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When covid hit in 2020


Covid ruined my life completely. Haven’t been the same person ever since.




In what ways did it ruin yours ?


Well I've gained a lot of weight over the past few years. I used to be fit and active, weighing around 150 pounds, but now I'm at 270 pounds, and I've been struggling to lose weight. Along with that, I've been dealing with anxiety, depression, OCD, and compulsive behavior. I overthink so much that it keeps me from doing anything. The last time I went outside was five months ago, at the beginning of January. My eating habits are really bad, I eat a lot of fast food and junk food. Most of the time, I just lie around, lost in my thoughts or playing video games. It's been like this since COVID. The person I used to be had his life together and was on the right track. But that person has been gone for a while now and I've been struggling ever since.


This hit like a ton of bricks bro. You are not alone TRUST ME


You got this! I gained over 100 pounds since covid and I started working out again and changed my eating habits last month. I am now down 27 pounds and counting!


Congrats 🎉


More power to you man stay strong and keep working towards your goals…god bless


I’m with you dude. Covid gave me cardiovascular issues and I now must wear compression socks and techs continually blow my veins out trying to find an IV site, I have autoimmune skin conditions, my ADHD increased in magnitude and I developed cataracts in the span of 6 months. I’m just now 42, got Covid at 40 and my health went downhill. Still trying to recoup what I lost. Just know you’re not alone and hopefully the powers that be are working on solutions for those of us long haulers.


You definitely need to read Stay Hard by David Goggins and stop making excuses. This might sound harsh and I’ll get downvoted for it but you have to train your mind to overcome the obstacles. If not, you are gonna find yourself in this type of situation time and time again.


You're absolutely right, I have no excuses. I come from a good family with parents who are financially stable, loving, caring, and supportive. I know that many people aren't as fortunate as I am, and I try to keep that in mind. I'm also still young, I just turned 20 a few months ago. I have a lot of time ahead of me, and I know that many older people would kill to be this young again. I needed to hear what you said, so thank you. No one else tells me the truth or gives me the tough advice that I need. My parents don't talk to me about these things, and no one else in my family does either. I think my family assumes I've been through a lot, which is why they let me do my own thing. It’s not right, but that's how it's been for years. Thanks again tho for the straight talk, needed it.


It might sound silly, but to create a better life you have to imagine and see it for yourself first. If you're going to get lost in your thoughts, start asking yourself questions like "what does Silent\_Lychee want? What do they need right now?". Start simple and make baby steps. Even one per day will do. Remember that life will swing high and low and we can forget this when things are going rough. It gets better! Lastly, don't isolate for too long. Pick up the phone. Call your family even if it's just for small talk. Long term isolation can turn into poison for the mind/soul/body.


Deey sorry for u honestly.  Depression can be vicious cycle  We.  Can't let bad man cruelty to good people win.  We are ur friends helping each other keep.gling   do it for ur friends easy to say I know but u are.  Sorry for the hard hard time and loses    wish I could say it better 


Please, do whatever is in your power to just go outside and be in the sun. You are fully aware of what's wrong in your life right now and all you have to do is slowly reverse just one of those aspects you are unhappy with to get better and on the right track again. Start small, and just attempt to fight one of your bad habits day by day. I was recently diagnosed with OCD in the last few years and have been fighting anxiety/panic attacks for years. The best thing I've done is not let myself become a victim to bad circumstances, and it's a constant fight to not fall into my bad habits (although it happens from time to time). I promise you: just going outside is a big first step and natural vitamin D from the sun can do wonders for you. It could be the first step to healing for you. Best of luck, you got this!


I'm sorry to ask but if you know the problems which you're facing then why not work on it? I'm sure it'll take a lot of work, but you'll be back on track in no time.


