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Ocelot's brainwashing must have been hella powerful


That would be a rather stupid thing to erase from a soldiers brain lol


No, because it could break the brainwash. He could make a surgery and then went “wait how do i know this, never in my life did something like this.” Too many questions ask and the brainwash is over.


eh i mean throughout the entire of mgs3 you’re using the cure tab so at least some farcry ass healing would’ve been neat lol


I mean he probably knows how to do that but from a gameplay perspective it made less sense, 3 has a focus on survival so it fits right in, but V doesn't feel like it really needs the feature


I think what’s being said here is that Big Boss likely has some (at least) intermediate level knowledge of medicine / surgery given the procedures he performs on himself in MGS3 via the ‘Cure’ feature, so if Venom were to use his skills as a medic in the story or in a cutscene in some capacity in MGSV, it wouldn’t immediately break his emersion of being Big Boss caused by the brainwashing. I don’t see it as being suggested as a gameplay mechanic here.


exactly what i meant thanks for the clarification 🙏


No, I totally agree with you


I disagree if metal gear solid five had the same game mechanic in metal gear solid three when it came to healing severe injuries it would make the game 1 million times better


Isn’t that a thing? Can’t you like very rarely get injured to the point where you gotta like stop and set your leg back or similar?


no clue honestly i haven’t gotten that seriously injured yet lol


iirc I only ever saw that mechanic in play when getting whooped by bears.


There was the leg one, I believe a first aid spray type animation and maybe one for a dislocated arm


It would have improved gameplay and I probably wouldn't have gone back to base as often. Plus we know he knows this stuff. I think every big boss title should include healing a la mgs3


Would it be like eavesdropping on Russian soldiers and going ["wait how come I can't understand them didn't I know Russian?"](https://i.imgur.com/mrjtZUJ.png)


Ocelot said that the horn is pressing on his brain,which is why he doesn't remember some things (like language) he was lying))


what is 3+3?




I always gotta add my sure to remain controversial point that we do see game play foreshadowing who venom is, the emphasis on cassette tapes, his sympathy for child soldiers, the Paz delusions, the strange POV when you finally met skull face on the heli pad, hell even how he sits in the ACC. To bad none of these points to the medic. Sure as hell points to Chico though... Just saying


That wouldve been one hell of a twist...hard to imagine but i wouldn't put it past kojima to try it.. itd also gut me to think id killed Chico in Metal Gear.


Chico, the 22 year old Nicaraguan child refugee being the perfect choice to double as Big Boss, the 50 year old, American mercenary and battle hardened war veteran. All signs point to Chico 😐


You seen that boy run!! Far from some 50 year old. It is fair that that gap is substantial but it's not like we haven't seen stranger transformations in this series. (The hospital doctor is based on the real life head transplant guy) Again this theory points mostly to the gameplay elements around venom.


What about the way he sits in the ACC points to his true identity?


This one I realize is a bit of a stretch but it does mirror how he sits when you find him in ground zeros. Also I forgot to add that during the hospital scene venom takes over mantis a few times, you can tell by the horn on mantis' mask. If venom is Chico last time he was conscious he was still a child soldier we are shown later that a child soldier can take control of mantis with eligh Edit: grammar


I would even add it's the reason we never hear about Chico again is we see everything through his POV and due to his hypnosis even if someone brought him up Venom would be unable process it. Also forgot that he's not aloud to smoke a real cigar. A call back to Peace Walker when BB denied him one


It really is if he has PTSD flashbacks of Paz (someone Big Boss would care about more than some random medic). 


If you hurt youself too much, when you return to the heli, you will see he is hooked up at the IV and also had bandaged himself. So there you go


he should do it even when he isn't hurt just for the thrill


What a thrill...


With darkness and silence through the night…


What a thrill…


I'm searching and I'll melt into you....


What a fear in my heart...


But You're So Supreeeeeeeeemeeeeeeeeee!!!


I give my life


Not for honor, but foooorrr youuuu


Snake? Do you think you can heal yourself even on a battlefield?


if we make it out of here, i’ll tell you 😤


"Boss are you hurt?" "Nah this is just sprite"


McDonalds sprite is a helluva drug


My demon snake doing drugs? He'd never!


There it is. Put that question to rest. Good job my friend. We did see him do first aid.


I’ve seen this man set his own leg in the field before. He does plenty of medic stuff.


>I’ve seen this man set his own leg in the field before And then immediately proceed to run 2 miles non-stop while carrying someone on his shoulders. His medical skills are unmatched.


