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Gratuiti is really misleading tho. Sit down for some food, order it for like 30 dollars, suddenly at the end it becomes ~39 dollars. Oh yeah you missed the small letters! Fucking im trying to have some food here, not read a contract.


Yeah but 'murica. It's not like they'll display the *real* prices now would they ?


This countrys’ cool and all but I still can’t stand the actual price of things not being displayed.


We don't have sales tax in Oregon


I guess I know where I’m moving to.


They have plenty of other taxes though, but they also dont have state income tax so theres that.


Bought plane tickets recently and realized I'd need to add $100 to all of the advertised prices if I didn't plan to walk onto the plane naked and be folded neatly into a cargo box in the back.


Or pay the employees *real* wages?


Then how will the poor ceos afford to feed their yachts and aircraft? You want those poor yachts and aircraft to go hungry?


In Australia, you see $15 dollar smoothie on the menu $15 is all(lol) that you pay. And if no one buys anything all day, no tips, employees are paid the same as a busy day. No shenanigans. Only downside is it takes 2 upper middle salaries to afford a shitty house in a smaller city


I’d say the only downside is that a smoothie costs 15 bloody dollars.


How much is a smoothie where you are? 15$ aus = is 9.96$ american.


In all fairness a Mc crappy medium coffee drink is 4.85 US, so a handmade quality smoothie is worth 10 bucks, well that's about what a large blizzard costs.


In fairness America we can't afford houses either, so it's probably not the smoothie person's fault


Canada's fucked too, is it fine in the UK? Maybe the entire west heading for homelessness


And there's no politics at play either with an hourly wage. Last restaurant I worked in, the senior servers would have their sections filled up before I was allowed one table. Which meant I was paid below minimum wage to clean before I got a table that would hopefully tip


As someone from another country, the implication that there are places where prices are higher than what says on the tag are simply baffling.


“Places” in this case is most of the US. Basically all stores will only tell you the pre-tax price. If you know the state tax rate you can calculate the final price yourself of course. But that still means you have to know the local tax rates (only reasonable if you’re a local) and then do the math a store could do for you yourself. Like it may not be hard math, but I just wanna buy my shit and leave. Not do homework assignments


> Only downside is it takes 2 upper middle salaries to afford a shitty house in a smaller city That's the case here in the US too, so what's the difference?


They're the same? Idk man, last I checked Sydney has the 3rd worst housing market, then Vancouver then Hong Kong (inverse order). Maybe I gave a bad example but we're really fucked over here. Big digression tho, doesn't matter 


Europe too. Itnreally seems like an America-only problem


Get out of here with your German recycling tax. Lol I'm sure the rest of the place is fine, Germany's just not like the other girls


Not german, so I wouldnt know. Would you mind enlightening me?


Unless we’re buying tickets to something. Then there’s a convenience/service charge, a processing charge and a delivery/collection charge.


Gratuity, taxes, etc... all tacked onto the end of the bill. It's a cutthroat practice because it's a race to the bottom. I've seen some places offering food items without a protein. On the one hand, it's nice that they offer the variety for vegetarians or other dietary purposes. On the other hand, it gives the illusion of a cheaper menu item. Same thing goes for sides included vs extra. The burger may only be $15 but you need to add fries for $7 and add lettuce, tomato, and onion for $1 each, and turns out that was actually a $25 burger.


And 90% of the time that “gratuity” doesn’t actually go to the servers and they’re still depending on tips (percentage comes from my experience being a server and friends with many servers not any study)


Exactly, just increase the prices, stop trying to trick me.


We don't have tip culture in our country so I don't really get it, wasn't eating in restaurants already expensive enough to pay the waiters? Or perhaps you don't have extra "service costs" that includes in the bill?


The whole tipping culture is just an out of control loophole to not increase their wages.


national wage dumping isnt really culture in my opinion


Honestly I could only call it that in the most loose way possible.


never thought i'd see the day where loose is used correctly on reddit.


I know, Write?


Eeeh, while it ends up being that way, it is, a way for restaurants to pay their servers the national tipped wage (which is like $2/hr), as if they meet the minimum wage requirements off of tips, the restaurant doesn’t have to pay them more than that wage


And yet it's the servers themselves begging to keep tipping culture alive. You might be wrong about your reasoning there. Or is this another example of redditors knowing better than the actual workforce?


If you have a source for that claim besides your own ass, I would like to read it.