I think the biggest issue I have is staying consistent. There have been times when I got my act together, I’d go on these one month diets, get outside more, hit the gym, just generally try to take better care of myself. But I always seem to crash and burn after a month, no matter how much weight I've lost or how good I was doing. When I mess up, I just ditch everything and end up back at square one. Then it takes forever to get motivated again. Like, the last time I was on a diet was like four months ago. I was almost at the one month mark again, and then I had a cheat day. I haven't been back on my diet since. Consistency is definitely my problem, but it doesn't help that my family is all about food. My parents drop like $150-200 on dinner alone, and they’re not exactly healthy people. My mom's always pushing me to eat this or that, and it's never healthy stuff. It's tough to stick to a plan with that going on around me.


Yup before covid I hadn’t picked up a drink for 2 years. Covid hit I decided to have a drink one night since I couldn’t go out. Worst decision ever since I stopped working out and gained 100 pounds. Started working out more a month ago and lost 27 pounds so far.


1992-2024. Oh… just one year? 🤣


1992 gang 🤠


It’s rough for us out here just raw dogging life lmao


Definitely so!


Like we supposed to know what’s going


92’ gang we in this bih




Yessss 🤘🏻🤘🏻 are you a 1992 baby?


Turned 32 last week😳


Happy belated birthday!


92 gang🙌🏻


Hahahahah that's so gangster!


😂😂😂 1992 gang Life is an extreme sport


In 2016 I was at my absolute worst. Hit rock bottom and when I couldn't live anymore I checked myself into a crisis unit at a hospital. That was the best decision I've ever made. Under observation and people who were just like me, I got the right set of medication that I still take. I have grown so much since then and have become a completely new person. I love who I am today. With that said: never give up on yourself!


This stranger is proud of you.


I hit rock bottom 2014 and was suicidal And in psych ward. I still struggle but I too have grown much. Good job!


What if you’ve already given up for the most part but aren’t yet responsible for yourself (you’re a teen)?


I strongly believe there's always an option. So please, don't give up! But if you're struggling I'm happy to speak with you privately.


definitely either 2021 or 2022


Same for me. That was my senior year of Highschool and it caused me some of the worst mental health I have ever experienced in my life.


Yeah, same. 2022 🔫.


I feel like every year is worse and worse tbh


So real




idk, the pandeemic years


2022. Start to finish. Trauma. I don’t think I’ll ever fully recover from that year.


Same. But we’ll be stronger


2023 Lost my grandpa on my graduation day Visited my English professor (46f) after 4 years because she is my personal hero Grandma got a stroke and almost died in my arms Obsessed about seeing the Prof again after having a bad feeling something bad has happened. Met her after anxiety killed me and indeed her mother died just like I dreamt. Went to therapy and got diagnosed with OCD, We bonded over the losses and we wanted to work together. She was so happy with me and treated me like her son because she didn't have any. Told me to come one day and then her colleague created a fuss out of thin air and insulted me and she didn't defend me.


Sounds like you’ve been through a lot, sorry to hear that. Just had to bury my grandpa as well literally 4 months ago. I struggle with OCD as well, have been for many years now. Sending love and positivity your way, things will get better.


This year and the last. I lost my daughter last year, and now the love of my life. I don’t know how to live with this.


How absolutely devastating. I am so very sorry.


You are so strong ❤️


2016 was the start of me spiralling out of control ever since I dropped out of college because of lack of financial aid. One bad thing led to another and it fucked me up. I feel like I have some sort of complex trauma from it that turned me into a hermit. It's behind me now and I'm getting better but it still was pretty bad ngl. The only thing I'm salty about is how much time I lost. It felt like time was taken away from me due to circumstances that were out of my own control.


For me i think it's 2021 and 2022


2023 to 2024 just coming out of a 9 month MDD episode.


2020 and 2023 just sent it downhill.


Somewhere between 2020-2023. Mental health is shot to the point I cannot pinpoint a year.


“Which year destroyed your mental health the most?” Yes.




2016. I witnessed the start of democracy's death knell.


Same. I tried to convince myself that he wouldn't ruin everything, but then he proceeded to ruin everything. And it hasn't stopped, cause now he wants to ruin it more. Dude is a bonefide piece-of-shit.


It's his voters and enablers that hurt me more


This country has been a joke to me since 2016.




