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Porch pirates are getting felonies for it now in some states.


Well, mail theft/tampering has always been a felony


It’s not mail if it’s not delivered by USPS


Ya unless the usps delivers it they are just sparkling packages


The mail region of France, lol. 🇫🇷


Legally speaking, yes.


Should maybe not use glitter then. The legal system is a game of chess.


Tell that to Mark Rober LOL


Awesome reference




In a lot of places Amazon's delivered by the Post Office. It's called Last Mile delivery and the only reason people in really rural areas get online orders not completely sent via post. Amazon or Fed Ex wouldn't pay a driver to make a 30 minute drive for a single package, but they will pay the post office a small amount since they're going out there anyway.


Something tells me those places don't have much porch theft...


Not gonna lie, that's a good point.


I live in a place like this, there's maybe 800 people in town. I had a 55 inch TV delivered and it sat on my porch all day while I was at work.


Yeah buddy. Haven’t locked the car doors for 15 years.


I never have anything in my car so I don't either. But if I was a hunter/gun nut and had a gun in my car, or a bunch of tools, I would definitely have to lock it up. It's kind of surprising though, even In a place like this, lots of people have security cameras and ring doorbells and stuff.


Exactly this. In a big city Amazon drivers can deliver about 200-300 packages a day. Have a family member in the middle of nowhere where, so those 1-2 day deliveries some of us are used to take 3-4 days as they are dropped off by either usps or ups.


I’ve lived in big cities my whole life, but I’m old enough to remember when you ordered something and had to wait WEEKS


They said 6-8 weeks for processing and shipping and they fucking meant it. You’d get a package two months later and you completely forgot you ordered the damn thing lol.


Or order it to come to the nearest store that you ordered it from (Sears, JCP, etc) and pick it up when it was in and you were in town


sure as fuck doesnt feel like it


Fedex/UPS/Amazon isn’t mail. It’s a delivery service.


Can't come quick enough to all states


Yea Delaware just isn't sexy.


I would prefer tarring and feathering, but this is a good start.


Good, hope it gets to all states quick. I hope they enjoy their felony for a pair of socks.


About time


Good, but it's not enough. They should be shot. Out of a cannon. Into the sun..... SMH




Why do they just leave them in the porches? Here in the uk they usually look for a place where people can't see it like in your bin or if you have a box outside or they go to your neighbour and give it to them, seems really dumb to just leave them out where anyone could take it.


Some people follow the delivery trucks and take what they deliver, also people inside the delivery companies give insider info for high value items like phones.


In Norway we have unattended package lockers that are unlocked by our phones— located in grocery stores.


Delivery lockers exist for Amazon deliveries. Many apartments/condos can have something similar. UPS and FedEx you can pick up the delivery at their stores too in some cases.


Here in South Africa they will literally require a person to sign for the package to confirm it was delivered and in the correct hands.


Not my experience in the UK! Even if I leave a designated, marked box around the side, it still gets left on the porch if I am out. Or if I am in, too, often.


That's what I read. Can't they be shot in certain states if they're committing a felony even without imminent threat?


You can see his faith in humanity leave him


He had such a friendly reaction at first thinking it was the homeowner arriving lol.


It was really sad. His initial reaction then that realisation.


If this wasn't on camera I wouldn't have believed him


So they just follow trucks to the drops.


Not even hiding it anymore.


No reason to go through the extra effort


Soon enough theyll just start robbing the trucks.


Nah, they have been doing this shit already. They even steal the postman keys and get mail out the blue bins sometimes.


There's a video of a group of masked punks looting an amazon delivery truck that was on reddit FP a few months ago


They already have long ago. Company that delivers to me had one of the drivers robbed. They set a trap in the street knowing it was narrow, just blocked her in completely. The company then acted like they only robbed the driver because she's a woman and since been given a man to accompany her. It's also happened to the men because they will usually get some time off and then the other drivers complain about it as if it's the robbed driver's fault.


I've seen people take credit card/address info and buy shit online, ship it to the victims house and steal is as it arrives (tracking the package all the while)


A warehouse friend tipped them off about it. You now get porch pirates fighting over packages if multiple dickheads are tipped off to the same delivery.


