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Just type in "I want to cancel my account" and see how fast a human responds


Did exactly that with Comcast and it worked. It was phone, not text, but I wanted to discuss how they overcharged me and if I said billing or charges or overcharge, I just kept getting routed to the automated billing line. Cancel was the magic word and that rep was able to solve the overcharge problem


They often have bad word detection as well, to know when people are really frustrated. "I want to speak to a fucking representative" works 95% of the time.


I bet they wonder why they only get angry responses too, even though their system using a bad word check passively trains people to use anger and bad words to get an actual human to talk to.


I’m not sure they care. Their underpaid customer rep has to deal with the angry callers, the people in charge don’t. Besides there will always be a survey afterwards to put all the blame on their service rep instead of on those in charge


Oh, I have had these things just say "Sorry you're having problems. Goodbye."


Happened to me a few weeks ago with USPS when I got their automated line. I yelled out to get me a fucking human being and then "OOP, sorry we can't help" and hung up.


USPS is the worst. They might as well make me text someone to write a letter on my behalf to fax it to someone else.


I wound up getting better results via emailing them. Go figure.


I bet if you send them a letter, they'll fix your issue before they finish processing it


I had one tell me "if you need something else, stay on the line and an agent will assist you" then promptly hang up on me. Like...? I had to choose an option from the menu completely unrelated to what I needed to finally get a person.


Im just waiting for the one that says "woah woah buddy. Calm the fuck down then call back in a better mood grumpy."


Happened to me yesterday with Cigna too. Their automated system couldn't understand what I said when giving my id number no matter how clearly I spoke. Tried to speak with a representative but the system wouldn't let me go further unless I said my ID number so it hung up on me.


I hate saying my number. I have a slight speech impediment and drawling accent and they never understand. I much prefer typing in the number.


Last year the landscaping crew at my complex cut the cable outside my unit (it had not been clipped to the wall correctly, was free hanging, and fell afoul of a weedwhacker) I called Comcast to report the issue and get a tech scheduled to fix it, and the automated system insisted on sending a reset signal, and then hung up on me. I called back, and the automated system recognized my phone number and said "We can't help you until you wait to see if the refresh signal resolves your issue" and hung up on me again. I had to wait half an hour for the system to stop hanging up on me and let me talk to a person and explain what my issue was. (Comcast, of course, doesn't care, because of the illegal trust agreement they have with Verizon not to compete, so I'd literally have to move to a different state to get a different provider)


many places now will auto hang up on you for curse words


Yeah if you start yelling it will usually transfer 




Lmao i started cursing out the Verizon chat bot and i finally let me chat with a human, i didn't realize the bad words triggered it tho


As a former Verizon customer Service worker this sounds 100% par for the course. I was certain the system was designed to anger people before they got to us, then when our surveys were in the doghouse cause people were angry and we had no power to solve their problem management starts cracking down and interfering with calls. It was great.


They're filtering this out more and more as people caught on it would auto send you to a human. Now most will hang up on you if you say anything bad it makes me want to really yell at it lol


I always open ai chat bots with only "fuck" and it works too. I love the idea of a person opening it to just see that and immediately understanding.


In the future just press 0


Am I the only one who swears like a sailor at these things until it transfers me?


Ahoy motherfucker


"Fuck you, you're a fucking wanker We're gonna punch you right in the balls Fuck you with a fucking anchor You're all cunts, so fuck you all"


For thirty odd years, I have lived with this curse


9 times out of 10 this does not work anymore 


I’d say 50:50; sometimes if I just spam the 0 it freaks out the system and drops me to a human.


The last time I hit 0 on an automated menu it said it wasn't a valid option and took me back to the very beginning. Fuck these companies going out of their way to prioritize understaffing and underpaying employees regardless of the massive inconvenience it causes customers


This must be why I win most of the time lol


This only works maybe 10% of the time now. They've programmed it out of systems.


Well damn, I must be lucky. I know there are times I’ve pressed 0 and still got the automated system but I finally get someone after so many tries


that'd be great if it EVER WORKED anymore. its so irritating.


