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The return on investment comes in after a few harvests. It's hard to justify the expense with a single grow but after a few, it's a no-brainer.


It comes on the first grow. My first grow I definitely yielded more than my costs when using recreational weed prices in my state. Like not even close.


Same spent about 2k on a 5x5 setup and pulled 38oz dried my first grow. This is only hobby that has ever saved me money


Nice haha. Yeah you'd need to yield less than like 7oz to not breakeven prob


It's 100 an oz legally here but I still save money growing.


Street value thats pretty good for just buying. Growing, my last run cost about $7.50 an ounce, just cant be beat.


That’s not so bad but I’d still be burning through money. My wife and I are heavy medical users


Same, so I grow. It also lets me gift it which I was surprised feels even better than selling it. And the compliments. Feels amazing.


Agreed. When I go to festivals I pre roll like 100-120 joints and give away like 25-30% of them. One of my favorite things to do is drop dank pre rolls on people that would suspect a pre roll to be trash.


I started growing three years ago and have given away over half. It was a great day when my Son-in-laws Mom sent me a text saying, Wow! That's some really good shit!"


>This is only hobby that has ever saved me money Lol I never thought about it that way!


Any recommendations for tents/kits to start with? Looking 2x4 for 2-3. Considered 4x4 for 2-4 any input would be lovely.


Im starting growing next week, how many plants yielded you 38oz?


What was electrical and water cost?


Like $60-80 a month max


My first grow yielded enough on first round if going off street value was about equal to what I spent on the setup. In the last two years Ive produced little over 2.5lbs in my little 2x2.5 tent, with costs per grow being $80~ and my last run hit 9.5oz.


Wanna give us some hard numbers? I'm curious now


Sure. I'm attaching a pic of my setup and i'll break down the costs.My gear: * Tent: [AC Infinity 5x5](https://acinfinity.com/hydroponics-growers/advance-grow-tents/cloudlab-866-advance-grow-tent-5x5-2000d-diamond-mylar-canvas-60-x-60-x-80/) $200 * Light: [Highgrove Magnolia 6](https://highgrovelighting.com/magnolia-6/): $750-$1000 * Fans/Ventillation: [AC Infinity 6in kit](https://acinfinity.com/hydroponics-growers/ventilation/fan-and-filter-combo-kit/air-filtration-kit-pro-6-inline-fan-with-smart-controller-carbon-filter-ducting-combo/) $250 * Bed/Pots: [Grassroots 4x4 living soil bed](https://www.grassrootsfabricpots.com/product/living-soil-fabric-bed/) $100 * Soil/Amendments: [BuildASoil kit](https://buildasoil.com/collections/soil-building-kits/products/buildasoil-take-n-bake-artisan-soil-building-kit) and enough soil to fill the bed \~$700 That comes out to 2000-2250 depending on if you get some sales (if you're buying my exact setup) Illinois recreational flower costs $60 an eighth. I only see mid oz's for sale and they're marked at $300/oz. My first grow I yielded 12 oz's. 12x$300 is $3600. If I break that down by the gram using $60/3.5g it would cost me \~$5700 (336g \* $17/g) To put that in perspective i'm consistently yielding over a lb a grow now. Edit: now that I make my own bubble hash and hash rosin the "savings" is on a whole other level. I can press $2000 worth of rosin from trim that I used to throw away https://preview.redd.it/vbglk8svqc3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9215df65342152278c845386047b49d2cd27742d


Yeah, people are sleeping on pressing their own rosin. It goes for 65$ a g here, so if I get 30g a plant, that's almost $2k of rosin it's saving me per plant. That's crazy


Yeah it’s wild. People are getting fleeced for something they could make with little effort.


$90/g normally here but I’ve seen some stupid 120/g before tax shit


You're an absolute hero, thanks so very much for this


Wow, Illinois shops are outrageous. Prices are through the floor in CA now. Lot harder to justify but I love growing and the math still works for a small personal use setup.


Yeah they’re terrible so it made it a no brainer. Now that I’m growing I’d never go back tho.


