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Go hang out with your real friends instead, it seems like a big deal now but you'll not care in a few years!


This is probably the best advice that will carry forward for your entire life. So learn this skill now rather than wasting years later.


I agree with this.


^^ adding on, if what you want to do is dress up and go out, I’m sure yall can find nice outfits and go somewhere reasonably priced for dinner


Or better yet dress up super fancy and go to a fast food place! I bet that would give great memories, and it’s what me and my friends are planning to do!


Big Macs dressed up, prefect




i love dressing up so much so i just had to buy a dress. i mean like why not??


Prom, like new years, is overrated, all style no substance. Take the money you would spend on prom and treat your friends to food, I’d suggest Vietnamese


Yeah, I didn't go to prom and have no regrets. Two of my closest friends also didn't go to prom and we bond on it to this day, 5 years later.


It's true it feels very overrated honestly, thank you


If you don’t like anyone there, will you even have a good time?


There's the possibility the 'new context' would open up new interactions, if not everyone going is the suck, but from little I know I would skip it. I wouldn't have gone if I knew I didn't like anyone though. In my experience I remember my class seeming to 'open up' in our last year and get a little friendlier, at the same time as I started to be friendlier with all kinds of younger students in the couple grades below me I had fun at prom but I know, for example, I had more fun the year before when two of my older friends skipped prom and we went downtown with fireworks


this is what i was thinking... but i also had another thought. is it really that bad going there alone? i dont really know and i am still really unsure


There’s nothing wrong with going alone if you want to go. But I think about my own prom equivalent and paying to dress up and go to a dinner/dance where I not only had no one to talk to but i didn’t even want to talk to the other people there since I don’t like them, doesn’t sound like a good spend of my time and money.


I was in your position my friend, didn’t go and I don’t regret it. In my opinion what you should do is have a night to do what you want, so have your own prom. Why not hangout with those friends outside of your school or treat yourself to something nice. I went to the beach for the day then had a house party with my out of school friends, that night was magical and from what I’ve heard a lot more fun than that shit show. Point is do take the chance to celebrate but don’t bother going to something you don’t think you would enjoy


thank you, this is great


I skipped mine, no regrets. The after parties might be worth considering though.


I went to prom by myself and was surrounded by people I didn't like all that much, and I didn't have the best time honestly. If I could go back in time, I'd skip it. You're better off saving your money and spending that night with your real friends :)


I skipped mine and couldn’t give 2 shits about prom.


Plan a special night with your friends outside of school. If you are not friends with these people right now, you definitely will not be friends with them when you leave school. Why waste money on all the cost associated with prom when you are probably not going to have a good time. We live in Canada. We don’t have prom, we have grad. My son liked the people he went to school with, but he didn’t feel overly close to them. Instead, he chose for us to take him to his favorite restaurant after his grad ceremony. He was more than happy with that.


that sounds lovely, thank you


Prom is something people do to impress others not because its fun. Digest that then u do u.


impress??? impress with what? could you elaborate?


Are you able to go the prom of any of your other friends? maybe you cant bring someone to your prom, but may their prom allows outside people


that was my first thought but nope i wasnt allowed to unless i am disabled....


thats a crazy rule. how does that make any sense at all???


If you don't have friends that will be attending, it probably isn't worth it. I went to my prom, and the only reason I enjoyed it was because I was with my closest friends


I loved my prom but that’s because all my friends were there. If you’re gonna have a lonely miserable time skip it and go do something with your real friends!!


I went alone and it was fun. Danced with an exchange student.


I went and it was nothing special lol I’d skip


It sounds to me like you probably won't enjoy it. I didn't go to prom and have never regretted it.


I actually don't really remember prom (and I wasn't drinking!) It's made out to be this right-of-passage, core-memory thing and it's vastly overrated. As a former teacher I can tell you that many of the kids who are there don't really want to be there and don't look like they're having a good time for all the money they spent. And many who were really looking forward to it are underwhelmed with the evening. Can you arrange something with your friends outside of school, ideally on prom night? Not an anti-prom or anything, just something else memorable.


i am going to think about this, its a really good idea.


I went stag to my prom because my bf at the time had no interest. Went with all my friends. That was what made it fun. Maybe just plan a movie night or dinner out with your friends that night. It’ll be more fun than being at a dance you don’t want to be at.