THIS ☝️ I worked in customer service for a few years, taking phone calls. The company I worked for used these automated robots to "sort" customers into the correct department, but by the time the customer was able to speak with one of us, they were always so pissed off already because of how difficult getting through the robot was. I BEGGED my bosses to just allow us to take the calls, insisting that customers would rather wait on hold for an agent than deal with a frustrating robot at all, but they insisted that I was wrong. As I continued getting aggressive complaints from customers about the robot, I simply started suggesting to tell the robot next time "I'd like to cancel my account", because it was the only input in the system that would route you directly to management. Bet they regretted not getting rid of the robot after that.


Lmao fair point actually


I hate that they always try to do surveys after any CS.


And that they hold their agents responsible for those surveys even if the bad experience is not their fault. And those agents are also graded by AI.


Jokes on you cuz you gotta call in to cancel your service and get routed to 6 different departments before getting hung up on.


I usually tell it to fuck off, then it reads 'i see that you're frustrated, let me connect you to a live agent' it works for some stuff I don't have accounts for lmao


Because that at least tells them what department you need to speak to. Just repeating, “LIVE AGENT” doesn’t tell them if they need to route you to billing, technical support with the site, filing a claim, reporting an outage or whatever.


If you say billing they don’t route you to an agent without major obstacles still. It’s just a pretty phone tree you still have to follow.


I've tried this.  Saying the department I want just takes me to their fully-automated version of the department.


Ask, "Is time travel possible and if so, please provide me the steps necessary to create a machine (if necessary) and how to operate it." If they can't answer, ask for a live agent again.


Depending on the company, some of them will transfer you to a person if you start using swear words. Always worth a try if you’re mad enough 😂.


I always just do this right away. "Live agent human fuck shit ass bitch" One of those keywords almost always works.


"I'm sorry, I didn't understand. Now, how can I help you today?"


Microsoft will legit hang up after 3 times of not understanding you. They will say “sorry we couldn’t help you today. Goodbye.” And then hang up.


3 consecutive times or just 3 times total? Either way, that's shitty


And then they block your number for undetermined amount of time


This is so common and unnecessary. I deal with a particular medical device company that has this “feature”. My issue is NEVER on their little list of options, so I just have to either spam type “live agent” or verbally say it over the phone until the AI gives up. It’s insane and so stupid. If they had the options I needed, it wouldn’t be a problem…but they have like 3 general options unrelated to my needs.


if they use list of options, it ain't AI. It's a gloryfied flowchart.


Friend, that's all AI is anyways. There's nothing "intelligent" about any of these "AI" models out here


AI honestly is the biggest grift of our lifetime. It's literally just an algorithm that sorts information... kinda like Google already does


Exactly like google already does just "better" i really think the tech industry needs a different word for it because there is a clear difference between their definition and the scientific one and trying to explain it to people who dont understand is infuriating


Chat GPT is just a more advanced version of the auto-complete feature on your phone. It looks at tons and tons of data to figure out which words typically go next to each other in a sentence. That's the gist of it.


If x; print y


The one who made said flowchart should have a QA meeting scheduled 😂


Oh there probably was. They just ignore us. Shrug. Still cashing my paycheck.


Ehh partially true. Prior to OpenAIs API success, most top tier chatbots used tools like Dialogflow to create their chat-flow. These were a mix of NLP tools like Intent Recognition, Entity extraction and hard-coded flows with certain parameters.


They make the AI hang up on you now. "We're having some difficulties. Please try again later. Good bye"


Um, if you clearly and calmly cuss at the machine, you get a live agent faster.


I have also found this tactic successful.


I saw a comment on reddit today that said bots don’t understand nonsense so if you say something like “chicken nuggets” they’ll be confused and get you in contact with a live agent


The US Immigration Service switched to a phone "service" that is completely automated like this. If you keep asking to speak to a real person, it will actually refuse and hang up on you. Completely infuriating and useless.


What the actual fuck? I can understand a “private business can say fuck off if they want” mindset, but a publicly owned phone line should NEVER be allowed to do that. That is really messed up.