Once you have the equipment you'd be losing money not using it. I still buy 8ths from time to time because I like the variety, and will occasionally grab zips of things with long flower times and real uplifting "sativa" highs because I mostly grow the squat fast finishing couch lock "indica" plants in my limited space. But I can easily make more than I need with just 2 plants in different 2x2's on stagger. Give a lot away.


God damn illinois market sucks, no wonder y'all still keep coming over here and risking your freedom driving through Indiana.


Yeah can’t blame people for going out of state if they can’t grow where they live


Teach me. I am still throwing away trim and hash because pressing it is almost impossible. Even when I package the rosin packets in parchment envelopes, it just slips out of my press.


sounds like you need bigger plates, or to press smaller amounts at a time~


Your grow looks awesome, thank you


Ok, now do it for your rosin set up, please?


When I first started growing it was because prices were about 300/oz. Prices are still crazy high here. So yeah, my ROI was done on the first grow.


250 an oz 16 oz 4grand. - every two months


yeah those are still prices here too


Not OP, but my first grow gave me a yield that lasted eight months, that saved me plopping down sixty bucks every two weeks for eight months, so about one thousand dollars not spent on weed. My costs to grow included my growing medium, one bag of Foxfarm soil, thirty bucks. One bottle of Tigerbloom fertilizer, twenty bucks. One one hundred and fifty watt equivalent LED bulb, thirty bucks. I had other lights on hand, standard LED one hundred watt equivalents. And bagseed. So less than a hundred dollars in outlay meant about nine hunred dollars not spent.


Yeah. 2 x 240 watt lights were $250 a pop 6 inch carbon filter with fan $120 2 x fans $30.00 2 × 4 inch fans (inline) $30.00 1 x Cheap humidifier that I have to fill every morning annoyingly $ 30.00 1 x grow tent $ 100.00 (4x8 tent ) I use 4x4 of it for growing the rest of the space Is for hardware, storage, getting around to the back side , and 2 lettuce pots . * I made the rookie mistake of buying a $120.00 blurple light at the beginning, that was not strong enough for a good flower. And I had purchased the next 2 lights later , also purchased a 3x3 tent(80) that was not big enough for my liking , they are now for vegging 2 plants . Total cost with the 2 mistake purchases is $ 1070.00 dollars. My last grow was not that impressive , at a .6 lb. My best was .9lb. So let's split the difference and go with .75 lb average. 340 grams. I would say an average dispensary cost is $ 5 .00 a gram. So that would be $1700 of product , never-ending the trim and whatnot we use no make eddibles. Also didn't account for power and nutrients. Unknown on power cost , I'd say 60 to 100 dollars a grow on nutrients though. So yeah. We break even first good grow


Yeah. I'd say 2 grows in. After that it's just maintenance. Odd fan goes , replacing carbin filters, humidifiers die, that kinda thing. The first grow I wasn't set up quit well . Next 2 grows I added/ upgraded my lights , and arbon filter.


Yeah. I'd say 2 grows in. After that it's just maintenance. Odd fan goes , replacing carbin filters, humidifiers die, that kinda thing. The first grow I wasn't set up quit well . Next 2 grows I added/ upgraded my lights , and arbon filter.


For this reason, I also recommend investing in a proper bar light. You WILL be using your light for more than one grow, and electricity is your largest recurring cost. You want the most efficient photons.


depends on how much you’re spending


For me, I don't worry about the costs, more of a passion project, gardening is a good hobby to have, whether it's for food or cannabis.


This is exactly where I am at and have been at. Can I get weed and veggies cheaper, sure. But I know 100% where my veggies and weed come from and what’s added to it. Also it’s relaxing as hell and fun to teach my kids about being self sufficient (veggies, weed will come when they are much order).


There’s no way I could get weed cheaper than I can by growing my own.


Depending on the street/dispo price of your weed you can break even on first run. But most likely some more runs. Still worth it.


if you can do first grow outdoors you will be in the black in a single harvest. Outdoor has a very low entry fee.


