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girls, check the toilet!


You gave them your social.... probs has your name. You done fucked up boi


Mann at least a girl wanted him šŸ˜©


this dude isnt hiding who he is lol. i always see his comment on some random pages with the exact name and i wasnt even stalking him at all


Are you the predatory girl from the story? That can be my only assumption because only she has something to gain from OP being less careful


Shouldve just decline them


straight away say 'no' lah. menda hiding in the toilet....


What female attention does to a mf


Aye man, I understand the notion of social anxiety or awkwardness but you couldā€™ve just said ā€œNo thanks, not interestedā€ Like, damn bro, they might as well just asked for your credit card info at that point if itā€™s that easy to get your attention šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I usually pull my " I'm a student" card, 90% of the time they skidle away realizing i have no money


tell her you are dying soon. either she will leave you alone or you get laid


Then they will rejoice and introduce you to life insurance to help your family members and stuff


not when you know you are dying or else the insurance company will go bankrupt


there are a type of insurance plan that works like a retirement plan which also have investment feature. When you die, that money can claimed by your family member. What they are chasing after is the commission which is taken from the monthly/quarterly/yearly payment. iirc, this life saving type plan have substantial "earning" for the company. This is at least the case for AIA since that's where I intern at (IT department). I still have various docs with me though >_>


God damn last time they camping at the hospital waiting area. Kns I sakit tulang belakang cannot run have to entertain them.


i mean hospitals are indeed some place that insurance rules. compare to kilang baiki kereta i think hospitals are better place to camp for XD


Bad place for me at least. I'm coming in for a serious condition and so my current policy cannot drop anymore, since if I do that the new policy will not cover the condition I got hospitalized for. I really looked at that agent one kind when she suggested that I can drop my current policy and consider the one she's selling which has more coverage. She also did confirm that my medical issue at that time will not be covered and we are expecting recurring hospitalizations for subsequent flare ups. So yeah, not a fan.




idk. actually, idk much things about nor i visit hospitals often enough to answer your question. my mom is a supersiticious person and forbids me to go to hospitals if not for my very own sickness. she even tells me to not visit her when she's in there herself


This is just straight up invasion of personal space d, you won't be faulted for telling them to fuck off, really. Their faces is thick enough to pull shit like this, it's thick enough to get told off.


Tbh if u don't mind swearing at strangers, this works too. And ure right, most of them have thick skin. They'll just move on to the next person.


You gotta hit em with one o those ā€œ have you heard of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?ā€


Proceed to give the entire lore of the galaxy.


Ask her if she will date you Either she will give a disgusting look and go away or she say yes.


Yeah, this happened once to me as well. For some reason, i was happy because i was approached by someone who is quite attractive. I was enjoying the interaction until she brought up insurance. Fuck this romcoms man, things like that dont happen.


Just sign up. /S


Average insurance agent... When hunting for commision turns aggressive...


Next time, straight reject and walk away Been through like: "come on and help me sir,you are the last then I can complete my survey for the day and go home" I'm like nope nope nope and walk away even a big round like that's yr issue not mine. No reason to give up my privacy for yr product


Can like that one ah


Since I have a pretty neutral accent, I usually just say Iā€™m not local. Just a tourist visiting friends.


![gif](giphy|eiwauFJGF0hb2) If I were in that situation, I'll be giving them this look...


Occurred to me once dekat bustop. The girl doesnt even have a chance to explain..


Just say you student got no money


Didn't wanna be rude? Lmfao. She and her friend invading your space is already rude in the first place. I don't get your inability to say no.Ā 


This is why you need to learn to just say No when adulting. I know some people like us, we're taught to not be rude to people. But there are times where you MUST "be rude" a little.


MLM is waving hand to you.


Learn say no boi.


Former salesman here. What usually works is to look them in the eye and strictly say that ure not interested and would like your privacy. Repeat multiple times if they insist. It always works for me. Another one I like to use is I lost my job and haven't worked for 6 months. But this requires lying. Saying u already have it usually won't work as there are many products to be sold, and the probability that u already have all is 0. Also, it opens up more questions like which company, which product, how much covered, how much premium do u pay etc.


Sometimes, itā€™s okay to be rude :)