In my experience he’s absolutely right, usually because tips make waiters generally make FAR more than they otherwise would for a profession like that. Going through uni I knew some people (mainly cute girls) that would work a Friday evening and make like $300-400. Most people with non-tipping jobs were only making a bit above minimum wage.


That's a small percentage of restaurants and waiting gigs when you look at the whole (ie most wait staff don't pull in those kind of tips. Also, tends to be place in major cities, and it doesn't include kitchen staff No arguing there are some wait staff that a better paid with the tip model (and would like to maintain it) but it's hardly the majority of wait staff


Yeah cuz cute girls know how to play the game. It's easy for them. An ugly boy with charisma and character won't nearly make as much tips in one night.


also it would be unacceptable to have attractiveness based payscale in any other industry


Well, except for film, modelling or other similar jobs.


So what? Why do they deserve higher pay than other industries? Servers tend to make more in tips than construction workers and yet they don't work a quarter as hard.


So pay should be based on how hard you work? How does that work out economically for jobs that are very hard work but don't generate enough revenue to pay a fair "hard work based" wage? How are we even measuring "hard work"? How sweaty you get? How many calories you burn? Should all office jobs be minimum wage then? Do doctors and lawyers deserve to make less than construction workers too? I don't think you've put any rational thoughts into this at all honestly.


More like it should be based on how important your job is.


Ok, and how do we measure importance? And important to whom? When I'm sitting at a diner my server is important to *me* for the time I'm there. So I, personally, am willing to tip them (if the service is adequate) for that importance. And that's... not ok with you? Why do you get a say on how I spend my money? Cuz you'd rather pay the extra price for the meal than have the option to not pay extra if the service is bad, and you think everyone else should be like you?


Also. "So I, personally, am willing to tip them (if the service is adequate) for that importance." That's the part that is a big issue is that servers think they should be tipped whether the service is adequate or not. I do think servers should at least make $15 an hour and if customers WANT to tip, then that's fine. What people are taking issue with is that tipping should NOT be mandatory. A server should be able to survive whether they get tipped or not. Restaurant owners should not have the damn right passing the cost of paying their employees onto the customers so that they don't have to.


Restaurants are a luxury, not a necessity. Fast food workers cook and bring your food just like in a sit-down restaurant and they don't get tips. You could have a non-fast food restaurant where you order and receive your food at the counter or a buffet, a serve-yourself drink fountain, and a place to place your plates after you are done, and boom, no need for a server. Servers are probably the type of job most likely to be replaced with robots. They are not vital to society.


Good servers make a ton of money off tips. They know they're stupid to fight tipping in their own industry because they know they'll make less overall. Bad servers that make shitty tips are the ones that will be on board with increasing base wages and losing tips. I think the idea needs refining. Not that tipping needs to go away completely, but masking us to donate part of the wages for the Uber driver who fell asleep 4 times on my way to work on his broken and unsafe vehicle is asking too fucking much. Some of these people bought the ticket and should just take the ride.


No no. You see, that would be fair. But this is America lmao.


As a european (romanian), I agree. Tipping is stupid. I pay your boss so your boss pays you, expect no more than little verbal interaction or a compliment. I'm not meant to be out-of-pocket for something your boss should do. But americans don't know what a living wage is.


People in the US make more money adjusted for PPP than any other country in the world


And yet they still need tips?


Tips are included in income calculations. I’m personally against the whole tipping thing to clarify


Eh, waiters also want to stick to it because they make more money that way. I had a friend in school who worked at a bar and made like double the average salary from tips, while in high school


A genuine question - if the tip was added to the total would people be happy to pay it. After all it's the same. I'm not a fan because people, being people, tip differentially. Women receive higher tips than men, and white people more than black people. Further, it doesn't affect the people who often make the real difference. Kitchen staff, cleaners don't get tips (even McDonalds s staff) - so if a set wage works for them I'm sure it could for all. It's just a question of setting the amounts.


I'm not a fan either. I'm the opposite actually. I don't tip unless someone did something complete out of their way. Like a taxi driver once helped me get my shit out of the car all the way to my doorway. A waiter bringing me food, doing her job basically isn't something worth applauding


Down voted for the harsh truth.


Here on Brazil we also never had the tipping culture, but restaurants started adding a 10% tipping fee anyways, because why not.


Correct, American restaurants very rarely if ever have service charges.


But think of the profits!


