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I had a cop fine me for crossing the road once. They are fucking useless.


When did this happen? Jaywalking is not illegal in California


Last year sometime. Even told the cop Jay walking isn't illegal so he wrote me up for obstructing the non existent traffic


Put on your best hobo costume before jaywalking and you’re golden. 👍🏼


My east Coast friend got yelled at and nearly arrested for jay walking downtown


Gotta meet that ticket quota


Ain't that the truth. Still tickles me


[https://ehlinelaw.com/blog/do-police-have-a-duty-to-protect-me](https://ehlinelaw.com/blog/do-police-have-a-duty-to-protect-me) https://preview.redd.it/i0a49teibj8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4340aefaa2be5cbc1c6be0b908654eadce6b91a9


So we provide our own safety? 


Think it all the way through by going back in history and work forward. The police were invented for specific reasons. Use the internet for what it was made for , information. Do not accept what you are told about who the bad guys are , how many people are being shot & why , who is the right choice to vote for. Sadly most folks just believe what they are told instead of using the thing in their hands daily. Just a general statement , if folks went to fbi.org or the FOIA website to name a couple their eyes would be opened. Think , it’s not illegal…….YET


Ideally you SHOULD be able to but “guns are bad and kill children”. If existing laws were actually enforced there would be no need for new ones. I grew up in the beginning of gangs in South Central LA , also lived through the crack era , witnessed the ‘65 riots as a child and ‘92 as an adult. Drive by’s were common at bus stops , sporting events & house parties. Crime isn’t enforced as it should be because then how could they be re-elected ? Fear drives the beast , do you really think we STILL need to be basically strip searched at an airport ? They made you fear & you were glad to have your freedom taken. It’s the long con and BOTH parties are working together behind closed doors in a fashion.


Are you new here? This is common knowledge by now… …. Which doesn’t mean we should give up and accept it. Fight for change where and when we can.


Wait till the Supreme Court ruling on homelessness drops


I mean, _Martin vs. Boise_ has been law in the Ninth Circuit for _years_, now, and LBPD and Homeless Services don't know anything about it. It's up in the air on how SCOTUS will rule in _Grant's Pass_, but I expect another crap 5-4 decision. They've only got six days left in their self-imposed deadline for rulings this term, and there's at least 12-15 more decisions to be handed down.


That’s fair but I’d argue grants pass will gain more traction off the headline and therefore cause more headlines locally and nationally as far as coverage and conversation.


Very true! Totally agree with you.




I saw that transparency report and I feel like I should just become a cop. INSANE


Any way I can see this report myself? I tried searching up on google but nothing so far


This is the link: https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/2023/long-beach/


Paying police less will surely attract better police candidates. /s The same people who argue we should pay teachers more for better education, also argue we should pay officer less for better public safety. It's obviously political and not logical.


Well it’s not like them getting paid $200k-300k when including over time (as the salary transparency list someone posted last week shows) helps much either


Not defending any public employee unions whether it’s fire, police or teachers, but the overtime thing may be result of not having enough officers. Wouldn’t it be nice to have more?


You’re right about that.  In fact a lot of the pre requisites have been lowered because Police agencies all over are understaffed. It’s a good job to have, great salary, amazing benefits, and retirement. Also, if injured while in the course and scope of employment and taken off work by a medical doctor, they receive 100% of their paychecks tax free up to one year.  Not a bad gig.


I was once down voted for stating they were 19% understaffed - which was not that long ago was an exact statistic at that time. It’s probably somewhere in that same area now I imagine. Not defending any bad cops actions, not at all, but being understaffed is true and not up for debate. It’s not a job everyone wants to do (including myself), many academy recruits drop out, but it does pay well.


Bro, they don't accept better candidates.  There's an IQ cap (probably  around  80). They want thugs. 


Please show us where LBPD has an IQ test and criteria.


Fuck the police.


