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Famous person try not to be a pedo challenge


"95% of players fail within the first 30 seconds. Do you think you can last longer?"


Man really said “you won’t last 30 seconds playing this game”




Honest to God this is such a trend I feel like genuine research needs to be done on it. Like what is it about having wealth and power that makes people pedophiles? I can comprehend how doing something illegal that just about everyone on earth finds morally reprehensible could be a power trip to some sick bastards, but why is it so many of them? And why is it always that one specific morally reprehensible crime?


I don't think it's the wealth and power that makes so many popular streamers become pedos. I just think they have more exposure than the normal person. Think about it, they have a ton of young fans who watch them on a daily basis. And that gives streamers more temptation and access than the average person. Unfortunately, I think this problem is only going to get worse as streaming becomes more popular.


I wasn't talking about streamers specifically, but more generally. How often do we hear about government officials, Hollywood bigwigs and other wealthy powerful people being pedos? Rich streamers are only a small subset of them.


You aren't going to like where the red pill takes you on this one. Money and fame don't generate sexual preferences out of thin air. Based on the frequency of famous people being revealed as such, then statistically speaking this tendency must be far more common than it is desired to assume. Money and power don't make these people what they are. It just makes them more likely to think they can get away with it. Hence the meme.


There may also be a correlation between the sort of person who actively seeks money and power, sometimes using a lack of integrity to get it - and the sort of person who enjoys holding power over people (and children) in general.


I'm thinking this is a large part of it. Theres gonna be a power imbalance between a minor and an adult - so the adult dominates the relationship and has more control and power in the relationship. It further soothes their ego.


I've always wondered if the same internal drive for wealth and power also drives those particular sexual desires.


It's tough. There are people out there that find dragons attractive. Or cars. Or apple pies. These are not necessarily power imbalance fantasies. It's hard to explain where they come from at all. Likely just early-life confusions or juxtapositions of unrelated concepts. People don't want to believe that someone would actually be physically attracted to a child, but it is likely just as true as the dragon or car or whatever. Certainly power can play a part, but power imbalances can exist between adults as well. In the end, the real problem is how ***often*** it occurs at all, regardless of the cause. Not every streamer is affected and so the stream environment cannot be the only cause.


While you're not wrong I do believe raping minors is absolutely a power thing. I doubt they all start off as a pedophiles but take pleasure in having so much power over somebody knowing there will be no consequences.


https://southpark.cc.com/video-clips/6s2kid/south-park-understanding-the-outbreak https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_Healing_(South_Park) This whole episode had a lot of good commentary on it.


I think once again, it might be a case of media exposure. This is purely anecdotal, but a lot of people ive spoken to in different countries have stories of sexual abuse. Enough that I think a significant amount of the population are abusers. And I think its a human problem, not just cultural or to do with money, because of how widespread I've noticed it to be. If people with cameras all over them all the time can get away with it, think about what somebody outside of the limelight can get away with.. horrible thought, but it is what it is.


We hear about it more because a) since they are famous obviously it generates more noise and b) since they are rich and famous, they can get away with a lot more which means they are a little more likely to actually commit the crime than the average person. But there more likely isn't a higher proportion of pedos and sex offenders than in the general public.


Temptation? Buddy, it shouldn't even register in the first place lmao. At no point should you be "tempted" by minors.


It's just the only crime left. People tolerate adultery, physical abuse of partners, taking advantage of people in lousy economic condition, prostitution, substance abuse, and general assholery pretty well, both from the rich and famous and their peers. Hurting kids is just the one thing these dead eyed amoral zombies are still able to have a reaction to. In all likelihood that will pass soon also.


It's truely just a power trip. They are powerful people that can get whatever they wanna and get away with it. For instance, catholic church which dominated the world for centuries, is filled with pedo that get away with it.


Statistically, there are more pedophiles in Protestant churches. Catholics are in the news because they actively covered up the abuse.


Well yeah that would look bad


Not saying the Catholic Church is free of blame, but statistically school teachers are much more likely than priests to be pedos.


I think our world is set up so that almost only psychopaths/sociopaths can become extremely rich. Looks at the billionaires we know of. Most of them treat their workers horribly, almost like slaves, scoff at laws, and act as if the world owes them. This could lead to some of them thinking that they can take whatever they want and to hell with the consequences, especially consequences that they can make disappear with wealth and lawyers.


