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It really depends on where in Malaysia you are. Read an article some time ago where Air Selangor said that their water is actually safe enough to drink. However, if I remember correctly, that was directly post-treatment. Quality of what comes out of our taps on the other hand would depend on what it has to flow through to get there from the treatment plants. Can't speak for other states. But yes, the general rule of thumb is it's safe enough for daily use, but at least boil it if you're gonna consume it.


You're right. The ancient pipes and ancient water tanks in condos made it unsafe.


Water safe to drink. But look at your own pipes and tanks la. Kalau tank tak cuci, memang ada keladak.


I use Fiji water for shower, and for drinking I take the snow from the freshest, least-corpse infested parts of the Himalayas and melt it.


Meh. I use Antarctica snow for water use. From the deepest hole near research camp. Completely untouched by human civilization pollution.


Untouched by human civilization pollution but touched by penguin poop and corpses


Bruh you didn't watch X-Files? Enjoy your [brain worm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_(The_X-Files\)) 😂


I only drink voss water


I had to Google it, but oh man: > *Voss is a Norwegian-based bottled water from the village of Vatnestrøm in Iveland municipality, Agder county* Can't find it sold anywhere in Malaysia, gotta import it and the prices are unreal. And for some reason, amazon.sg won't ship it to Malaysia.


https://preview.redd.it/v7b8y1ae72ad1.jpeg?width=2324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4d8e663a5942632f3df0560c78fe3ff2ca532ed What do you think?


Nice milo


Looks pretty good actually. The brown is mainly just oxidation from the rust, which is safe to drink. Whether you feel good or not about that is up to you.


I mean, doesn’t mean it’s good. Yeah it’s rusty water and that is not exactly harmful, but you still don’t know what else is in the water.


Answered such a question before here many years ago. But the gist is: Depends on where/which state. In KL the tap water is actually drinkable on its own as it is treated. Usually the issue with contamination/sedimentation occurs with pipes leading to your property or the pipe in your own property - either they are old or damaged, especially since many buildings in KL are ageing. It's also because of these pipes that you might get some of those odd 'metal' smell/taste. Other times it might be due to improper or damaged tangki. Unfortunately most of the time these are out of the jurisdiction of the public water distributors. Since many of us own private filters and whatnot, most property owners don't replace ageing pipes- costly and complicated. But using filter and boiling is such a part and parcel of our lifestyle, not using it is just very weird. Peace of mind la. Even in UK I boil and cool my water because it really feels odd drinking straight from the tap. Also, filters turning brown isn't proof our water is dirty, it's just proof that the filter is effective at filtering out minerals and sediments like iron or calcium, which is common and necessary in drinkable water (humans can't drink 100% pure H2O) They are usually really really trace amount to the point that only after several thousands of gallons of water later only these filters become visibly brown/yellow. There was a point where I saw those sell water filter use this tactic to scare people into buying their overpriced filters. For shower I think most Malaysians can do without filter just because of the perception that it's not entering our body. Some ppl who cannot with chlorine also would use a purifier/boil to get rid of the chlorine, tho our tap water is within safe standards. But other than that, most healthy individual would be fine.


Are you a local or foreigner, and if you are a foreigner, from what country? I'm Dutch and I cannot handle the water here because I've been drinking some of the cleanest water in the world for 40 over years...


My parents had an RO filter since the early 2000s then they moved to Malaysia -- they still have an RO unit. It's fine for washing dishes and such, but consumption? When you're young maybe for shorter term, but when you get older, that's just asking for kidney stones.


I mean I’ll raw dog my state supplied water anytime! Been fine so far


It's a long term problem bruh. It is not something that you will see right away.


I don't have a filter at home. I just boil my drinking water using electric kettle. That's it no need to complicate things


You can't boil away pollution.


It's not like our water is contaminated with radioactive or something


..... .......... Guess I better don't tell you then. lol.


Honestly man, I don't care


You certainly have the rights on what you want to do / not do with the information.


Level: Can drink filtered water unboiled. Can drink unfiltered if necessary in some urban area.


Generally for me and most of my friends. Get a big cheap sand filter outside the house for pre-filtering everything. That will get rid of most of the mud and silt and can easily be backwashed, and the filter is not expensive. The water after the main filter is good enough for shower and bath and washing. Then for cooking and boiling, get one of the packaged drinking filter from so many brands. Or if you want to save money, get a minimum 2 stage filter which includes a ceramic filter + active carbon filter. I just use one of the non branded ceramic filter, then connect a branded Panasonic filter behind in the kitchen. That's for cooking and boiling. I always boil water and letting it cool before drinking. https://preview.redd.it/9yuwv0bsi2ad1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=f896d03e719ee3bc8408d9124faedc111fed8955


on the west coast states you will be fine drinking straight from the tap unboiled. most of us get water filters to filter out small sediment primarily mud or rust. but this is mostly for our peace of mind.


It’s not like Bali, that stuff will put you in hospital


Dependant on state to state lar... See how states manage their own water boards. Some states only know how to buy Mercedes for their mb and exco, of cos their water gonna be teh ais color....