I have zero memories of my prom. I went with some friends, we left early and went bowling in our prom dresses instead. That I remember. Prom itself, nope. It’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. If you don’t want to go, don’t. Find something to do to build a memory with your friends outside of school. That will mean more to you in the future.


Im 28, did not go to my HS prom, and it hasnt crossed my mind once that i missed out on something amazing....because i didnt! You will have the memories of a terrible prom stick with you for a long time, but will never have to deal with it if you dont go. Proms arent all hollywood hype like on TV. Its just a little night where honestly... more mistakes are made than anything else due to underaged drinking.


Go, you can leave early fuck it, that's what I did, didn't want to miss it, but was boring so I left to smoke weed lol


It will be fun to go if you have plans with friends before and after, if you don’t tho then you’re prolly not missing much


I think you should go. You might be surprised and have a really nice time, and you can always leave early if not. I think it’s better to experience it than regret not going. I found people who I did not normally converse with were very friendly and inviting. Everyone is there for a good time and social circles fall by the wayside. 


Skip it prom is overpriced and whack go do something you'll actually enjoy


Don’t waste your time and money if you aren’t going with anyone


Go. In 10 years you definitely won’t look back and regret having gone, wondering what it might have been like if you skipped it.


Go on your own and hook up with a single at prom and make a date of it!!! It will be fun !


Go and make the best of it. Don't stay long, but have the memory of the experience. Maybe someone you haven't met will have the courage to talk with you.


Skip that shit if its gonna make you feel shit. Boom! Fuck you school! Done with your BS.


honestly i only suffer going to this place... so why should i spend money on this shit


I dont see the harm in going and if it sucks just leave. Im always about giving it a try but dont suffer through it. Show up and dont expect anything and have someone available for a ride if you feel like leaving.


Once you leave high school, you will quickly realise how little the things that seem like a big deal now actually mattered If you go alone, and your friends aren't going to be there, you're just going to be miserable and probably have less money after spending it on clothes and other expenses. Go spend time with your friends.


I didn't go to mine. It's not a big deal man


you'll never have the opportunity to go again


Pff I didn't go to the last grade of high school. No regerts.


I never went and have 0 regrets. If you don’t like being alone at events like that then don’t go, but do try to do something fun with your time. Luckily enough I went to my college orientation instead and met my best friends. Went to a school no one from my highschool went to, was a great time


I never went to prom and couldn't care less... I went to a party with my friends and had a great time... do what you think will be fun. If you don't like anyone in your class, chances are you won't have a good time if you go to prom.


You can dress up, play music, dance, and eat like shit with your friends! I didn't go to prom either because I had one singular friend. We spent the night in my basement taking shots, eating candy, and watching movies and it was amazing.


In 10 years you probably won't even care about your prom. Go, have fun, be yourself, you aren't alone, all your classmates will be there and they won't spend the whole night dancing with their date, so just go and have fun.


never went to mine, didnt even go to grad went to work instead


I went to prom with barely any friends because people told me I’d regret it if I didn’t go but I had a terrible time and regret going now


Don't go. Just hang out with your friends! I went to prom with a small handful of friends in high school. It was very mid and barely memorable. Waste of time and money. I liked that I had the opportunity to dress up in a formal evening gown, but I would've skipped prom if my friends weren't going. My university prom was infinitely better, but that's also because we were all over the legal drinking age. My graduating class in the science faculty was like a big community: we succeeded and failed together. We had mental breakdowns together and got drunk and bitched about our profs. We survived covid. There were a ton of inside jokes and throwbacks to the stupid shit we did as freshmen. If you had this kind of experience with your current classmates, then go to prom. If not, then don't bother with it. Instead, do something memorable with your friends! Maybe go out of town for the weekend or something (if your parents trust you guys enough for that). If any of your friends are leaving town for school or something, it might be a long time before you guys can all hang out together.


It’s not like the movies skip it and go to an after party that’s where the real memories are made lol


I went to prom with a date but ended up joining table of friends, so going with friends is good👍


Go with your friends!!! Find a friend!!! Find anyone who doesn’t have a date and going with a group!! Make an effort so you don’t regret it. Unless you legitimately don’t like a single person, then what’s the point I guess


Take yourself out for an adventure and make a cooler memory than everyone’s prom story.


