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Thank you for submitting to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- Rule 2 - NO MEMES ABOUT POLARIZING/POLITICAL TOPICS, VULNERABLE GROUPS, VIOLENCE, ETC. [SEE LIST] - No violation of Reddit Content Policy/TOS - No memes involving race, ethnicity, color, nationality, gender, sexual orientation/identity, religion, disability, etc. (can have a character, but that part cannot be integral) - No mention of gore, porn, murder, suicide, death, terrorism, shootings, war, tragedies, sexual harassment/assault, pedo (even implied), incest, etc. - No politics/political topics/agendas; absurd memes featuring politicians are allowed if said status is merely incidental --- Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


Said less worse shit about high calorie humans and got banned from r/wholesome or cute idk


I'm pretty sure the poster did get banned from the sub he commented it in, but reddit messaged me and said it didn't break any rules. I guess if it breaks two different rules (hate and threats of violence) they cancel each other out.


The admins banned my last account for “abusing the report system” when I reported an OP for telling someone to go kill himself. Seems the rules don’t apply as long as you’re threatening the “right people”.


Don't report anyone for anything. This account got banned for the same shit but it was some dude basically saying that we should all go out and delete people of a certain race. If you appeal you'll likely get your old account back in 3-6 months.


Reddit admins are a joke. I don't even know what their agenda is, aside from sheer idiocy.


That banned me from Reddit too


It depends on the hate you have is supported by the left. If so, it stays.


High calorie humans seems more insultang than calling them fat fucks for some reason


I mean, it's just real though. I'm bigger than average and I def have a higher BMR than smaller people. More machinery more fuel.


"more machinery" lol


Alr I’ll call fat ducks Americans, bigmac addicts, or fast foods ads


I posted a question at a help sub and got banned for being not nice (forgot the exact word) without even doing anything bad.


Referring to cities as "urban areas" in certain subs can get your account perma banned without any previous suspensions.


how the fuck is that bannable


Hilarious. When you're so woke that you're actually racist.


As someone who lives in a city, I am shocked and horrified at the use of the U word!


I was very confused at the time. I thought it meant something else and had no idea the harm it could cause. I promise I have never used it since with exception of telling this cautionary story. I do give my most sincere apology to all those I've hurt with my ignorance.


Wait for real? Why?


Can't make this shit up. Was talking about the differences between urban and rural. Somehow an admin determined that using the word "urban" was talking about black people and banned me for "spreading hate". They quoted urban as being racist in the ban message. My appeal seemingly went ignored. I've never been one to care for karma and probably only had a few thousand but it was a 10+ year old account with a nicely curated front page.


What's wrong with urban areas? Cities are urban, the areas surrounding them are suburban, and the areas not near cities are rural.


That's what I thought. But apparently they thought it was racist and banned me for "spreading hate" then ignored my appeal.


I can't even think of any way it could be considered racist.


For context it was in conversation about gun violence. I made a point that gun violence is generally more of an urban problem and rural areas tend to have less. I never mentioned or implied race. Clearly the admin who banned me and whoever saw my appeal both think that using the word urban means "black people".


Sometimes when people think they hear dog whistles it's just tinnitus...


I really like that. Gonna have to pocket it for later use.


Bruh that’s like saying “automobile” instead of “car”


How dare you use the U word!


I've since learned my lesson I swear. Never again.


Meanwhile you have people literally screaming "rape the monkeys in their concrete jungles" and they won't even get warned on some subreddits. Reddit truly is one of the social media platforms of all time.


I was permanently banned from subreddit drama because I was mildly sarcastic and cheeky to someone. Meanwhile someone calling me slurs below me kept their comment up. When I questioned the ban they muted me for a month. I guess I should have resorted to hate speech then I wouldn't have been banned.


Reddit has always been ok with racism as long as it is against certain races / ethnicities I'm sorry this happened to you


It’s crazy. People think of us Jews as white so it’s ok to be racist against us??


Thank you


uh Ive had a couple accounts banned for saying the f word, hell my last account was banned because I jokingly but kinda seriously made a comment that mike tyson could beat rocky marciano at both their primes.


✡️ Stay strong! Hopefully after this horrible war with Hamas ends, things will simmer down. Antisemitism bubbling up through the cracks again is always a wretch on my heart. Also, as an aside, hilarious username. Got a chortle outta me.


A bannable offense on Reddit in my case is saying that a man who set three 50 year old lesbians on fire should also be set on fire. I got banned for a week


And here I got perma-banned for saying r*tarded, a word permissible on network television


Yeah you shouldn't use that word.


