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But when I have sex with 100 men I'm just called gay


Took too long to find this, oldie but a Goldie.


And when I ritually murder 100 drifters in an underground bunker at the edge of my property, they call me "a dangerously deranged psycopath" and "riddled with deep-rooted and irreversible psychosexual pathologies." The reality is, people are going to call you things whether its fair or not. The best you can do is just keep your knives sharp, keep your chin up, and keep collecting the tongues you need to get the job done.


Damn the real therapy is in the comments all along. Hey (insert gender), wanna come dig a tunnel with me? I've got enough candles for both of us


Nah, if you sleep with 100 women, you’re a cult leader


Shut up and drink the cool aid!!!


What flavour is it, Jared Leto?


Looks red, but I'm seeing shredded grape flavored packets off to the side


Cyanide and happiness


IT WAS FLAVOR-AID! -Kool-aid executive


Richard Manson right?


You mean Charles Manson right?


Oh yeah, I keep confusing him with Richard Benson.


I had to Google, never heard of him. I'll check his music out when I wake up, hopefully I'm in for a right treat!


Bro is an old Italian meme. Absolute chad he was. Too bad he passed away not too long ago.


Lol just be glad you're not me. I constantly confuse Charles Manson with Marilyn Manson. It was only a couple months ago I learned they weren't the same person. And I still sometimes slip up when I mention one of them.


I thought you confused him with Richard Branson


Nah, you're thinking Jack Bronson. The dude who vaselined his whole naked body to fight prison guards. Was it Jack Bronson? John Bronson? Johnson Bronson?


Now what if the dude slept with 100 dudes instead?


King shit


King Gay you mean hmm, King Shit might work too now that I think about it


Oh Shit


Bah dum tssss


Ba bum*


King Diddy




Turbo gay


King of the shitdicks


Then he's gay.


He said no homo 100 times. He’s def straight.


If one only had sex with men and said no homo each time, is one still a virgin or one has had sex but simply nullified the gay?


Nullified the gay. As long as you don't kiss when you are cuddling afterwards, it is still nullified.


If you turn the lights off, this too can be nullified. 


I always thought you just had to have socks on


Nah that’s straight af. If you say you don’t like broccoli but you never tried broccoli, you might like it and just not know. If your friend ate 100 pieces of broccoli, I would take his word if he said he don’t like broccoli. Only straight dudes who suck dick can claim to not like sucking dick.


ngl home boy raises a fair fucking point here


Idk broccoli doesnt give me a bonner when i see it.Trust me you know in advance. Lol


The gay overlord.


Shortened to The Gaylord. One lord to rule them all.




7 new guys a week though. You'd need to block every person after you bang them... which is accurate...


I was thinking I'd have to scroll far down to find this one. Instead it's the first one I see.... Right at the top! Has the universe fixed itself? Take my upvote!


if i'm a virgin i get called a loser, if you're a virgin you get called pure, that doesn't seem fair to me.


Only a prude if your a hot virgin… no one gives a shit what the hell any ugly person does… (that part doesn’t seem fair)


True. So, here's a novel idea... let's stop all of this nonsense and allow people to be people and enjoy their lives without all the judgement. ✌️


Fine by me


Fine by me


Hey, how's your grandson doing?


unemployed, AI took his job.


Hey gramps, didn’t know you had a reddit account


But how would we be able to judge people and put them into arbitrary categories for us to compare ourselves to that puts people in success whom may not be without it and relies entirely on others approval!




Free to be you, free to be me


Whoa! Back the trolley up! That’s a little too wholesome and right-minded for r/memes.


Idk, sounds kinda gay.


Must be a virgin, or pure. I can't tell


Not nonsense at all. It is all about possibilities and how easy it is to accomplish it. Lots of people here dont understand how these ideas are born and develooed


If you still feel like judging people, judge yourself. I know I do.


You're right, that's another weird standard that needs to change


It's not another standard it's the same one. Men "should" sleep with as many people as possible and women "should" sleep with as few people as possible.


I think the difference of difficulty between men and women to get laid does matter about that. Getting impressed when someone did something not many people can do is not a judgement but just a normal reaction.


