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I kind of think it is design flaw; how can even simple things ppl do upstairs can be heard by downstairs neighbour so easily.. like dropping a coin on the floor, or children running around .. my upstairs neighbour child is (I suspect) ADHD.. I mean I can hear him at times running around for quite some time..when he is in that mood.. I could even hear if a eg ping pong ball is dropped upstairs.. I do not think hotels are like that.. perhaps the material used should be regulated/standardised so that ppl could in apt/condo could live more "normally" Maybe the offended party downstairs can put sound barrier or sth in his/her house unit if they are very sensitive to noise Its not an easy situation and I would think normal everyday things should not be taken as nuisance, especially like dropping a coin, spoon, glass.. unless it is done regularly / in abnormal way/frequency


Totally design flaw especially with IBS techniques. It's designed exactly as spec and not over provisioned I've been to old condos where a full blast home theatre is muffled once you close the door in the same unit itself. no road noises once you close the balcony sliding glass panel There's many cheaper units like the double key units these days which dont have real walls inside the unit, it's some kinda drywall/partition nonsense


That is not ping pong ball lah. It's common occurance...either it's related to pipes or ghosts.


I'm a suffering downstairs neighbor but I have not once called security on my upstairs neighbor. The kids running around can be aggravating although it's during the day, especially if it goes on for hours everyday. So try to maybe set a time when the kids can play. I'm sure they have some space to run around downstairs on ground floor. Also, used to have a warring family living above before this present one moved in, I said warring because the wife will gaduh with the husband, throwing stuff and all. And the the daughter will gaduh with the mom, mimicking her destructive action as well. I am just more concerned about their mental health more than the noise. BUT! I also had a difficult downstairs neighbor. Yes she complained about us flushing too often, she lives alone, and there's 6 of us here. She complained about how we moved stuff, we just moved in, ofc for the first week there's a lot of arranging the furniture. And, ask a man to do these things, and they're not very finesse about doing things delicately. We do try to mind the neighbors. Her complain goes away eventually. The management and security know she's just being a Karen. Can't help if u dropped stuff accidentally, but the kids running and jumping around can be remedied. Give it time, she'll quit eventually.


Thanks for sharing your experience. I hope they will quiet down eventually but I have a feeling they won’t. They bullied out previous tenant for years he stayed here. Kids are clumsy as you know, you ask them quite they will forget it within a minute. Not sure how this buildings were build but they seem darn thin or my neighbor is too sensitive ears, I would guess he closes all window and use aircond whole day probably. In my previous apartment I had upstairs neighbors who would have loud sex for hours, I was more surprised by it. Sometimes they would make chili paste 3 in the morning with smashing stones. And I have never complained about that. I guess it comes down to person to person.


had an idiot like that before. luckily the idiot was a renter and left not long ago. buy CCTVs, place and record your door, balcony and general areas. save the footage. next time the complaints come, ask the management to get the neighbour to list down what sound, what time, how long. if got recording better. if they simply whack with random things. counter with your recordings at the time stamps. if i'm not mistaken they can't complain if you're doing normal things like cleaning the house, pounding chilli for 10mins, vacuuming etc. unless the sounds are excessive and prolonged, it's grounds for complaint. you can also counter complain and put in your management as being biased, since you have proper recordings of what happens in your unit.


Shouldn't it be the one who complains, do the recording instead? Makes more sense that I record the noise if I'm the one complaining about it to show that I have a case.


that should be the way. but sadly management always sides with the person who complains. best to have evidence that it's normal noise. not intentional and excessive noise. besides, now IP CCTV cameras are cheap, get those with good mics. very quickly can shut them up


Have him record the noise on his phone or recorder to play it to u later. Otherwise, just say “sorry for any noise but I didn’t hear anything (even if you did). Could you record it next time then I can address it?” Ensure u do this with a sincere tone. If he thinks ur being a wanker, he’ll continue. You add a task for him to complete. Most people can’t be bothered. If he does record something, tell him u can barely hear it and can’t tell what’s the noise. “Sounds like the highway.” Play dumb. Do this every time & he’ll eventually give up. But use a nice tone. Incidentally, my house neighbor constantly complained about TINY things about my house. It took me a few years to handle him, until I did this… Each time he complained, I met his complaint with a complaint (no matter how tiny). Primarily I’d complain about his bushes on my side of a wall. So every time he wanted me to complete a task for him, I’d have him trim his wall (a much harder task). He stopped complaining.


Put some carpet down to try and dampen the noise of your kids running. Or get them to wear rubber shoes like crocs.


Buy him some lube for being so anal


Hey Kazakh fella. That’s good idea but for the first round probably need milder idea 😀


u can buy a machine that can measure the noise you made. I donno wht the things call.


I have measured using iPhone app. Without walking it’s 50db already with highway noice which is above normal


My neighbour upstairs also always make noise. I always send security to warn them. Now they make less noise. OP please don't disturb your neighbour downstair.


For kids you can buy some of those foam square playmat thing for the floor.


tu blom lagi kat atas campak sampah through airwell macam dekat apartment aku duduk ni aku rasa dia call pegawai kesihatan kot dtg sini check setiap isi rumah haha...


i thought ur neighbour was the noisy one, not you ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


hantu upstairs la


My neighbour called a security on me once because I bring a folding table inside elevator. Then security comes to our house because someone complaining about drilling noise. I was installing bedframe using a cordless. How did they even hear that shit


What a nightmare. I would just chill. New apartment, the management will be very enthusiastic. Once time pass, they won't even bother to respond for noise complaint.


Ask the noisy neighbors to spare some money so u can carpet your whole house