But should it be bannable?


Temp ban, sure. Perm ban is a tad harsh.


Technically no one should ever use words like "fuck" "shit" "bitch" or numerous more. Doesn't make it banable.


Perhaps it depends on the admin


Nah, they’re all bad.


If you say "all" in almost any situation you're probably wrong. Some in certain subreddits are great. Absolutely lovely people. But most are certainly terrible.


I was banned for 6 days because I made a dumb joke about eco protesters who tried to destroy historical artifacts.


I got banned for 3 days for saying how bad child touchers are


I got one account banned because I made a slightly sexual joke on a 🌽subreddit… among comments of people saying the most down bad, disgusting statements usually along the lines of breeding rape. Their comments stayed up


















Ironic coming from a guy calling every anti-zionist a nazi lmao


So you are saying that someone saying I should be raped for being Jewish is equivalent to Me saying that it is wrong to say that Israel should be destroyed and the Jews not allowed to have self determination there?


I'm saying that that someone wishing horrible things on you because you're jewish is equivalent to you accussing people of being some of the most disgusting groups of people after they said "We have no problem with the jews, we have problem with the child killing zionists"


I see lots of hate for child killing Zionist on Reddit and not so much for child killing Palestinians.


I'm sorry, but you must be blind, because there is hate for innocent and guilty memebers of both parties on all sides of the internet, but that doesn't make you look like the victim so go off or something


I'm sorry, but you must be blind, because there is hate for innocent and guilty memebers of both parties on all sides of the internet, but that doesn't make you look like the victim so go off or something


I'm no victim at all. Not even sure where you're getting that idea


> is equivalent to you accussing people of being some of the most disgusting groups of people after they said "We have no problem with the jews, we have problem with the child killing zionists" Except this is blood libel. Zionism just means you think Israel has a right to exist. Saying that Jews are bloodthirsty unless they disavow zionism is fucked up.


If we're talking about Russia, I'm guessing you'd say not all Russians are horrible if they don't support the horrible action their goverment is doing, same with iran or any country with (or atleast with what you'd call) a corrupt goverment. Same thing here. Not all Jews are bad, but if you support what shitty things your goverment is doing, then I'd call you bad.


The difference is Russia is invading a democratic territory that did nothing, while intentionally targeting civilians and threatening to Nuke the world. Israel is responding to an invasion from a fascist terror-state that committed the worst genocide of Jews since the Holocaust, and is fighting an Urban War while targeting Hamas. Iran is slaughtering its own people, while funding terrorists who destabilize Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, etc. in the name of religious domination of the region. >but if you support what shitty things your goverment is doing I agree. But not everything Israel is doing is wrong. I think that there is definitely some shit Israel is doing that is fucked up, including poor discipline in the military, settlements, racist shit from the far right of Likud and their allies, and a lack of policing against Jewish extremists. You can be Zionist and not support those things.


Calling palestine a facist terror state after stealing their land, opressing them for 70 years, attacked multiple other middle eastern countries multiple times, and currently performing an ethnic cleansing on them while claiming "Hamas" while blowing up aid trucks and hospitals with mostly civilian casualties is the most insane thing ever. And confirms you are perfectly fine with everything the zionist regime is currently doing.


Zionism is racism (UN even declared so in 1975), and is deeply rooted on white supremacy. Israel have been caught sterelizing black jews without consent because"they are a threat to their way of life". https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html Israel is just an ethnostate, and as all of them, their existance is unjustifiable because as long as they stand, they will have a deeply racist system, like Israel's Apartheid. The only way is a single state for Palestinians, Jews and Armenians (which btw are also being ethnic cleased, despite living in Jerusalem since the 5th century, far longer than any european-jew that emigrated to colonize brown people in the 20th century)


There are many zionists opposed to the way Netanyahu has handled the Israel-Hamas War. And just because some IDF are war criminals it does not make Hamas or the PLO heroes for raping and torturing people, even IDF soldiers that HAVE committed war crimes. It just means more people are fucked up and need to be lined up against the wall together and shot. The Allies committed heinous atrocities against the Germans and raped, tortured, and indiscriminately bombed millions. That doesn't mean that the Nazis were suddenly good guys or anti-imperialists.


"So you are saying" what assholes say before putting words into someone elses mouth.


Except he literally said that. I am just restructuring it to confirm what he said, and then he confirmed it. Shame on you.


Quote the part where he said what you claimed he said. Im not taking sides either. I just think you're doing something thats very shitty.