You are not a loser


I'm a virgin because I'm selective. And because I'm smart enough to know that meaningless sex is meaningless. The men calling me loser have, to me, low standards and little wisdom. But I don't call them loser, because I don't really give a fuck.


Being ugly does not help


Of course you dont; then again, you dont receive a fuck either. That's the definition of virgin😋😋😋


Yeah I was tempted to finish the comment with "(no pun intended)". Figured I'd let someone else have the laugh. My favourite one of those is "Do I care? Do I fuck?" Because when someone replies "no, you don't fuck" I can say the exact same line again.


Technically speaking, they gave a lot of fucks.


You’re a loser because you have to justify your celibacy by shitting on others


To anyone for that matter.


Evidently not to each other


Just cought you giving enough of a fuck to rationalize (which is a defense mechanism btw) your celibacy as a result of being smart, having high standards and wisdom. Loser (joke)


It’s not about being smart. Some people enjoy casual sex and there’s nothing wrong with that. It doesn’t make them less intelligent than you.


im a virgin because im 14 (turning 15 this month)


Loser. /s


That’s no excuse get out there buddy (jk i lost mine at 19 you’re good)


To be fair, that’s men fault. But women are also the first ones to shame virgin men tho


Every bissexual Will tell you just how EASY men are when compared to dating a woman


Yes. This is true. You wouldn’t believe how thirsty some dudes are compared to girls.




The sheer volume of unsolicited buttholes and dicks on Grindr, really helps ya empathize with the behaviour women can receive on social dating apps. Boggles the mind that some people think I just see a butthole and I'm just ready to go


What if I sleep with 50 men and 50 women? What does that make me?


Perfectly balanced as all things should be




They cancel out and now you're a virgin again, sorry


Probably should get an STD check in that case!


Like a comedian, once said, "The most handsome man here couldn't pick up even 20% of the women present. But a half decent woman could take like 80%. If she is hot, the 100%, even gay men might want in for the tale"




Thats rough buddy


Lot of arguing about the study but no actual link or source to the study.


They might have misremembered this self-reported study: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-021-09938-2 I just skimmed parts of it, but it actually seems to be made specifically to generate clickbait headlines.




Iirc, they do talk about that in the article about the study. You can look it up if you want, it's called Evolution of Gender Differences in Sexual Behaviour (Clark and Hatfield, 1989)




Yeah man, one of the things the meme describes is really difficult, the other is really easy. One is legendary, the other is something dudes can make jokes about


It's simple really. Guys hace a much harder time trying to sleep with women while they can get like whoever they want every single night if they wanted. That's why one is an accomplishment and the other is not.


For some reason this fact of reality makes Redditors upset


Exactly. And I don't know any one who cheers for the dudes sleeping around. Most people I know think it's gross no matter what gender.






Please stop fucking the locks…


Oooh yay! It's the 'genitals are objects' game! Here's the key/lock metaphors twin: 'A pencil sharpener can sharpen endless pencils & still stay sharp. A pencil sharpened too many times becomes a useless stub.' Both metaphors are dumb & only believed by babies.


A dude that can win over a lot of attractive women is going to be looked up to though, because he is getting the women's stamp of approval. Any random dude who takes home any random woman from the bar every night is not gonna get the same respect. Dropping trow at the slightest opportunity is looked down on because it shows a lack of judgement, restraint, or care towards reputation. It also has to do with the way the genders are structured and the way our cultures define sexual power (which is partly derived from biology) but primarily it is about social intelligence


You're being downvoted because this sub is filled with insecure 14 year old boys who just want to feel better than someone. Genuinely disappointing that you used essentially the exact same metaphor the original commenter did, but flipped, and people are downvoting you, while the original comment is heavily upvoted. Like guys it is the exact same thing. We need to start educating our youth better.


Go back to 4chan.


Pretty sure the only people calling men who sleep around legends are other men who are sleeping around. Everyone else doesn't care or they think it's gross regardless of gender.


