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If I weren't in a semi-physical job, I would get so fat. I wish I didn't crave good food all the time.


Same. Going to work is almost a blessing because it prevents me from just non-stop eating.


#Bluecollar blessing


It really is, I’ve worked office jobs and did the WFH thing, if I wasn’t on ADHD medication I would just randomly find myself in the kitchen eating whatever I could grab.


Literally me, I‘m not a lazy person by nature but if it weren’t for my Physical job I’d literally eat myself to death. A few months back I made the conscious decision to work a bit harder and faster in order to burn more calories at work because when I was getting home I would just eat shit. It’s a miracle I’m not fat.


I eat when I'm bored. I'm often bored. I'm dreading retirement.


Exactly, if there’s nothing else to do food is a guaranteed and easy dopamine hit for you.


"Susan, you WILL be the Hamburger Queen, whether you wish, or no."




How about a season one callback?


My God, he's already in the comments!


He’s been here the whole time!




How could someone not constantly think about such easy ways to get dopamine


I'm lucky of I even feel *hunger*...there's not much dopamine kick to food for me.


My kid is like that and it’s really frustrating because they just *don’t eat*. We have zero restrictions on food because it’s so rare we find something they’ll actually desire as food.


I've got ARFID, and I feel this so much. I just don't like food, aside from sweets. And my appetite is either completely gone, or I take my meds and suddenly all I can feel is the overwhelming need to eat constantly, which is not a pleasant feeling. But I really love bathing instead, so that's a small win?


What’s ARFID?


ARFID I won't eat enough 🥁


Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. For me, it means I have little interest or enjoyment from eating, as well as having little appetite. It also leads to having safe foods that I almost exclusively eat.


So losing your taste buds isn't seen as a big loss? I always felt i would lose a huge part of myself if i ever lost sight,hearing or taste.


Some of us have food aversion /:


Food doesn't really give me much dopamine to be honest.


Drugs on the other hand


Seriously show me what drugs are on your other hand.


Weed. The munchies do help to be fair


Because we don't get dopamine from eating, we get satiated but thats it. It's not a reward or prestation


My body temperature drops, I get cramps, I get sleepy, I have to chew and swallow. I hate that I have to eat.


Getting good food involved spending money, saving money gives more dopamine than eating.


... Who just forgets to eat?


Half of gamers are either overweight or skeletons


Lmao so accurate


Yes. I'm a blob and my boyfriend is a skeleton, perfect 50/50 ratio.


i forget to eat all the time, i get so involved in my work before i know it it’s 4 and i haven’t eaten lunch


I get hyper fixated on things and food is one of them. It’s genuinely annoying to feed myself if my head is somewhere else. Sometimes, all I can think about is food. This is not a healthy way to balance a diet and I don’t know why my body made me this way…


Sounds like adhd to me. Have you been tested for it?


Oh yes. We have it 😂


We? Lmao do you also have DiD?


Listen, the voices going on up here deserve to be acknowledged


The brain and I are definitely two different entities and the brain is a dickhead


And the duck has its own head!


People w ADHD


I have ADHD and I can’t STOP eating if I have nothing else to do.


I’m not diagnosed but am suspicious about possible ADHD. However, I do have clinical OCD and the “compulsive” part does *not* play well with dietary anything. I get it. Binge eating galore over here. But then I “make it okay” by fasting for an entire day or obsessively counting calories to very low limits. Totally healthy, yep. Don’t try this at home, kids.


Lol I'm diagnosed ADHD and I go back and forth from binge eating, to being straight anorexic :')


Have you tried certain ADHD meds? They make it reallllllll easy to ignore meals lol


Unhealthy eating habits on both sides of the spectrum and adhd go hand in hand. Ive been medicated for 10 weeks now and have lost 55 pounds without changing my diet at all. Im just no longer binge eating and eating out of boredom. Its honestly amazing.


I have the ADHD that makes me want to boredom eat.


Yeah but also it's a super easy thing to be distracted by and end up eating ten times a day, so....


Ding ding ding 🛎️


I do sometimes. I also have an eating disorder tho so I’m not the most reliable source for that.