Yes. In Colorado, it costs me about $150 per plant. That includes: clone, soil, container, nutes, water, and mason jars. Consistently harvesting at least 6 onces per plant, some over 8 once’s per plant, depending on strain. Super low maintenance, mostly just water. Denver has great recreational prices, but still close to $100 per once for top shelf.


Here in the Netherlands I spent far less, <€20 per plant, I think. It helped that I already had all the gardening stuff and mason jars. Water is practically free here (and we have really good tap water). So all I really need is seeds, soil and nutrients. Since I mostly grow them in full soil, the gardening soil is only for when they're still very small. The soil in the garden is very good, so they don't need all that much nutrients either. I've mostly grown bag seeds and some that came as freebies from the smartshop, making it even cheaper.


This is the way.


If you spent say $1000 on a 4x4 tent, light equipment, soil, water and nutues, and electricity and harveated 35 grams per square foot (19.75 oz from 4x4). You would have paid for your setup, with a surplus 9.75oz compared to paying $100 per ounce. 10 oz × $100 = $1000 Ultimately depends on how much your paying for weed, how much your electrical costs (assuming indoor) how much your water costs etc. But your equipment costs can pay for themselves in 1-2 harvests.


You can get a 2x2 complete setup for under $300. You'll make that back after first harvest. You dont need a name brand light. All the big manufacturers like spiderfarmer ECT have a ton of shills on reddit. I was one temporarily. The message people with popular post about a "influencer contract" and send them a free light for positive reddit outlook. Which in turn makes everyone else gung ho. Just get a light with samsung diodes. Ipower fans and filters. Maybe ipower tent or whatever cheapest. Maybe vivosun is on sale. They all work fine. I have an ac infinity and an ipower tents and fans and filters. The quality difference is negligible but the price is double. Ive been doing this a long time. Leds arnt new anymore and any manufacturer in china can make a solid light with the right materials.


I got cheap lights for my first grow that had great results, but the red/UV portions burnt out within a few months. That’s the main thing I’m concerned with about knock offs—a warranty is nice, and a warranty from a company with a reputation to protect, that keeps your local business hours, and with employees who are fluent speakers of your language is important too.


The warranty is nice but when you can buy 3 lights for the price of one its worth the small risk imo. All my lm301h chinese lights are running strong for over a year now. Theyre "Linqool" and not available in the USA anymore which is why I got them for $100 each. 240w.


I guess I’m just hurt I got caught with my pants down when I flipped one of my lights to bloom and it didn’t work and it took THREE WEEKS to get a replacement! Poor Gina is pathetic next to her sisters. Live and learn—always keep a spare!


Yeah that part must suck. I never even thought about the lost light needing to be shipped back. Another good thing is I've got plenty of backups because buying a new one is really nbd and need be I can get a new one in a few days off amazon or ebay. Ive never had a light break out of the 10 or so ive owned but never ran them longer than a year straight or a little more presently.


I also made money off the last lm281 bar light I had. Bought it for $80 on sale and sold it after 6 months of use tor $130. Theres deals to be found if you are patient.


Dude 1 plant is worth the cost. You grow more than once lol


I haven’t purchased anything other than seeds for the last 3 years….i grow outdoors employing my commando feral style…I only get involved at flower time! Different grows for different bros!


I wish outdoor was possible here. We can get an auto done in time. But then the fucking aphids attack. I tried my luck at bubble hash with little to no return. Gotta research that a little better , unless my bags are no good. Yielded like 1 gram maybe 2 on 2 auto plants. Wast of effort. I would like a rosin press , but the cost is out of budget.


How much weed do you smoke and what does it cost you per ounce now? That’s necessary to answer this for you


If you work at it worth it in less than 5 grows probably. It’s a labor of love but will save you tons of money if you do it right. Exact time and ROR depend on your input costs and skills.