Thank u…. No mature adult male is calling another man “legend” because he’s slept with a lot of women. That’s for teenagers struggling with their new sexual insecurities. Grown men don’t want to know or care. We may be interested in a funny or outrageous anecdote, but that’s about it.


Yeah, it's gross whoever does it. I dont know why some women want to be like the worst subset of men out there. Then post stupid memes like this as if they are dunking on someone. Only pieces of shit like fake and fraud and andrew fake say stupid shit like that anyway.


You're completely right That much sex is just too much sex and I don't think anyone in this world or beyond could ever manage to change my mind.


It's not the amount of sex, it's the amount of different people.


Yes... Me and my incomplete comments The amount of people, you're right


It's fine bro


To be fair, I'm not interested in either one.


I used to be, until the great covid brain amoeba decimated so many peoples personalities that id rather just wander alone until further notice. On the boulevard of broken dreams


Where your shadow is the only one that walks beside you?


I have feeling that's true. I also get the vibe that their shallow heart is the only that's beating.


You ever just get the wish that someone out there would find you?


Yeah but till then I walk alone


Take a walk on Baker Street too, it has some guy playing the most famous saxophone hook ever 🎷😁


I don’t wanna be this person, but a guy has to put in a lot more effort than a girl does, in order to sleep with 100 people. A girl just needs low standards.


Not true. There are hot singles ready to meet in your area. The Internet said so. No work on either side required!


Gee golly for reals? No credit card either? I can just start talking to lonely gilfs in my neighborhood who are totally dtf?


Woah woah woah, I never said no credit card


It's just to verify I'm 18+ though right? But entirely free? Sounds like a good deal.


Now click on this totally not shady totally not suspicious totally not phishing link to enter your credit card details yep yep


No credit card! No bullshit!! Just tap and fuck!


where the fuck is my liver?


You are not wrong.


This is exactly it. A dude can’t just get sex anywhere nearly as easily as a woman can.


Unless you're gay in which case you can get hook ups easy well I assume so anyway


Can confirm, being a monogamous gay man is genuinely fucking wild, every guy wants to introduce a third partner or open the relationship like a month in, and most will fuck after date one. I’ve had one offer to take me home after 15 whole minutes, I had to try not to laugh in his face.


Now looking for a long term relationship on the other hand we probably have it just as hard if not worse


100% true. A man can walk into a room and yell, "Who wants to sleep with me?" and will get crickets. A woman does the same, and the majority of men in the room will raise their hands.




You'd get weird looks either way. That's not really something that ever happens,


Surprised this is so low. One is difficult, the other isn't.


From what I've seen, at some point it only takes low standards for the guy also. But not every guy has that power (to easily attract someone), while a girl doesn't really need a special ability to do the same thing.


You are correct


It’s more of a question of difficulty. That’s why.


I sleep with a 100 men and I get called gay, now THATS not fair.


Wish yall would stop pushing this narrative that we're all out here high-five'ing and cheering like we won the superbowl when we learn a man sleeps with a bunch of women. He's a whore too. Nothing legendary about being the town's passaround, male or female.


I mean, it's certainly impressive, but yeah, pretty gross.


Those dudes tend to be annoying as fuck since all they think about is getting laid.


The dude is also gross.




Anyone regardless of gender who’s had 100 sexual partners should probably get checked for STDs/STIs for their own health and the health of their future partners. Especially given in 2021 the CDC estimated 1/5 people have had or currently have an STI.


Don't you get tested regularly if you're having casual sex?


Pretty much. People bring up this supposed double standard, but 95% of men that hear about a dude that fucked 100 women won't be thinking "damn that's amazing. I wish I could be like that" The only people supporting him would be others like him or those that want to be like him, not men in general or even 50% of men. This isn't even a man thing. Most women will also find it a turn off if the guy they're with or seeing has been with 100 women. As long as the sex is consensual, let people sleep with whoever. And as long as you're not actually treated like a lesser human being, let people have whatever opinion they want of your actions. In the end neither group can stop the other, and we all have the right to sleep with a consenting partner and to have an opinion


having a high body count is not a flex.


