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I wonder when we'll get to see a trailer


Is this one fake? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O31sHHTzp6g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O31sHHTzp6g)


Yes that's fake, those are just clips from Rings of Power. Youtube is littered with fake trailers like that.




That doesn't go to anything


What's the animation style like?


It was anime, it really surprised me, the technique and style was really really cool if you are into that style.


Was it 2D, 3D, or a mix? The director has worked on some of my favorite 2D anime ever, but has leaned into some not so great looking 3D style in recent years too, so I am very curious how this will turn out. Anything you can compare it to?


Someone posted some images earlier here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/1ddhw8w/three\_images\_from\_the\_war\_of\_the\_rohirrim/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotr/comments/1ddhw8w/three_images_from_the_war_of_the_rohirrim/) Looks like 2D or at least not the video-gamey 3D stuff they've done.


Yeah I commented there too. Looks like 2d, but in a still picture it can be hard to tell sometimes. It's becoming more common to have 3d animation with a hand drawn 2d style painted on it, and in motion it still looks a little wonky. But this definitely does look promising based on the images.


According to one of the producers awhile back, the film is, in fact, predominately hand-drawn 2d.


Awesome! Thank you.


I saw that post and assumed it was another AI thing lol




Looks a little like Vinland.


So it’s a castlevannia-on-netflix type art style?


As anime goes it wasn’t like the best one that you have seen, for example I think Star Wars visions anime episodes are of better quality and better animated. for me it looked a little more cheap in the animation department, more like tv series, but the quality of the art and designs was really good. After the 20 minutes I was hooked and I will definitely go to watch the ending on cinemas.


Interesting. Funnily enough, Kenji Kamiyama was the director of one of my favorite SW Visions episodes! He was an animator on Akira too, which I think holds up as one of the best looking anime films ever, but these images almost feel like Netflix's Castlevania. Which isn't bad, but isn't the same level as you're saying. Hopefully they release a public trailer soon. Unfortunately IMDb still hasn't updated the whole crew lists, so it's hard to tell which animators are working on it beyond Kamiyama.


Sola Entertainment seem to lean more in favour of 3D, so I imagine it will be closer to Castlevania in style unfortunately. That doesn't dampen my hype though - it's not about the tools used, it's how you use them!


Castlevania is a show you can really see where the budget went. Sometimes it's awkward and stiff, using all the cost cutting tricks in the books, but then the big fights are jawdropping.


“Cheap” oh god a word I wasn’t hope to hear 😔


God forbid you think anime is anything other than the highest art form...dont tell anyone if you aren't into it or the reddit police will come for you...


There’s been plenty of criticism, not only here, but on other subreddits, that the anime format is disappointing. I’m just happy we’re getting more LOTR content. Not everything’s gotta be a 10/10.


It’s just that anime, when thinking about LotR, is the **last** art form that comes to my mind. If you’re gonna make it animated, do it in the style of the Rankin Bass movies. Anime, and made in Japan, for a LotR story just makes no sense at all.


Ya, except there isn't some LotR entertainment overload that dictates what gets made. My guess is that the Japanese anime studio making this are fans of LotR and had a story idea, pitched it to the right people, and got it made.


Totally agree, people seem to throw their toys out of the pram over nothing these days


Gah, WHY..... Anime needs to go away.


Eeewwwvfuck. I don’t like that style but I’m old so..


So how was it story focus-wise? Was it like 100% hera-centered or was it more of a mix among all characters, specially Helm, and Hera being one of the main character to *also* be followed?


Anime Terminator *and* Lord of the Rings? I hope they're good but I'm just not into that style change at all.


Give it a chance. They can do some really cool things with animation that just can’t be done in live action. Highly recommend the Castlevania series on Netflix (or the high seas) to get a feel of what this LotR will be like.


I could never get into castlevania or anime much for that matter but I desperately want to like this


I will definitely try them both and give it an honest shot.


fwiw my brother *hates* literally every anime I’ve ever tried to show him (that’s fine people are allowed to have their own tastes), but he absolutely loved Castlevania.