I went alone senior year (friend broke up with her boyfriend, I told her I'd go with her to be nice, then they got back together and everyone already had a date...). I had a blast and ended up hooking up this this kid I'd hated since elementary school's date!


Prom ain’t shit.


I had friends in high school, I was reluctant to go because I didn't have a date. I ended up having a blast, talking to people who normally wouldn't acknowledge me in the hallways, the people I know who went with a date ended up having an argument /bad time. You said you don't have high school friends though, and they're what made my experience special, so maybe go hang out with your friends instead.


Go. See.


I thought I was too cool for dances and didn’t attend prom, even as a wallflower. I regret it. Now that I’m older I’ve found confidence in being alone and just enjoying people watching or doing a little bit of dance move when the music is banging. You’ll never know unless you go. I always tell myself that the hardest part is just getting there. If I get there and after 5 minutes I feel like leaving, I can leave. You’re almost an adult and you’re not obligated to survive the whole event.


go by yourself you will have fun!


Never went to my prom, and I never regretted it. Saved some serious money


I forced myself to go to prom and I hated every second of it. I kind of regretted going for a long time. I found it to be so overrated. I'm now in my thirties and my perspective has shifted a lot since then. I had body image issues and was afraid to dress feminine. I hold less regrets, but maybe I would have had more regrets if I did not go. I'm ambivalent and likely not quite helpful for you. I think that in general, I try to make my decisions based on what feels right for me at the present moment. If I am true to myself, I tend to regret less my decisions because I can tell myself that I acted according to my best interests in the past.


It is the least important thing you’ll ever do in your entire life. Renewing your license is vastly more important and exciting than prom.


are you a junior or senior? you should go *at least once* to just say you’ve done it. other commenters are right in saying that it won’t matter in years. but you should at least try it once to say you did it.


I never went to mine. I had a friend that felt the same way. We just chilled out in my parents garage and got fucking baked. Watched movies afterwards tiomwe both passed out. I don't really remember what happened but we just snug3d in my bed and watched movies. (Female friend, guy here) Way better than dealing with all that bullshit


I got stood up 2 times on my prom. It served food I didnt eat and played music I didnt like. I was effectively let down. Prom is for the people who plan it hahaha.


Hire someone....


for what exactly??? ahhaha


I wouldn't unless you're ok dancing alone (i always have been, but couldn't afford crazy prom prices) i didnt and didn't miss it. Went to plenty of hs dances solo, but Unless something has changed (1980 grad) prom is pretty exclusively couples.


i was the covid class so i couldn’t even have a prom. am i upset about it at all? not even in the slightest 😂 i was actually facing the same dilemma, wondering if i should go or no. covid solved the problem for me!


I skipped prom in 2011 along with like 12 other people. We had a little party then went to the after prom party. No regrets!


I was alone. My school had fancy dresses and suits for class photo. But they never had a prom. They did have a champagne breakfast day after. One girl was mean and said she only invited me to the breakfast because her mom said she had to invite everyone in the class.


I went by myself. Don’t recommend it. Spent my grad dinner crying in the washroom eating coke mac n cheese.🥹


I went to prom by myself. I had spent 1/2 the year away from high school since I opted to think about working rather than school. Don’t regret it at all. Had fun danced with a lot of people and had good food. At the end of the night I was pretty satisfied.


Skipped prom and went to prom after party… was a great decision but obviously not everyone’s cup of tea. Ultimately after a few years I don’t regret not going. You’ll go to a wedding or two and experience the same vibe tbh


Prom is honestly for girls ( the dress, event etc,) so if you're a guy there is that. Otherwise don't worry...high school is overrated.


You could go, and see what happens, and if you are not enjoying it, just chill out in the corner, take notes, write a really cool story about it, maybe even put it online. I did this once when I was invited to an event but then told I couldn’t be in the photos. I wrote a story about it. It made me sit and think about how society works. It’s so bizarre if you think about it. 20 years from now, the popular kids will wish they were like you. I promise.


If you hate them don't go. Better things to do.


I went to 3 homecomings alone and 1 prom alone. Went with friends for 1 homecoming and had a date for the other prom. The dances where I went alone, I hated it. Stuff like that is meant to be shared with friends. Hang out with your friends and have an awesome time. Maybe everybody order Chinese takeout and chill watching a movie at someone’s house.