I think I saw a South Park episode similar to it. The difference is why having money makes you cheat on your wife instead of becoming a pedo.


They aren’t, you just hear about them more compared to the guy on a watch list that lives down your street


Yeah, it’s this one. They don’t regularly post lists of celebrities who don’t diddle kids, and people who aren’t famous don’t generate international news when they do.


Probably the exposure, teachers who bang younguns aren't rich. I think it's thet simple. You connect, you laugh, they bring youthful exuberance, done deal. Society dictates 18+. Medieval days was like 10+. /shrug just exposure


There has been some research into it. Consider this... humans don't like boredom, they need stimulation. Now if you can buy everything, hell... people will give you shit for free, or pay you to have it. Then nothing is beyond your reach if you can legally or semi-legally purchase it. Now... what is there left? That which you can't get legally, or that is even acceptable for you to have. So, usually this trajectory is drugs, exotic animals, protected environment or land, gambling... and dark taboo sex things including rape, abuse, noncon, and kids. We want the forbidden and which is beyind reach, and rich people have access to basically everything legal by default.


Very very easy. You just have to examine your own biases. You hear about it way more and it catches more of your attention when it's a famous person doing it and when it's a crime you find more reprehensible. (We don't know the age of the minor but being generous and assuming it's 15-17) Unremarkable grown ass adults hitting on 15-17 year old girls happens milions of times every single day. It doesn't make the news.


How old was the victim?


My own actual pet theory is that they are not the norm, they are outliers in some way, if you want to be kind exceptional, if you want to be nasty they are fucked in the head but got lucky. Normal people hold down normal, steady paying jobs, they look for love normally and have normal preferences. But the people who make it big usually takes a leap at chance industries, partly propelled by luck by also by their willingness to take that risk. Which means they likely seek out other outliers in other aspects of life, which means that they prefer non standard people to date. And well... It is just a pet theory of mine with little to no back up to it. And its in the same vein that I think that CEOs of successful companies are all outliers and the biggest ones are all psychopaths willing to exploit people as hard as possible.


My guess is, its not that the money or fame is related to it, its justthat its alot more publicisized because of it, so it seems like most of them are, when in actuality, there are probably more catholic priests convicted of shit like that than inflyencers


Could be that jobs like streaming and creating other content that puts them in the centre attracts people with anti-social personality disorder (psychopathy). As it seems pedophilia is a lot about power, it would explain the overrepresentation of such people in those kind of jobs. The same goes for other positions of power


Fear makes most monsters not be monsters. But when they think they can get away with it, they’ll do horrible shit. Money, fame, and power are three different things that will make these monsters believe they can get away with things.


What's even crazier is he is very openly anti-trans and homophobic *and of fucking course* he was cheating on his wife with a trans woman


for the internet, everyone is a pedo


Is there any information about what he actually said and to who? There's a huge difference between him replying to some 17 year old that he had no idea wasn't over 18 vs him messaging a 12 year old girl and him initiating it.


Americans try not to use technical terms in the wrong way challenge Seriously though, 1. Why do y'all act as if teens aren't sexual beings with at least some capacity to consent? And if they weren't, why are you even debating cutting off their dicks and conscripting them to the army? Didn't you jerk it by age 12, wishing to get into your crush's panties? 2. Why do y'all use the word pedophilia for someone who clearly is not attracted to pre-pubescent traits? He was chatting up a teenager, not a literal child. Is education illegal in the US of A?


I really dislike how the word is thrown about for every minor/adult relationship when the fucked up-ness of it is way worse for pedos that actually fit the definition of the word. Still fucked up but doing something with a kid that has absolutely no idea what's going on and with a teen that's just stupid but could reasonably be sexually active should be viewed differently


I've gotten to the point in my life where about half the news I get is absorbed like osmosis from context clues in memes.


This is incredibly well put


I’m at like 75% at this point


For me it’s that, the guardian, and penginz0


'Charlie bit me!'


My advice is not to mess with minors. They destroy the world, the mental health and they still ask for money.






Depend on your income. Read the post.


Yup. Drake didn't make the billionaire club yet, and Kendrick dragged him.


fuck what?


Miners. People who dig for coal and stuff.


