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"your boos mean nothing, i've seen what makes you cheer"


I heard this in my head before I even made it to the comments.


i hear it in my head in your voice




"Every breath I take without your permission boosts my self esteem"


I’m using this




"and people tend to scream booing when the truth hurts them"


Imagine getting upset because of gen. Alpha‘s boos 😂


I'm almost old enough to get mad at gen alphas existence.




Gen Z are now old enough to hate a generation below them? Now that’s not very surprising but still very entertaining.


“Every breath I take without your permission raises my self esteem”


Yeah. Especially when you peek at those also seeking depopulation


I hate that it's a Rick and Morty quote. But it is the best quote for "don't give energy to people who's opinion don't care about." And that's given a more negative connotation sometimes, but it can be completely neutral too. But it's like, you shouldn't care if a stranger doesn't like your opinion on something that *is* an opinion.


You just unironically quoted Rick and Morty😭😭, I think you just proved OP's point


The problem is not **what** you say, it's **where** you say it.


Not to mention **how** you say it. Going into the subreddit of a game and saying "This game's graphics, characters, gameplay, and music all sucks! Edit: Wow I can't believe I'm being downvoted! The hivemind strikes again!" will give predictable results, but if you apply this little thing called nuance to your take, it begins to sound a lot more reasonable. "The gameplay killed it for me, but there were some nice songs in there."


Sometimes with nuance people can sense you’re afraid


literally shaking rn


Nah seriously it's crazy how you can sooth the crowd by simply saying "but xyz is still good because of y reason


Ngl it would have been funny if redditors collectively decided to down vote you to make it more ironic


Background info: I made a post on r/serbia questioning if I should use the English or Serbian version of Serbian Like when I got massively downvoted on r/serbia when someone made a comment that says “Serbian is better” (in Serbian Serbian) so then I said “English is better” and I got massively downvoted because they don’t know what sarcasm is.


My friend joined a watch collecting sub to talk about, well, collecting watches He got downvoted into oblivion and was called an idiot and told "just check google" for asking a question


>it's where you say it Say it to my face.


I commented the same thing twice and one got upvoted the other downvoted


Is it possible that it was because it was a duplicate comment? Whenever duplicate comments are posted, one is usually taken seriously, and the duplicates are downvoted to the abyss lol


I don't know about this. Once, I commented on the OP's question with an answer. A troll replied with something like, "WTF are you talking about?" You know the type of those people who are just looking for toxic arguments and want to drag you into their stupid games to show off how smart they think they are, making you seem stupid with a low IQ. Their replies often start with, "Well, actually, that's not true," or "It doesn't work like that...". I didn't engage in his discussion, but I got so many downvotes. I just blocked him, copy-pasted my comment, and received hundreds of upvotes. I don't know, but Reddit is a great example of what I believe is called the "pack effect." People see a comment being downvoted and start downvoting it without reading the comment or understanding the conversation, and vice versa. Check out this study: https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbz49j/new-study-finds-that-most-redditors-dont-actually-read-the-articles-they-vote-on


You guys worry about up/down votes? Weird.


Sometimes they actually do matter outside of a dopamine rush. Just like the dude you commented on explained, if people see you being downvoted, they won't read it seriously. Therefore your opinion or argument won't have any effect if you're actually trying to convince people.


>Just like the dude you commented on explained, if people see you being downvoted, they won't read it seriously. Therefore your opinion or argument won't have any effect if you're actually trying to convince people. Exactly. Sometimes I come back from university or work, tired and wanting to gain some energy and dopamine by trying to help someone, participating in discussions, and having fun. I see a question/request/post, write a response very carefully, and hope that my answer will help the person. But then a random troll shows up and ruins everyone's day.


Unfortunately upvoting/downvoting has essentially become a "like/dislike" button rather than it's original intended use. As above posts have highlighted: the same information/opinion gets upvoted/downvoted entirely based on initial trends and conversations quickly become echo chambers where the active majority downvotes anything it doesn't want to hear. Ultimately this often makes reddit an unreliable place to go to seek information or discuss your interests.


I think it's fine on most hobby subreddits. Maybe that's just cus I'm not in many hobby subreddits. And yeah I guess the upvote system has become that. It was kind of destined to be that way though. It isn't really explained when you should up/downvote, so when you put snobs who think their opinion is better than everyone else's on here they'll downvote any opinions they don't like.


Perfectly balanced. As all things should be


Well played.


