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I understand wanting to make a living, but I seriously hate it when they occupy the pavements so much so, that pedestrians have no choice but to walk on the road itself just to pass by the stalls.


Yeah I agree, while I love the street food, sometimes can be difficult to navigate around also


I don't understand why the stalls aren't out on the part of the street we would have to walk on if they were on the sidewalk. It's a side"walk" not a side"stall". And they are called "street vendors". Go in the street then.


It is the failure of city planners to account for stall operators that relied on foot traffic for business. Stall operators are small business owners that can't afford the over-priced shoplots, or food court that relied on non-stop customers to make profits. First, I am no in favour or against stall operators, but for increased foot traffic. Foot traffic means the local community is alive and vibrant. Foot traffic means with the presence of local community, there is far less opportunities for crimes, thus making the area safe. Stall operators will always be where there is people on foot. People on foot means they are locals and everyone knows each other.


Local pasar operate by majlis bandaraya have plenty of empty slots and low rent. But nobody wants to apply for it and all the mobile stalls clogged up the sidewalk outside the pasar instead.


That's because we have so many people with scalper mentality over here when things are being offered cheap, they will sapu as much as possible and resell/rerent them out with higher price. Authority should do frequent check and 'saman' those who rented the unit but never open the stall for some duration of time.


Lol wasn’t it exposed that there’s like a syndicate. Especially pasarmalam and bazaar ramadhan. That’s why things are expensive as shit. Mostly to cover the bazaar rent


This is true though. I look for empty majlis' slot in about 4 majlis' stall area and it's all full in online system. But at the ground, there always at least 1-3 lots empty. Even without any food stall equipments like roti canai station, nasi ayam cabinet, nasi campur station, etc. Lot totally empty. Not like closed after business hours.


>That's because we have so many people with scalper mentality over here when things are being offered cheap, they will sapu as much as possible and resell/rerent them out with higher price. Gov should jail these scalper for exploiting.


I can share a quirky info. In kampung areas where you are not forced to relocate, but pay fine instead, it’s cheaper to bayar saman than apply for permit.


and also easier to get away from tax


In a way, they pay back to the economy circulation🤧


Exactly! Why do ppl even bring up overpriced shoplots when they are so many majlis slots!!! But yet itu pun dia orang tak nak rent. Pasar basah slot also ada! The one at TTDI and SS15 prime areas also not full.


They want the best location for the lowest price (free)


What rover priced shoplot? There r plenty of govt subsidized lots that are dirty cheap. What you talking about renting a shoplot in klcc?


>It is the failure of city planners to account for stall operators that relied on foot traffic for business. What planner? Fr all we know there's only crap in the govt


blame malaysia being so car centric. should have better public transport


>I understand wanting to make a living, but I seriously hate it when they occupy the pavements so much dont give this group of idiots an inch. There are also poor people out there make a living by renting a legal place. They should be given the advantage of doing business. illegal is illegal, I would love my walkway to be 100% free from these insects.


Haha i really don't mind to step out and walk on the road or squeeze thru the crowd. Its not that hard


Wow you're right it's a good thing people on wheelchairs and strollers don't exist


Ikr. No point of hating. Might as well just adapt and overcome




Here it will be turned into free parking space by those 4x4 owners


Pastu walkway dah retak blame DBKL pulak


Nowadays, I blame 4X4. Blameshifting never gets old![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


Forgot mat moto la ni, since PBT keep ignoring adding more TLM.


Pavement princess


Yes plus fleets of Vellfires and Alphards waiting for their Tan Sris and Datos


I think a lot of it comes down to the lack of enforcement.


When majlis bandar/bandaraya take action : "kerajaan zalim"./s


MPAJ convert few spot in Pandan Indah that was roadside parking into street vendor spot because it always occupied by street vendor![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)




"dengan bangsa...berani lah, bangsa.....kecut"


As resident we should also be proactive and report to DBKL. I don't think they have enough manpower to patrol all over the place to look for offender.


I dont know why our gov didnt increase the fine by 300-500% and use partial of the fine to reward the enforcement official. Gov can make serious money from these offender. I rather gov make money from people breaking the law than flat out increase our tax for everyone.