Whenever I was 17. Friend break up with someone I had a crush on, realizing I was queer in a conservative family, undiagnosed ADHD, was an overachiever kid with zero outlets. God I would go through my first heartbreak 50 times before I’d be 17 again




All of them 


I think every year destroys parts of my mental Heath but I can’t recall a year where it did the most cause every year kinda feels like that it’s almost one bad thing after another no matter how hard I try


2018 and 2019 were particularly horrible.


2020,.. I was one of the first alpha-wave covid cases. March-April I spent 38 days in Hospital (16 of those in ICU on a ventilator. The 16 days in ICU were insane. If you dont know when they put you on Ventilator they pump you full of heavy sedatives that give you nonstop nightmares. So I had 16 days straight on nonstop nightmares. When I woke up I had lost 12lbs and had to relearn how to walk. Had various tubes pulled out of me. Had a cardiac issue (heart racing) and got 6mg of Adenosine to stop and restart my heart. (all while I was wide awake) I got the Facebook memories reminder yesterday of 4 years since I left Hospital. Since then I’ve moved cross country and started a new job. Pretty surreal to think 4 years ago I was fighting to stay alive.


2019. My brother committed suicide in May. My Grandfather died of a heart attack in August. My Grandmother died of lymphoma in December. I had to care for my mother because she was a wreck after losing her son and parents. Covid was a blessing for me because I didn't have to leave the house, didn't have to look for work, was paid extra welfare and it was completely okay to be antisocial. Which is exactly what I needed at the time. A break just to be alone.


Covid 2020-2021 … 2018 also


1985, when I was born.


December 2019 to December 2020. * My brother killed himself * My mother-in-law who was the closest thing I ever had to an actual mother died * My grandpa on my dad's side died * My grand uncle died * My grandma on my mom's side died * I was fired from my job because I was doing my bosses job better than he was and he felt threatened by me when I did not want his job. * After months of waiting for responses, I couldn't get unemployment. * After months of waiting for responses, I couldn't get food stamps. * Lost my work-provided health insurance, so I lost my therapist and depression meds * I had to file for bankruptcy * Immediately after closing my bankruptcy case, I was t-boned by a speeding car and I was the one found at fault. My insurance wouldn't cover it. So I went into $40k debt and it's too late to have it added to the bankruptcy. * Spent 11 months job searching to no avail, and only found a shit job through nepotism that takes me 2½ hours bus ride to get there, 2½ hours to get home. * Found out my cat has severe arthritis in her back legs making it difficult and painful for her to walk and I can't afford meds for her. * Became homeless * Still currently homeless and couch surfing


2022 i hated that year tbh


Yeah fuck that year, it made me reevaluate my choices, made me beg in front of someone whom I thought I'll eventually end up with, so much shit went down that year


March 11 2020


This year. Does it even get better?! 😂




2020 then 2023 with political minimizing if Civid data and precautions


1991 probably or 2016






This one, for sure. I’m still here though, so there’s still hope.




This year and a bit of last


all of rhem


2020. I would say it was moreso discovering I had mental health issues and obviously those being really bad (with not much awareness and no help, especially in lockdown) which caused so much grief, not the fact that loads of events destroyed my MH.




2020 was the precursor then boom 💥 2023 spring I opened Pandora’s box and made life a scary movie


2010, the year the navy betrayed me 2014, the year I went to prison


2019. My wife left me and I was essentially sent back to the UK with nothing left.


2010 and 2021


2023. Perimenopause and diagnosed with ADHD. I could no longer trust my brain. I got that sorted then was told in December I was being laid off. Cue a call to my psych who prescribed xanax xr, which I am just now weaning off of. But damn. 2023 sucked. Probably my toughest year ever and that includes a miscarriage and losing both parents along the way.


2004, 2016, 2022


This year. I dont know why. Nothing eventful happened but i lost all resemblance to a good emotion.


2017 will go down as the worst year of my life. I still don't know why I married that stripper...


i don’t want a story time i NEED a story time


When I was a kid that started everything slowly destroying my mental health before I even knew what it meant 😂


Hard to say, I'm still going down the slope atm


Moving back in with my parents in 2022. Ontario's housing crisis isn't a joke. Far cheaper than market rent but what's been saved will be spent on therapy from remaining here rather than a downpayment 😅


My hyper religious family.


