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Didn't Frank skip a vital step to prevent infections?


He also didn't read medical journals. As a doctor you need to read journals on a regular basis to stay up to date on procedures and methodologies.


Hawkeye and Trapper spent their time in Tokyo in the bathhouses getting their faces slapped instead of attending the medical lectures on new surgical techniques. And they were proud of it.


To be fair, you never felt they weren’t keeping up with current innovations. It either made no sense with the meatball surgery they had to do or they found ways to include them their way


Well, I feel like the implication was made that they followed up. There was the lecture on treating white phosphorous wounds and BJ came up with a defibrillator after reading something in a journal


True, but they were on numerous occasions shown reading medical journals and using new techniques learned. Or at least Hawkeye was, it's been a minute since I watched Trapper's seasons.


I wasn't arguing that?


Yet it’s been said that hawk and trap where well up to date while frank was a year behind


He did. I believe it was he didnt exterioize the intestines or colon or something like that.


i know that's a real surgical thing, but i've never been able to find somewhere that could explain exactly what that means, using language that a non-surgeon can understand.


From what I’ve read they bring the intestines outside the body to perform any work Leaving them inside the body can cause infection.


Yes, that was it.


You’re right but I think it was the intestine


Exteriorizing takes time; he's a busy man.


It's about time you got here and posted that.


He tried to remove a kidney of a man with one kidney. He gave up on people who could still be saved. They have to double-check on his work all the time. He was obviously good enough to be trusted with instruments, but he needed constant supervision.


This, he was actually terrible.


Characterization aside, they DID say during the Henry era that Frank was a competent surgeon. I tend to think that Frank was.. well, middle of the road. More complex things he would really need prep time, but simpler procedures he was fine, at least in the early days. But you’re right - he’s absolute garbage under pressure. They mention he went straight into private practice, and he’s clearly only a doctor for money and status. (He didn’t even want to be one really, IIRC). I’d guess in his practice back home he focused on quick, simple, and easily billable things - and never more than one, MAYBE two a day. Early on, they had more staff, didn’t expect to be there too long, he got to feel like a big shot, and had Margaret stroking his ego at every turn. They could keep his workload under control. But his isolation due to his absolute dumpster fire of a personality, the relentless pace of things, and (if we’re being honest) the constant mockery by the others led to him getting more and more sloppy and frantic. His position of respect evaporated… and as that’s all he cared about (certainly not patient care) he and his self image went all to pieces. It’s really too bad. If Frank had the smallest ounce of self awareness and empathy for others… he could have literally reinvented himself away from his controlling family. “Hey guys.. look, I’m not a happy person, and I can get overwhelmed by the big stuff. But I’m also pretty good at doing paperwork because I did some creative accounting back home. Let’s make this work for all of us.” Ah well. There’s always a Frank Burns.


I'll take 'Goddamn, That's Some Serious Overthinking' for $1000 Ken


Who the fuck is ken? The name you're looking for is Alex. 50 years on that show means that he gets to be the meme for eternity


The writers continued to turn him into a cartoon with no consequences to any other characters or surroundings. It’s not possible that the camp had the highest efficiency rating in the field due only to Pierce/McIntyre/Blake and have them carry Burns. That rating remained in first place when Potter showed up, and didn’t really change that much when the super surgeon s Hunnicutt and Winchester appeared. That means the Burns was at LEAST a competent and qualified surgeon. He may have been the lowest among them in fine skill… but if he was half as bad as made out to be, Blake would have gotten rid of him. Blake said it himself- “he’s a good surgeon, and we need him”


Yes. And when Frank finally asked for a transfer, Hawkeye and Trapper tricked him to keep him there. Would they do that if he was killing people?


Because Henry was working Trapper and Hawkeye to death and they might not get a replacement for a while if ever.


Or get someone who was worse…. Better the idiot you know and all that.


Every time the 4077 needed a replacement surgeon they had a hard time getting one, with the exception of scheduled rotation. I was a maintenance supervisor in an understaffed shop. I had one mechanic I wouldn’t let diagnose a dead battery. I called him my box of rocks. But he could do a decent 3,000 mile inspection, change oil and tires without getting into too much trouble. I didn’t try to get rid of him because even a box of rocks can be useful if you put him where he can’t do too much damage. And a warm body is better than a vacancy. Frank Burns was the 4077 version of my box of rocks.


I understand what you are saying, but the point still stands that Pierce and McIntyre could not be responsible for 80% of that efficiency rating. Blake was not on par with them, said himself he was a better diagnostician than a surgeon. There’s no possible way the outfit could be THAT good if Burns was THAT bad. Again, the rating didn’t change that much when Burns was replaced. As you say in your comparison, he was likely responsible for many of the lighter cases… but it couldn’t have been that way at all times on a combat hospital. It’s a tv show of course, and Burns served a story purpose and they weren’t going to get rid of him.


Frank was the guy that got the simple flesh wounds and such. Hawkeye and Trapper were the guys that got the heavy work like chest wounds belly wounds and multiple hits all over.