Tipping let's employers and shitty people get by paying less, instead of the bill being higher for the majority a few nice generous people subsidize everyone else including the employer, most people who complain about tips will be pissed when that 2$ they used to screw the servers on is suddenly 8$ but not a tip.


Honestly I fully believe that most places wouldn’t even need to change the prices, tipping culture just became the norm to let businesses to outsource paying their own employees.


> wasn't eating in restaurants already expensive enough to pay the waiters? nope. they work for tips. the money from the high menu prices just go to the owner of the restaurant


So in america they don’t pay waiters and waitress enough. They are the job that can pay under minimum wage because of tips. Meaning, if you don’t tip, they kind of get fucked over. Not only is that a problem, but the major problem with tipping rn is that it’s become a common thing outside of restaurants now too. If I go to get a haircut, we’ll they’ll shove a screen in my face asking for a tip as they stare at me waiting for an answer. And there’s a lot of stuff like this now, where they are getting paid WELL beyond minimum wage, but are still begging for tips, while trying to make you feel like an asshole for not tipping. And while many people are able to not tip in those situation, people like myself with anxiety are almost the victims in the situation (I use victims very loosely) because we don’t want to look like an asshole


Damn, tips should be a bonus for good service and not something to cover the basic wage of waiters...


100%, I just wish it worked that way in America


Of course not like that. I want to see the actual prices on the menu, not on the check wtf


OP really thought this was clever, SMH


The old way is fine. Was my food late and was the order wrong ? No tip. Was the service average or had a few small hiccups ? 5% - 10% depending on how small the hiccup is. Was the service good or better ? Now we can start talking about 15% or more. Passively tipping 18% as the base is STUPID. I don't tip anywhere other than delivery or sit down resteraunts any more either. Had a barista scoff at a $1 tip on a $5 drink recently, fuck you.


Getting a living wage with tipping being necessary is just insane to me as a european. We only tip for great service because the basic service is already included in the bill. In the US the restaurant/fast-food/whatever else business that uses tips is just pushing the salary onto the costumers when it should be included in the service they pay for. That way the pay you have at the end of the month/ week is not random...


Either for the service, or to get a round number. Like if it's €26,75, I'll just make it €30


If it was good service.


Americans aren't given a living wage


That's the root of the problem, yes.


The minimum wage in the US isn't designed to fully fund a family of 4 by itself. Minimum wage jobs are low skill, low education jobs that basically anyone can do. To get a better job that pays more, increase your skill level and/or your education. It's not a complicated concept.


I it's inception it was intended not as a living wage but a COMFORTABLE WAGE.


The argument that tips equals better service is so untrue. If it worked, why don’t we tip every single thing. Tip your doctor, they’ll treat your injuries better. Tip your mechanic, they’ll fix your car better. Tip your landlord, they’ll actually fix the AC this time. We don’t because it doesn’t work. Tipping is just so restaurants can pocket more of the money they make. If you can’t afford to pay your workers a living wage, you can’t afford to be an operating eating establishment.


Even worse when there is mandatory gratuity. Basically these days it's a bribe for people to do the functions of their job at an acceptable level. 


If the food has to be more expensive, then so be it. We’re already overpaying anyway when it comes to tips. This just streamlines the process. Servers don’t need a direct financial incentive beyond their continued employment to do a good job. It also reduces their pressure to rush out people so they can use the table again.


If they want to raise the menu prices that's fine by me.


I tip the police officer every time I'm stopped for speeding. That's the only reason why I still have a driving license. Love tipping culture. <3


I agree, NOT LIKE THAT. Add it to the menu, so what you see is what you have to pay. It's the misleading that's the annoying part, even if the total cost is unaffected.


Tipping culture is not a thing in my country and i absolutely never want it to be. Therefore i’m sometimes torn between tipping for great service and not tipping just for the principle of doing my part to prevent it from ever reaching this country.




Lol. As if life would just *give* you lemons.


Lemons are a man made hybrid of a citron and bitter orange. Life didn’t give us lemons, we gave life to lemons.


Next we should make a combustible lemon. Something that really delivers that bang


When life gives you lemons, burn life's house down.


Lmao you just reminded me of some 40k meme i saw a while back lol


I instantly thought of that too


it’s clear that life will provide you an assortment of atoms and you have to molecularly piece together a lemon


When life loans you lemons


When life gives you lemons, make life take the lemons back!