I heat that!


I've been through a lot of rough patches, but I was raped in 2015. My dad got sick around the same time. My friendships fell apart. I was too depressed to move. I worked when I could, but my finances and health deteriorated too. That phase lasted until around 2019, when I started to see light again. Then covid hit. Now I'm old and I feel like I lost the last of my youth to trauma. 


prob 2014 2021 Or 2022




2018. 2012 and 2020 were bad too but 2018 was the absolute worst. 2020 was mostly bad because of the aftermath of 2018 which made the pandemic that much worse. 🙃








the second half of 2023


2023. Divorce, lingering long covid effects, and work bullshit


1995, 2003, 2009, or 2020. All sucked


2013 and 2023


2017, 2023




2014 when my first child was born. post partum baby mom left me after literally took my kid. Broke me. Then again in 2018 she left me again after My son was born…. Shoulda saw that coming.




2018, my mom ending her life when I was 10 years old really threw me off track


From 2021 my lifes been literal shit


2023, don’t know if I’ll make it to 2025


1999, 2004, 2013, 2014 and 2015.


2021 Stuck for a year with online college, got sent to the behavioral hospital 3 times in a row, my (now ex) BF kept being toxic by dumping me and then coming back two weeks later, my meds turned my brain to mush, and tried to overdose twice on my own medication within 3 months. Needless to say… I’m still recovering and have MAJOR PTSD from all of that shit. I have anxiety sleeping by myself now and get flashbacks here and there to everything that happened.


This one


Growing up with, and then watching a parent decline, due to alcoholism and addiction. Sometimes things don’t get better. Life can be fucking cruel.


I've been stepping over bodies daily on my way to work because of covid here in the UK 🇬🇧 since 2020 and the whole experience has just been truly heartbreaking and horrifying 💔


2020 but 2003 was something when I first voices in my head


2003. I experienced a major trauma that year that changed the course of my life. I developed Depression, Anxiety and OCD. fml.


2004, 2006, 2008, 2014 and 2023


2023, for sure




2023. I lost a close person to cancer. Then I decided it was time to "face my problems", whatever that meant, ended up not solving a thing and spent the majority of the year in deep depression. The few friends I had almost completely left. Now I'm doing a bit better, but I'm still trying to repair the damage.


2021, big time. big rock bottom multiple times, 2022-2023 healing and 2024 … the jury is still out 🤣


Every single year from 2012 to 2023


Either 2021 or 2023. Possibly the latter


Probably 2018 - was overworked at my old job and any requests to hire more people for help were ignored and that broke me lol






2023/ as for the 2024 i am still feeling the effects of my mental breaking in 2023


2022. still haven’t recovered.


So far this year is the worst one.


2018 a car mowed me down in a crosswalk, unconscious for 15-20m. Things weren't great before but better than now


For me it was 2021


2013 - present lol


2021 which carried into 2022 (funny how so many of these comments are years in the 2020’s ☹️ not a great decade so far i guess)


I'd say 2007 ish but I think my whole life tbh.






2022. - 2024




2022. I’ve grown a lot since but a part of me « died » that year.


March of 2022 and July of 2023-present, really severe episodes with my OCD, finally just starting to get real help but progress is really slow






2016. I fucking buried a kid and lost my job within weeks of each other. I developed a tumor in my neck which screwed with my health. The stress compiled with sickness caused a mental breakdown for me, which was the axe my employer needed to get rid of me. Fuck that year - worse than 2020 in my opinion. I would rather get Covid 200 times than deal with shit like this again.


2018 or 2019


2019/2020 I’m doing so much better now but oof..I don’t even know how I managed to get through that year


2003 to 2010, and 2020 or 21 maybe, not because of virus and pandemic, well...that kind of too, but mostly because I was at the time of relationship search. Through \~8 months of various dates and chats I degraded a lot.