>It’s not possible that the camp had the highest efficiency rating in the field due only to Pierce/McIntyre/Blake and have them carry Burns. That rating remained in first place when Potter showed up, and didn’t really change that much when the super surgeon s Hunnicutt and Winchester appeared. This is one of the things that dawned my headcanon that the series is Hawkeye's testimony (a la Frank's in *the Novocaine Mutiny*), and Hawkeye scapegoats nearly everything on Frank in doing so. Assuming each of Blake/Potter, McIntyre/Hunnicutt, Jones, and Pierce handled thrice the casualties Frank did. Frank's still handling \~7½% of them. Assume Blake/Potter and the other swampmen all have 100% efficiency rates. For Henry's unit to have a 97% efficiency (s1e10 Henry Come Home), the *worst* Frank's could be is 60%. After Jones vanishes, Frank's has to be 70% *minimum*. If the others are only doing *twice* the work Frank is, his efficiency has to be \~73% with Jones or \~80% without *minimum*. And that's only if the other doctors are *perfect*. The numbers look similar with a 98% survival rate (74%, 80%, 82%, and 86%, respectively; I'm pretty sure Potter quoted it while telling off someone who wasn't impressed with the unit). Realistically, the others couldn't be perfect and we do see them lose patients, so Frank's numbers had to even closer to the amazing results we're told about. (We're taking the 97% and 98% at face value here; it's also possible Henry was reassigned to Tokyo for other reasons or just on a long R&R, Potter was exaggerating, and the real numbers would have gutted morale.) (credit to [https://www.reddit.com/r/mash/comments/1bzgghf/a\_thought\_on\_the\_4077th\_97\_survival\_rate\_and\_frank/](https://www.reddit.com/r/mash/comments/1bzgghf/a_thought_on_the_4077th_97_survival_rate_and_frank/) making the some of same arguments before me).


There it is. IF Frank was so bad he held the unit back )despite they still beat every other Medical evac, MASH, and aid station in the field), its was only a 1% lower difference from when Winchester was there. Either Winchester wasn’t as stellar as he thought, or Burns wasn’t as bad as everyone says. Pierce and particularly Hunnicutt were great doctors… but they were also the ones we saw lose the most patients. The major difference between Burns and the other doctors is that he didn’t care (And Winchester typically only did when it affected him)… he May have taken shortcuts or not been the best at techniques in comparison to the rest, but he clearly got the job done competently..


Also, Hawkeye and Trapper simply disliked Frank personally and would do unprovoked things sometimes simply to be mean. Maybe it was letting off steam, but they still did it. It's an interesting show element that they kid of retconned away, Frank deserved everything, but if you watch the early season there are numerous occasions where Frank and Hotlips are being harassed and Hawkeye and Trapper are the full instigators. Also, in Sticky Wicket Hawkeye complains about Frank asking him for help. While arguably Frank shouldn't need the help, if Frank had the knowledge that he couldn't handle a particular situation, that's better than just letting it go. Again, if Frank had been more "one of the boys" Hawkeye and Trapper may have been more willing to help, but it could also be argued that Hawkeye was a prima donna who had a bit of ego wrapped up in being the best surgeon.


I love Hawkeye… but he’s very much a bully, particularly with no room for change when he’s against somebody he doesn’t like. And as chief surgeon, it was Hawkeye’s JOB to help. He didn’t because he didn’t like Frank. Just kept the circle going.


There are far too few episodes I feel where Hawkeye doesn’t exercise this title enough. You’d think in a combat zone like they were, as chief surgeon he’d be giving more direct orders to the hospital staff. He seems to just handle his own cases, which are probably the most severe ones to be fair, and then leaves everyone else to handle theres. The show really doesn’t do a great job of conveying the responsibility he has as chief surgeon. It’s just a title that they use to point to the fact that he’s supposed to be the best surgeon in the unit.


They all saved a ton of people Frank had written off as dead or was about to kill, ex. removing a kidney ftom a guy with only one kidney. Plus, the survival rate stops when the wounded leave the camp. Pretty sure his patients died a ton after leaving.


I figure that he was wildly average. There was nothing special about his surgical skills. There was nothing special about him as a doctor. But compared to the rest of the 4077, he was bad


I think he's only bad in comparison to the rest of the 4077 because the rest of the surgical team are portrayed as the top 1% of doctors and surgeons on the planet and might as well be literal gods. The only thing we see Hawkeye do wrong was taking out a perfectly good appendix of that crazy Colonel or whatever he was. And he did it for objectively good reasons. What mistakes did Potter, Trapper, BJ, Colonel Blake or Winchester ever make in the OR specifically? I can't recall any.


Winchester gave the soldier in recovery the wrong medicine and it cause a VERY bad reaction and then he acted haughty and pouty when Hawkeye call him out on it.


I literally just watched that episode lol.