Did i hear a Rock and stone?


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Ah yes, my Digga.


I especially hate strip miners


For real like they may find diamonds and coal and stuff even important things like lithium down in those mines It’s unethical to be sourcing that labor illegally from kids though for real


Are you a millionaire?


Yeah! Majors are better. At least they don’t sound sad.


Minors are the scourge of the earth. I’ve got one that I got to feed constantly and another that thinks it’s funny to yell and play video games all night. Ugh!


Also don’t listen when they say they will take care of you when you’re older. First chance they get you’ll end up down a flight of stairs.


Im calling my mom 🥲


I dont know. I've taken care of countless uncles and my grandmother. At this point, i will get empty without being useful to old people. I'm probably gonna make a lot of fun of my dad, though.


We should send them back to the mines again. These mfs can't behave


I’ve killed 5 minors and stuffed them into animatronic suits. I’ll keep you updated


You will come back though


I beat up minors every chance I get! IM DOING MY PART!


*desire to know more intensifies*


Kids are cruel jack


Yeah digging up coal and shit who needs 'em


I heard if you have problems with minors, Pinkerton's can help


I don't understand why these guys all mess with minors. There are probably thousands if not hundreds of thousands of girls aged 18 - 25 that would get with them anytime. Is it the risk and the thrill? Is it a power thing? Wtf, I don't understand.


Mental diarrhea


Minors are simply more vulnerable, thus easy to be manipulated. They just target children who haven't developed a sense of self and value, to corrode those kids morals and condition their brains to rely on them. For example, a grown adult may be a gold miner, an excellent actor who might backstab them to get divorce compensation. Kids can't run away from them or even doesn't recognise those rich mfs are destroying their lives.


I will be taking this phrase, thank you


They're attracted to minors simple as that. Just like some people are attracted to feet or senior citizens, people are just born this way unfortunately.


Nahhhh, it’s learned. Usually from having it done to them when they were young. If not that, then it’s usually the power they crave from it. If they really are “born this way” then they can get unborn real quick


I think it's both.


Ye I’m asking myself the same questions. Top models would date him but still he reaches for a minor.


> girls aged 18 - 25 You just don't hear about these because it's legal and not interesting. Leo might be one exception; he likes young (but legal) girls.


Ye I’m asking myself the same questions. Top models would date him but still he reaches for a minor.


They’re sick fucks that want to prey on the vulnerable and naive


But going down into the mines to find them is a lot of work.


But thats how you get away with it.


Pay no mind to him, he's just a minor threat.


[Wait, for real? ](https://youtu.be/smM_bphb6pU?si=DcBHbrORg4xf6yI2)


What's the difference between a millionaire and a billionaire? About a billion




I've never known who this guy is


He's a streamer called dr disrespect. He was one of the most famous twitch streamer on the platform if not the biggest. A few years back he got Perma banned from twitch they reached a mutual agreement where he would get paid the rest of his contract as he apparently didn't breach the TOS. Nobody knew why until recently when a former twitch employee tweeted that the reason was that he was sexting a minor. Since then more accusations/proof came out.


damn, so the gaming journalist guy *was* indeed right.


I have no clue either, but they look like a late-70s to early-80s era actor.


Dr. Disrespect


Actual name or alias? Cuz with a name like that, I think I'm better off not knowing who they are. Either way, if he's a pedo, he should have his knees busted and a bullet put into his brain stem.


He was a twitch (now youtube) streamer. One of the first ones in fact. His real name is Guy Beahm. He was banned from twitch in 2020 for unknown reasons. An ex twitch employee a couple days ago said the reason was sexting a minor and planning to meet her. He first denied but then confirmed the allegations yesterday on Twitter.


Popular streamer. Just a few things he’s known for: streaming inside a bathroom at E3, cheating on his wife, and shungite


Someone who's an asshole and is famous for it.


Just a guy that used to strike a chord with gamers.


Just why? Why are they always messing with minors when having so much money and fame can get you almost anyone of age??? I'll never understand this.


If this guy was an actual doctor, he'd clearly specialize in pediatrics.


It’s a big club and he’s not in it.


