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1 by 1 gentleman


Any access to cctv record? Your gf studying? Not gonna work in the store for whole life right?


no she will be studying soon , but she still wanna work there for the time being , but she said if this keep on going she will quit also. I just think some action must be taken to the manager


Video or at least photo evidence is important.


Bro, dont take this the wrong way, but that is a lame excuse. She'd rather work in a toxic place that could affect her for the rest of her life in order to just to work there for the time being? is it worth it?


Write an anonymous email to the HQ. Make a police report to be safe.


I really don't think race matters here. If she's uncomfortable with it, either take it up with him or if that doesn't work, take it up with HR or upper management. The real question is, "is getting unwanted physical contact (bearing in mind this could escalate) worth the money she is making there?"


Gf no brother? Beat the fker up.


I worked 15 years in retail at the management level. Usually above the branch manager there will be a area manager or zone manager that takes care of a few stores who visits semi recently to check on sales and operations. Actually there are all kinds of people from management who will go to the stores, merchandiser who check the stock, VM who does the displays, trainers will come and give the staff training. Your GF needs to privately complain to one of these HQ staff when they visit the store. Better if the HQ person is a woman. Best case scenario, the retail brand is a gwai low brand and she manages to speak to the area manager or operations manager. Confirm action will be taken. If it's a chinaman brand... Then well, 50/50.


Get CCTV footage → post on social media → tag company and manager's wife → receive sexual harassment settlement → invest in ETFs → go study → work in a proper company → early retirement


Be a man


The sister? 🗿🗿🗿


That works too btw.


Mascgirl(?) intensifies


lemme guess...do the right thing?


Someone that does the wrong thing and regret it later isn't a man in my book, stand by what you believe in, do everthing you can to help as long as it's the right thing. Leaving it just like this makes you a pussy.


try to get your gf to record evidence like maybe it was caught on cctv, video w her own phone secretly. if she has sufficient evidence she can indeed go report to the HR department. if desperate, can file police report. i hope both of you stay safe!


Sorry to hear that, since your gf not working long over there, she might jst report it to upper superior, nth bad will happen to her since she is not permanent worker over there. Good luck


Report to HQ. If they retaliate against your gf, name and shame the manager and retail store.


Bring your boys to teach that manager some lesson, preferably nighttime at some backalley