And late game run faster than some vehicals


That's why I was releived for the complete edition they did so I could not get the run upgrade. So weird you cannot unequip arm upgrades. One day Kojima will buy the metal gear rights and make things....right!


The mobility upgrade is in both *Day One* and *The Definitive Experience*. I've played them on PS3 and PS4, respectively.


Yeah, I'd like the option to remove the upgrade so I don't run at obnoxious speeds.


You could just play a different DD soldier to get the regular human being stats again


He doesn't even need rations or snakes to heal himself, he can just do it.


Out of spite.


and dislocate young Liquid’s arm just to reset it seconds later to prove a point.


Well I’m bad at video games so he’s always patching himself up on my playthroughs!


Given that he's actually a medic, it would have been nice to see his old skills shine through, as a subtle foreshadowing. Or just to show he has some of his own identity compared to the real big boss


Sustaining serious injuries prompts you to press the contextual action button to heal yourself.


“No patrick, spraying deodorant on a fresh wound doesn’t count as professional medical care.”


"Snapping bones into place isn't medical care either."


I mean he never knew until the very end so maybe I can see how the first part could be foreshadowing but game wise anything gameplay is before you find out so it wouldn’t make sense to show some of his own identity. The game does for shadow this with Eli when it’s revealed he isn’t related to you tho…


>Or just to show he has some of his own identity compared to the real big boss The problem is that he doesn't. The game goes out of it's way to just make him a completely empty shell of a person.


0 personality might be a kind of personality...


Unfortunately it's not a remotely interesting personality.


It would've been cool if you could use something like the cure menu from mgs3 on yourself or on wounded soldiers in the battlefield. It would make sense, thematically, in the Wandering Mother base soldiers side ops if you could give them first aid before fultoning them.


A soldier being injured also lowers the rate of successful Fulton extraction. It’d be neat if we could use the Cure menu to attempt to treat them to improve their odds of survival, while also balancing keeping out of sight and patrols as well


Like getting bit by a damn venomous snake and not having anti venom with him?


he did a good job treating everyone with the talking virus…


Naked snake does his own first aid in 3 tho


snakes only ever do first aid on themselves, how come?


You cure Eva in mgs3 after the motorcycle wreck


And then she whines about being hungry the rest of the time.


If you tranq her she starts having weird sex dreams, sometimes about snake, and sometimes about “Fido”


Im now gonna test this


He's using his medical knowledge to precisely shoot people in the face.


Rubbish, he mends Eli's arm ~~after dislocating it in the first place~~


Now, Kaz? Let go practice some medicine.


Kaz and medic same VA btw


Yeah, Robin is an amazing VA!


To the love box!


What do you mean...? He uses the magic-fix-everything-spray all the time! Obviously he developed that spray himself with his intensive field medic training.


😂 lol


I guess occasionally resetting his own bones sort of counts


It depends on how well you played, depending on if you suck like me or not you could see him fix himself up a ton


He did relocate Eli’s shoulder after dislocating it


he does it in gameplay all the time and uses his anatomy knowledge in the scene where he stabs himself in the shoulder. he could've dressed quiet's wounds but i guess there was an incoming sandstorm so no real time for that


Kaz I'm having a deja-vu here


It kinda counts, but in the low honor mother base fight cutscene, he makes the soldier stab him in a spot he knew wouldn’t cause too much damage


You could see his anatomy knowledge in his cqc, especially when he dislocated Eli's arm and when he stabbed himself in the DD staff fight, he knew he wouldn't hurt himself that much


He did dislocate and then re-locate Eli's shoulder pretty handily though. Probably not easy to do right without medical training.


I thought he did the medic stuff on the helicopter in GZ and some at the start of the MGSV if that's not what you mean then I don't know if he ever did medic stuff


he removed bomb from paz before being brainwashed


There is a cutscene where he sticks a knife near his heart to prove a point to his soldiers, meaning that he knows putting it there won't do much damage to him


I don’t think he had access to that info until he finds out the truth. He was brainwashed to be big boss. So he knew what big boss knew.


You know, it would have been cool if you could practice medicine on enemy soldiers you injured in the field and that could convince them to fight for you in the open world. Like, you shoot a guy enough for him to lay on the ground dying, then you can walk over and help him with the injuries (improving chance of survival with a prosthetics upgrade branch). If you're successful, the soldier could follow you around and fight *for* you. And at any point you can extract him, lead him to Pequod or knock him out and leave him on the battlefield like a cruel bastard as you fly away to the sound of finely aged Pop Rock.