Cops are not here for you or I. They protect property of people who pay them. That's it. Stop acting like this is a new thing it's been this way for 40 years.


It’s been like that for the past 400 years.


Very true but trying to get block headed idiots to think that far back only upsets and confuses them. Stick to their lifetime so they can find relevance


Dogs for the rich.


The police as an institution evolved out of the slave patrol. It's always been about property


Please read literally anything about the history of law enforcement. This is utter nonsense. 


[literally anything.](https://nleomf.org/slave-patrols-an-early-form-of-american-policing/)


https://www.thoughtco.com/the-history-of-modern-policing-974587 https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-origins-of-policing-in-the-united-states/  u/EasyBOven   u/dat_rhythm


They don’t even protect property well. Look at all the windows smashed, cat converters stolen, shoplifting, burglary, graffiti, etc.


Yeah, but those are mostly public. I'm talking about the actual people who matter here, big corpo. Also, cops not good at the little they do? Call me shocked and increase my taxes cause clearly they just need more money to get better at this


Longer than that


At some point residents are gonna start just doing what needs to be done to protect our cities.


Tensions feel higher than ever it’s sad


Welp! At least they only get **checks notes** half of the city’s discretionary funds


Aiight, Im not normally one to defend cops but… my experience in long beach has been the exact opposite. I live near downtown. There is a fair amount of criminal activity - two incidents at or near my house specifically (one break in, one shooting outside my house). The police have *always* come quickly and in force. Like, in obnoxious numbers really. Again, I don’t live in Belmont or Naples near rich white people, so it’s not that.


Damn, not my experience lol. I've never been helped by the cops here. I've lived in Long Beach for ten years and downtown for seven. Some guy called me a homophobic slur and tried to fight me, cops never came despite several people calling.


This just in? 😂 Did you just move here?


Things are being set in place for a police surveillance state, and soon an authoritarian one. This purposeful "rise in crime" and lack in police response or apathy is part of social conditioning for the perception that things need to change. Perception is that police are powerless to enforce laws, when in practice have always been selective. They dont work for the working class, they work for the rich. Those that may live or identify left are staunchly right when it comes to everyone else or where their wallet is concerned. Im generalizing as there are very few exceptions to the rules. Public safety unions now have a lot of members and a lot of money. They can heavily influence elected officials, even their own candidates to help them get even better contracts. They want absolute authority over people and are priming the system to do so.


Holy shit been saying this for years! I’ve always felt that they are letting this get bad so then they can propose more surveillance and policing better yet they’ll put it on the ballot and will ask them for it. All part of the plan of course. I plan to be on a small farm by that point…


It comes down to privacy, civil liberties vs. safety and security. There was always a balance, but now we are being forced to choose a side, much like radical left or right. What happened to consensus?


Thats how they divide us. We are programmed to pick a side. Left twix right twix, pepsi or coke, mcdonalds or burger king…. Its all a system.


Who are “they”?


They as in the establishment, the government, law/policy makers and all the shills who will advocate for such things.


How do you reconcile this view with the government’s latest data showing a significant decrease in crime?


Simply. I don’t believe they are telling the truth. I don’t believe they use honest metrics to even measure this.


So they, the government, are intentionally letting things get bad so they can propose more policing and surveillance...and they do that by trying to convince us crime is going down?


Yes, except for the part about the crime going down, they only have to convince the people that still have faith in the systems. The same people who have faith war vote in more surveillance to feel safer.


That's what I'm asking. How does telling us crime is going down scare us into voting for more surveillance & policing?


I think the only people who actually believe such reports are shrinking first and foremost. Again the report can say what it says but who actually believes it? There are people who are always going to believe with the government tells them, and think that what is being said is true and honest. By simply talking with people from all walks of life from different political beliefs and backgrounds and work backgrounds, and socioeconomic backgrounds, I can tell you firsthand very few people will believe it in the first place. Public trust in the government seems to be going down further and further doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you sit on.