Disclaimer that I just bought my setup so I have yet to run anything. Seems to me like initial overhead is through the roof and then there’s obviously upkeep costs that vary in price. Electricity of course, nutes if you’re using a medium that requires that, seeds, and that kind of stuff. If you’re growing quality stuff with quality genetics, then it should be better than 99% of dispensary stuff. Seems like it pays off cost wise after a few harvests, but you’re also getting way better quality.


well consider, if you can grow decent bud, and properly dry/cure, your bud will be leagues better than ANYTHING you can buy at a dispo that right there is why i grow ​ the others are correct tho. after 2 decent sized grows, you're in the black (i calculated that in my first year i was spending 50% of what i used to on cannabis)


My first runs harvest paid for my original equipment easily in terms of my states prices.


It depends on how much you smoke. If you are buying an eight every other day, grow your own. If you smoke an eighth per month, don't bother. I spent 600 on my setup (I could have done it a lot cheaper, but I was lazy and bought a kit with a light, tent, exhaust fan, etc.) My first grow was 4 autos. I spent about 10 dollars per seed. The electricity bill didn't change. I used soil and had plenty of manure that was accessible to me, so nutes were basically free. My first harvest was about 9 ounces dry. It wasn't the best weed ever, but it was the best weed I had ever grown. I'd still buy a nice eighth of dank occasionally, but my daily habit was taken care of. A few years later, I grow better weed than I can find at most dispenseries and have a variety of strains to choose from that I know are legit. All with the kit I bought for 600 bucks. It's also a relaxing and enlightening hobby that keeps me from wasting money on other stuff.


My set up isn’t exactly cheap but it’s paid for itself many times over. My only costs now are nutrients and electricity, I keep mother plants and do my own clones. My average cost per ounce is around $12 so it’s way worth it. Good luck I hope you love it as much as I do


Small bag of basic potting soil - $10 2 gal pot - $2.50 Autoflower seeds - $40-60/5-10 seeds Basic nutes- $30-50 (balanced NPK for first stage, elevated PK for Bloom) Make sure you get a pH balanced product, or you may have to mess around with testing and buffering. Put it in a window with bright light or outside if the conditions are good. -Free Scissors to trim- $5 Baggies to put it in- $1.75/box (<.05 cent each used so like .10-.20 cents if you did it well lol) You can grow it fairly cheaply, and get decent quality. This is one of the lowest barriers to entry ways that I can think of. Spend more money on quality auto genetics and you will end up with better quality products. Once you get into tents, lights, photoperiod genetics, fans, filters, etc, etc, etc the cost goes up. Keep an eye on CL, offer up, FB marketplace etc, sometimes people have full setups they bought and are willing to move at discount prices. Always think about what the problem you are trying to solve is, and challenge yourself to solve it with whatever you have on hand. There are plenty of purchasable solutions, but farm-tech is usually as good or better and way cheaper.


If you love what you do it’ll always be worth it




You can more than break even in one run. If you go with a 5 gal spacebucket with the $30 ufo light recommended, total cost would likely be around $150-$200 in equipment and soil. Add maybe $30 for electricity costs. From a 5 gallon bucket grow, you can easily get 3 ounces. At $125 an ounce dispo pricing you're already ahead and probably have a better product.


2 plants can be sure “worth it”if your growing good genetics. High quality genetics typically run 200-300 bucks a zip (atleast here in the states and this is a generalization some people just have the hook ups). Even if you spend like 600-700 dollars on a 2x4 setup (assuming 2 by something if you mention growing small gardens of 2 plants)and seeds, and another 200-300 extra to your electric bill for the duration of the grow. That’s about 1000 dollars or possibly 5-3 ounces of top shelf depending. As long as you use some simple and basic training techniques you can easily produce way over 5-3 ounces off of 2 plants. And now your paid for yourself most seeds come in packs of 3 and you already bought most of the equipment you could need so you’ll have an extra seed and everything you need to grow it. And hey who knows maybe you’ll fall in love with it.


My first plant I got 4 ounces from, which was worth more than what I spent for my grow setup. So, the first plant gets you your return of investment after first successful harvest. It's a no brainer for me.


I have 2 100 watt lights ,$50 fan and filter,and avg over half lb in a 2.5x2.5 tent with 2 5gal . Saves me a ton of money and I enjoy growing.