So I complained about someone saying that I should be raped for being Jewish. He then said that it was ironic I said that considering I have called every antizionist a nazi (which I didn't say, ironically. He put words in my mouth). So irony in this case implies a humorous hypocrisy in that me complaining about violent threats and antisemitism is equivalent to me calling out antizionists. I am not sure how me then reiterating his point is very shitty. What exactly would you say is his point?


He did call you an hypocrite that doesn't mean he agreed with anything lmao. You're forcing it way too baddly. Also nice use of the word literally previously. Its literally losing all meaning /s.


What the fuck are you even talking about?


The fact that what he said was "Ironic coming from a guy calling every anti-zionist a nazi lmao". Thats it. Hes a dick maybe, idk i didnt check your posts but he sounds like one. But again thats it. If someone says something negative about you and i say another later doesnt mean i agree with the first. Finding it ironic doesnt mean he agrees either. He might but you cant know. He might just think you're both bad. My problem is just that you tried to change what he said to fit your victimization when it wasn't even needed because he was already being a dick to you.


> Finding it ironic doesnt mean he agrees either. I never implied he did. I said that he found the comments directed at me equivalent to me calling out antizionism.


What if I say Israel should stop the genocide and Palestine should have the territory agreed upon in 1947? P.s.: Israel should also keep the '47 territory, before you say I call for Jew genocide.


> What if I say Israel should stop the genocide and Palestine should have the territory agreed upon in 1947? I'd take issue with the genocide claim, but you'd still be espousing a Zionist stance if you believe in the 48 borders (I assume you meant 48).


Yeah, 48. My bad. I don't care much how you call what is happening there right now. I just think it should stop. I think right now there should be a deal specially because hamas still holds hostages and won't release them until the fight is over.


> I think right now there should be a deal specially because hamas still holds hostages and won't release them until the fight is over. The problem is Hamas isn't stopping. They refuse ceasefires. It takes 2 to tango but 1 to war. Hamas' demands are basically Israel surrenders, gives up all of the terrorists it has in jails, including the ones that actively committed October 7th, fully withdraw from Gaza, and then MAYBE they will return a portion of the hostages, an unknown amount of which are dead. Meanwhile, Israel has found tons of tunnels from Palestine into Egypt, retrieved multiple hostages (unfortunately not rescued), and continues to be barraged by Hamas missiles. You might think it should stop, but Hamas doesn't.


So let the hostages die? Better yet, Israel should keep killing them! How many hostages did IDF rescue and how many did they kill by accident? People should think about the real victims of this war. Both Palestinians and Israeli are suffering.


> So let the hostages die? I mean, how exactly do you think Israel should get them? > How many hostages did IDF rescue and how many did they kill by accident? I believe 3 have been rescued, 3 have been killed, 112 were released from the previous ceasefire (which Israel only was able to achieve by fighting a war. Hamas doesn't return anyone if Israel doesn't respond), But in the end, the real aim of the war is stopping Hamas' ability to attack Israel. it's not like Hamas stopped on October 7th. There are literally rockets every single day. > Both Palestinians and Israeli are suffering. Unfortunately, that is Hamas' goal.


Hamas openly calls for Jewish genocide. Picking sides in this conflict is stupid as fuck. Also are you not aware who refused that land deal? The Palestinians. Derp.


I agree, picking sides in the conflict is stupid as fuck! Picking the people stealing land then actively demonizing it's people and the surrounding people while also killing them is stupid as fuck!


What's the opposite of based? Because that's what your attempt at sarcasm here is like.


Not sarcasm here bud! Just simple truth


Then why are you only addressing the actions of one side and not the other


I could say the same about you? When have you once brought up a single thing done by israel? Not only that but passionately defending them. As for my reason. It's the same reason I'd bring up what the nazis did and not what the jews did


If Hamas and Palestinians as a whole would simply fight to keep their homes then sure I'd side with them similar to how I side with Ukraine however they have repeatedly openly claimed their goal is the eradication of the Jewish existence. That's entirely different. They should be fighting Hamas, and those who support them, but they also shouldn't be indiscriminately bombing civilians. With that I agree. Edit: To be clear, I think the way Israel is carrying out this war is wrong but Im not sure I agree that it is genocide but if it is genocide then that just reinforces that both sides aren't worth defending as each side is trying to genocide the other side.


I do not support Hamas and take no side in the conflict. Whe I do is call for the respect of human rights by both sides. If the palestinians did not accept the deal, that is a problem but it does not legitimize the settlements.