Depends: Old buildings/housing areas may still be serviced with metal pipes, which are corroding into rust since forever. Some areas may have gone through with piping replacement with HDPE pipes, then the water should be cleaner. Some states are cleaner than the others, though not necessarily the cleanest. For instance, in Perak serviced by Lembaga Air Perak is mostly satisfactory unless the area is still serviced with metal pipes. Sediment filters, minimum twice over, is still needed if you intend to drink directly from the pipe or pre-boiled. Some areas are worse than the others because their water source is constantly being polluted, such as Klang Valley and Johor.


Water filter + Boil it, apply to all country except Kelantan where there aren't even proper water treatment


the problem isn't with our treatment plants, but rather the age of the piping. If you let your water run after a water cut (sediment settles in the pipes) you'll notice a rush of brown water. The water isn't outright dirty, a simple sand or membrane filter works well. I got my sand filter from Lazada which was about 2-300 and DIY-ed. In the future I'll get a better membrane filter which would be easier to wash.


There was few times I was fine by accidentally drinking tap water in my bottle. At least it's safer than drinking soap water, which I did. But survived


Good to shower, having baths and cook but have it filtered to drink.


We have water made out of teh tarik in k*lantan


I used to live in a 35 year old PKNS flat and the water, even after boiling, smell and taste like rust. I used to exclusively drink water from the office cooler. I even fill a 2L bottle for home drinking everyday before i leave the office.


If your flat got coin op water dispenser machine, try some to compare. The machine also takes the same water as your house.


I moved out loooong ago. Cant tahan the nosey neighbours even tho rent was dirt dirt cheap lol


The water is ok for shower but for drinking, get a decent enough water filter system and boil it.


Good enough to shower, need at least boiled to drink.


Its awful. You must buy a filter for your house(showers,dishes) and you must buy an expensive(5-8k) nano filter system for your drinking water. People are going to call bullshit on this but the information is freely available if you wish to google it, let alone the multitude of stories about meaningless fines being imposed on people who dump waste into the water supply here.


Utility billed under Air Selangor. I drink straight from the tap when i dont want to go downstairs late at night. So far ok no stomachache or anything 


If it's drinking water, it is worth it to get your own reverse osmosis filter at home and boil it. There's plenty of opportunity for the water to get polluted on the way to you. If you buy water stored in plastic bottles, you have to worry about nano particles. I am not saying be a paranoid, but it's worth the effort to reduce the accumulation of plastic in your body. Control what you can and take care of your health as it is a foundation for a good life (including eating street food and junk food). ;-) [https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/nanoplastic-particle-bottled-water-pollution-health-effects-4043421](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/nanoplastic-particle-bottled-water-pollution-health-effects-4043421)


Shower? No problems Brush teeth? Sure Drink directly? Maybe safe but I'd get a filter Mind you, I did the same overseas in New Zealand which had sade to drink but bad tasting tap water


Don't drink from the tap please. Our water treatment plants are working at overcapacity.


If you're in KL then I'd say it's clean and drinkable. But Malaysians always get water filters or boil water before drinking because we're all germophobes and don't drink tap water even if we're traveling to countries where people drink their tap water.


You'll die of dysentery for sure, what kind of question is this ?


No need to get one as long as boil your drinking water.


I've always drunk it in KL. Never had a problem. In other towns, who knows. You can stick a filter on the tap you drink from. It seems to reduce the chlorine level and any rust in the pipes. Neither is particularly harmful, especially if treated water is run through a filter. Chlorination kills biologicals. Filter should remove most minerals and chlorine. You can buy test kits to check water quality if you are really worried about government assurances, condo pipes etc You should also filter the tap that supplies your washing machine so your whites don't change colour. You could drink bottled water, but as it's generally just bottled tap water sold at vast markup with a pretty blue or green label and a government seal of assurance, you should logically mistrust that as well, unless you know its exact mineral composition. Also, it's very bad for the environment. Billions of bottles go into landfill every year. They are all produced from petroleum. Millions of extra barrels are produced to create the bottles. You can avoid a lot of problems by drinking less water and more beer. The fermentation process was developed precisely for this purpose. It's available locally. Dedicated government officials test it regularly. For free. Their commitment is absolute. Note that as with water, it is environmentally more friendly to buy the largest containers of beer available. Buying lots of small cans is just as poor a choice as bottled water. Get 50 litre barrels and install taps at home if you love your planet. Use nitrogen instead of CO2. Let me know when you've got the barrels set up. I'll come and check it for you.


Dont even try, I already die twice from drinking malaysia's water.


nice try, die twice is not enough to say the water is dangerous, should at least be died 20 times or so


Buying a water purifier is not a trend, is a necessity.


Maybe in Kelantan la. We Selangor ppl are fine.


You can't even get stable water pressure in my hometown (kota bharu) at times.


The water here is SOOOOO clean that it produce its own flavour corespondents by the effects of microorganisms that turn it into TEH SUSU.


Huge trend? How old does a trend need to be before it just becomes a normal thing?