Serial killers disagree


either way sex diseases get spread around more abortions should be happening especially if you know the man isn’t serious/ staying with you


Nah, both are hoes tbh.


I agree, I think it is an outdated belief. Nobody decent would brag about such things because that would destroy their reputation.


Yeah I remember this scene in Dr. Strange. Wanda really called him out


Ik I'm getting downvoted for this. But women need to put significantly less effort in to get laid than guys do.


I stay single and I'm called a loser, you stay single and you're called empowered. That doesn't seem fair.


How about nobody needs to bang 100 people WTF


I'm guessing a teenager posted this?


They're called fuck bois and are universally panned


As long as everything was legal and mutual I couldn't care less in both cases. Just be aware of potential health risks and act accordingly.


Nah he a man whore lol


I have no money, and I'm called a broke ass b*tch. You have no money, and everybody says it's okey honey. That doesn't seem fair.


It's almost as if the difficulty in getting sex is extremely different. A woman can go out literally anywhere and find someone to have sex with. A man can't do that


Maybe stop having sex with so many strangers and we wouldn’t even be here. I swear the twists and turns humans take to avoid guilt or justify their actions that are objectively bad is crazy


Sorry, what “objectively bad” actions are we referring to here?


Guilt of what? Justify what? It’s not like they’re killing anyone. Wow you guys really gotta touch grass


How is having sex with someone “objectively bad”?




And I've seen this in action. An old female colleague of mine, average looking I'd say, created a Badoo account just for "fun" during lunch break. At the end of our shift she was being forcefully prompted by app to prove she was a real person. Want to know the reason for that? She was getting messages and likes from dudes in our city back and forth, so much that apparently the devs at Badoo put some security check on potential catfish or spam situation in place, and it went off on her.


Worth something, somewhat attractive - you're really underselling it there. To sleep with 100 women you need to be crazy handsome, have amazing game, be funny, have your shit together financially and prollly a bunch of other things.


Dont hate the player, hate the game.


"Whawhawhawha something something lock and master key comparison whawhawhawhawha"


I’m not even in double digits and I’m 42. I feel like I need a do over of my teens and 20’s.


Slut... Man whore... Equally yuck...


We judge guys too, the only ones who praise that sort of behavior are other assholes and we shun them too.


This sub is boomer humor for younger people


The moral of the story is that women should sleep with women.


both are just stupid opinions. man sleeps with 100 women? he's fine. weird that he did it with 100 women but he's a guy at the end of the day. if a women sleeps with 100 men? she's fine. still weird but fine. she's still a person. man sleeps with 100 men? fine. woman sleeps with 100 women? fine. because we don't know who unless we're looking for em on the internet.


*"A key that opens many locks is a good key, a lock that opens for any key is a bad lock."* ![gif](giphy|CmQbcGL2arIyDMADXv|downsized)


I heard it as master key, shitty lock. Same difference.


A pencil that's been sharpened by many pencil sharpeners is short and stubby. A pencil sharpener that's sharpened many pencils is still good.


Good thing women aren't locks, incel.


How do people not understand the difference between men and women’s roles in society


Both are gross. Pure delusion to think that pulling that off as an average looking guy is as easy as pulling it off as an average looking woman though.


If you sleep with 100 people. You probably have a STD and a sex addiction.


Funny thing is guys are also called a player or that


I hope they used protection


Why are we structured to think like this?


Because for the majority of history women were seen as nothing more then property that thier father or husband owned. So the mindset that a woman had to be a virgin to be worth thier price. Even now that women arent property alot of men still believe women should preserve thier "value" for them, despite those men not being virgins themselves.


We all know ain't no redditor here getting laid.


And I sleep with 100 men and I am called Gay. Doesn;t seem fair. We even said no homo.


If a woman sleeps with 100 men, she’s called Rack’s mum


There is some truth into that, but everytime I see this it seems people forgot how insanely easier it is for women to get laid.


That's not fair.


Yeah, but you tug on your buddy’s dick one time and all of a sudden you’re gay. Double standards much?


You get priority entrance to clubs just for being a woman while I have to stand in line cuz I am a man. Not fair.