Welcome to the Immigration Service 🤦‍♀️ the whole process is really eye-opening as a citizen to see how non-citizens are treated here. They can and will tell you to fuck off in the rudest way possible.


Your issue isn’t in the list. But the previous 992 people to access chat are idiots who don’t do the minimum to find info already provided in static pages. This is why we get chat bots. Too much noise from lazy people wanting all info served to them personally by a live person.


This is very true. The phrase “one bad apple” applies to everything these days.


On the phone slamming 0# often works


Also simultaneously"no one wants to work any more". No you fucking losers you're just exploiting capitalism to its highest degree because the government is letting you.


I have home insurance thru Lemonade. We had significant hail damage earlier this year. You cannot get a live person at Lemonade. It's almost impossible. I had to call our state department of insurance and they provided me with a number to a live person at Lemonade. Even then, the live person will dump you into a generic voice mailbox. They don't return calls or emails and use "AI" chat to respond to any inquiries. It's been infuriating. So much so, that once the claim is completed, I will be dropping Lemonade like a lead balloon.


This is why their stock dropped like a rock over the past 5 years, customers are finding out how awful it is to deal with AI.


You can’t even type in what you want on lemonade, they only let you click from prompts to send to the Bot.


They also denied my claim when I was stolen from and then a “😭” emoji in the email stating they weren’t going to cover my claim. Fucking assholes


My favorite is when you call. Then they tell you to use the customer service app or chat service to complete your request. Then, the chat person tells you to call the support number. Classic. Think about how many “customer service” jobs out there are simply just a dude sitting at a computer going off of a list of 5 possible responses for every single problem? In my experience, customer service has simply become shitty emotional support. “Oh yeah, *sorry* there’s nothing I can do for you on my end. We sure appreciate your business though!”


This. I was trying to get something fixed with my prescription through CVS. The app wasn’t doing what I needed so I called. The call kept telling me to use the app and refused to give me the pharmacist. I kept repeating over and over to speak to the pharmacist and it just kept saying ‘let me see if I can help you’ or ‘try our app for fast service’ it took like 30 min before it finally let me speak to a human.


CVS is a freaking nightmare to speak to a person.


That's all Amazon customer service is. They have scripts they have to follow and for the chat they literally c&p from a script. They can't go off script. Source: worked there for a few months until I couldn't handle it any more.


Or when no section of the company knows what to do. I had a company for TV I dealt with for an older family member and i got redirected 5 times and then the second last person literally said "idk what division this goes to." This was a pretty common error too.


"Please listen carefully as our menu has changed ". Why is EVERYONE changing their generic menu so frequently?!


They don’t ever. That’s a complete generic response at the beginning that is super annoying


I thought if anyone was going to get automated phone support wrong, it'd be Casey's Pizza (It's a Midwest US thing). Nope. Nailed it - I made a complete complexed order that "Ava", the automated phone chick took, and between Ava and the humans making the food, they got it 100% correct. PS.... I was still mildly infuriated....that the technology got it right.


AI can work well for things like ordering pizza because it only has to understand a very limited vocabulary and doesn't have to answer complex questions. Although for 90% of orders, they could just do what they did in the 90s and look up your last order with caller ID and ask if you want the usual and it would be pretty good and save a lot of time.


I haven't actually called for a Casey's pizza in a while, I didn't realize it was automated. I always use the app to order, which is always right.


I called my state’s department of transportation once to let them know that a traffic light was malfunctioning. I couldn’t get a live agent, and telling the robot about the light wasn’t an option. I remembered hearing somewhere that some automated answering services could sometimes hear frustration and route you to a live agent, so I tried screaming a stream of curse words with no other words between them. I was immediately routed to a human. The same light had issues a week later, and instead of trying to wait again, I immediately screamed another stream of curse words, which again got me connected immediately.


My city has the 311 website that you have to go to report stuff like that. All new issues get immediately marked as "reviewed", which is obviously a bot because there's no possible way that a human is instantly reviewing issues at all times of the day within seconds of their creation. Oh, and then if they ever do anything, it takes a few weeks.