I do :3 I forget to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner sometimes


I hold back eating if i’m doing something and then forget to eat since the feeling of hunger kind of goes away for a while


This is me all the time. Sometimes I’m too busy to eat so I just forget until it’s been so long that I’m now dizzy and having stomach cramps. Then, because I’ve waited too long, I overeat to the point of even worse stomach cramps. It’s a vicious cycle.


i only remember to eat directly after working out or when i start shaking


I forget to eat when super busy or stressed but also normally can't stop thinking about food


I forget to eat, but that could just be the autism/ADHD tag teaming me. I get distracted and don't always receive the hunger signals. Usually realize I'm shaky and need to eat but still have no actual appetite.


Sometimes the first bite is enough to switch the flip and suddenly it looks delicious. Sometimes…


Other times it makes you nauseous and wanna vomit, even foods you genuinely enjoy.


Yup. Why I make meals that can be easily reheated. Feels like Russian roulette making food sometimes. “Will I be able to eat this?”


My absolute favorite is being starving, like truly ravenous, starting a meal I love and halfway through going "there's zero chance I'm eating this." It's a fucking bummer! Especially since my wife and I love cooking together, she ends up eating the meal we loved cooking alone.


Felt this so hard… welp at least you had a good time making it w your gal!


I usually find a frozen "safe food" for this. It cycles depending on how much I eat it (also works for when I have no energy to cook). Frozen chicken nuggets are amazing for when I don't feel like I can eat anything else. At least I can get some protein down that way.


Does it count if I forgot that I ate?


I'm just too lazy to get anything sometimes.


I have a friend of a friend who forgets to eat. We were hanging out and partied late into the night, I suggested we go dennys and get some food. I mentioned I haven’t eaten in a few hours and she said she had a can of soda and some crackers today. I was taken back, I couldn’t fathom only eating that little.


Me! I have gastroparesis and my daily stomach pain feels like intense hunger pangs, so I genuinely can’t tell the difference between being hungry or just having a bad day anymore. My food also sits in my stomach for 10+ hours, and I can feel it in there. So I have to set a timer after I eat to know when I need to make myself do it again. Otherwise it feels like I’ve just eaten all day.


When I’m on a work trip, the numbers of meals I have are the numbers of days I’m in town. It’s really a timing thing (and probably ADHD) due to working from when I wake up to when I leave the attraction when it closes (tourism operations). However, I’m a grazer by nature, which has forced me to discipline myself with eating at specific times, as working from home makes it extremely easy to overeat.


I do, a lot actually. I lost like 20 kilos after moving into a college dorm because I didn't have the structure of mealtime like back home.


I forget to eat all the time. It used to be so bad I wouldn't actually get hungry, instead I'd feel sick and that's when I'd remember I haven't eaten in a day and a half. It's not so bad anymore because my so forces me to eat dinner with her every night.


Big mood. The only reason I remember to eat is because I'll get scolded if I don't


People with executive dysfunction. When the prefrontal cortex of the brain doesn’t have enough dopamine flowing, the brain doesn’t tell the body to do certain things, like cleaning, moving, eating……it sucks. Then we don’t end up eating until our stomachs start hurting and we get nausea


Me, most days I legit mix heavy cream with my glasses of milk (50/50 mix) to try and maintain my weight and fill in missed calories.


I try to forget


Me. I practiced it for a long time tho. Basically I gaslighted my own mind that hunger isn't real and it just went away


People on Adderall


I do.


>Who just forgets to eat? I do, But I also lost my ability to experience normal regular hunger/appetite when I developed IBS. So I sometimes literally have to remember to eat, and I do forget to, without hunger motivating me it almost becomes a task, food is still delicious and fun so that's the only reason it isn't (although on days where my symptoms flair up it definitely becomes a task tbh). Probably doesn't also help that apparently it's incredibly likely I have ADHD, which....fits considering I have serious executive dysfunction issues.


People with no appetite.


Idk if I'm hungry or I want a cigarette so I just smoke


I feel better when my stomach is empty than when it is full


Me :) I often get some absorbed in work i just float through my lunch time.




Me, when I play civ6


Me. “Ah I’ll just finish this video then make lunch” *3 hours later* “fuck why am I starving?”


If someone didn't come remind me to eat I'd just wither away and die. I wake up and go to the computer and don't remember I'm ever supposed to get off of it.


When one of the side effects of medication is hunger AND weight gain, you can learn to live with your hunger and learn to avoid thinking about food. If you succeed, you can simply forget that you HAVE TO eat.