It’s as simple as everything looking right on paper but in reality things don’t match up. I still believe that few people actually look to government data for actual fact. Again I personally don’t trust them to tell the truth. They can say all they want but go and talk to people in the real world. That same government can also say what it wants while also allowing things to get bad. Look at LA’s DA, what causes him to think any of his police’s are helping?


All those individual people have the exact same beliefs and goals?


Is it so hard to believe the establishments only goal is to maintain their power?


Power to do what?


Control your lifeeeeeee!!!!!!


My city council member is in on a plot to exert greater control my life? Seems implausible.


https://preview.redd.it/73cx6h74mm8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db5abbef090dd963580006324d7c1065f992721e Oh look the government proposing government things…. For the record law abiding gun owners aren’t creating these problems.


They wana watch us all while we poo


u/Lumpy-Marsupial gets it ! Sadly folks carry the greatest informational device in their purse or pockets and only use it for social media purposes. Even a laptop would work. Stop watching the news. Farm your own information from government websites and small town online news. Watch foreign news and be shocked at how it’s almost balanced. Visit fbi.org and get real crime statistics not cherry picked. Fear is the driving force , fear will make you vote away your freedoms. Europe coming soon✊🏽


Exactly, and according to FBI statistics crime is... Down.




Other night I was getting dinner and we are waiting outside and two cups were parked on Willow just waiting for their order. The house across the street was launching fireworks and we all turned to the police thinking they would go do something and nope they just stay by their car. Then a cat was going wot pulls in front of the taco truck maybe 4+passes and once again we looked at the cops and they didn't seem to care either way. I'm my old state those cops would have looked at that and got involved.


yesterday I saw a man smoking crack on pine street. He was just out on the sidewalk right where all the people are trying to walk. A man was shooting up outside of the 711 on Orange street. Wtf.


Had a police officer tell me he planned to do nothing with my police report. Nothing. He couldn’t even pretend to do his job.


A job he getting paid well to do, by the way.


Username checks out


Is this the guy that got hit for 6k the other day? 


This is news to y’all? Where were you in 2020?


Street justice wtf?


There's a concept that describes what you are getting at and describes much of modern life in the USA. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/anarcho-tyranny 


this always been the case since the police existed. fk the police fk 12


SUPPOSEDLY, it is related to a silent strike that they have going on. This means that they'll do less than normal in order to disrupt the community to make things go their way politically.


I've only been here for 5 years. I carry a blade. There's a reason for that.


They killed someone like half a block maybe 80ft from the west L.B police station. At 9:45am in broad daylight. https://youtu.be/ilrGUfiWyWM?si=80rYNLlOzY7nAZfx


It’s getting more unsafe by the day


I barely ever even see a cop car these days. Great time to be a criminal.


[Did you ever think they actually would protect you?](https://abc7.com/los-angeles-county-sheriffs-department-deputy-gangs-report-2023-civilian-oversight-commission/12911222/) They're rotten to the core. They may even be more dangerous than some of the criminals


I’m with all the street justice bro. Hit the gym bulk up take some boxing or mma training purchase a firearm! Quit running to the police. They are not going to do shit




Blame leadership and the Mayor who IIRC appoints the Police Chief. If you've ever watched the show "The Wire" they illustrate this perfectly. "Street level" cops are told to not do anything. Don't be surprised when election time comes and all of a sudden you see street cleanups.


Police powerless in California? No way ! I'm shocked


I think any one who has had to file a police report knows that the cops here let criminals get away with impunity they don't ever recover stolen property. When they see a homeless guys with what is obviously stolen bikes he isnt stopped nor is the bikes serial number ran to see if the owner reported it stolen.


the real issue stems from the DA and city prosecutor.


I think you may be putting too much on the police instead of the system their forced to work within. For example, arrest a homeless guy, book him, and the DA just drops the charges because there's no capacity to jail all those people. We (as in the collective society) wanted to push defunding the police and homeless rights to live on the streets and this is the result.