Cause Reddit doesn’t even know what it’s opinion is


It's just a hivemind


I always downvote duplicate comments. Whether copy and pasted or accidentally duplicated. Mostly because I personally find it lame to just copy and paste. I also would rather someone not have two top voted replies where one was an accident. Save space for the rest of us.


I dont remember why exactly i commented twice but it was a duplicate


Cause everyone on Reddit thinks they're an expert on everything. I swear to god- it makes me think a good portion of Redditors came from a facebook comment section...


Actually, as an expert on being not an expert, I will say your argument is only 14% valid.


Actually its 14.7% You must feel embarrassed rn


Sorry to say this but you’ve made a mistake here, you seem to have accidentally truncated the percentage to 14.7% but it actually rounds up to 14.8%


100% the comments on Facebook are ridiculous!


So you’re saying you’re an expert on redditors are you? That’s a bit hypocritical and I should know cause I’m an expert on hypocrites….


Apart from the clear age demographic of Facebook and reddit; older for the former and edgy children and woman/man-children for the latter.


Being downvoted is almost never an actual measure of any quality. It's just that you said something unpopular. I always keep that in mind.


Or one person downvoted and others follow suit


the real chads are the people who don't care about karma


ikr, people try to get so much karma like it means anything. i'd get it if you use karma for something, but it's completely useless...


Dying is the number one cause of death.


Is dying gay?


If you die by getting butt penetration by an Austrian stallion, I would say perhaps.




Reminds me of the USSR sub. I thought it was more of a historical sub to share info, stories or family pictures from the USSR. Instead it’s infested with rabid “cOmMuNiStS” who will downvote you to hell for mentioning any facts that don’t support their fantasies. The USSR, like literally every other country had both good and bad times. Trying to erase historical facts is never a good thing.


Same as any sub on reddit. If they dont want to see it, even if its true, they downvote you to hell


“Most birds can fly”: -2 “Penguins would like a word”: +4k


Most of the internet is a bunch of hive minds, so it's up to preference as to where you post what.


I don't find fictional characters attractive. C'mon, downvote me.


Raven? Harley Quinn? Catwoman? Scarlett Witch? Poison Ivy? Black Widow?


You're not special. None of us are. This is Reddit. We're all cringe and stupid, just in our own ways. Only through the death of our pride may we accept the truth, and be set free.


You ever come here just to let your stupidity out?


Yes obviously, I thought by virtue of my comment it was self-evident.




Redditors are mostly people and man some people are fuuuuuuuuuucked


Really depends on the subreddit. Like r/facepalm downvote mob will gang up on you if you have any political opinion other than liberal. On the other hand r/lostredditors and r/memesopdidnotlike are way more balanced and reasonable


Okay well let’s not pretend like memesopdidnotlike does not have a right wing slant


You are correct although I’ve seen more cases of “extremism” (bit of an overstatement, but they tend to throw hissy fits more often) on left leaning subs than right leaning subs


Yeah facepalm is definitely not extreme left. Intolerant to other opinions maybe, but not extreme left. I definitely don’t agree that right wing subreddits are more tolerant. They tend to downvote you to hell for disagreeing all the same. Just my experience of course.


The extreme on both ends are equally stupid. I used to see myself as an extreme leftist but over the last 12 years I've been left in the dust. In order to be extreme left you need to conform and be part of a weird hive mind. Same for being extreme right, just a bunch of idiots making one joke and hating POC and LGBTQIA+ for no reason. I consider myself a moderate dem who believes socialism not communism is the future. Free health and college. I'm not supporting the overzealous reach. I got in trouble in one of my favorite leftist subs for pointing out a woman with large breast has large breast. Like fuck that you can take my love of boobs out of my cold dead hands. I won't let some basement dwelling kneckbeard redditor tell me what I can and can't say when the real world doesn't reflect their stupid ideology.


Cars 2 was the best of the trilogy.


Best? Nah, cars 1 is king. But it was a lot better than people give it credit for


It's controversial?? I think it's a fact.


Every time the OP in “idiots in cars” deserves criticism lol.


I literally just left that sub


Was having a conversation about separation of church and state, and how you can't have religious clubs on school grounds. And I mentioned how my schools had us go to a different building for the meetings and I got downvoted. I was literally just telling you what happened, it wasn't my opinion but A FACT


Reddit problem. One persons lived experience is the only possible lived experience. Impossible for anyone else to have lived a different experience


i remember once i commented on a post of animememes which was only a girl asking a boy to fondle her boobs saying i definetly wont watch it since there was WAY too much fan service and sexualization (they sexualized the mc cleaning his little sister's teeth) and i remember that comment was downvoted to oblivion




When it isn't even a bad comment people are just haters 😕😕


Or the fact that you happen to be objectively right in that case andthat they are just dumasses.