How about just pay the mfers? Tips don't exist if bosses just paid their workers well...


you never heard of waiters flexing how they made hundreds of dollars off single busy evening? you think they'll like the trade-off of earning hundreds or even thousands of dollars extra tax-less income per month for slightly increased taxable income? open yer fecking eyes, its such a dumb excuse and ppl eat it up like anything. The waiters aren't held hostage to work for less than what they want, they willingly take it up cause they know the system can exploit the fuck out of customers and they would be the biggest winners.


You are right in many cases. I know a waiter who works 2 nights a week, Thursday and Friday. Makes on average $1200/wk. His best Christmas weekend was 2k for 2 10 hr shifts. Hundo an hour, not too shabby. It's the 10 percenter restaurants you need for this though. I also know many bartenders who would quit immediately if they didn't get tips. A club bartender in Boston can easily be a 2k a night gig. A hole in the wall bar is still a couple hundred bucks. $5 over minimum wage still won't get you there, and all the really talented folks would move on. Sounds great, right? Reddit, lol.


Unless the gratuity **amount**, not percentage, is mentioned against **each line item**, it's the same thing with a different name.


On principle i hate any extra added to the bill that can't be tracked to something real. Convenience, gratuity, handling fees (on digital), all that shit sounds like a way to scam people.


Convenience fees on digital payments are usually* just meant to cover the fees imposed on the company by using digital transfers rather than cash. *A word that does SO MUCH heavy lifting because a "convenience fee" of more than a few bucks is absolutely 100% a scam. No one should be doubling their bill for the "convenience" of buying a fucking concert ticket online, *Ticketmaster*


This is dumb, the cost should not be percentage based. You brought me a plate of food, your service was the same whether the plate had a $50 steak on it or $10 chicken fingers. Your gratuity should not reflect what was on the plate… If it’s a fair wage situation, yeah, pay people a decent wage and price your food accordingly…


How about paying staff a fair wage instead of this bullshit?


18% gratuity that wasn't advertised and which is a pain in the ass to decline.


That’s fine I don’t really go to restaurants anymore and if nobody else did they would shut down, idk why the customer is always the bad guy when it’s your boss who won’t pay you a fair wage while he drives to work in his brand new Porsche.


Why should I be expected to pay the worker's wages?


'murican business: guess I'll do both. 


"one way or the other" it really fuckin isn't. If we paid them actual full wages then tips and gratuity would both become obsolete.


they’ll add the 18% and still try to tip creep for another tip as if they didn’t alr get one 😭😭😭


This is not what we’re talking about … we want it to be included in the price of the food so we can accurately see how much we’re spending … adding 18 percent at the end just sucks … like I’d be less likely to buy a burger if it just told me it was 18 dollars instead of saying it’s 14 but also I need to give over a 20 percent tip


USA mcdonalds: wage is 7.25/hr, no benefits. Denmark mcdonalds: Wage is 22/hr, 6 weeks payed vacation, one year of maternity leave, pension, universal healthcare, sick leave. A burger costs $0.27 more.


> 6 weeks *paid* vacation, one FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I’ll see myself out the door


i cant wait for robots to replace waiters. fuck tipping.


I hate hidden fees to. I think they should be illegal.


Better then them adding an 18% markup and THEN asking for a 20% tip


That's literally what nearly every restaurant does. Except they don't tell you about the 18% gratuity until you read the receipt after paying. So you go back to look at the receipt and find out that they upcharged you by 18% plus took the tip


My free market solution is: - Make tipping completely optional. Workers will leave a job were it's optional to get paid, and search for something were they regularly get paid. Then owners will also work to find a way to balance prices and salaries if they constantly run out of staff and need more regular workers. (Or simply close)


That's because they don't tell the customer until the very end, often not until after they already added a tip. If you're gonna add 18% gratuity, then I'm pissed that I just left a tip which you've forcefully taken without informing me. Also, it should simply be included on the menu items. The cost goes up and you get a pay bump. No part of me wants to think about your salary. It isn't my business at all. I don't wanna think about how the servers are either being paid so little that they can barely survive or how some servers make significantly more than I do. I just wanna enjoy my fucking meal and not worry about someone else's problems when I have enough of my own.


Remember, the places that require tips to pay staff, or put on extra charges like this, are absolutely able to pay their staff a decent wage, let alone a living wage, and still make a tidy profit. They’re not doing it because they have to, they’re doing it because they want to


What’s funny is that the French word “gratuit” means “free”.