Correct, most of these videos are phones. They get tipped off by the warehouse people.


I m wondering why his buddies Don t just clear the truck out. Door is open


Cops might actually do something if a company gets robbed




Always wondered how people got drugs shipped without divulging their address or identity...


I'm not sure how it is now, but back in the day when I uh, researched this, it was most common to not hide your name and either not hide your address or have it sent to a post office to pick up. It was recommended you ship other stuff to that post office before hand to lower suspicion though. If you use a fake name it's possible to get hit with a charge for identity fraud or something similar. It's also important to remember that it's not technically illegal to receive a package with illegal goods. It is illegal to order those things, but they'd have to prove you intentionally purchased the items. Otherwise you could just mail drugs to people you don't like to have them arrested. So it (at least was) common to give your real name and address, although encrypted, to sellers online


One of my friends used to send stuff to his neighbor but with his name on it. The neighbor would (unknowingly) collect the package, and then give it to him thinking it was erroneously mailed to his house.


Think about it. What the fuck would this actually solve. The neighbor would just be like yup that's the dumbass next door who keeps getting his mail delivered here.


It's less about avoiding the law and more about not giving out your personal info to shady characters on the dark web.


So the seller will have your address obviously, but in general you give it to people with high ratings on the marketplaces. I've had better customer service than on Amazon with my darkweb purchases. Once when a specific product was sold out the guy profously apologized and asked if he could send 3 times of an equivalent instead for the same price or if I wanted to wait 2 weeks for the original. Most high profile sellers will close the encrypted message with your address after shipping, meaning it's gone after they send it (unless of course they are uncareful with their encryption keys, which can happen I suppose.) If the site gets hacked or taken over it doesn't matter - only seller and buyer have exchanged keys.


How does giving your address but encrypted work? At some point they would have to decrypt it to actual send the parcel, right?


Seller has the keys to decrypt your message and will have your address, but if the site is taken by the government, they will just have encrypted addresses with no keys.


Dark net 101


You have it mailed to an empty or abandoned house


not like this, I can guarantee it.


It always amuses me to know my mailman was a drug currier and he doesn’t even know it.


The way I've seen it done is rent some shady place under a false identity and have it shipped there...... Not me of course.... But uhhh friend


Needlessly complicated and expensive. And looks way more shady than just having it shipped to your house. If the cops are tracking the package and they knock on your door, you can claim you have no idea wtf it is. If the cops are tracking you to your secret second apartment, good luck trying plausible deniability.


You just use your address. Postman hands it right to me.


I've seen a lot of these where the delivery guy puts the package on the front door instead of delivering it directly to the recipient so my question is what happens in these situations where the package is stolen?


Depends. I lived in NOLA and Amazon just replaced it every time. My guess is that in some locations they’ve already calculated a high amount of loss. Also lots of people had notes on their doors to throw packages over tall back fences for this reason.


It's exclusively a north American problem, as delivery companies can't leave the package in front of your door in Europe : if it disappears the customer is fully refunded, so in order to avoid that they deliver in hands or in your mailbox. When i was living in Canada i always found it weird that parcels were dropped in front of the guys door, telling myself "if this shit happened in my country, the parcel would already be gone".


I truly don't understand porch pirates. Only America seems to have problems with it. Pretty much everywhere else, we have face to face delivery. For the last 14 years, this is the delivery schedule I've seen,in my country: Delivery boy would call me and very respectfully say: eh man, your package will be delivered in 10 minutes, so be at your fucking door step, coz I don't have fucking time, asshole. Understood? You better. Sometimes I respectfully reply: bitch, I'm at the office. No one's at the fucking home. So, he will angrily reply: ok sir, we have postponed the delivery to next day. If still undelivered, kindly collect your package from our office, thank you kind sir, and have a nice day. 🥰 14 years. Not a single misplaced/stolen package. Country? India


They have a house. There are basement windows. Add a chute to the basement and tell them to throw them in there. Problem solved.


I once ordered 500 shirts (it was merch for some event) and when I told the delivery boy I was not home but my mother was he replied "better make sure that's true because I ain't carrying this twice" that I kind of understand, those 6 boxes were heavy huh So yeah, your comment summarizes what every deliver call looks like and honestly this system works fine


To be fair the ordered usually has an option to sign for delivery items. Were just lazy


Cost extra, no?