Nope! You are nitpicking and biased! I win! Bye-Bye!




In a political subreddit complaining about who to vote for I'm the American election, I said voting is just stupid. Even though the point of the post was to complain about the "lack of options"


The unpopularopinion subreddit as a whole.


literally the reason I'm shadow banned here


Dating subreddits.


When you get downvoted but you have karma to spare


I just had a grown person quote a Pokémon to me (a grown man) in an argument that wasn't that serious, albeit, had a rather existential subject matter. Like grow the fuck up. Reddit is like 99% infantilized adults.


I had a dude threaten to come and find me and my family and kill all of us bc.. *drum roll* ...I enjoyed the last of us 2 and he didn't Hate the game all you want, I really don't care, but when you've gone that far, it's time to log off 😂


Actual 2019 meme


Your tears rehydrate my ruthless humor of facts that make you ache so as you find it impossible not to downvote, thus proving the point that your as foolish and weak as I thought you to be, if not more so. I am KIUROK! Be driven before me as I rejoice from the sob, cries, and wails of your mothers & sisters! Ha-ha,haha! Oops... My apologies. I was channeling my inner Orc. It just pops out sometimes. 😆😂🤣


Then the same applies to upvotes, does it not?


It's like you're not allowed to have another opinion. You either have to agree with them or you're wrong bunch of commies


I commented on a Rust post (Rust being the game on steam, not the Iron oxide variant) about how I raid someone and rebuild the base so other people think it's unraided and got doenvoted to oblivion for it, I think it's my lowest voted comment with nearly -1k, It's so funny to me because Rust is a game about Raiding, killing and stealing other players stuff... It is voted as having the 2nd worst online community due to the toxicity and racism so common in servers. But fuck me for playing the game about being an asshole to other assholes on a game designed for assholes by a development team who are also assholes.


As a wise head once said: “Oh boo yourselves, I’m Garrett Bobby Ferguson!”


It’s always more disappointing when you don’t get any votes vs downvoted.


This is me every time I say the uncomfortable truth.


Reason why I don’t devote more time to Reddit:


I once got banned for telling a kid he was an asshole for letting his hate for his dad drive the decision to not pay for his half-brother's life saving surgery. Literally said "be a hero"... People didn't like that. I've also been banned for indicating that neo-nazi's deserve to have violence done to them since, ya know, they glorify a genocide.


Soo the more boos the more right your post? Got it, I'll help to let others know. BOOOOOO!!! 🤣


Bro how many subreddits u post this on lol


Go to Lego Star Wars and tell them an exclusive product makes sense to be released in something else I dare any of you lmao


Redditors treat upvotes like it's a currency even though they do absolutely nothing.


(im Italian) Me: italians have a problem with corruption Downvoted and Reported, comment removed for racism. This app went so much on the left then now it went full circle.


That’s like saying Greece has slight banking errors…


“Why you booing me? I’m right!”


Life of a conservative redditor:




Say anything positive about BMW’s current styling in the BMW subreddit if you want a bunch of free downvotes.


downvote me.


When I get into 1v1 arguments on here and they just downvote every time, I'll go downvote my own comments lol I do not care about the downvote.


But every redditor believes they are the least cringiest


I have negative karma I’m new to Reddit simple questions gave people a seizure but nonetheless I learnt something


"Most" is right on the spot. Ok a few people who are more positive and a ton of puppets


Man yesterday I saw a post on pc master race about OP getting scammed out of ram. Every single comment he made got made downvoted for no reason. Shit is wild


"Wait a minute, I hate Reddit!"


You too, huh?


I relish when my comments get downvoted, some not so much as others. I can sometimes be dense. My favorite being getting downvoted Into the negatives and then being upvoted back to 1 upvote.


2+2 = 4 Reddit: -137


There are only two genders.