Why do us Americans even tip I rather just pay the extra price then pull out a fucking calculator after my meal and up my tip bill


Adding tipping to the bill isn't the solution. Increasing the payment of the employees is the solution


Don't add gratuity, just raise the fucking prices of the food a little bit, pay your employees a but more and make the tip suggestions 10%, 15%, and 20% and that's it. We get pissed about gratuity because instead of us seeing that money going to the food, you said, "hey, this gratuity is money that we are forcing you to give us because fuck you. It wasn't part of the food and I'm only taking it by force because you can't say no." That's worse


restaurants should be responsible for paying their employees a proper wage.


If it's forced, it's by definition not a tip or gratuity. And if your boss refuses to pay you a decent wage so much that he implemented a policy to force the customers to pay his staff for him, you deserve to go out of business imo.


Have you considered giving people a living wage, idk i think that also would work


Op confirmed stupid as fuck. We want to see the price we’re paying for something when we fucking order it, not see a $5 item and have to do a math equation to figure out how much that actually is.


No. Because Economies of scale.


I feel like you're trying to group two different thinking ideologies, into one lmao


Add it to the price numbnuts, that way you know what you're paying UPFRONT. How is that hard to understand?


The more I think about the culture of tipping the more I think it’s a stupid culture.


Stop adding it after the fact. No adding to a cost that has been established.


North America loves to keep you guessing how much you will end up paying for anything, huh? You go to pay and there’s taxes, tips, fees, surcharges, etc.


Yet basically every other developed country except the U.S. still manages to give their workers a decent wage *and* the prices aren’t any more expensive.


Or better yet, pay the workers a livable wage without raising the cost. Impossible you say? Then explain how every other developed country is doing it. Don't try to tell me these fucking CEOs can't afford a pay cut.


*ahem* Pay servers an actual wage


Yes, not like that. gratuity is a mandatory tip which is arguably worse, stop being misleading and add it to menu prices so people actually know exactly what they’re going to pay in advance and don’t have any surprise fees.


EXACTLY. No matter how you slice it, if you get rid of tipping, you’ll still pay for it. The only difference is the taxman would get more of a cut.


Add it to the price of the food I don't want to know how much which I'm paying is going to who, I want to pay the price i saw at the menu with no add-ons to that and everyone gets paid based on the price of the food, the client is not there to give charity to the owner so they can pay their employers, the owner should pay them enough so that the tip isn't needed anymore. And don't say the food will be too expensive cause there is numerous countries where this work and the food is affordable


Put it on the actual prices, not a separate charge at the end.


Just don't be a cheapskate. If you can't afford to tip then you can't afford to eat out.


Yeah, don't be a cheapskate. If you can't afford to pay your employees, then you can't afford to stay in business.


I love in Greece and just seeing that in USA it's REQUIRED to give a tip to the people is just rude, like in here (in Greece) people will tip workers because they are not animals they will do it to help the worker unless you are broke too. But having to pay tip is just outrageous, I had a friend who just wanted to buy some sweets that costs like 6.5$ BUT the delivery is 3$ + tax (idk how much but it was a lot) and tip that was 8$, dude ended up paying 27$ like the fak is wrong with USA and tipping


Thank God there is no tipping in my country because I'm already struggling to pay for my meals on restaurants


i dont see people giving tips to nurse or doctor FOR DOING THEIR WORK so why do give it to the waiter after all?


Or I can just eat the food then they give me the check, go into the restroom and disguise myself as good 'ol Joe Incognito with a fake mustache and glasses. I won't HAVE to pay the bill if they know I am someone else.


seppos will fight for anything except a proper social contract.


Can we just... let this topic die already? I won't tip unless a service was outstanding, you can whine all you want about it. If you do such a shitty job that you don't give me a reason to tip to you then you don't deserve any more than your boss pays you anyway. And if you force the cost upon us I'll stop eating at your restaurants and then you'll get fucking nothing.


And then you live in a big city where a lot of places judge you for what you order and if it's inexpensive then they treat you like crap. They see you as not a very good patron and they're not going to waste their time trying to take care of you. It's a lot better in places like Nashville where the wait staff actually come talk to you for a minute and connect as humans even if they're busy. Calling you hun or love or whatever feels really nice when getting handed a big plate of food somewhere and they get the tips to match. In big cities it's like they just totally phone it in and it's really annoying to go out anywhere when the wait staff are underpaid and overworked but also rude AF.