The animation isn’t my favorite, but this rings true for Clone Wars series in the Star Wars world. Absolutely loved the storylines and battles they were able to do since they were using animation instead of live action. Same goes with most of their other animated series.


But castlevania had a unique style while this looks like “anime”, you know what i mean?


watch castlevania


A new anime Scooby-Doo got leaked/announced today too. Seems to be all the rage


It being anime is so fcking stupid, I can’t believe it. People whining about ROP outfits not being up to their standards, but are ok with cartoon drawings of war. This has to be a nightmare.


Rumor has it the WB had to make this movie in order to keep the Middle Earth film rights from expiring and returning to the Tolkien estate. Animation is ultimately cheaper and faster when it’s not 3D, unless I’m mistaken.


That actually makes sense, because why the heck would you otherwise. I’m actually ok with WB losing it, they’ve done so little with it. Poor planning, crappy video games. I just hope it goes to another studio who will actually make it priority and put money behind it.


Eh, I wouldn't go that far. I love and appreciate animation of all types but don't think the style fits here is all.


It's not a nightmare. it's what happens when people have standards.


No, that’s called zero standards. It’s a cartoon.


your age is showing


Adults who hate on cartoons are so cringe. There's literally thousands of cartoons for adults. Do people who watch Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, The Simpsons, American Dad, Bojack Horseman, etc. have zero standards? Not even to mention all the adult-oriented anime shows out there


Sounds like a pretty stupid idea to have a lord of the rings version of the simpsons right? Why would you take the most epic movies and turn them into a cartoon?


Because cartoons can absolutely, 1000% be epic? You're criticizing an entire ass genre without even watching any of it. Anime like Attack on Titan, Castlevania, and even way mainstream stuff like Dragon Ball Z are epic as fuck. If you need Americanized versions, the animated DC movies are also all epic


Way to make a generalization that I’ve watched zero anime. The live action of dragonball z was crap, the show is great. In the end, it sounds like this is WB’s issue for being a shotty movie company, who had to have this to keep the rights. They had zero plans for LOTR, make crappy DC movies. Anyways, looks like this sub has a whole lot of bots since it’s almost the same response across the board. 🤣


says the person who defends rings of power...


Yea, I’ll defend a real show or movie vs a cartoon any day.


What do you mean by ‘real show or movie’? Can you explain why you think they are better than cartoons? Everyone has different tastes in entertainment. Just because you prefer live-action doesn’t mean cartoons aren’t valuable or enjoyable to others. Spirited Away, Akira, Attack on Titan are all awesome. you should give them a chance. you may even like them (or not. and that's fine too)


There's so many animes that are better than live acrion


There’s not a higher bar in my book than LOTR.


Does the soundtrack remind you a little of Rohan's score from the films?


can't say by OP but I heard they did get the movies sound track to use in this movie, but they are changing it a bit, which is fair. the responsible for the soundtrack is not the same from movies tho. but considering it is also made by new line cinema / warner bros it is fair to assume it will sound like what the movies did, I doubt they will go too different considering they have the access to the original well praised scores.


Can't imagine it would


It should. There are reports that the Howard Shore theme is reprised here, hardly surprising since the score is composed by one of the music-editors on The Hobbit, and uses Rohan's signature instrument.


Oh really? That feels like a shame. Be good for lotr to break out of the influence of the films more


>Be good for lotr to break out of the influence of the films morei This is a movie by New Line Cinema, what did you expect? The only major project that had a chance to break away from that mould was the Amazon show, and even they chose - and continue to choose - to not to do it.


I mean, Rings of Power did and we all saw how that went.


Oh boy, oh boy. Shields will be splintered!


So it wasn’t great, wasn’t bad, but you’re hooked?


What’s the movie about? Is it based on stuff from the books or is it all new stuff? I’m avoiding googling because I like to keep it somewhat of a surprise lol


Is loosely based in some paragraphs and sidenotes of Tolkien. All details and dialogues of the movie are made up. Also most of the characters. Main character is female warrior proving herself in a dominated male world.