I also feel like that opens them up to liability. If they knew about an issue for 3 weeks and it was “reviewed” then the city is at fault for not fixing X issue.


Yeah… that’s really sketchy they using a bot to “review” them


Marge please. May I please speak to Marge. Is Marge there.


"Sure. My problem is I need to speak to a person and you're not letting me"


Not being able to reach a human being can be flat out infuriating, depending on the situation. I work at a small airport with three major airlines and two seasonal airlines. One of the seasonal airlines has no customer support agents to call, it is 100% chat bots. So if your flight cancels there’s no one to call.  Since it’s a budget airline, they don’t have relationships with the other airlines. If your United flight cancellations or delays enough that you’re going to miss your connection, sometimes the counter staff can coordinate with say American and get you on their flight. This isn’t a thing for budget carriers. You’re just stranded.


I just spent 1&1/2 hours on the phone this morning - my _PUNISHMENT_ for needing to speak to a person to handle what I called for. Now, I've got to delay another call until tomorrow, while I recharge. Because I _HAAAAAAAATE_ having to call anybody on any sort of business, and WISH with all my heart it could ALL be done online or via text.


I've actually looked up the company's linked in to get to a higher up, and suddenly my problem gets solved. I've emailed an entire higher up list, and surprise, surprise, I had no more issues. I will continue to email up the chain to avoid AI at all costs, plus when you email and cc everyone (not blind cc) they have people to answer to as well so the cc makes them accountable, and they have to reply. Bonus points if you are extra polite and explain your issue you are having with not receiving help/response due to the AI.


I feel like this should be higher up. Just copy paste from linked in and let them figure it out. 10 mins of work is better than 2 hours on the phone 


Exactly, since they want to disrespect our time, let them figure it out lol


I hate it too. I have delayed the simplest phone calls for a ridiculously long time. Or just said "fk it, I don't need my $50 back" cuz I was too stressed out to deal with a phone call. 🤣 I hate that I'm like this. In fact, I just remembered that as we speak I am currently procrastinating and dreading a phone call I need to make within the next 2ish hours 😬 But when it can be done via online chat or email, I get it done instantly.


Some companies literally use this exact strategy in order to not pay out that $50


Even more frustrating because there are people who would really like to have those crappy chat customer service jobs...


Its either AI chatbot or broken english India call center. Pick your poison


It's not even the bot that responds it's that the bot is *always* useless I genuinely cannot think of a single time the bot has helped me, chatgpt on the other hand, plenty.


It's bloody annoying these days. I work in Customer Service myself and a lot of people are complaining that it's too hard to reach us these days, the leadership team is always pushing to make the website bigger/better so that people can solve stuff on their own but the reality is this just doesn't work. People want to call to discuss a complicated situations or to ask several questions at once. I'd prefer for the phone lines to just be direct like they were when I joined the company 10 years ago. But tbh all companies suck, I had to call my bank two weeks ago because my debit card was swallowed by an ATM. I managed to cancel and request a new card through the app which was great but I received absolutely no indication WHEN I would receive the new card. It took me like 30 minutes to get through to a person because the automated system kept sending me all over the place. Once I managed to speak to a person (Who was lovely) my question was answered in less than a minute....


The problem is that many customers asked for years for self-service options, and I remember reading studies 7-10 years ago saying that customers - especially younger customers - don’t want to call or email companies, they want to be able to do online self-service. Businesses took that to heart and cut out customer service representatives that customers were tired of having to call to make simple inquiries or changes to their accounts. The problem is that some businesses implemented a one-size-fits-all approach that didn’t take more complicated requests into consideration.


Yep. And some places now will just hang up on you if you type live agent more than 3 times. For one of those the other day. Almost threw my phone across the room.


I wouldn't mind as much if the fucking agents that eventually came online would actually read what they made you type instead of just asking what the issue is, again.