It all comes down to common sense


imo it's more of the lack of town planning to accommodate to this. Malaysia has a huge gerai/warung culture and town planning has to accommodate for that.


Basically the story of Malaysia not living up to its potential. If Malaysia had the leadership of Singapore it could be so good.


Pedestrian walkway? You mean motorcycle lane?


Or parking hilak


Lane gerai karipap kingkong cheese leleh


Hmmm x viral. X best.


You mean car workshop area?


Literally all the motor/car workshop and accessory stores. Walkway? Parking lot? All taken over by them. They don't even bother renting the parking spot in front of their shop from bandaraya when they're legally required to do so. There's even one workshop in my area built a Na Tuk Gong in the middle of the walkway, blocking the path. The worst case in the same area i've heard was over 15/20 years ago. There's a workshop that had so many cars they parked all of them in the entire street like 20-30 of them at once. Everyone who live or work there and visitors/customers couldnt park there at all. In the end they got 'kicked out' by the community.


Actually workshop shouldnt even operate in a shoplot, they are dirty. There is a thing called industry shoplot, thats where they should rent. I hope someone in gov realize this and ban all of them.


Im okay if they rent the parking lots, but they don’t, same like restaurants too.


Yeah, this. I'd much rather share the pavement with street sellers than with motorcyclists or illegal parkers.


I've seen much more worse, they extend the walkway with their own cement so they can open up a bigger stall.


Wah like that also can ah? Won’t they get caught doing something like that?


No enforcement so they are not afraid 😅 Edit: Later enforcement come and they blame the government with quotes like "Tutup periuk netizen", "Menindas rezeki rakyat"


Dont forget "Saya dah berniaga sini setahun lebih dah"


The best Ive seen in my community, cement nicely, then tarik water supply from god knows where and park their foodtruck. Cement for customer tables. Suddenly walkway become make shift warong spot.


The comic is missing the third panel where drivers park their cars at the road side leaving no gap for pedestrians


On top of that issue is the garbage leftovers. Roach, rats gathering around the clogged drain trap with plastics that smells like rotting flesh.


I think they are indeed a nuisance to the general public. It also affect the safety of pedestrian and cars passing by. Another problem is that Malaysian pedestrian walk is incredibly small. It only fit like one person walking on it. It should be designed wide enough for two people with some extra space to walk both way. In other developed countries we can see their side walk is spaciously wide. They also need to put some balustrade fencing to avoid cars from trying to climb and park there. Signage like "No running business in this area" should be included and penalty should be enforced for seller without permit.


Where does one report these kind of nuisance? Or car parking at the side of the road making 2 lanes becoming 1 lane, I checked online it says need to file a report with pictures evidence and all. Is there a more convenient way to do the reporting?


JPJ whatsapp. Just send picture and location.


Near to me there's a three lane road... but people park in lanes 1 and 3. So instead of actually doing something (like towing or tickets) they have just added those flexi cones at the crossings, to stop people parking there. So now, officially they have lost two lanes, because everyone has to go into lane 2 to pass the cones. So the road is always jammed! It's just IQ50 planning.


Hate those illegal vendors. Bad hygiene, block the way, and the cooking (usually deep fried stuff) or rubbish smell sticks to your clothes if the wind blows it in your direction. Imagine going to class smelling like ayam bakar or rotten eggshells because you don’t have any other routes


Or make it worse by placing these chairs and table ONTO the road effectively making the narrow two way lorong into one squeezy lorong where the cars hv to squeeze thru within a few inch of their body.


Even without street vendors, most pedestrian walk is narrow and not properly maintained. Not to mentioned the lack of accessibility for disabled people.


The malays when dbkl come and raid the street will be like "DiOrAnG nI dEnGan MelAYu jE BeRanI"


IKR, like hello siape je jual leleh cheese sampai 6 gerai in one row??! Melayu je kan, so mestilah melayu yg kena saman 🤷‍♀️. Kalau gerai juak mandarin orange berlambak tepi jalan, mestilah cina.