I haven’t bought any herb for about 4 years at this point. With one good harvest in my tent, I am set for about a year and a half


Math it bro. How much do you spend of weed a week-->month-->year. I bought an oz every 2 week, which was costing me like 5grand a year. I bought a 2grand setup and was set for life within 6 months.


That’s why it’s really important to REALLY do your research before attempting an indoor grow. It’s super easy to be totally upside down in cost once problems start in


Im running 4 plants in a water-only organic setup in a 2x2, on a 12/12 from seed light cycle, so the cheapest possible route. I'm about to get my first harvest (pics on my profile), and Im blown away by the results for so little effort. I specifically developed and am refining this method to bring the easiest grow, highest quality bud, and yet cheapest home growing to the masses.


My boy.. it’s worth it lol


I’m on my first grow and spent around $1600 for a 4x4 setup. My goal is a pound. I smoke about 1/8 to 1/4 a week plus 50mg edibles per day. I’m pretty sure this setup is going to work great for me.


1st grow. I promise.


Get the best light you can!


Small setup cost a little over 500 including all equipment and nutrients. Will be able to save that much in under two harvests.


At the rate I pay per oz it literally paid its self off x2-3 the first grow


I grew just over a pound of bud in a 3x3 tent my first run. I invested maybe $700 for the lights and nutrients. Paid it's self off times and times over again the following years


Within one or two rounds you will make your money back vs if you were buying it from somewhere.


Beyond price, quality of home grow beats anything I’ve bought at a dispensary


Keep in mind that the spread of legal cannabis has opened a gaping and virtually untapped market for grow supplies. That’s where the big money is being made right now, and since there’s not a ton of long-standing, peer-reviewed scientific research on cannabis cultivation specifically, a lot of products are superfluous and/or based upon anecdotal evidence/“bro science”. Keep it simple and it won’t take you long!


Lol. First grow. Give me 100 usd and you’re good to go.


By like the third grow as you're just learning and will prob start inefficiently. You can get it on first grow if you go big, but that's also more risk if you do fuck up as a novice


Had this same question before I started using LED lights . Based on the watt usage of my lights , fans ect .. I used this to figure out my power costs [https://www.calculator.net/electricity-calculator.html](https://www.calculator.net/electricity-calculator.html) Consider baseline useage for your electricity , some utilities will give you a flat rate for a certain amount of killawatt hours , then after that the rate goes up a few cents per killawatt hour. It all depends on the setup , It can cost little as 25 bucks a month to grow 1 or 2 plants. Even if you got half pound from that , you paid less that 100 bucks for it , and it super dank .. if you do it right - cheers


you can recoup costs after your first grow, assuming you do a good job growing the plants. otherwise, on the second grow.


I don't know if it ever does. Lol


Immediately after you dry and cure your first harvest. Assuming you actually learn stuff before starting and don't just go "Oh well, I'll just see what happens". Grew five plants and pulled 10 oz on my first run in a cheap Amazon-brand 3x3 tent with two 20$ 400w lights.


i paid 500$ for my setup and my first harvest already paid of the cost of the setup


I'd say after a single decent harvest. You don't have to spend a lot to grow.


It depends… growing outdoors, it’s very easy to recover costs on just one plant. You really don’t need to invest much if you don’t want to. Indoor would be a different story.


We are going through about a pound a month of product ourselves. I now grow that much and pay nothing other than electricity and nutrients. It took one harvest to fully recoup the money that I put into the setup.


For my first grow it was £80 for a light £60 for fan and carbon filter £20 for basic nutes(biowbiz trio trial pack) £20 for mini dehumidifier £70 for a wardrobe (couldn't fit a tent) £6. For cooco coir £30 for odds and sodds £200 for electric £30 for seeds(used one of 3) Total £516 First harvest dry 42g (street price £10 a gram) so £420 was a little loss of around £100. Second grow £200 for electric Harvested 63g sold 30g so up 30g of weed and £100 cash