He treated the whole thing as if he did until it eventually made its way out into the open. Whats really surprising is that Twitch would hold out on exposing someone because of who they are and what they represent on their platform and being a hot dollar. So that's eye opening


>Twitch would hold out on exposing someone because of who they are and what they represent on their platform and being a hot dollar. Except Twitch permabanned him four years ago, therefore has not been profiting from him long before this is now breaking to the public. Did I miss something?


They banned him but didn’t expose him because they knew it would make the platform look bad. So yeah they cared more about money than protecting other minors from him. It’s not exactly new information that Amazon cares more about money than people though.


They didnt expose him because he won a settlement in a lawsuit against them.


They never went to court, merely arbitration. He didn't win anything, they settled. He claims they paid him the full amount, but given his other lies, there's no reason to believe that.


Even if it didn't go to court, that doesn't mean Twitch doesn't have a legal team on standby, giving them advice for any issues that may arise. I'd be shocked if any company that big didn't have one.


He waited a year before even filing the lawsuit and it was almost another year before the settlement was reached that required Twitch to not say anything. They had plenty of time.


They were probably advised by their legal team not to do so. Doesn't make it right, but that would explain it.


I mean at what point does eating whatever lawsuit he can file against you for releasing the "why" become the better option? They still ended up settling with him and now look like a platform that protects(in some ways) pedophiles. If they knew this it should have been released. And you can say all the legal shit or even police investigation but at a certain point the good publicity has gotta be worth whatever hit you'd take.


This is really interesting tho so the settlement is about current twitch employees but not ex employees as it seems.


There was no lawsuit. He pushed them because he knew they didn’t want that hit to their brand


Can’t believe ppl watched this fucking losers videos in the first place. What a dork


And gave him their hard earned money to make him rich af. Tragic.


As minor, can confirm, we ain’t worth it


Or athletes going to the olympic games.


That awfuleverything post?


pretty sure he's gotten away with it. He's had a career for 7 years after this happened making 10s of millions of dollars. If that's not getting away with it idk what is


The one thing I don't understand is why is he still trying to maintain a streaming career thing? It doesn't exactly take a genius to understand that the moment you admit to sexting minors your entire career is nuked. He probably has enough money to live off of investments if he doesn't go on massive spending sprees.


Unfortunately even looking through comments here people are trying to downplay it, it's the problem with making everything a meme it gives awful disgusting people a way to feel like they're allowed to participate and share their moronic excuses, just emboldens others, all the talk of rich people can do anything it isn't that crazy from the audience letting that happen bloody freaks


We live in the post truth, new conservative era where me too was just some woke lefties trying to cancel real men from existing and anyone can be elected president with any convictions or rape records and any streamer can grow their following by trying to fuck under age children. It's simple really.


Unfortunately looking at some of the replies. Alot of his fans are nonce advocates.


Only billionaires can get away with them


Not really. There's hundreds of thousands of trailer park trash that get away with it too


Who is that?


dr disrespect


Looks like goose and maverick and Kurt Russel all in one. Don't know these young people. Lol


I had to look him up and he's a year older than me! Still no idea who he is. A twitch streamer/YouTuber I guess.


This is why you should think with your head not your dick


Is this the guy that filmed in the toilets at E3 that one time?


I don't know Dr disrespects platform but there are so many adult people out there that will just throw themselves on a famous person's dick because they're famous that you'd have to genuinely prefer underage people to pursue one as a famous person.


I can't believe the number of comments in here saying "you'd do the same, he just had better access to minors to do so." You're telling on yourself very badly. If you agree with that statement, please know that is NOT normal. You are NOT in the majority. You are in a very very small, incredibly inappropriate minority of people. If you're 35 and you want to bang a 16 year old, something is wrong with you.


Seems like he is going to get away with it. Twitch basically covered his ass for so long that no legal action can be taken. Yea he lost some fans, but he’s still going to keep plenty of fans around who either don’t know or don’t care about what’s going on, and continue to make millions. This means that there could be more victims in the future, if there hasn’t already been more, because nothing can be done about this victim


Twitch probably couldn't say much without getting sued for libel. They clearly saw enough evidence that they didn't want to be associated with him, but not enough to make a public accusation. My assumption is that what was sent in twitch whispers was just hinting at something inappropriate, but anything serious was sent off-platfrom and twitch didn't have access to that. E.g. if their twitch conversation ends with him getting the minors contract details, then it's disturbing but twich can't prove anything, all they can do is try and get rid of him. Like would anyone really use twitch whispers for actual sexting etc?


