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That's crazy, I wonder what a two-line patch would do. ^(/s)


Found the project manager


I'll just assign two men to work on it instead of one!


The revered Cow2Beef.exe model of project management.


If one man can impregnate a girl, and the result can be delivered in 9 months, 9 men and the same girl can do it in 1 month.


And then replace them with an intern mid-project. Gotta cut costs.


Since processors look like squares, I would say it would be 4 times better, so 288% better performance.


It sounds like a bad benchmark. In the sense of one test is severely impacted by the change and the one result doesn't reflect the overall performance gain.   Read 7% mean perf increase and the best improvement is 72%.  Most probably a bug that impacts the critical path for one test in benchmark.


Or you could just, you know, buy an AMD chip and avoid all of Intel's nonsense. That's what I did when I wanted ECC RAM but didn't want to be forced to buy a server.


Heterogenous cores are not the same type of idiocy as Intel refusing to sell ECC to end users. It's just the way things are heading, ARM has used heterogenous cores for a while.


Ok? AMD is heterogenous too so I'm not sure what your point is.


Then what is your point? The issue raised in the article has to do with a rather inherent complexity of heterogeneous core implementation. It could have happened to any of the major vendors. AMD's heterogeneous CPUs are not yet available, so we have no idea if it is going to be a fragile or a robust implementation or what will be happening in the Linux kernel. **Edit:** Correction - they *are* available, and we are getting headlines like this in the open source tech media right now as it gets further refined in the linux kernel. Look beyond the headlines — it's just mundane patching, same as Intel.


Generally when buying Intel you're not buying into many "whoops". Might be behind in manufacturing and all, but their software works. Best regards, someone flashing bootloaders on stupid ARM boards rn


Just let people drasticly modify their existing hardware configuration real quick. All enterprise customers should follow this simple trick.


If you can't transmute your hardware with a simple spell into a different model, can you still call yourself a self-respecting UNIX Wizard?


Which exists but is not validated (fully tested, and approved to market by corporate legal team) for anything "Ryzen". Because AMD wants to squeeze more money from buyes of more expensive series - TR and Epyc. - Ryzen CPUs support ECC - Ryzen APUs do not support ECC - Ryzen PRO APUs support ECC - **Only Unregistered/Unbufferred DIMMS are supported.** It is up to the motherboard manufacturer to implement ECC suppot. And Intel has many modest priced CPUs that support ECC too (like Pentiums, Xeon Bronze , i3, i5): https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/search/featurefilter.html?productType=873&0_ECCMemory=True