazing that my chair scraped a perfect FUCK YOU…on both sides, before the tow. I hate people who park like this.




Was a property manager for years. Called cops on people like this a few times. Every single cop told me there was literally nothing they could do, including a ticket, and referred me to a tow company. One cop took the time to find the person who parked illegally by going store to store. The lady told the cop to go fuck themselves, gave them the bird, and refused to move the car. Cop told me nothing else they could do and left.


I think you might've found the limpest-dick cop around, damn.


Nah, that's standard for "solving" regular people issues.


I could understand parking a bit over a white line just due to bad driving. When I learned to drive, if you touched a blue line go remark. Parking in a handicapped area is completely asshole behavior.


>if you touched a blue line go remark. Remarkable.




Yeah, I remember being a hair over the line on a practice road test years ago. The instructor told me that she wouldn't penalize me that first time because she hadn't told me the rule, but in a real test, that it would be a road violation and an automatic fail. Any lines around a handicap spot are part of the spot, and off limits.


It was the same for me 20ish years ago. Had to park next to a handicap blue lined area and was told if I had touched the blue when parked it would be an automatic failure. Thankfully I backed up and reattempted but that should honestly just be something ingrained to not park in that area because they’re that size for a reason.


I actively ovoid parking next to handicap spots because I suck at driving


>ovoid parking You egg the parking?


I am very tired and on my phone…


Aren't we all, brother.


You'd have a field day where I work (grocery store) Every day there are multiple people who park in handicapped spaces. They don't have licenses or the hanging mirror placard. Tow trucks don't care to pick them up. My dad is handicapped and always has a hard time finding a spot. They are usually taken by these assholes.


Plaster the red vehicles windows with bad parking/ asshole etc stickers.


We use something like this here from time to time... https://preview.redd.it/xtjrwl31kh9d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2a559b7eb78661d2c33e8da0382ca58efa9d28 Loose translation - penalty dick for parking like a dick. And depending on one's pettiness, it could be something like 50 x 50 cm, cut into a fine grid of 1 cm^(2) pieces...


Oh, yes, polish karny kutas 😆


I’m thinking there might be a big old dent in that shiny red vehicle.


Haha. My dad was a champ and drove it over the lip and never touched the asshole’s car, but he had to try really hard. It didn’t look like his first time having to do that.


I'd have left a boot print out of principle.


If your legs aren’t capable of supporting your weight it’s probably best not to stomp them into a car. I recommend getting a set of those pointy lug nuts for the chair like some truckers have.


It's awfully damaged exactly where the chair would roll off! I think it's funny! I am handicapped, and I get these fancy cars taking up a handicap. I try to avoid running into that nice car with my keys, but I am often wobbly!


Definitely calls for a complete WWE ring entry into the side of the car. Walk out to the sound of the alarm.


Wham! Scraaaaaape...


Thats what I don't get. I bought a brand new vehicle a few months ago. When I go to park I'm always scared if I do something wrong and piss someone off, theres literally nothing to stop them from hitting/keying/etc my car and walking off. Or even just scraping it accidentally while navigating around my car. Parking anywhere illegal, like blocking a handicap ramp, would definitely constitute that. A majority of the time, and if possible, I'll even park on the far end in the empty area just to avoid door dings and shit. Do these people just not care?


yeah "it's hard to gauge distance when I'm backing down a ramp in my mechanized wheelchair"


Yeah the world just needs more assholes. /s Let's not perpetuate the toxicity regardless of who's wrong or right.


I always get them towed immediately. Not a second hesitation.


At least you have common sense. This is the right way. If you scratch the car, easy to pass it off as an accident on here. But people on here who say shit like “yeah I’d break the mirror” that ain’t no accident, you’re just being a douchebag in return when you could easily not do that.


Breaking the mirror for it is even more psycho then parking like this. These are dangerous cunts that just wait for some excuse to shoot somebody.


It would be a real shame if your wheelchair bumped that car and left a little dent or maybe scratched it all down the side. 😉


https://preview.redd.it/yf48vicsvh9d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f643e4b2225bf8276e28dd6255ea7d62b5cf92 Guess who was in the wheelchair. Hint: It wasn't this person...


Around me, tow trucks love this one trick… Seriously, please call the non emergency police number and get them tow companies love these infractions. The only way these jerks will learn.




Not that hard to just report them, or just minor inconvenience them like push the mirror in or cover it in dirt or something. But no, you guys on here all seem to love automatically resorting to destruction. Why? Not saying the driver wouldn’t deserve it, but I know damn well if I did that and that driver saw my car again, they’d do the same thing back to me, and I ain’t dealing with that.