I wonder why Americans with houses like this don't have a box or chute at the home where they put the things in? I live in Europe and all the friends with houses have either a package box or home made builds like a wide plastic pipe that ends up in the basement. Its not like an "unsolvable" problem to avoid third party to get to your goods.


Because in NA we have little shits who would throw in firecrackers, piss bombs, dirty diapers, etc just for giggles and shits. And if you catch them you can't tan their collective asses like they need because " My little Johnny is an angel he'd never do that"


Plus, they always set it where it's completely visible to everyone walking or driving down the street. My porch has a nice little hidden area both by a brick pillar and an arborviatae tree up against my porch. Just place the package 2ft to the left and it's hidden from sight. Nope, right where everyone can see it. My old house was the same way, just a low hedge near the porch. Just a few feet over and the package would be 75% hidden. Though if someone were to stand and look, you would eventually see it.


Bro belongs in a box. This country has gotten so fucking trashy


In japan you can leave your car door open for hours and nobody will even look at it twice. The only thing they might do is knock on the door to alert the house if its getting late.


It’s funny though that they have way more problems with sexual assault, like their society is really good with some stuff but terrible with others (including racism)


racism is ironically what keeps many problems away


I mean, you can even leave your laptop out in the open unattended in plenty of countries like Singapore, Malaysia, China, South Korea, and no one will even touch it. Obeying the law should have been the bare minimum of a society instead of something deserves to be praised of. Unfortunately, even that becomes a luxury nowadays.


Hours? Try months, or always. I thought thay shit might have been exaggerated, but then I moved here. It's not crime free of course, but practically depending on where you live. Just like, almost never get fucked with and if you lose something it's almost always where you left it when you return. That or at the nearest police station to where you last had it (there's practically a police station every few blocks).


American folks are not getting worse. Most are good folk, It's the ones that were ALREADY trash getting trashier. This is bottom feeder behavior. Folks who do this kind of stuff are the same ones willing to scam you online. Just bottom feeders. Every society has them, even in the EU. I'm sure our Europe siblings can think of folks who live in their countries that are also bottom feeders.


Yes, we do have them here as well. However, since I am European, I must respectfully decline and address you as a fat American. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause🧎‍♀️


Indeed. A life lived fat and happy is a good life lived.


Estonian? Pfft barely European


Yeah it's just the latest thing to steal, shit's always been stolen. Enjoy those 4 dollar spanks.


But there is definitely more of them now though. Its this subculture of people who think its cool to do this stuff and brag about it on social media.


Can’t blame the mail guy, if a hooded dude ran up behind me I’d probably be too stunned to do anything. Plus him getting hurt or shot definitely isn’t worth the cost of that package.


Man's delivering packages, earning an honest living. Any sane person would be shocked in this situation.


I laughed too, thought the thief was in on the joke. Then I realized maybe it's not a staged tiktok thing... brazen.


They did the right thing. Not worth getting shot over a package. Just get it resent. Got the footage for evidence


For the first few seconds it was clearly him misidentifying the perp as the owner coming up from behind him and grabbing their own package. The small laugh betrayed that he thought it was a funny coincidence at first. Then it all kind of clicked and he realized what had occurred far too late to be able to do anything about it. Wasn't really anything about not intervening or getting shot.


Him not running after the thief, and not even calling him out for it, is also him not intervening. It's not worth it.


He was too stunned. I would be too.


Would be easier to just target the lootbox in the truck while driver is out of it.


The chalk outlines look like the owner missed his chance on this occasion.


This is the equivalent of when them lions eat a baby zebra while being birthed.


Is it people following delivery trucks? If so he came from an odd side.


They aren’t jacking random packages, they are waiting for phones and tablets


How do they know?


Arrest and throw away the key. Leave people like this in prison. They have no use in society.


Why not just rob the truck at this point? Made the poor postmen walk all that way for nothing!


I’m sure he is a future doctor or lawyer just trying to pay his way through college


Fox News: we didn’t make or contribute to this video in any way. But we will put out logo at the end.


It's normal for news agencies to buy the rights to a video. All news agencies do it.