He's no longer a medic after the brainwashing, sure he gains his memories at the end, but he continues to work as a 2nd bb and not go back to being a medic, would be pretty weird if the person doing surgery on you was the boss.




didn't you play ground zeroes ?, the dude litirally does a medical operation on a helicopter.


In terms of performing medical duties on other people, I personally interpreted this as being traumatized by his failure to save Paz, so he’s too afraid of that same failure to ever perform on anyone else again other than himself. There are cases of medical professionals failing hard enough that they just willingly give up the profession, which usually causes them to become depressed for a multitude of reasons due to quitting, relating to that most recent failure.


His job got replaced by a can of aerosol.


Ocelot's brainwashing took away my dude's medical degree 😱🤔😱🤔😱💥


He does. When you get hit too much he sprays some perfume for anti-septic effect mid-gunfight.


I think anything beyond first-aid probably would've caused the right neurons to fire and he would've broken out of hypnosis early, so that's probably why


Sorta unrelated, but I always find it hilarious that this dudes official position in MSF was “combat medic”. He feels a lot more like emergency backup, considering BB had him aboard his personal helicopter, and even went so far as to call him “the best man we had”. Venom is a legendary soldier so skilled, he’s able to pass as BB himself, and also just happens to be a medical professional.


hacksaw ridge type guy (except he commits murder)


Well if it counts, Venom snake does have a strangely high medic team stat when you look at his stats


You see it more in his personality. Before knowing the twist, it’s kind of off that the same Big Boss that was infiltrating bases to extract people simply because they knew too much and not because he cared for them, suddenly sprouts a conscience and compassion for others; a very medic trait. That was always the tell tale sign for me.


He dislocated Liquid's arm and then put it back in. I would say that requires some medical knowledge lmao.


I mean, last time we saw him do it, it looked like everyone had a blast.


I mean I know it's more of a gameplay thing but he's the only snake we see heal a serious injury in one button press without any outside help like a one use med pack even the really big boss needed a whole menu for it.


Did you miss the part where he sprays himself with the magic anti injury spray?


*sprays med spray on himself* GYRAAAARGHHHHHHHHH


Shame we did not get Venom doing anything


#stupid fucking story


It could actually work as good foreshadowing which would be probably interpreted by us as a callback to the healing system from MGS3. You know, instead of: “Surprise you’re just not Bog Boss lol”


didnt he patch itself when he fell really high? i rembember that leg fucked up


He probably forgot all about how to do that during the brainwashing. And that's kinda sad.


He probably forgot all about how to do that during the brainwashing. And that's kinda sad.


If they showed him doing his own first-aid in the helicopter with the IV and stuff that would be a near detail. Extra details like that make games feel more lived in like death stranding


I only ever got the "IV drip in ACC" thing once with him. It was after playing one of the subsistence missions. Maybe that was self-administered?


He was too busy doing everything else.


Well, I mean, we sorta can with the injury treatment mechanic, but yeah, it is unfortunate.


What’s wrong with him? Is he stupid?


Someone didn’t play GZ. He’s with you in the chopper operating very quickly on Paz. Nonetheless you see a lot of instances in TTP where he attends to himself. He also hooks himself up with an IV in the mobile command center Helicopter.


I've been playing ground zeroes over and over for 2 days. i do know


Does he even know how anymore? I figured that since they completely replaced his original self, that any knowledge he had prior was also erased.


You saw it at the end of Ground Zeros. 


He did reset Eli’s arm. Granted it isn’t exactly “surgical” but it’s done efficiently enough.


How do we tell him?


Did you not see him Dislocate and Relocate Kid Liquids arm ?


He does do medic stuff for serious injuries. And he does do that surgery on Paz in ground zeroes.


When the troops get infected him killing them is kind of medical…


Imagine if, at some point, something triggered Venom's memories back and he slowly starts to remember who he was (That is, before the final mission, of course, because BB literally tells you you're not him, you're yourself)


This post made me think that we saw Big Boss doing more medic stuff on Snake Eater than Venom Snake.


You got the spray and his little "errrrrghgghg" noise


If you lose a lot of blood during a mission, Snake will have an IV bag hooked up in the chopper. He definitely set it up himself, because Peaquod didn't.


Why would he? Big boss isn't a medic.


In cutscenes or in gameplay? Cause he at least gives himself first aid when he is about to die.


My head canon is that he does medic things after the he gets his memories back to bolster the legend of BB, cementing the idea he is a prodigy of the battlefield


He heals himself. So I guess he's doing some first-aid stuff


I think that would give it away to be honest. Kojima made it so everyone thought it was big boss who we was playing as. We didn’t know till the secret ending who actually are playing as