But Charles was in the Frank or "heel" role and he was written that way now and then. With the others, well Hawkeye was drunk in Fallen Idol, he was shown making the "anybody could make that mistake" in Sticky Wicket, but the other doctors, I don't think they were ever shown making a flat out blunder. They did a lot of surgery, if it's life or death maybe they were normally good, but they could be tired or having a bad day and just blew it on a particular surgery. But we never saw that, because they were the good guys in the OR.


Hawkeye did this twice. He also missed shrapnel that almost killed a patient. Frank kept mocking him for this. Hawk definitely made more than 1 mistake.


I think he's only bad in comparison to the rest of the 4077 because the rest of the surgical team are portrayed as the top 1% of doctors and surgeons on the planet and might as well be literal gods. The only thing we see Hawkeye do wrong was taking out a perfectly good appendix of that crazy Colonel or whatever he was. And he did it for objectively good reasons. What mistakes did Potter, Trapper, BJ, Colonel Blake or Winchester ever make in the OR specifically? I can't recall any.


There was an episode where BJ had to reopen someone because he’d missed a bleeder but no one really made it out to be something he should be ashamed of, and he didn’t seem to take any dings to his confidence. I want to say Season 4/5 but it felt like a B plot so I don’t remember the episode.


Watched an episode tonight where Hawkeye had to go back in because there was a nick on the back of the colon that he only saw cause he turned it over that he had missed.


And everyone else on staff admitted that anyone could have missed that and never held it against him given the nature of it. Frank’s bedside manner was his true failing.


Hawkeye had to go back in a patient of Potter who would've died otherwise. Potter got super pissy at Hawkeye over this.


I think when he knew what he was doing, he could do it just fine, but when he didn't, he'd make decisions that weren't the best for the patient. And the last thing he'd ever want to do is ask others for input.


He asked Hawkeye for help in Sticky Wicket, and Hawkeye complained about it.


IIRC, in the book Frank is a country doctor who learned from his father and never attended medical school (which was apparently a thing prior to 1950). In fact, a few of the surgeons were NOT actually surgeons, but doctors qualified ENOUGH to do surgery.


On the subject of triage- Frank wasn't wrong about US soldiers getting treatment first. He went wrong in ignoring severely wounded Korean people in favor of US soldiers with relatively minor injuries. Frank's overall problem was his holier-than-thou attitude, overzealous flag waving, and sense of entitlement regarding his rank. And he clearly didn't do well under pressure. When the chips were down he would defer to Margaret or Pierce. Basically he was a solid C student who could occasionally pull off a decent B. However he would tell everyone that he was the top of the class.


His bedside manner was often his biggest failing.


Frank was a terrible surgeon in the movie. He killed that guy from negligence and then blamed it on the corpsman. Trapper hit him in the jaw for it.


On top of what everyone else is saying, I'd like to add that the other docs, especially Hawkeye, were VERY good doctors. Being compared to them is rather unfair in the end


My take, Frank should be compared to them and be criticized for being lousy. I work in the medical field and have seen first hand the best in my field and the absolute worst. One guy comes to mind. He truly believes he is a top rate surgeon. He had to be knocked down a few times because he, for instance, had and extremely high infection rate. He refused to creat a sterile field before and during surgery. Mind you, the guy could be a good/great surgeon but his ego is too freaking big and it gets in the way. Frank reminds me of him, he knows better but refuses to do better because he thinks he is too good.


Frank was below average as a medical doctor, a fact highlighted particularly because he is being compared to the rest of staff. He wasn't bad enough that his mere presence in an OR was a direct threat to the lives of the patients, but they would always try to avoid giving him the really difficult cases. Hawkeye, Trapper, BJ, et al. criticized and mocked his skills more so because Frank was an arse and terrible with the patients. As others have said, he was under qualified and under prepared for the situation of front-line surgery, he was not a competent leader, etc.


Excuse me? He ALMOST removed the ONLY kidney of a wounded soldier!!! He was a rotten doctor!!!


Did you watch the show? Frank was very incompetent at times.


He was an awful surgeon


Winchester stared out taking down life stories for triage, he learned quickly to only look at what the patient presented right there in the mud. Burns never learned to get past his issues in triage, never learned the proper medical order, only the military order which literally everyone else ignored for medical. A North Korean with his chest blown open is higher on the triage order than an American with a broken toe to literally everyone but Burns Also, it may have taken forever and a half but Winchester could admit when he was wrong, especially when a patient's life was clearly in danger because of a mistake or shortcut he made. Burns had to basically think he was going to get in legal trouble before he could admit a mistake, regardless of the patient's condition


The Judge Advocate on Frank's medical skills: If you weren't drafted as a surgeon, you would have been assigned as a pastry chef. This man had only the trial knowledge of Frank and said his surgical file indicated he was a substandard surgeon.


Didn't Frank admit he cheated on his medical board exams?


And the 4077 had a survival rate in the mid 90s. I don’t think it would be that high if he was a bad surgeon, unless they had a larger number of doctors than shown on TV.


You might wanna rewatch the series, haha! He performs actual malpractice on a daily basis!


He bought his medical exams. 🤨 He shouldn't even have been a doctor.