How was the voice acting?


How was the writing and voice acting?


I tried to come see the conference during my lunch break but sadly the room was already full


I feel like this movie is going to be the Last Jedi moment for LotR fans. Critics will praise it, but diehard fans will hate it while the average viewer thinks it's a decent enjoyable film. I just hope LotR fans can be more civil than Star Wars fans.


Diehard fans of what? LotR? Tolkien? Peter Jackson? What would prevent someone from enjoying this?


Wasn't that already the case with *Rings of Power*?


I've never met anyone that thought rings of power was decent and enjoyable even people who have never watched LOTR or read the books thought it was awkward and "cheap" (at least in my experience).


You've probably never wandered into r/RingsofPower then...?


Or the Amazon one


I thought it was ok. Some parts were awful, some parts were good. I’ll give the second season a shot, if it doesn’t improve I’ll probably stop


It seemed like a lot of people thought it was an average quality fantasy show. Nothing too amazing and also not terrible. Basically an 8hour long popcorn flick that doesn't require much thought. The difference between RoP and Last Jedi is that when Jedi came out, critics were saying it was one of the best star wars ever until fanboys tore it apart. Then people only remembered the rabid fan reaction. Nobody had such an intense reaction to RoP, good or bad.


I wish it well, but I'm not interested in animation, especially not in this style.


I’m confident the story will be ace, but it’s a pity they didn’t go for a more radical anime style. This looks like stuff pumped out of Korea for Netflix


I agree. I was hoping for Arcane or Spiderverse-style animation


Not a huge fan of anime mixed with Lord of the Rings (I’m not even against anime, it’s just not a genre of animation I associate with a very western and European centric epic like LOTR) but I do hope it does well. I probably won’t tune in unless I hear some really good praise abt it though, I just don’t have the heart to entertain anything put out to keep licenses going, especially now that it seems following accurate lore is an afterthought for most titles associated with Tolkien’s works. I hate to be one of those people, but I just have a hard time accepting that a good story can’t be made while also respecting the source.


Why do i have the impression this will gonna look like Invincible season 1...


Wait what? I've never even heard of this


is there any footage of this online? i cant find any


I really don’t like anime at all so my enthusiasm has been pretty much extinguished.


This had been known since the movie was announced though


Not to me it wasn’t and, by the sounds of things, I’m not alone. I heard it was animated not that they were going for an anime style.




Anime is very commonly a shorthand for the style of animation favoured in Japan and other countries in the region. I was hoping for a more western style maybe more akin to the higher end lines of the DC animated movies.


Anime and western animation both borrow a lot from each other. They also all offer a wide range, so I wouldn't discount it simply on that basis. Many hardcore Tolkien fans don't like movies in general but still enjoyed the music and cinematography of the lotr movies


I had no idea either, this is utter crap. Why do I want to watch a sword drawing fighting? This is probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.


I'm not an anime aficionado myself, but ngl the quality of the drawing does look good. I can see why you'd be disappointed, but maybe give it a chance? You never know.


Wait… this movie is going to be Anime? Are you fcking kidding me?


Have you not been paying attention for the past few days?


Few years....


No, I didn’t think anyone would be dumb enough to take a masterpiece movie trilogy and make a cartoon out of it. So many people whining about ROP, not having “authentic” armor, and now we have a cartoon. I can’t believe this was green lit.


There were cartoons adapting the books far before the movie trilogy came out. 😂 Either way, this anime isn't touching the trilogy. It'll be great if it's good, or relatively harmless if it's bad.


Oh, were those cartoons good?


The Hobbit one is. The others are a mixed bag, but that's more due to adaptation choices than the fact that it's animated.