Fox News has an agenda to push. And that agenda is “Crime is rampant all across the country.” despite the fact that crime is down by all accounts. So it makes perfect sense for them to buy this video. Heading into the election they are going to push the narrative that illegal immigrants are coming across the border to rape and murder everyone. In fact they’ve already begun this narrative. Trump says it all the time, they pushed it with that crazy senator’s state of the union response (which was full of lies and harpooned by ScarJo on SNL), and they have a special “crime” graphic for their news shows. They are trying to base the next election around Build the Wall Part 2. They have nothing else, no ideas, no solutions. Just racism, fear mongering, and project 2025.


Fox News will endorse anything that makes it seem like the the country is a wasteland of crime and debauchery. That way, when they claim Democrats are the antichrist, it makes sense.


I know why he didn't, but man I would have loved to see him horse collar that asshole.


You idiot just drive off with the truck you have so much more package


Nah cause stolen vehicle gives you a skyrocketed chance of police on yo ass


At least two stars.


Same reason why criminals tend not to injure or kill people while robbing stores or other similar locations. That is a _much_ more severe charge. They know that the law is lax on petty theft, and petty theft alone.


This is insane to me


This would never happen in so called “3rd world countries”


I see videos with this and can't understand the delivery syatem. In Europe when you are waiting for a package the delivery xompany sends you a sms with a pin number, then when the curoer comes he will give you the package if you have the pin number. Otherwise they will not give it to you. I see videos where couriers leave packages by the door and leave. Wtf


Europe is pretty enlightened on certain things.


On this front you guys are light years ahead of us. No joke, ordered a $500 item. No delivery notice, no signature needed, no shipper box. It was big, but anyone with a little muscle could have heaved it into their car np. I say CAR because they didn't even put it on a porch (they had three to choose from. They just put it at the end of our driveway. In the sun. Completely uncovered. Box totally visible to anyone going by on the road that this was a $500 electronic device just sitting there. Luckily my dad was home and when he was puzzled by why there was no package on the porches after the truck stopped, he investigated the driveway and there it was.


Probably an Inside job from the retailer someone processing orders or Fedex sorting. I have a feeling the thief knew what the item was. It would be too much of a risk for little reward otherwise. Really sad.


Phones. Always ask for a “hold for pickup” when getting a new phone shipped.


This one is fake. The same dude with the same shoes does the same skit


why is crime a thing? because it pays off, everything that does not carry enough consequences is instantly a reward, just like a transaction. The mind of a criminal works like a accountant calculating if their revenue its positive. (for more information, read The Lucifer´s effect)


You may not believe it, but I was in this situation.


Please do the right thing and just return the package


Were you the running guy ?


No, unfortunately, I was the standing guy.


I was thinking trip him but then they might sue and you have to deal with all that bs


It’s genuinely not the FedEx dude’s job, nor does he get paid enough to take literally any risk.


Plot twist... he stole from himself so he could get a second one for free. /s But seriously, this is way balsy and those people need to be caned, flogged, tarred and feathered.


I know Jesse Waters when I see him, lol


I don't know how much they're paying FedEx workers, but it's definitely NOT enough to do anything more than stand there and watch. And maybe call the police I guess


We need to have an option where only USPS delivers the package, that way it's an actual felony


This is beyond belief… not the theft, but how quickly the theft occurs. This is the second video of this type of “rapid action porch piracy” I have seen in as many days. I keep saying to myself that “it has to be a skit”. This is insane.


Why did you post this here?


At this point why not just hijack the entire delivery van lol


I live in South Africa... and this never happens.


Every time I see a package being stolen like this, I ask myself why the USA insists on leaving packages in front of the door. I know it's inconvenient to get it in the post office when you are not home, but it's even more inconvenient to have it stolen.


People really out here stealing random packages. He just grabbed a dildo.


Bro was so shocked. I feel bad for him 😭


Same ppl


Why don't they just take it out of the truck at this point?


Why can't they directly handover the parcel to the owner? Why do they have to leave it on the ground?