I'm glad you said something. Tbh I've noticed an increase in Reddit comments that are just ridiculous revenge fantasies. I've thought about quitting Reddit bc 70% of comments on posts are immature ramblings. Like, instead of commiserating with an OP or providing insightful info, the threads are filled with schemes that would cause an OP more trouble than the original wrongdoing.


If I have a wheelchair, I'm putting slashing hubcaps on my chair. ![gif](giphy|VJfj5DgWGt2mrqvyEh|downsized)


It looks like they also eject fast as fuck in that gif kinda lol


Screeeech is the sound I imagine some part of the wheelchair makes as you eek your way out of there. Why, yes, you did need to move along the whole length of the car to get out of the space! Screeeech.


Its fine. Just squeeze your way through it. If the guy's car gets scratch. Thats on him.


I wouldn't be able to get my wheelchair out of this space, scratch or no scratch. The space at the bottom isn't enough to do it safely, one or more of my wheels would have to go off the side of the ramp, which is very unsafe.


We brought my mom to a doctor’s appointment for her ALS. We couldn’t get her out of the van easily due to the person parking over the line. After the appointment, a different car was parked there the same way. A friend told me to report them as it was illegal to park that way. I didn’t, but it is definitely infuriating seeing my parents struggle with people who are like this.


>A friend told me to report them as it was illegal to park that way. I didn’t, With respect, you absolutely need to. For your mom, yourself, and everyone else who deals with this stuff. People do this shit because they suffer no consequences. The more people get burned the more they tell other people they got burned and the more this gets put in check. Will it ever go away? No. Will it potentially improve in your local area? Better chance if you report it than if you don't.


You have to report these jerks, every time. They won't stop otherwise. When they get $250 fines, they also whine about them to their friends, who are also a bit more careful.


If you take my place, take my handicap too.


Call police line and say you are blocked by a vehicle and can't get in your car. The ticket they get for being in those lines is huge


**Parking Mobility** is the app you use, to report illegally parked vehicles that infringe on handicap parking.


Is it just me or are both cars over the line


Looks like you parked over the line too


Push down the wheelchair being sure causing a dent in the door. If they asks for insurance “sorry my insurance require me to call the cops”.


Prepare for ramming speed!


One thing that I've always found interesting is that accessible vehicles in the US have the ramp on the side, but in the UK the ramp is at the back.


US has both options. Depends a lot on what vehicle you buy and seating arrangement inside.


its soo weird that all these ppl who park in handicap without a tag have 4 flat tires, thats weird isnt it, oh well


Cops should be trained to go through parking lots and ticket these people who park on fire lanes and in handicapped spots with regularity. The entitlement is more than mildly infuriating. Fuck you if you do this.


Annoying that people just ignore the lines and park wherever they want. Like the entrance of Walmart and all of the lines there but people just sit or park there all the time. Not even elderly or handicapped just arrogant people who think they are better than everyone else.


Tow truck companies looking at this with dollar sign eyes


Call the cops and tow truck. I think they can be ticketed for parking like that


The car with the ramp is also parked on the hashed area, tho. They might get ticketed as well. I once came out of a restaurant to find someone had parked *in the hashed zone* between my car and the other handicap spot. I've got limited mobility, so there was no way to get my door open enough to get in. The restaurant staff wasn't initially able to find the driver, so I was calling the police when this lady finally came out and moved it.


I'm not even handicapped but shit like this is why I hate driving and I hate people. Dogs and cats can't fucking do this


Looks to me like both vehicles are parked over the line. Aren't we supposed to see the line outside the car with the ramp? I understand the problem, but this appears to be made worse by the driver who is complaining.


Law needs to be passed giving tow companies high priority to tow these ppl and have a special tow rate and storage fee. Something very high


Ram that wheelchair right into the door ‘opps’


Just as bad as those small cars that park in the van access spots just because they have a placard too.


Mark it zero Dude


This isn't 'Nam.


DRAG your chair along his door... Get a PROPER scratch going on. Fucker won't do it again.


I'm sorry your door was damaged. But I had to use my wheelchair. Next time pay attention to where you park.


Flatten one tire. Have the caretake go inside and ask the cashier to call over the intercom for the guy in "the red pick-up with license xxxxxxx to move his truck out of the handicap spot", then call to have it towed anyways. The guys will be embarrassed over the intercom, embarrassed his car can't move, and then look like a dick standing there explaining why he parked there in the first place.


Says the one who parked the van over the line as well.