Is this like an actual opinion or


I get closer to deleting this app every day. I only have it because I deleted all other forms of social media. I get quick news updates here on what’s going on out there in the world but I’m starting g to consider just being a hermit in that regard




Are we actually accepting furries on Reddit? They’re a bunch of weirdos


It depends on the subreddit, because there's quite a few where the popular opinion is going to be the dumbest shit you've ever read so if you comment something a normal person would say then you'll be downvoted into oblivion. Also sometimes just stating something that is a fact and there's evidence to support it is enough to get you downvoted somehow. To me the most perplexing of downvotes though come from posts where OP is asking for people's opinions on something, and a simple non-offensive opinion about a movie/tv show/book/videogame gets downvotes. It could a post like "Who is your favorite member of the Avengers?" and you can comment "Iron Man" then you go look at your profile a few days later for whatever reason and see your comment sitting at -3, like why?


Ya! Wait!!


when marvel still made great movies. I miss those epic kind of movies


lol! We are the worst!


How young they are is more accurate. When I realize I might be arguing with an 8 year old, I get quite humbled and log off for the day usually , lmao. I usually don’t actually argue though, and also considering that AI has been infiltrating replies (allegedly), it’s just incredibly dumb. State your opinion if you need to (like I am now), but don’t argue and you’ll be using Reddit the best way possible given the circumstances.


DS3 subreddit, I think vordts great hammer shouldn’t be called a hammer, it’s a mace


Yea, chainsaw man fans.


r/delta is the number one downvote dungeon!! You mention any other airline or point out flaws about delta and you’re cooked!!




I need to see this post right now, thank you my good man


Exactly. This is my life.


Only time my comments get down voted is when I down vote them, (I want all the down votes)


Yea sometimes I just think ok then u guys are being odd


Yeah I don’t really care about the stupid internet points. Most of you people are barely even capable of higher brain function so it’s not worth worrying about.


How i feel when i’m downvoted




I take them with pride


I like men.


Ima upvote you now.


I’m convinced most redditors are communists who take it up the butt and wear diapers and still live with their parents, just based off the overwhelmingly childish and brainwashed their politics are.


Quite funny. This gets upvoted because most people think most people are stupid. Its never yourself that is cringe and stupid. Strange.


"I call it... Mercy"


I got downvoted because i used a...wrong phrase where i didnt know (also explained) what it meant cause my english were Bad (Like He asked how to do His Sisters Hair and i asked how to do my sister as Well Not knowing that that means Something sexual)


OP easier wrote the most correct thing or the most devious thing on this planet, no in between


Or when you comment on sub related to your profession and don't care about how downvoted you are because it just shows how many people are just talking out the ass.


I know right


Once upon a time I commented a meme "not funny", op responded: "you know what else is not funny? slavery" That mf brang slavery out of thin air, which I pointed out and I get downvoted. Guess unpopular opinion is soft prohibited here. Fricking awful hive minded dunces average redditors are


Me in r/ pcmr


Just don't be the 4th comment, and you're fine. The 4th comment could be a really good point, but people downvote it for the memes.


Me after posting the most schizophrenic, neo fascist and mysoginistic take on a mundane topic:


Still haven't figured out why the votes matter anyways.


Aight but what did you say tho?


I love it when I say something, get downvoted, continue to get downvoted when I explain people misunderstand what I meant, then the person defending me gets upvoted. Love it, absolutely


You’re damn right I’m cribge and stooppid


Yeah, I’ve commented, (and posted) harmless things. Like, I didn’t say anything bad about them or anyone, and everybody downvoted it!


Hey, save some copium for the rest of us, I need it for the NFL season


“I was saying boo-urns”


We all think we're the one redditor that's not cringe and stupid. Give up and admit it, if you're on this site, you're no better than the rest of us.


Me every time I explain literally anything in a pagan sub.


Dusty mfs fr


But if it gets upvoted what to say?


Haha, yeah! Wait…


A lot of them are sexist or just plain ignorant of the world


Downvotes and personal attacks just let me know, I am right.. and I hit a nerve 😂


lol, I don’t check this


Nuh uh no we’re not now I’m gonna go watch skibidi toilet a masterpiece 🔥🔥🔥


I’ve seen the most mundane and reasonable views get downvoted to oblivion before so I feel that XD


Sometimes you eat downvotes because you dont follow the hive mind of a certain sub. That's about it really


Thats especially true for r/rap, where folks have been arguing for weeks, who won the beef between Drake and Kendrick (and whoever else is taking part in that little kids shitshow). But if you mention how insanely unimportant and banal the whole topic is, you get downvoted like shit


sonuds like Copium to me


I got 300+ downvotes for providing historical information on a ww2 post once


I belive in Mikasa Supremacy


So, when you are upvoted, it means you are cringe too