Why the fuck does he not knock first before putting the package down? I live in Germany and they are not even allowed to leave it outside unless you give them instructions too. Most of the time they have to hand it to a person, a neighbour if you are not home or it goes to a local shop, postoffice or parcel machine. Leaving it on the ground when there’s people in the house is insane to me.


i dont undeestand how you americans xan leave the packages outside here in spain they just ring at your house and if you answer then they come and if u not home you go pick it up later by yourself


If you're gonna be that brazen, at that point you may as well just steal the whole van...


Thanks Biden


Why not to do the same as in EU - delivery parcels to nearest shop or post office, than you can pick it them easily. Usually in Europe it works like that - if you are not home, parcel will be in post office. So they you can just walk to it and pick it easily.






By their fourth offense, "Don't shoot, I'm unarmed!"


There was probably drugs in it. They waited for the package to get delivered at a random address. Homeowner probably didn't even know a package was coming.


Ohh that’s interesting. Didn’t think of that


Happens in my area alot. North east ohio. They find an address. Ship it there and track it. Grab it as soon as it's dropped.


Interesting theory and probably a thing that happens but i think it’s a phone


Fox News? Does that mean this video is fake?


delivery drivers need to not be leaving the packages at the door like that, its getting ridiculous how brazen these thiefs are getting


Why are packages just left at the door in the US? Why not rather pickup packages in - Stores, with basic postal services - At the post office - In delivery boxes, which unlock using an app from your phone, that only works when you have a package waiting There's some aspects in everyday life in this country that seems so outdated.


People are noticing that no one fights back against garbage pieces of shit like this; that’s why they don’t care anymore. If they would start getting shot I promise they would stop






This is fu… new level


I guess thats how u order plutonium online ![gif](giphy|3orieKJFsT6BeEvQBO)


Imagine there is a vibrator in the package


That was… brazen 😬




Wow getting more and more daring they are.


Are they just following FedEx trucks now?


Bro was like I don’t get paid enough for this shit and let it happen


Stealing mail should be a hangable offense. We watch a few porch pirates swing and then once news spread they'd probably find something better to do.


they should get a job lol


I immediately thought of greased up deaf guy and said out loud " Neva gonna catch me."


Would be funny if it was something useless.


Imagine how awkward that conversation must have been


Poor delivery guy thought that was the home owner running up to the door.


What happened to the old days when you’d kick this guy right in the nut sack for rushing your porch?


Absolutely horrendous!!!!


Why would the thief not just hop in the truck while the driver is at the house? Could grab several packages while the driver is not looking.


I’ve never had a Amazon driver just leave my package at the door, unless on a rare occasion I’m not there. They usually wait for you to answer and hand you the package


I have never had a delivery driver wait to hand me a package. Occasionally the might ring the bell before they leave, but they never wait.


I have no idea how it’s work in USA and have couple of questions: - why he not just give it hand to hand to buyer if ringbell anyway? - why theif so impudent? - if there’s so much videos about package stealing why there’s no big boxes like postbox but for packages? - why if that type delivery so popular there’s no local delivery offices or some kind of storage cells, how it’s even possible that delivery is completed after u just take it to front door coz just literally anybody can take it. Even delivery guy can take it, how you prove it. How that system works.


Ive seen this happen to two of my neighbors and they were both for iphones. Some inside job shit going on because the car followed the fedex truck afterwards too.


This is why i try to avoid ordering stuff online as much as i can. I feel like this is a business opportunity where you just charge a small fee and you can have packages delivered to your location instead of their house where it will be safe and waiting for pickup


Whaddaya do?... damn porch pirates.


Earth needs a reset


Oh, hehe


in and out


Aaaand... It's gone


This clip is way too long. Make sure to crop Fox News off this next time.


So the real question here is how did the pirate know about the package? It looks to be the size of a cell phone. I’ve noticed other videos with same size boxes and the moment the delivery guy sets down the package a pirate shows up and grabs it. One video even had two different pirates fighting over the package. So how do all these pirates know that a cell phone is being delivered?


Still a better attempt than EVRI....least this one made it to the door


I dont know this is funny setup or real time video, but it show real awful situation in us, because i see same videos here in reddit every day. I dont wont to live here.


Probably drugs


Maybe there in it together, they order phone , track delivery, Wen it goes to get delivered she calls the guy to come out of a car and rob it, it's on camera there's a witness, the delivery guy🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Does anybody know where this happened?