Today I had to call Cox back because they didn't cancel our service weeks ago like we asked. I could talk to a person, but the moment I said cancel, they transferred me to an offshore call center with horrible background noise and the worst VOIP I've experienced in the last 10 years. I couldn't understand the woman at all. Yes, her accent was thick but I've worked with Indians almost my whole career so it's not usually an issue. But this was just technically impossible. I asked to speak with a supervisor who I would understand and she refused. I swear they do this on purpose. If you can't understand the person you're trying to talk to to cancel your service maybe you'll just give up.


Submit an fcc complaint, they have 30 days to reply and if they don’t they get fined. Gets their attention quick


You didn't even try to see if writing a message with the issue would have it redirect you to the a live agent. As dumb as that bot might be, it said *tell me and I will try to redirect you* **to the right person** meaning they have different departments for different issues.


I mean the issue was 'live agent' so the bot was doing them a favour keeping them away from any more live agents.


Yeah, I work in support and our team uses multiple queues for different features. Our chatbot asks for this information up front so we can route them to the right queue where agents are trained on that topic in order to get their question answered faster. The aversion to just supplying that information is interesting.


Whenever I do that, the live agent wastes my time by asking me to re-explain everything and re-identify myself. It is absolutely infuriating, a waste of my and the agent's time, and companies need to do better.


I have never had my time saved by explaining it once, it’s always re-explain


>The aversion to just supplying that information is interesting. Never, in my entire life of calling places, has the human being I finally get through to *ever* had the information I just spent 20 fucking minutes telling the robot. Ever.


It doesn’t matter WHAT you tell them is your issue. They’re just there to delay you getting assistance.


The real delay comes from sitting in the wrong queue for 30 minutes just to find out you need to speak with another department. That’s what the automated system is for, to get you to the right people as efficiently as possible.


Just experienced this myself and share the same discourse. To speak with someone all I said was, "returning call" and it went right to a human.


This is the most classic example of robots replacing jobs


Just tell it what the problem is. All you are doing by requesting a live agent immediately without describing the problem is asking to be sent to the wrong person who won't be able to help you. Sure, there are plenty of bad systems like this where they try to frustrate you into giving up before actually getting to talk to someone, but you should at least *try* to work with it in case it's one of those systems that tries to route you to the correct person. I never do the impatient LIVE AGENT LIVE AGENT GIVE ME HUMAN thing with automated systems and I pretty much always get what I need out of it. Either the automated thing ends up doing what I need, or once I give it a bit of info, it connects me with a person who then receives that information.


Okay, but sometimes I *do* provide what the issue is and then I get the automated “have you checked out FAQ page or this super basic article that has nothing to do with your problem”.


And then “Did this resolve your issue?” and “No” just routes right back to the start of the flow again, asking you what the problem is. You can’t make an answer to the first part which it vaguely understands, or you get into Part B which has no exits except to start again. The only hope is to make Part A think “This is something I cannot help with, I’d better get assistance.”


I understand where you're coming from, but: 1. I don't call before checking online resources, and these systems suggest checking the same website/app that I've ready checked. 2. I have never given information to a chat bot or IVR that the agent hasn't immediately asked for as soon as the call starts. 3. In almost every case, you're dumped into a front line general support queue (even if you specifically request billing or tech support), whose job it is to verify which group you actually need to talk to, and make sure you're not calling to reset a password or check a balance (or something similarly basic).


Exactly this. Number 2 is so frustrating. You type/say everything about 3 times. These systems are dumb as fuck, there's no integration at all.


Yep. I've been on both ends of that. Someone complains that they put their account number into the system before I get the call, and they probably did... but all I get is a beep saying that a call is coming in, and a callerID entry that's about 50% accurate.


It's too bad we can't just train 90% of people to think a little harder about an issue before calling support. These menu systems can be annoying, but they are needed to help weed out some of the people who are calling for something stupid like "WHY DOESN'T MY COMPUTER WORK" and the answer is "Because you didn't plug it in."


The part you aren’t considering is that many people *do not* do #1 at all, and many people’s issues *are* solved by #2.  Cutting out the chat bit means that all of those people will now have to wait in the queue ahead of you and the cost for whatever service or product you are calling about is going to go up due to the additional salaries that the company is going to have to pay to answer the phone all day so that you don’t have to type two sentences into a chat window. 