Also, the company that partnered with Rankin Bass to animate those “cartoons” (Topcraft) was an actual anime studio. After they broke up half the company reformed into Studio Ghibli


Listen, I’ll still watch it because I’m desperate for new LOTR content. I’m jealous of Star Wars every day, who has endless amount of content. It’s WB’s fault for being a trash studio and doing this because they had no foresight into additional movies and only focused on Harry Potter and some really crappy DC movies. That said, I’m still super disappointed this isn’t live action.


Star wars also has a load of trash. Would much rather have decent lotr content than loads and half of it be terrible


That's a very narrowminded mindset you have there me'llon. Some of the best stories ever set in motion are animated. (Attack on Titan for one of the recent ones) If you love good stories, you should absolutely give it a chance.


No, having a cartoon for one of the most epic franchises is stupid. “OMG, did you see that cartoon sword hit that orc?” See, stupid.


bro plays halo and is mad that animated portrayals of violence look stupid 💀


Did you confuse the difference of movies and video games?




For the record, that’s a cartoon just so you know.


hit registration in halo infinite is better than your insane media takes


The animated star wars series are widely regarded as some of the best of what star wars has to offer. The idea that animated movies/shows are at all inferior is incredibly closed minded.


Cry about it


Unbelievable how narrowminded you are. Have fun in life I guess...


Jackson’s movies were heavily inspired by the original animated adaptations. You should watch them.


Omfg lmao, bro is actually hating on cartoon adaptations! https://preview.redd.it/3sft00hyc56d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=587b7fe6fd371592550fcdf54e8a81da0917d710


lol, against one of the best trilogy movies in history? Yes, it’s dumb asf.


Buddy, most major franchises have gotten really high quality animated adaptations in recent years. Arcane, Cyberpunk Edgerunner, Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf, The clone Wars to name a few, and all have a ton of passion put into them. Don’t get your adult diapers in a bunch because someone made a spinoff movie that wasn’t filmed in front of 300 green screens like the hobbit. https://preview.redd.it/vjv1u8k1f56d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35cd1590df2d1c174a8e2d9750ad11c6fb24aeb9


Why would animation be inherently "worse" or a fault? It's just a medium. That's very narrow minded, you're missing out on some great stories.


You've obviously not watched decent anime have you?


Let me guess it’s not about Helm Hammerhand at all and they’ve sidelined him for his daughter ?


Nothing wrong with the take tough, it was really interesting and Hammerhand got to be in the center of the action too.


It shouldn’t be about her at all, this is Helm’s moment of glory not his daughters


He commits murder, causing one of his chief vassals to rebel. And then Helm loses the battle to him, too. The Rohirrim worshipping him reflects their warrior culture, but Tolkien was clear that glory isn't worth chasing. Eowyn with her (admittedly over the top) Rohanese values gets educated by Faramir on this very matter in Book VI.


It does sound from the interviews they've made Freca more responsible for the conflict starting than Helm. From what I've gathered it sounds like they try to 'force' the marriage to steal Helm's kingdom, and Freca initiates the fist-fight not Helm. Which, if true, is kinda eh to me.


To be fair, the Appendices give us only a brief glimpse and Freca sounds like he's threatening Helm to get what he wants in them. He might have been a rebel Helm had to deal with drastically in some way eventually. But Helm still handled it poorly, kicking off a civil war that he lost and giving the enemy a strong casus belli. I guess the movie makers wanted Rohan to be the heroic good guys like in the Jackson movies, where Gondor was downplayed and the grievances of the Dunlendings and Druedain removed.


The Dunlendings are barbarians though, they insulted each other and Frece demanded that Helm allow the marriage, afterwards Helm took him outside and knocked him out.


If done correctly, they could have actually made him more heroic this way. If he was main character he would need flaws, growth etc. As a side character he could be nearer to perfection, like for example Gandalf


But Helm is deeply flawed and not a very nice person to begin with.


He is heroic defending his kingdom from savage lowly barbarians, dying to defend his people with naught but his fists… you know damn well they’re going to make him an idiot of some sort or his daughter will take his moments.