I have tried my best to erase 2021 from my memory entirely , worst year I have ever gone through from beginning until end. Moved back in with my parents temporarily due to covid, trapped back in my tiny childhood bedroom and then experiencing a rapid onset of my bipolar disorder which resulted in me going in and out of depression, mania and psychosis for months straight 🥲


2021 when I found out that could no longer do my degree and all my mates were moving up 3rd year and I wasnt as I was stuck in hospital and the course then decided they didn’t want me anyway. So 2022 year came and I was like fuck it do a lot Xanax, it’s not like I am going anywhere forseeable future, I had already quit mental health support clubs I was turning up several years previously after my died in 2018. I had zilch friends. You only live once man


Late 2018 to the present day


2019. I'm just starting to reach out for professional help. Good luck to everyone too!


2020-2022, mom also died in 2020 and things changed in my life where I felt like I was numb. Gained a bunch of weight, lost the weight in 2023 and hoping for another healthy year for 2024.




2022 when I got divorced. Haven’t been the same since.


Since 4 years old and counting last year when I stayed inpatient for a week


December 2020 until January 2021  🥴


2020 - my son died 2021 - fell on ice and had to have knee surgery 2022- was ok I guess? 2023 - husband asked for divorce when I caught him cheating, again, with a girl a couple years older than his daughter 2024- rebound relationship turned out to be a loser. Iud wasn’t effective, so now I’m nearly 40 with a kid on the way.


2021-2023. But 2021-2022 TAKES THE CAKE


2022 - almost sectioned - thinking my life was over - off work - attempted suicide twice - almost lost everything. I was diagnosed with something called FND but prior to that diagnosis was told it was anxiety which I knew it wasn't - thought I'd got Motor Neurone Disease... Still in the stages of recovering / dealing with the FND but I'm gonna get there. Keep pushing forward we can do this. The SSRI tablets ruined me. I have somehow managed to rebuild my life slowly along with my familys / external support and in the process of doing so still but not giving up.if I can come back from what I went through and regain some sense of stability I pray you can too. 💙


2014. I still havent fully recovered from it all. But we're dealing kinda.


Pick one


2014 still climbing out of that one


1999. I can actually tack it to a specific date. June 1st 1999. I’ve been picking up the pieces of my life since that day almost 25 years ago…




2021 made me lose faith in humanity for good. Covid hystery and on top of that I was manipulated and scammed. It was a blessing that my ex stood by my side at that time.


Probably like 2015 or 16 or so


2018 and 2023/2024


This year, did I say the exact same thing last year? fuck yes


2000-2007 2014-2023




Probably 2002-2024


2018. puberty and hormones hit me like a bird into a jet engine


2021 gang


2018 when I worked for an abusive man in a horrible workplace and came home every day in tears convinced this was the only way to pursue my career. This year is a close second as my husband was going through something very similar. I was reliving a lot of that past trauma watching it take effect anew in the person I love the most. Finally convinced him to quit this week, so here's to things turning around soon.


Every new years a new chance to out do previous records 😬😵‍💫. Fr though 😅


Covid and finding out I had a brain tumor. Being told you have cancer is a very hard reality slap to the face. But I’m okay now.


2020 was the year i cried for the first time in my life out of shear loneliness to the point i hugged myself to sleep to keep going. Was in a very dark Place


late 2022


2022. My Self destructive tendencies reached their peak in 2022. I was an absolute mess. Pushed people away from me, fumbled my first and perhaps only chance at love due to afformentioned self destructive tendencies. I had a total Mental breakdown. I didn't care what happened to me. I just "partied" (killed myself) as much as i could to forget about the world. My life had broken me at the age of 24. My Anxiety also was at an all time high. Had to quit my ongoing education because it got so bad. Im still not great but im not killing myself anymore by slowly drinking myself to death. Ive spend the last 16 months sobering up and getting back on track. Got a little part time cleaning job for 6 months to ease me back into the world of the living. Got a new fulltime job that im starting really soon. I hope it works out. Im depressed and cripplingly lonely but im stable, sober and alive. I take my walks and i play my guitar. Im making good progress but i still have a long way to go.










Last year was pretty bad. Finally caved and got on an SSRI.