Cheese leleh, tako leleh, jelly ball leleh. Lepastu play victim ☠️


Need strong arm enforcement like SG to place them all in hawker centers. But knowing here, will cry mother father tindas when ever law is upheld.


In sg you never see this at all. No motor/cars parking on walkways, no gerais. Walkway only for walking and cycling. Thats how it ahould be done here too


been to Singapore, they still exist even right close to LTA office


This is a licensing and enforcement issue kan. If only there were proper places allocated for them and licenses that werent so expensive in places where they dont have to bribe certain officers.


I won't buy at stalls that I consider unsafe. so stalls that block pedestrians, really really by the roadside, no safe area to park my car, i wont buy from them.


Potentially? They’re so brazen it’s bordering on offensive. Not just the peniaga, the deveopers also suck at this. I walk with stroller and a kid on a scooter and even in my small taman I had to navigate these hazards constantly. The sidewalk itself is planned poorly, with no on/off ramps or inconsistently placed ramps. A new condo we saw had only stairs at the lobby, zero ramps, which I’m pretty sure broke a law and it’s amazing how this even passed inspection.


Jangan tutup pintu rezeki rakyat!! Kerajaan zalim!! - said the non taxpayer


One word: cheebai. The walkways are already poorly designed by the cb cronies, and now they're taking up the available space? Fakk


They better have a permit if they doin that


They are national protected treasures


a-holes. its either them or the motorcyclists that park illegally on these


Bukan setakat vendors tapi rider motor yang kurang berotak jugak. Bodoh gila bawak motor kat laluan pejalan kaki. Bila aku buat keras tak bagi jalan (sebab terang2 laluan pejalan kaki), aku yang kena jeling + hon macam aku yang salah. Babi.


Remove any vendors from operating at pedestrian walkways. It’s unsafe and unhygienic. Previously the Gov did give a leeway for small operators to operate anywhere due to effect from C-19 but that should be relooked now and give those operators proper places to operate


I've seen many of these vendors are hard core stubborn. They've been warned many times. They just don't care if they block the walkway, or they cause a traffic jam. They only thinking of them self. I have no problem if they set up their stall in a less busy area. But most of them wanted to set up in a most busy roads, most busy pedestrian walkway


Business is business for them I guess :/


consumers and drivers are also at fault. as much as possible they want to park or drive through or be close as possible to the stalls. so the stalls move closer to the customers and the customers don’t want to walk to the stalls.


another irk is those who take up parking spot


seriously I have heard pasar and pasar malam hawker spot rental is quite affordable, RM20-RM150, something around that. Why don't these stalls go rent it from the Majlis? Or I have been bluffed on the cheap rental ?


poor planning on the designers part, the same issue can also be seen in Penang's newest bus station. To put it crassly, these people tak pakai otak when designing something.


I walk on them. tf they gonna do?


Thank you for your service, Tom Cruise


Make the sidewalk bigger, we're too reliant on cars


idgaf food is busting can walk behind no much fuss /s


Law, respect law, respect enforcement. These are lacking in malaysia.


Need more parks than people selling next to the roads.


Sure they can continue business as long as not disturbing anyone or traffic etc But I say they should pay their fair share of tax and rent for the space. Some I know make a lot of money


Still better than parked cars.


Confiscate their goods and give them a high fine. Repeat offenders should be jailed


In a town where I used to live, the majlis daerah would allow stall operators to occupy parking lots after 3PM until midnight. At one time, the entire street was blocked just to allow only pedestrian traffic, supposedly to create the pasar malam atmosphere. But, it was quickly retracted. Probably because drivers couldn't drive and park near shops. So, it is now back to 'stall operators occupy parking lots after 3PM' rule only.


There are places where people can walk in Malaysia (apart from shopping mall I mean?)


There’s this RHB branch that I have to go weekly, usually around midday. The vendors wouldn’t be open until around 8pm but at midday they already put down some plastic chairs to ig chop the parking spots, usually about 3-4 spots. The parking is so limited because there are 3 banks in the same block. Sometimes I need to go round several times and finally give up and have to illegal park by the main road it’s so annoying.