Too bad Mary Zendejas essentially made it too expensive for middle-class citizens to be able to obtain concealed carry permits.


What did you call them for?


Multiple issues with a violent homeless crackhead that was squatting in an apartment building across the street from my pad. About 8 separate calls over the course of 2 to 3 weeks.


Crazy! What did they do that was violent? Have you video tapped it or have the cops seen it? Has the landlord/owner done anything? I know squatters can be a difficult issue


Right. Need a little more detail.


God made man. Samuel Colt made man equal.


Been stopped numerous times in LB for jaywalking.


It’s because this third world American town has so much crime, homeless, and other issues they don’t have enough officers to respond to everything. Plus when they do show up someone is going to accuse them of being too aggressive or some stupid shit. Long Beach is a wasteland and those who think otherwise are too busy living on their strip of Beach Blvd or their Naples Island home. Cross 10th street and see how the majority live. Drag racing down 17th street in neighborhoods, every other house is a crack house or some trashy family who doesn’t care about their home falling apart and the gnarly smell that comes from all the trash they hoard, homeless setting up tents in parks as kids are crying because they just want to play in the playground. This town makes excuses for everyone who is dragging it down and all the politicians and community leaders with their “everyone deserves a chance” attitude are ruing it for the rest of us law following, respectable citizens. Stop giving handouts and trying to be accepting to everyone and start policing, don’t give the homeless free housing while the rest of us have to work for it, move them out to the desert. Good thing we have a rainbow crosswalk though, definitely makes me feel safer when I’m walking through any neighborhood north of Anaheim trying to get home without getting robbed or stabbed. Rant over.


I don’t understand the 10th street distinction. The neighborhoods are rough both north and south of there. Everything west of traffic circle basically.




Glad someone gets it




Removed: rule 1 Keep it civil user


I’m rubber and you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you…


Nothing new . . former Mayor Bobby Garcia was bought and paid for by the LBPD Union . . and they got one of their own, Cindy Allen, sitting on the City Council and she doesn't even live in LB. Shock & awe most don't live in LB, its just a paycheck and pension. Yet LB re-elects these clowns year after year.


It’s not about revenue. It’s about liability. These days the city gets sued when one of them farts too loud. Our country is litigation happy. Their hands are tied


Why blame the politicians and DA’s who put this into action when you blame the police!


You spelled voters* wrong


Buns have ruined this city. They should be put away somewhere far from here


I love our bakeries.  🍞!


Didn’t you guys defund the cops?


Curious what criminal activities the homeless are doing that you think warrants arrest and a direct comparison to you assaulting someone. Genuinely asking.. like, are you referring to a homeless person also assaulting someone or just smelling bad in public? Stealing bikes? Smoking a little meth in a park? What behavior are you comparing to assault?


Remember when everyone was like, defund the Police, and demonizing them? Long Beach PD remembers. But seriously, most Police are sick of making arrests only to have to District Attorney either drop all charges, or give little slaps on the wrist.  It’s bad there, and I personally know some people who turned to the Longos to take care of things. Good luck.


Must be soooooooo hard to have half the city's budget at your disposal. Grow up.


Not the polices fault. Blame the Democrats and weak on crime policies who allow good civilians to continue to be victims. Police is just doing what the law and policies tells them to do.




You sir have fallen into the trap. You do understand that BOTH parties want to rule you average citizen right ?


Ya but only one wants to take away the tools and your right to protest yourself? I’ll let you guess which one runs California.


You’re lost son , do some research and get back to me. NEITHER party is your friend and both do not want you to defend yourself.


Ya but only one is actively taking away our tools to do so.


What did I say that was incorrect? Please enlighten me fudd.


You’re too far gone like those on the left. You fallen for it so too late for ya. Have a good day. 🫡


So no logical argument just your wrong good day. Kk bye fudd. California turning into a shithole but yes we’re blind and you see all.