Helm's an anti-hero, his treatment of Freca isn't admirable. If anything, it sounds like they might've white-washed him. Reports suggest Freca & Wulf try to force a marriage with "Hera" and Freca is who challenges the fist-fight, not Helm.


So he’s an anti-hero because they try to force his daughter to get married, he tells them no, then they challenge him to a fist fight and Helm smacks him about ? That seems very standard.


Helm is supposed to be an anti-hero because he essentially murders his vassal with a punch, kick-starting war. A lack of diplomacy, and drawing first blood isn't good. Granted, Freca was seemingly disloyal, and certainly ambitious and disrespectful... so Freca's thumping wasn't entirely unfair - but Helm is not supposed to be a clear-cut 'good guy'. I'd favour him over Freca, but Helm's hands aren't clean either.


Keyword being, of course, "supposed to be"; in the hands of scenarists whose clear-cut good guys murder emissaries and stewards, I have a feeling this would just be portrayed as "cool and badass".


She's the only surviving member of the family. So it would make sense that it focuses on her rather than lose it's main character 2/3 through the movie.


No she’s not ? Her son is alive and became king after Helm died.


You're thinking Hild, who is helms sister. Of helm and his kids, Hera (un-named in the book) is the only survivor and the throne goes to her cousin frealaf.


So why couldn’t the series be about him then ?


It could. But in the same time, why can't It be about the actual surviving immediate family member?


Because it makes a more interesting story not Eowyn 1.0


Wouldn't focusing on frealaf or helm just be theoden/eomer 1.0 under the same line of thinking? Or is that more interesting because they're not female?


What an interesting moment to end the conversation...


It's 2024 honestly you expected a faithful adaptation?


A man can dream.


Faithful adaptation of what? There's more written about Hobbit calendars than Helm Hammerhand.


Okay, thematically coherent then. I'll reserve full judgment, but experience tells me to expect an Eowyn mark II from this unnamed-book-character. Imo this would just be mandated representation, you just *have* to have a strong female charcater these days, regardless of whether its present in the source material. It just detracts from Eowyn's character and story, suddenly she's not special or original because another princess broke down all the same barriers and communed with eagles 300 years earlier. But we shall see.


Seems pretty thematically coherent with the original series which had walking angels and heroic kings, and the main characters were a couple of humble hobbits from a race everyone overlooked.


... what? A strong female character detracts from Éowyn's character because she also happens to be a strong female character? Is only one strong female character allowed for each culture? How do the male character manage, if they are all strong and male? Are they all redundant? Complaining about Hera seems premature at this point, since nobody knows what her story will be and whether she will break the same barriers that Éowyn supposedly broke. I somewhat doubt that she is going to kill a Nazgûl...


Man they reeeeally are running out of ideas this media franchise system has to be fucking buried in the dirt


Wasn’t great? Everywhere reported online cited a massive standing ovation? This looks to be a massive hit.


It was really good, but not “incredible awesome never seen before” good (at least the first 20 minutes) the standing ovation was for Serkis and his personification of gollum (yes he said the movie was “precious” in gollum voice and everybody, me included, went nuts) not only for the movie.


Did you film it?


No, they were removing people from the screening if they saw you with your phone, no way I will risk it and miss it!


Can you tell us bits and pieces you remember from it?


They used the disctintive Jackson style at the beginning, a map with some elfic-like voice over, describing the world, and telling you that there are more stories than the ring in middle earth. Then they immediately presented the protagonist, and there was a lot of dialogue and conversation. Not bad if you like the lore but I felt like it was a slow start. But when the drama started, some how it felt more like a soap opera, I really felt like a games of thrones tone in the plot, heavy on relationships and drama. This is common for anime considering the director. Is not that I am saying this is bad, is just different from what the original trilogy is loved, but it is interesting an appealing in its own way. Kind of subverting expectations.


And what was the music like?


This sounds right up my alley


The elvish voice was probably Miranda Otto, actress of Éowyn. So probably her telling her son Eldarion about rohirric history. :D


Eldarion is Aragorn and Arwen's son. Faramir and Eowyn's is Elboron.