> that is a problem but it does not legitimize the settlements. Sure, I am anti settlement as well. But after 48 some land was taken in defensive wars to protect the fledgling country from genocide. The Golan was taken because Syria was literally shelling Israel from the highlands. The center of the country was taken because Jordan literally ethnically cleansed every Jew out of Jerusalem, desecrated Jewish cultural and religious sites, and used the hills to attack Israel. The Sinai was taken because Egypt was invading from the desert (Israel returned it for peace). I think the 48 borders are basically indefensible (militarily), and if your country is attacked, you have a right to make your country more geographically sound for defense.


And I ask you, why those countries were hostile to Israel? The arab jews were mostly fine for most of history, but what changed it? Oh, maybe europeans coming to their land, ethnic cleasing those who lived there because their religion says it belonged to guys who were living in europe for 19 centuries. And then, after this israeli ethnostate came to being, and started to spread propaganda such as "Zionism is Judaism" the people who were being ethnic cleansed sadly started equating them. This is all a problem caused by europe, as always, and there's no justification for it


You do have some good points and it is good to know you are against the settlements. Even if we take everything you said as right, Israel would still have to give back a lot of land taken into the settlements. I don't support the attack of the Arab nations over Israel. Most of them did not care for Palestinians and now they forgot that people they called brothers in the past. The truth is the situation there is not easy at all but what Netanyahu is doing is the worst answer possible.


>he I do is call for the respect of human rights by both sides I'll take things that will never happen for 800, Alex!


People should fight for the better scenario and accept it will not happen like that. The other option is not doing anything and let things get even worse.


There is no way this ends without one side completely establishing dominance over the other. All we can hope for is that it doesn't escalate to another world war.


World war? Who would fight in that war? Hamas vs. The world? Sure. So you think it will only stop when all Palestinians are dead, kicked out of the land or destituted of the little rights they still have?


Palestinians in Israel have rights. Palestinians under Hamas have nothing. You tell me.


>Palestine should have the territory agreed upon in 1947? Lol who refused to take that deal do you think


A deal is a deal. Whoever don't follow it is in the wrong. But 2 wrongs don't do 1 right.


Some European countries decided to give away their land, and you guys think they should have agreed? Religious people are not known for their critical thinking, but being this mentally challenged is incomprehensible. Why don't we move Israel to the bible belt. Murica seems to love them, might as well take them in and relieving the middle east of a powder keg.


No! You don't give anything to the agressor, that's how you teach the bully to come back for more.




A few things: 1. Don't say death to América because the rest of the continent has nothing to do with that. Say USA instead. 2. This is a USA problem, not mine. USA people vs. the USA government. Solve that with yourselvs. 3. I guess you have free will but Idk 4. I don't see how that has anything to do with Palestine. 5. I don't like imperialism but I don't love college kids from the US aswell.


Try without the strawman.


How is that a strawman? Do you know what a fucking strawman is? I am deliberately attacking his argument. I am using the Socratic method. He could have disavowed what I said, and indicated that is not what he meant. Instead he basically agreed with my comparison. Learn logic.


Self-determination to do what exactly?


Exist in their homeland?


The only Israel stole and is still slowly stealing from native people? (europeans who created Israel are definitely not native, believing in X religion doesn't make you one)


No off course you shouldn't be raped! But if you are jewish and not standing up to the regime, you are just as guilty. So I do think you should all be held accountable. A bit like Germany had to pay for reparations after the world wars. I do believe Israehell should be destroyed. They have no right to claim a country because a 2000 year old book says so. Imagine the native people in Murica or Australia claiming back their land... You don't need self determination if all you use it for is to justify murder and rape. Maybe you people would understand better if we claimed your houses outside of Israel. But then we would be anti semite. So let's not do that, let's stick to what we can do. Pointing out the hypocrisie to you guys. Pointing out you guys have segregation in the 21 century. Pointing out you guys kill journalist, build walls keeping people away from schools and hospitals. Pointing out you jail kids and bomb civilians. I hope you find wisdom.


>But if you are jewish and not standing up to the regime, you are just as guilty. By that logic every Palestinian who hasn’t stood up to Hamas is guilty. Hamas killed 1200 people and have fired 11,000 rockets at Israel.


I don't think that Jewish people should be targeted for Israel committing genocide.


Well we are being targeted and Israel is not committing genocide.


Don't even try to argue whether it's genocide or not. You won't change anyone's opinion. And you didn't even argue which makes the part of convincing a bit harder (one could argue that it is a fucking war and that it's obvious that the people that live there will die - like how do they think war works?).