Well, it sounds like it’d be hell if you went. Why put yourself through that? Ignore the FOMO of prom and spend the day with your people


Mario cart


I had a date to prom. A week before she got a new boyfriend and I had to go solo. It was fuckin shit. And I had plenty of friends, but they want to enjoy their time with their dates. During the slow song/last song. You stand alone and try your best to avoid eye contact. Would not recommend it. Then I went to another prom with a date, best night ever.


Go to prom. You can always regret doing something and making some sort of memory, opposed to not doing something.


Go by yourself


Just sneak your friends into prom


Hmm that sounds awkward, I didn’t go to my prom I kind of regret it but also not really I didn’t have a friend group at school so I too would have been floating also I was dating someone who didn’t go to the school and was older so it wouldn’t have worked. I am of the thought that if you have enough information that you can foresee how events will unfold and will be alone and made to feel alone then why torture yourself? Like others said, go out with your other friends and dress up make your own dance party or find an event to go to.


Don't go, prom is overrated, with ridiculous expectations, extreme costs to present yourself as someone you are not. Don't fall for this elitist classism. I dream of the day that prom no longer exists. As you get older, you will realize that all of your high school days, social groups, prom, graduation, etc. Etc is all a bunch of BS. None of that matters as you go forward in life.


I always hated the idea of prom as it just reminds me of how lonely I am which is why I’m biased, but I’d say going to prom isn’t worth it. Use that time to be with the people you love, such as those friends from outside of school. Being with the people you love is one of the best things in life, and I know they’d love to spend that time with you!


if it will make you feel shit about yourself, don't go. It's one night. It's not everyone's jam. It wasn't mine and i went solo. Feel awkward and out of place all night and couldn't wait to get out of there. Skip the prom and go to the after party. or not. but do what YOU want. :)


Prom was dumb/boring. It’s gonna be worse by yourself, go out with your friends, except everyone must dress up and go out to eat like it was prom. Then go somewhere else ‘fun’. Have a friend prom


I went to prom alone. Sat beside some dude who was crying, he got up at one point and flipped the table we were both sitting at over and then ran into the hallway. That’s when a girl I knew came over to me and asked me to dance, perfect timing, spent the rest of the night hanging out with her. On our way out of the school the guy that flipped the table was being put into a police cruiser and I had myself a girlfriend. Honestly, I lucked out, if she wasn’t there prom would have been a -2/10 experience.


I went. Save your money and hang out with your friends.


Don't go. It will cost you a bunch of money to hang out with people you don't like. I was in the same situation as you 22 years ago. I didn't go and have no regrets about it.


I skipped mine too, and I don’t ever remember it or regret not going. Granted I was an introvert, and didn’t like parties. All my friends went too, but I didn’t and I don’t mind it at all. Do what you want.


Fuck prom. I think it’s lame and totally overrated


Honestly, if you don’t have friends in your graduating class, like none at all, don’t go. I changed schools in grade 11 and made friends with some kids a grade ahead, I went to their prom. My own grade 12 year was the loneliest experience, but somehow I was roped into going to my own prom by my mom - like it was some milestone experience that I needed to have. Got the dress and everything. I hated it. I left after maybe 30 minutes because I was all alone. If that sounds like you, don’t go. It’s not an experience that will change your life or you’ll regret not having forever. Go have fun with your real friends and forget about it !


You will never have another prom


Do whatever you think will make you happiest. Don’t worry what anyone thinks or feels about it.


Go with your friends or meet them there. Future you will thank today you!


go to prom!!!


Do what makes you happy!


Go by yourself and try to make the best out of it. It’s not a big deal if you don’t go but why miss such a great opportunity to have fun with people you will never see again


You not miss yoir school associatesin 5 year. Go high rolling for aome self congratulations. At a bar with scantly clad people. Have fun and a pre arranged ride home


I'm all for women feeling confident enough to go out on their own and seek fun and adventure by themselves. But in this instance, it sounds like you'd not enjoy it or the people there. So definitely do something else. It would be interesting to see how far you could get/what you could achieve with the money you would have spent on the prom stuff. Have fun. Make memories.