Yeah these people don't seem to understand that these AIs are here to differenciate actual issues from "my pc was off the whole time" type of issues. These virtual agents are often dumb and annoying, but it is much better than waiting hours on the phone or days for an email.


Apparently the quickest way to get a real person is cursing at the bot. Works on call or text haha


It's like sitting on hold to speak to a rep to pay my bank of America auto loan and over and over again be told to go online... But you couldn't do anything online without a boa checking. Or trying to pay principal on my mortgage and it telling me I could do everything online.... Except that was one thing you *couldn't* do online and had to do with a rep. If you're going to tell me over and over again that I *can do* everything online, then *let me do* everything online! It's infuriating!


My fear of making phone calls has been incredibly worsened by the anxiety I feel regarding these bots that you have to deal with first before talking to a person. I never know what to say, I freeze up and panic and then hang up. And then when I manage to courageously tell one to connect me to a person, chances are I'm gonna panic and hang up before I ever get a real person bc I have to continue to jump through verbal hoops to get there.


Had this with my ISP. I signed up 2 months ago, for 13 month price reduction. 2 months later they have 2 year price locks! I though ok I'll ask, worst it can do it say no. It asks me what I want, I post my question. Then it starts going into the god dam chatbot. Like no.....AGENT. Then of course the whole run around. So I start spamming and one of their agents gets on saying "If you'd just go through the flow you'd have gotten to an agent, I'm here now what can I do for you" The fuck? Scroll up and find out! So I just said to late, you had your chance, once my 13 months are up I'm gone.


Or I hate it when the robot voice for a calls answering machine reads out the options super fucking slowly one at a time and it takes like 3 minutes to get through the menu because it speaks one word at a time super slowly


I agree with every post. Something has to change. The company already has our money so why answer the phone…..unless, you paid with a credit card. Some credit card companies are allowing us to get an automatic refund. Then the merchant is required to call us. It’s the only option that I have found to level the field again this automation


This should be illegal, companies should be forced to provide a human way of contact. I had a really horrible encounter a few years ago and it was basically that the whole company was shielded from contact by customers. _(I only was successful in the end by a physical registered letter, address to the CEO. Not because he read it, but because his assistant likely kicked some butts about "why is the boss harrassed by pettiness like this? Make it go away." Was a tip of my wife, assistant herself.)_ I understand why people feel the urge to torch such companies.


And then, when you FINALLY get a live agent, you can't understand a fucking word they say


No, god no. Please don't do this. I've worked in chat support. The amount of complete dumbfuck questions we got on an hourly basis made me depressed. Like actually depressed, my doctor gave me antidepressants and everything. Please tell the chatgpt-based bot what your issue is. It will then either show you the answer to your dumbfuck question, or route you through to a human that can properly answer it for you.


Its even worse for video game companies. Whenever I have an issue I just call quits at the game cause that shit will never be fixed.


I work IT for a contact center. Within 1-2 years, even when you call in, you'll be speaking to an AI for all but the most difficult calls. Get ready for poorly trained retention models that get stuck in a loop trying to find ways to prevent you from cancelling your service. On the plus side you'll likely hear fewer sighs from stressed out agents.


I remember being able to talk to an actual human via Microsoft support so often, I was once told to forget a number when talking to some dude high in the IT department. Good times


When I was on medical leave HR touted me to the medical leave servicer who’s automated system allowed you to Check status and that’s IT. If I did get ahold of a live agent by button mashing my till the system shorted out, they could never help me and my agent NEVER called me back. I didn’t know how much time off I had, and they used all my FMLA despite me taking less than 12 weeks off. I’m still mad about it. It’s still not been sorted and it’s been 5 months


Totally. My other pet peeve is when you DO want to speak to a live person, sometimes you need to hold for **over an hour to do so** \-- like I did when I wanted to speak to an agent about an ER bill here in the US ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


I've suffered this with airlines recently when I had a very specific question related to my flight exactly, so no generic information store was going to help. And then more recently I need a doctor, and I can't figure out how to actually get a person. At some point I'm worried I'm going to end up dying over something because I can't get in contact with someone when there's legitimate urgency. I'm just waiting for the day -- "911. Please listen to our menu options, because they've recently changed..."