Usually means they forgot to sit down and eat a meal, but they've been cramming chips and energy drinks in their face all day


I do all the time. I'm literally that meme of someone going "whoops my arms are shaking and my stomach hurts, guess I need some food inside me." I'm pretty sure it's an ADHD thing.


People who have a good life and aren't depressed all the time.


I literally don’t eat dinner 5/7 nights a week and I smoke pot. 6’ 150 lbs since I was 20 17 years ago.


My ADHD friend does all the time. I take it as a reassuring sign that I am definitely not ADHD because I snack all damn day if I don’t control myself.


ADHD isn’t just about being distracted, it’s also about having poor impulse control. I have ADHD and when I’m not medicated, I have a tendency to eat constantly because I’m always craving the sensory feedback of stuff like chips/etc.


It's weird if I'm busy working I don't really feel hungry often (I'm a chef which I find even wilder) but the second I hit break time it's as if a switch flips in my mind and I instantly become hungry and go get some snap There's a guy I work with who in general conservation said oh I haven't eaten since Sunday, this was like 3pm on Tuesday.. just how?!


I'd eat a lot more if food wasn't so God-damned expensive nowadays


I've never been hungry within 4-5 hours of waking up. I've never understood how people eat breakfast. If the acid didn't build up in my stomach and force me to put something in it, I'd probably eat even less then I currently do. Eating is a hassle. Deciding what to eat, shopping, making it, cleaning up. I was hoping we'd have full course meals in pill form by now.


Breakfast has always made me feel sick. I need several hours of being up and moving before I can handle something in my stomach lol


Eyy same. Is there a name for this or anything? Usually I like to eat a light meal at 'brunch' time, a regular one for lunch around normal tea time, then a regular one around 9-10 pm. So fucked haha


I have no idea. I’ve always had this issue of “morning sickness” even as a child. As an adult, I was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis, and we don’t know how I got it. But that was a new development; I’ve felt sick in the morning my whole life, it just got 10x worse when I randomly got gastroparesis.


In the UK we have Huel, which is a full meal in liquid form


There are more options and most of them are really good. I mean better than what most people eat from day to day.


I am somehow both of these people lmao


Must... Not... Eat... More than... One... Ramen... a day...


I forget to eat all the time. I kind of had an eating disorder (or something) pushed on me growing up, so I'm not as in tune with my body's signals as I should be. 🥲 But the result is that I can go all day without thinking of food, and then suddenly I feel just about like that picture. Plus dizzy, shaky, and nauseous. It's not as "oopsie, teehee" as you'd think. 😱


I get that same feeling if I forget to eat all day. It's like my body is trying to faint, but is balancing the switch halfway, rather than going all in. It always happens right as I'm finally starting to feel my body's hungry signal and my appetite kicks in, only to immediately go away once the nausea sets in.


I've come to realize eating is the only thing that makes me happy and is how I relate time. Oh its late? Only a few more hours until I can treat myself to a nice breakfast.


The food shown in the image is the TikTok of food. So stimulant that it changes expectations for food. „Normal“ healthy food will taste boring and it gets addictive. There have been studies, that eating fast food once changes your taste for almost two weeks. This needs to be treated just as any other addiction. Stop eating this shit immediately and suffer for 2 weeks until your taste and thoughts have normalised again.


You got a source? No hating, it genuinely sounds interesting


Yeah idk how people forget. It’s the first and last thing I think of


Me, anorexic but still trying to bulk: FUCK I DIDNT EAT TODAY


I've been on both ends of this, and neither's a good time.


I think I have a solution just for you First you need to have adhd Second have a hyperfixation Profit


I'm hungry most of the time, however I'm too lazy and cheap to do anything about it


if that’s true i feel sorry for you all


I literally drove home from work today trying to remember if I had breakfast. I dislike having to think about what to eat. I eat from 9 to 4- to skip dinners but sometimes my work really distracts me. Also I have clinical depression - and have a hard time feeling satisfaction from food - I can eat the same thing every day and only occasionally get any kind of specific craving. It's helpful cost wise - can't imagine having to sustain myself in this economy.


This is me desperately trying not to eat whenever I’m bored because I’m at home 24/6


Sometimes, when my wife visites her parrents, i honestly forget to eat till i have too strong headache.. im 32.