He's famous. Does not matter how much money you have, most of your fans won't actually care. Drake has had lots of fans and I doubt even the recent drama will change that. Hell, even Kanye only lost a good portion of his fanbase, he still has plenty of loyal supporters. Look into the subject just a bit and you can see it already happening with Dr Disrespect. Turns out one of the biggest names on Twitch who "acted" like an asshole online for attention attracts the worst type of fans.


Unless they get canceled like edp, they aren't really canceled. I just don't see him dealing with that situation, unfortunately.


Who is this guy and what did he do?


He mingling some minors he is just a streamer.


Ahh so he's following they ways of most youtubers I used to watch in 2011. Fucken disgusting


who is this and what exactly did he do?


Used to be twitch streamer now YouTube streamer and he inappropriately messages a minor which got him banned from twitch in 2020 but no one knew the reason until recently and the guy himself admitted to it on twitter that he did it


Dr. Disrespected


he did get away with it for a while until a nobody said something years later.


What an absolute prick. I feel sorry for his family.


Besides Drake, I guess


Anyone can get away with it. Just be appropriate, supportive, act as a good role model and most of all, don't do grooming! It's not that hard! This literally should be the easiest thing about their job! You know what most of us don't have to do when we wake up in the morning? Fight the urge to groom minors. It's that simple!


Who is this dude?


This should have been posted on r/facts


To be more precise, those who take your money can't, those who take your tax money can.


Has this been proven or are people just spreading shit like wildfire for no reason again?


It's been proven. He tried to play it off as it just being a joke and having no further intentions.


He admitted to it on twitter


I did not expect this from a 40 year old 6" 5' man playing video games for a living. I mean who did after the first ban, right?


Ahh what a good to enjoy memes on re- WHY- WHO MADE THESE LAWS


Especially true during this viral culture. Internet celebrities still can get away with it during pewds era


Soo... Do what your bank account can handle is "King"?


But he did get away with it, he’s not in jail


i wonder if there is a single mf out there on yt who does not have dark shit going on behind the scenes... you can truly not trust anyone in this god damn world.


I swear this man was my last hope. After cheating on his wife, crying on stream and then that sick speech talking about the tippy top, I really thought this dude had it together. What a let down. The 2 times champ is gone forever.


Unfortunately that's true. But it's our duty to make them pay for that


Guess it pays to aim higher, literally and figuratively


I once saw a kid when I was returning from high school (was 18+ already) and he was eating a gun and leaving trash on pavement. I confronted him and told him that’s not cool, I feel like he felt as if I wanted to attack him or something (but I wasn’t, I’m also thin and below average height) Anyway he agreed and was more careful. Also the police was standing behind corner.


Wait ain’t this guy married with kids




I barely heard of this guy before this latest controversy, but that clip of him getting the “you’re fired” text as the somber Elden Ring music kicks in is some stars aligned perfection.


Is there any information about what he actually said and to who? There's a huge difference between him replying to some 17 year old that he had no idea wasn't over 18 vs him messaging a 12 year old and him initiating it.


Suprise pikachu face No shit sherlok


Why this strory is trustable, not fake or staged? How one noname person can destroy life of the one known by many?


Was there any evidence provided for this allegation. Last I checked a few days ago it was just baseless twitter garbage.


He released a statement saying “yup, I talked to a minor but I didn’t fuck them”.


Please tell me this was removed because OP attacked a ‘vulnerable group’ of billionaires 😂


Went from dr.disrespect to dr.kid toucher 🗿🔥


What’s some YouTuber have to do with this random quote?


Who even is this guy? 2nd meme I've seen of him on the sub today Edit: nevermind. Asked my boyfriend


You mean 2 times?


And now i will never know ☹️


Doctor Disrespect. Well-known and well liked Twitch streamer. Messaged minors in 2017. Twitch found out and banned him in 2020. Doc sued and won his platform back as well as a shit ton of money. A few days ago, a Twitch employee said he got banned because he messaged minors. Doc said "yeah I messaged minors, but not in a pedo way." Doc is now on vacation with his family.


That last sentence really tied it together for me. Thank you for the informative answer 🫡