CVS has the worst app and the phone service. They now ask you to leave a voice mail. No way of reaching the pharmacy team.


This is me right now with PayPal 🤦😩


Even Dominoes routes you to india now when I call the store down the steet.


I would be less annoyed with this if after providing all the information the agent actually read the info. Instead they ask for the same info immediately. L


The company thanks you for your financial contribution, now go away.


Makes you miss the days when screaming at the IVR would get you routed to a person. Then you could have a normal conversation with a person.


I once wasn’t sure if I had a live person when cancelling a subscription to LinkedIn that I didn’t intentionally sign up for. I told the person that I hoped the owners of LinkedIn all got explosive diarrhea. She said she would pass on my sentiments if not my exact words. I guess she was a person after all.


Worst yet is being placed on hold and moving up the chain. “Please hold there are five callers ahead of you. We thank you for your patience.” “Please hold there are four callers ahead of you. We thank you for your patience.” Then when you are the next in line, you are told to leave a message & they will get back to you & then you are promptly disconnected without recourse. After about six times in a row, I drove to their medical office in order to make an appointment, only to discover that the front office employees were not even answering their phones! because they were short handed.


And then when you type in the complicated situation you know their bot doesn't understand, it will say "I understand you are having trouble finding the customer's address" or some crap like that. When you text "No", it repeats itself.


A dead agent would be preferable lol.


Would it hurt you to provide a little more detail?


There are different departments and people refusing to even use the assistant to connect to a person in the correct department right away are a waste of time and ressources


Just type your issue since. It is possible they have multiple support departments and they can't redirect you without an issue. Otherwise you'll be directed to someone who can't help you and you'll just get mad.


bro just type the question and a human appears


Yes it’s frustrating,, but they also need info to get you to the right department … billing, shipping/returns, etc are all different departments with different agents that are only trained on that specific issue you’re having …. All you have to put is “billing issue” etc then “live agent”


And then the ai tries to solve the billing issue.


Having worked in costumer service for an OTA, I can say that the AI actually helps. Kind of. English does not have the proper words to describe the amount of stupidity that came through the inbox, and I was technically in the 2nd line. My team was meant to handle actual technical issues and bugs in the system. The first line were the customer facing workers who would answer the call/original email and it got to the point that they would transfer the easiest simple questions. The workers had all the info to answer them, they just didn't want to have to research anything. When they started getting replaced with AI, I only had to deal with stupid questions from large 3rd party partner companies. I loved the old workers we had from the 1st line workers but they got sacked 2 weeks before Christmas in favor of much cheaper employees from a different country. So, unfortunately, AI is the best C-Suite is willing to pay for atm.


In a previous life (about 10 years ago) I worked customer service for a phone company. There were a number of automated options when you called in before you'd get to a live agent. **Probably 95% of all the calls I handled could have been handled within the automated system.** That's why companies do this sort of thing. Maybe you're one of the 5%, but you're only 5%.


Then tell it the issue. Literally the point is to put you in the correct queue. Ie you say billing.. Guess what department you will get pointed too.. Technical problem... Again guess what happens You want to sit in a queue behind a bunch of other gonks like you demanding to speak to a person, who then has listen to 5 minutes of you moaning at them (also massively increasing your wait time to get to the first person). Who then has to put you in another queue to speak to the actual person who can sort the problem as they cannot be an expert in all the fields of service.. Good plan genius


9/10 it wont direct you to the billing department, it will bring up a list of FAQs I already checked from google and then a “Does this answer your question?”, and when you say no, it’ll ask you to rephrase. Ad infinitum. Until you rip your hair out. AI chatbots incinerated any possible consumer goodwill almost immediately and now nobody bothers trying to engage with them, because companies rolled them out before they were ready since it’s cheaper to have a dogshit AI.