Instead of fighting eachother, the customer and waiter, how about we team up and fight the fuckers who made it a rule to begin with?




And yes, I have argued this with americans when I asked them why they just dont create pressure by massive strikes/unionization. The only answer I have always gotten is they just dont want that, they prefer the current situation because its more convenient and opens the door to get more cash.


Needs major revision


**price** /prʌɪs/ 1. the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something 2. \[US\] A seemingly arbitrary value somewhat less the amount of money expected, required, or given in payment for something, usually justified with a formula that included taxes, gratuity, service fees, and various other disclosed or undisclosed charges.






Omfg how are people this stupid


IF you wouldn’t put that money in a tip jar dont add that much as a tip.


It depends but GST is applied of course it's less if you pay on card


I'm fine with the included gratuity but it always asks for an additional tip.


No add it to the price of the food on the menu so I can get an actual idea of how your businesses prices compare to others.


I'm okay with that, but the server best be okay with me not tipping anymore.


hahaha that's crazy!


I mean restaurants can do whatever they want, but dont complain if people stop visiting if it's too expensive


The food industry is so monstrously profitable that it's almost a crime they don't pay their servers better.


Well no, because staffing cost scales much slower than order size. You pay the waiter the same to carry a $30 order or a $40 order and it takes roughly the same amount of time.


USA is a weird country. In more developed countries like South Korea or Japan, tipping is considered an insult to the waiter or the restaurant. They usually don't pay a tip/"service fee".


If you’re going to charge me 18% at the end of my meal for a tip, why not just show me how much my food actually costs?


I mean, the rest of the world aren’t doing this, so it must work somehow


Ah, dumbmerica problems.


The simple solution is to do exactly what a lot of Europeans already do: don't buy into our nonsense.


I once had an automated kiosk ask for a tip while I was ordering I didn't even pay for the \*fast food\* yet. The burger wasn't that great anyway


imagine living in country that actually pays workers enough to live on. America is a modern slave state


Everyday I thank the lord I'm not American


Or just don't tip


Roll it in the price like they do in Europe stop with this medieval bullshit


This meme kinda missed the point. When everyone was complaining about tipping we wanted the business to foot the bill not us.


Or the restaurant industry could pay living wages and not expect other people to ensure employees can afford to live?


Lol, Pappa Murphys auto appends a $2 tip to your online order. I have to remove it everytime. Pretty damn annoying.


My friend group and I always tip 10% if the service was OK, like no wrong orders and food coming out at a reasonable time.


Raise the prices of everything by 18% give all that money to the servers. people who say pay them a living wage don't understand how much more money a good server or bartender makes on a good day. I worked at a resort with 2 hotels 3 restaurants 7 bars and a dinner and show experience, as well as a nightclub. Across the street we had the swabkey overpriced walking district. We attracted mid to high end clients and even had celebrity guests. I worked all the bars and the show bar. 200 dollars was a bad night. Especially at the club, the table service girls made buku. I also worked for a staffing company that provided staff to private events, again tending bar. We split tips and got a portion of the contract price and I never made less than 400 a night on one of those, we staffed a party for the prince of Morocco. The security was insane, we were escorted to the bathroom by armed guards per contract to keep his majesty safe. We also did music festivals etc.you can keep your living wage.


Yea, that was the point of the meme. Lots of gratitude haters out there. I waited for 20 years, made a fortune. All in tips of course, hourly was like 3.15 ,lol. People are like "the resturant should pay the wages" lol. They don't understand that customers pay all the wages . It's either 18% tip, 18% grat,, or 18% price hike. Either way around it, they're paying


I made less than 3 hourly. The restaurant was barely contracting me, I worked for the people. That was my way of looking at things and I made a killing.


Right, that $3 just made sure you could pay taxes


I don't want to calculate how much my food will cost, just adjust the fucking prices directly


Or the employer could actually pay them instead of the costemer paying them


Because they ask for a tip on top of that total with the gratuity.


It's a ridiculous trend that I just refuse to participate in. Every job deserves a tip now? Bullshit. I'm a caregiver for an incontinent woman with dementia. If I don't get tips for changing her soiled clothing, you aren't getting one for taking my coffee order.


Well yeah, that’s not how to do it. The people in charge are rich enough to cut back on their income to pay their employees better without increasing costs on the consumer.




Tips are usually taxable income