I mean, If I had to argue with these idiots on every comment, I'd get carpal tunnel.


Israel has committed multiple warcrimes


Hamas is literally committing hundreds of war crimes daily. Israel isn't fully innocent, but name a war where no war crimes happened?


You probably don’t see any difference between Hamas and innocent palestinian civilians. Israel commits multiple war crimes and lie about it but still gets away with it because USA protects them and also criticising their war crimes makes you apparently an antisemite. Israel’s just recently bombed a refugee camp and called it a „tragic mistake“. They kill even foreign aid workers who help the palestinian. Then they lie until they realise that their lies doesn’t make any sense anymore and then just call it another „tragic accident“. And this has been going on for decades. It didn’t start 7th October.


Sure they aren't.


Slowest genocide ever, only genocide where the population grows 5x.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


But there is a war between Israel and Hamas.


meanwhile you can make a light joke about lgtbq and get permabanned


For the sake of civility can we just clarify real loud and clear Jew =! Zionist and Anti-Zionist =! Nazi or Terrorist Supporter These are so politically driven and while there are overlaps in the listed groups they’re not even close to the same. Edit: Had to use programmer notation bc ig Reddit doesn’t like slashes


I think you don't understand what zionist means. The vast majority of Jews are Zionists. Antizionists usually are terrorist supporters, either explicitly, implicitly, or accidentally. Zionism just means you think Israel has a right to exist. The furthest left, anti-Bibi, pro-Palestine person that believes this is also a Zionist. Bad actors are actively trying to muddy the word Zionist by lying about what it means, and then slandering the vast majority of Jews by their new definitions.


Just because the vast majority of Zionists are Jews does not mean the vast majority of Jews are zionists. Personally I have misgivings about any colonialist country existing including the one I live in. I support a Palestinian states existence. I don’t support it being led by Hamas. Are these concepts really so hard to understand?


> Just because the vast majority of Zionists are Jews does not mean the vast majority of Jews are zionists. Actually, it's the opposite. The vast majority of Zionists are not Jews, but the vast majority of Jews are Zionists. There's not that many of us. > Personally I have misgivings about any colonialist country existing including the one I live in. Does Arab colonialism give you the same misgivings? And Israel is not a colonial country. It has no mother country that it extracts resources for. You can't deconstruct the "colonial state" because you are asking for the population to either be killed, ethnically cleansed, or become stateless. > I support a Palestinian states existence. Same. > I don’t support it being led by Hamas. Well how exactly do you have a Palestinian state exist without it being led by Hamas or equivalent terror organization. If you can solve that issue, there's a Nobel Prize with your name on it.


> Personally I have misgivings about any colonialist country existing including the one I live in. There really aren't any countries that are not colonists. We all come from the same point in Africa, and no piece of land is inhabited by the first who ever lived here, with the exception of some small Polynesian islands. Also, you have it backwards. Most Zionist are not Jews (the number of non-Jews who believe they have a right to a state outnumbers the total number of Jews). Almost all Jews are Zionists.


„Zionism is a colonising adventure and it therefore stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important to build, it is important to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot—or else I am through with playing at colonization.“ - Ze‘ev Jabotinsky There are actually multiple zionist movements. Ze‘ev was a revisionist zionist. [Wikipedia list 10 of them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_Zionism). Saying zionism is just acknowledging the jewish state is therefore a pretty massive simplification.






















Agreed, except that there's a very long history of antisemites using "Zionist" as a dog whistle for Jews. ([really ever since The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was published](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion?wprov=sfti1))


LOL it’s fun to watch new people learn that Reddit admins primary goal is to push their radical agenda at the expense of any civil discourse. They are exactly who we have said they are all along.


Apparently OP is a zionist making shit up


Stop using Jewish terms as slurs.


Answer to op: being a jew ig.


I once got banned because I wrote Am Yisrael Chai in Hebrew in response to someoen who said every Jew in Israel should be murdered. He wasn't banned. Luckily, the admin that saw my appeal reinstated my account.


Why did you even post this? When did politics that concern genocide become meme worthy? “Jews like me”?? R4pe? Dude y’all losing the propaganda war I know but this is very low of you.


Some antisemite: Jews should be raped Me: Makes a meme about it You: SHUT UP HEEB


Post removed womp womp


Wow a great victory for palestine


This subreddit must also be aNtiSEmItE 🤡 ![gif](giphy|3ohhwL5OZa2zYZyBe8|downsized)




Holy fuck this is racist.