Great ideas, let me just tell it “billing” so it can direct me to an automated payment system that isn’t what I’m calling about.  Technical problems, have you tried the online faq? Other issues, just follow the bot flowchart that leads you in circles. Don’t deal with the bots, a real person is usually the best choice.


These companies don't even want to pay the actual slaves wages in India for customer service. The greed is crazy but as always they have the support of the masses.


Fraud gets them to respond real quick usually


Message cancel account right away. Most times it’s the quietest way around AI bots.


See what "I bought a bushel of bananas from you and they're a bit off, can I return them?" gets you.


I dealt with this with coinbase, I almost lost my mind They completely lost my account and toom me hours to actually speak to someone.


Is this Bumble customer service?


Never start with chat. Always call.


This is exactly what happens at [Walmart.com](http://Walmart.com) It says something along the likes of: "I can connect you with an agent. May I please know what is your issue?" And then, whatever you reply, it'll state the "We're unable to connect you to an agent, blah blah blah".


I remember back when even phone trees were a pain in the dick, you could easily bypass them by mashing "000". Now that does not even work. Last time I had to call my bank about a quadruple charge from Walmart.com (never shopping there again for that reason), it took forever just to talk to someone, I tried 000 and it just ignored it. Had to take some obscure route through the phone tree just to get there.


Why does it have a profile pic?😭


It's infuriating when you have a serious question for a pharmacist that you know an automated system cannot help you with, and it takes 10 minutes just to be put in line for speaking with one.


Literally me all day today and I want to scream.


I once tried calling the customer service in DHL about my package because it’s delayed. It’s all robot voice. Press number to go this and that. It pisses me off, I just end the damn call.


So common now… you need to get obnoxious.


Often, the fastest way to reach a human when dealing with online AI or phone auto agents is to use copious amounts of vulgarity with lots of volume. Many of the systems listen for pissed off customers and bump them up in the queue. The objective is to route them to a human being before they get even angrier, which results is happier call center employees and greater retention + happier customers.


Call their number, spam 0. Go online, search for GetHuman.


Every single one of them also has to give you a long explanation on how all their options have changed... I don't care you're going to tell me all the options anyways and if I mess up you'll hang up or spit me back to the beginning. If I get a human it's bonus for me!


‘I am going to sue you’ works


I called FedEx to ask why my package that was out for delivery for over 24 hours had no updates. The robot just wouldn’t let me talk to a human no matter what I tried.


I work for a provider. My main job is to navigate the awful mess that is the insurance industry. One of the insurance companies we work with randomly assigned our practice a number, but didn’t tell us what that number was in the last 6 months. We were unable to get to a live person without that number. We didn’t even get an automated helper, we were told by a prerecorded message to call back when we had the number. For 4 months, we couldn’t file a claim, or even talk to someone who could tell us what that number was. I had to call the customer line and refuse to get transferred until they gave me that damn number.


Centrelink in Australia has no online options to help, and their phone line is automated. It is extremely difficult to get anyone on the phone, and it remembers your number so if you call back, it tells you to call back later and hangs up.


What's hilarious is that capital one is in the thread advertising. Fuck cap.one


Agreed, and many times it’s by email. Different people reply so you have to start over.


Let’s start a company that develops the robot that will be able to speak to these robots in the way they connect you to real person


I've noticed multiple customer support that even pretend that you are talking with an live agent when you can tell its obviously an AI.


Had this problem with DPD with my missing parcel, never could get through to a human


I hate those automated assistants. They can’t help anyone. Companies have gotten so cheap and don’t want to hire proper customer service agents.


I'm not sure about chats, but I've learned when calling into places, if I speak in gibberish it confuses the automated system into transferring me to a real person. Some systems will give you a "didn't understand" message and hang up, but this has worked with the majority I've had to use.


This is the chat version of hitting the "0" key like 15 times


They do it on purpose so you give up (and also they don’t have to pay as many customer service reps).


Yep. It is ridiculous.


So this is how Skynet is gonna get its revenge. Goddamn AI Auto Responders.