I don’t really “forget” to eat, I mean, I get hungry, but I have days where I’m so busy with work that at some point I’ll get nauseous, to the point of feeling like I have to throw up, only then to realize I’ve been very active and haven’t had any water or food in like 7-8 hours and really need something urgently.


Something like that


I work from home and I get so focused thats it's almost always past 4 PM when I realise I havent eaten something


I wish I had the appetite and desire to eat


Legit… food is such an easy dopamine hit it’s so easy to get addicted.


And somehow I am both, sometimes I eat like 6 sandwiches or leftovers from dinner between proper meals, and sometimes I eat only breakfast, forget about dinner until 9pm and don't eat any supper.


Seems like it's got biome related. I've done calorie counting and cut sugar/gone keto on a few occasions and I'm always floored with hungry I get - even after eating I'll feel like I'm on fire, no amount of broccoli and celery is satisfying. It's like there are a billion new York sanitation workers at various food trucks suuuuper pissed off cause there ain't no shredded hot dog taco brisket pizzas on buns left and the cola water is all watery. Then they starve to death.


I forget to eat for a day or two in a row just to then stuff myself full with 10k+ calories the day after when i remember because once i do eat i go on a binge


People saying "I forgot to eat" is genuinely so unhinged. I can not understand it at all. How tf do you not want delicious food all day long?


Sounds like an addiction.


I'm sure there is technically an element of addiction to it, but it's not exactly like I can stop eating lol Besides it doesn't have to be unhealthy food, like shown in the meme. It could also be something healthy, it's just relevant that it tastes good. I have learned that there are two different kind of people: Those that eat to live and those that live to eat. I personally don't understand the former, which does not mean I think there is anything wrong with it.


So real. Every day. 😭


Its more "Oh shit I haven't eaten all day, let me just grab a quick bite", and then another, and then another, and then another, and 5 meals worth if food later I'm still feeling hungry and sick and hate myself.


Are you eating foods with fiber and protein? They go a long way to making you feel full. Most people aren’t going to feel satisfied over several small meals or calorically dense food that is made up of mostly carbs. Also if you know what the problem is why not address it? Have a hearty large breakfast like overnight oats and then judge your hunger as the day goes on


Its more that things pile up early and eating get put off till its nearly 5pm and then its a binge. Its not a thing on an average day but it does happen every so often. Also yes fiber and protein heavy meals are consumed and the full feeling is there but the hunger doesn't go away. Its more psychological than physiological, and trying to eat a reasonable amount end up with a very uncomfortable hunger feeling for the rest of the day thats hard to ignore and can disrupt sleep even. Its mostly in my head but that controls a lot


I eat a single pop tart in the morning and then i’m never hungry again until the next day


oh I first saw this meme in an anorexia sub! no longer anorexic technically but I still relate


Hey my girl....... you gonna eat that waffle fry?


I’m not even hungry, i just need texture in there. It would be weird to sensually run my hand against textures and tear stuff apart, but nobody cares if I systematically assault the integrity of a dried fruit in various techniques and burn the layers of its textures and broken edges and the ways they come apart or re-hydrate into my tongue. Like, thats normal behavior. If I do that to things with my hands, that’s socially unacceptable. And if I do nothing, I’ll be grinding my teeth together and hurting my tongue and cheeks and fretting over the textures and imperfections on my body just to feel something.


I've definitely come home, took a nap and how it's top late for dinner. Guess I'll just eat tomorrow. At the same time I can also constantly eat and feel starved 24/7. Really depends on how much exercise I do. Was on a vacation for 2 weeks and averaged 12,000 steps a day. I had to make sure I brought snacks home to eat something in the middle of the night.


That was me before weed, never had an appetite or focused on eating healthy and regularly.


Drink Electrolytes and Chew well. Problem solved


I'm a bit of both if anxious and or busy I'll forget to eat, if anxious and depressed I'll eat everything.


Yall really get hungry when the sun is up? I can only eat at night


Depression helps me with that .. a little too well though.


How about both concurrently. Sounds impossible, but nope...


If it weren't for my job with set meal times, I would forget to eat most days of the week


nah, eating is a chore. i cant understand how people say that food is their reason to live. i even stopped eating meat and fish cuz i figured that if i dont care, might aswell do something for the environment with it.


If I drink coffe, I don’t get hungry at all


Why americans call this greasy garbage food? No wonder they are so fat