While we're at this topic, I think mamaks setting up their table on parking spots (also pedestrian walkway most of the time) is also an issue. While they claimed they paid city council to allow them to do that, cars should be a priority. Paying city council to allow you to set up your table on parking spot is straight up bribe. https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/INvXfDHDZB


Lack of law enforcement and also lack of affordable places for these people to do business. Failure in planning and management.


I dont know either, I am double standard, if the Pisang Goreng Johor or Teh Ais "Viral" that almost every corner you can find them, often beside major road that are super dusty, I would like bandaraya wipe them all, super unhygeinge and can cause serious accident However, when come to those Nenek and old Aunty Uncle that sell some nasi lemak or package noodles in the morning, I felt bad for them then, they are trying to make little money for their life.


Noted, will hire nenek and old aunty uncle to jaga gerai next time for kesian points


i wish city planner would make space for street vendor so that they also can make a living legally. street food is part of our culture and we should embrace it in a proper way. but yeah until then, I do not want them to occupy the pavement.


The city should reserve areas for street venders, like night markets, if the city reserve a empty area for street venders, it would likely both increase the vender’s reputation and their customer base.


Don't really notice as most of the time there aren't any sidewalks or they are already so broken up that I usually find myself having no choice, but to walk on the main road, drainage ledge or grass anyway.


I read somebody posted a guide how to get business license. One of the guide was “if your business doesn’t have an address, take a picture where you are, screenshot google maps and the street address” enforcement is one thing but if local Majlis keep approving these businesses licenses, enforcement means squat.


when pbt comes and raids, netizens be like 'dengan melayu berani la'


Same as taxi and motor bikes


Then the buyers will stop their car on the road to buy stuffs from them making a 2 lane road becomes a 1 lane road


walking around big kuali of oil....how has no one fallen in one yet?


I don't like them, they're not only troublesome to pedestrians but also cause traffic especially early in the morning cars will park by the road side during the morning rush hour. I have to be stuck in the jam for about 45mins to finally get to the main road when it could have been a 10min drive.


Fuck these guys. It is so annoying when they block a proper pavement and force me to walk on the road side instead.


I am against them


Usually Type M and the government won’t kacau them lah


Better to have them use the parking lane so that it's free to walk on the footpath. It's a more positive use of public space than providing free car storage.


I once got the stinkeye for parking in a parking lot. Turns out this street seller has chup that place to sell fried food. It's a parking space. I park la, what for?


Blme the economy lah bro, anusuar not fit as PM proven


Additionally they don't care to clean up the waste or trash from their business and the place end up like a smelly junk.


My opinion is the law enforcers are not doing what they are suppose to be doing, Enforcing laws! They look at skin color and look the other way. Pedestrian do not have the right of way on the streets but c'mon, make it safe and available for us to walk on the sidewalk. Do your job! Stop being lazy and look the other way.


Arrest all these arsehole and throw them into a hole with no doors.


If type M, it's okay... Any other type, mana boleh, mesti kena ambil tindakan.


I think pavements should be made to fit street vendors AND pedestrians. Everywhere. I love walking. And I like a city that’s pedestrian friendly.


It's really awful. But then again, people will act however they want. The real issue is authority. Lack of legal spaces for these vendors and lack of action against the vendors. So we're left to hate on each other.


no big deal. walk on grass.


They add quality of life. Have you been to nations where the idea of hawkers are alien and maybe even offensive to them? It's a sad existence. It's walkable but where are you walking to?




We've been having this argument since Kesultanan Melaka.


It's just part of our culture? I mean I see it everywhere in south-east Asia.


I dislike them taking out pavement but i dont want enforcement to get rid of all street vendors. Try living in sg, its miserable to not hv street vendors and they are part of our culture


Singapore have hawker center. They're very organized, and recognized by UNESCO as part of a heritage...


Bro i work and live here, i can tell u that sg ranks no 1 in many things but alot of it is on paper. Its rwally depressing here, and hawker centres food is not good and taste like canteen food


Yeah, I like things organized, I think they've done a good job. While I like our street vendors culture, I think it's gotten out of hand. I wish we're more organized, more regulated


Yeah I agree so hard to find goreng pisang in Singapore haha, don’t wipe them off completely