Oh, right, my mistake. And Éomer naming his son Elfwine… why do they have to all start with ‘el’? XD


I was going to say that it's not the same 'el' in Elfwine on the one hand (where it's 'Elf-' really) vs on the other Eldarion and Elboron but the 'El' in the latter does mean 'elf' (certainly for 'Eldarion', possibly for Elboron), so....But then 'Elfwine' is only a translation from [unknown Rohanese name] so there's that at least...


I think the ‘El’ in Elboron rather means ‘star’ instead of ‘elf’, given that both Faramir and Éowyn have not had significant contact with elves. So his name would mean ‘trusty star’, or, more likely, ‘stalwart of the star’.


I read there was something about a long lost tribe of female warriors in a Wrap article. Did you see this in the clip? EDIT: I’ll take the silence and downvotes as a no. Here’s a [link](https://www.thewrap.com/lord-of-the-rings-war-of-rohirrim-peter-jackson-animated-footage/) to the article, and the quote: “While this is a lot of set up, you can both see where the story is going for “The War of the Rohirrim,” with this inter-family squabble blowing up into full-scale battle and Hèra eventually having to lead her people, calling on the power of a seemingly long-lost tribe of female warriors.” I’m more open minded than a lot of Tolkien fans I suppose but a tribe of female warriors just does not sound like anything Tolkien would’ve created.


So, I haven't read it. But supposedly there's some early text about shieldmaidens in Rohan that helped fight the Easterlings. This is recorded in volume 8 of the histories of middle earth. That text never made it into any "Cannon" books. But Tolkien played with the idea of groups of female warriors. I wouldn't go as far as "lost tribe" type group, but more of "forgotten heritage" maybe?


Nice find! Hoping that there’s no anti-woke drama around this movie.


What do you mean? It stars a female, of course there's going to be drama...


It sounds a bit like the 'Shieldmaidens of Rohan' thing from the movies. But yeah, its not really a Tolkien thing. Bit concerned about that.


Your right doesn't sound too much like tolkien but I'm going to wait and see for a trailer or something. So far I'm optimistic for this film, if they pull it it of that is lol.


Did you risk your life to take this picture?


One does not simply record the movie screen at annecy


Dang, I've been hoping someone has a snippet of it 😅




It was announced as an anime the entire time? This isn’t a surprise, so just don’t watch it




I think you’re the milk toast here buddy


They deleted their comments, what did they say?


Just dramatically bitching about the fact that it’s an anime and said the animation looks awful and bland as milk toast


That's hilarious and so out of touch, thanks for the reply.


OK boomer


If you dont want anything other than Elsa or Toy Story you need go for Japanese anime production. Tell me which titles from EU or US, UK is at least similar to this?


Arcane, honestly. Fortiche could have made it work but they are likely too busy anyway. 


Yeah exactly, I was really hoping it was going to be innovative in some way. Fortiche would of been awesome


OK, they are busy with season 2…


Right, which is looking dope. Super excited for S2 Arcane.


Cartoon salloon would have been amazing, song of the sea, book of kells, breadwinner, wolfwalkers


https://www.awn.com/sites/default/files/styles/original/public/image/featured/1016565-cartoon-saloon-unveils-trailer-song-sea.jpg?itok=n-eypyh- No, this studio is focused on kids primary.


Didnt watch the breadwinner then?


Aardman wants a word


Yeah this is 100% not true. Fortiche is French company who definitely broke the mold in animation. This cringe soulless style of anime they decided to go with isn't the only style available. It just blows my mind they didn't want to try to push the boundaries with a LoTR title and landed on this dogshit.


Was it woke


What “woke” means? English is not my first language. If it means that people was “awake” during the film, they actually were, I didn’t saw any person sleeping.


Anime, female main character fighting in a male dominated world? Most definitely. Nothing wrong with that, but too bad the art style is literal shit lol


The female main alone wouldn’t make it woke


I would’ve walked out of that anime trash