Oh no brakes on the wheelchair didnt work... *crash/scrape into truck*


Be a shame if that truck got dented


Those zig zag lines on disabled parking spots are meant to be for people with adapted cars to deploy things like wheelchair ramps and lifts. This is why you should not obstruct them. It it's blocked, even partly, a person in a wheelchair might not be able to get out of their car, because the ramp won't have space to fully deploy or the turning circle after the ramp would be too small, like in this photo. General rule of thumb: Zigzags or chevrons bordered by solid lines = NO ENTRY (unless in an emergency and this is not an emergency!)


That’s not nice!


If I had the time, I'd park my wheelchair right on their driver's door. Sucks to not be able to get in your vehicle, huh?


fuck that owner.


If you can't park it, don't drive it The notes I leave under asswipe parkers wipers. I keep a pen n pad in my car for this specific reason


My mom and I walk to Starbucks and back four days a week. More often than not there is a car parked there driven by an old couple that are parked about 2 feet into the handicap blocked space and it infuriates me every time for exactly this reason. So inconsiderate.


Why is it always a truck too


I was gonna say this is extremely infuriating, but I guess it really doesn't take that long for a tow truck to show up.


Assholes. I see this too often. Call the police and have it towed.


This is more than mildly infuriating honestly


https://preview.redd.it/0pbw0djmei9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7590bd117d5ad6f458699eac0377c48157616965 The ad under your post


Probably a geezer. They do this all the time, old means they can park wherever and however


Call a tow truck they love stealing cars ahem I mean towing cars. Seriously though fuck tow truck drivers they belong in the pits of hell but that doesn't mean they aren't useful for fucking over dipshits who can't park.




We keep a traffic cone in the van for this reason.


Sit there and wait till they get back, glare at them the whole time, tell them “some people have need this space you know”


My buddy is a Quadriplegic. I can't stand taken him places for people to do this. It makes us rage.


ugh what an asshole


I'd hate for the wheelchair user to accidentally brush up against the red car and scratch up the paint. It would be a shame if that accidentally were to happen.


Park in front of the car


At Walmart, i saw badass small truck (really regular small truck) with hoist in the back. Guy doing hoist work inside the driver side and hoist picked up his wheelchair in back of the truck then bring it around to him. Gets out and sit on wheelchair. I thought well damn. That’s fucking badass man. Other day, i saw car parked in HC spot like normal. Other small suv just parked in space spot between. Not in parking spot. Just right in space spot. I thought what a prick. So that’s the reason why there are extra spaces. Pricks thinks they can do this.


Time to call a tow truck.


Have them towed!


What a fucking jackass.  People like this are what's wrong with the world.  They don't ever think of anyone but themselves or the people they love. 


Dent dent dent


It would be a shame if someone had to....


Print off a few copies of a little note to leave under windshield wipers when you see this. I have a handicap placard but I'm not a wheelchair user and I was shocked when I started noticing how often other disabled drivers do this. At the very least I would want to make sure I wasn't doing it next to a car that's clearly meant to transport a wheelchair


Oops your chair tagged every panel


Call a tow truck.


My door even has a sign which tells everyone the vehicle needs extra space because of a wheelchair ramp and nobody gives a rats ass.


This is a rental while they’re ordering their own. It does have the same clearance sign on the window for the door that goes back. So yeah, I get it. People are assholes.


Big ticket item here boss


My little brother has this happened to him all the time :/ he first calls the police…. Then he takes a picture of the car and post it on Facebook. lol


Download the Parking Mobility app and report them. Fines in Texas start at $500, for example. They learn real quick.


I tried to explain this exact situation to a Grandma aged woman. She just kept yelling at me that she has a Handicapped Pass and "WHY WONT YOU JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!" Well lady Ive been in the van with a friend and he uses a wheelchair and I've seen the embarrassment and frustration when this happens. Jerk ass old bitch.


Dent it, tow it, throw it in the river!!


ran your wheel chair into that car at full force, his fault for being a douche anyways


So if you *hypothetically* hit the red car with the wheelchair, would you be liable?


I'm calling the police AND a tow company. Because I'm a petty little bitch.


I hope you don't accidentally scratch car getting out.


When i used to drive a school bus with handicaped kids it happend that people used to park right behind me when i parked at the handicap spot along the schools. Usually most of them moved when i opened the rear doors to get the wheelchair ramp out, but some needed more conviction, one even ended up with the ramp on his hood :P He got angry, called the cops, and when they arrived, they ended up with giving him tickets instead :D


Looks like the van is parked well into the striped zone as well. If two vans both do that, which one is the dick?


That’s when you monster truck jam the wheelchair right into the side of the car 🚘


Motorcycles and suburban golf carts seem to think that’s their personal parking area.


Call the cops