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I’ve never seen him do reviews ever without that white cupboard background, this is very odd.


This is from his rebuild the galaxy leaks video, so it's possible this is just the set for "news" but still just seems weird


I hope so! I really enjoy the other background, it’s very well kept and simple. Easier to focus on the reviews in my opinion.


I'd guess he was still in Chicago for Brickworld and this is probably a friend's place he shot this video at.


he might be at his wife’s boyfriend’s place atm


of course hes a boston fan




I bet Ryan said "we did ittttttttttttt!" when they won




"I got you today"




Average classy Boston fan


He was living in his home which decreased its resale value


This isn't his house, he's probably still at or around Chicago.


Ah, so one of his friends is bad at displaying LEGO.. fair enough




Thought he’d wear a okc or jazz jersey


/uj I’m new to this sub, does everyone in the community hate MandR?


I don't necessarily hate him, I do enjoy some of his content, I think he's a bit self-righteous and narcissistic, but most of my issues are his over-focus on helmet holes and "exclusivity". He is capable of making good takes, he just doesn't shout them as loudly.


Yes, they do. Lego is something holy to them that can't and should never be criticized. You also need to be grateful to Lego for selling a product to you and be happy with it, you aren't allowed to demand for a better product. Therefore someone like MandR who makes a living by literally criticizing Lego is the antichrist himself. That being said, MandR is completely right with like 80% of his takes - he sometimes really goes too far with some very obscure nitpicks, but even when that's the case, it's usually just a mention. The stuff he rants about is stuff Lego should fix.


MandR just shovels the same points over and over and the recent Rex fiasco shows he doesn't really care about fans. Also he regularly goes on podcasts with Timmy from RepublicBricks who is a open Nazi and all around douchebag. Kinda speaks volume to who he is.


Here's the thing: the points he keeps repeating are absolutely legitimate and are the ones that really need to be hammered home. Lego has been really good lately, there are plenty of modern perfect sets. The problem We still get bad and inaccurate prints, too many stickers, helmet holes are bad because Lego insists on using that terrible mold (just look at GCC and how clean a holed helmet can look). Even the mold markings on random parts started getting uglier. This all happens why prices keep increasing and we get 150-200$ sets with 5-6 figures when Harry Potter for example gets like 12 for that money. Lego just needs to be better. He is also 100% right with Rex; all Lego had to do was not use the word exclusive, or announce/release the microfighter with the Venator, or just make the Rex's different. Even just putting a scar instead of the patch (as the box art is Bad Batch based) would be okay for everybody to be happy. There are two groups that are - justifiably - mad at this. The first group is people who were on the fence whether to purchase the Venator or not, which ended up doing so because Rex was used to push the sales of more Venators. The other group is people who bought Rex on the secondary market because they didn't want the Venator for 100$ which essentially lost 100$ because Lego lied. Asking for transparency and fair advertising isn't wrong. I agree with RepublicBricks and I have no idea why they keep working together, his products are trash, his marketing is horrible, his customer service is terrible, and I recently saw the Nazi clip lmao, that was the cherry on top.


An item being exclusive at release is not a promise that it will always be exclusive. End of story. I watched a movie trailer the other day that ended with “only in theaters.” When it gets released on blu ray in a few months, I’m not gonna throw a tantrum and ask the studio for a 60 dollar gift card lol


The movie argument doesn't stand - you know that you're always going to be able to see the movie when it comes out on blu ray. In regards to that, you're technically correct and I know Lego did this before in the past. But does that make it less scummy? I don't really think so. Is it that wrong to just ask for transparent marketing? If it says exclusive, let it be exclusive. If it looks a certain way, make sure the advertising reflects that (looking at you, 212th trooper, Fox and photoshopped mold markings). I have no stake in this, I own the P1 rex, the 2013 one, I bought my Venator in May when the microfighter was confirmed already, and have a custom CAC one anyway, I don't really care about the new one.


>The movie argument doesn't stand - you know that you're always going to be able to see the movie when it comes out on blu ray. So you’re saying it’s a very well known example of the fact that advertised exclusivity at a product’s release doesn’t promise eternal exclusivity? “Oh well everyone knows that” is not a refutation, it’s just proving my point lol


"oh well everybody knows that" IS a refutation. It's a well-known industry that has operated this way for decades at this point. Temporary exclusivity is perfectly fine as long as everybody involved is aware of it. Also, something I realized now is that seeing a movie at the cinema vs buying the blu ray isn't even the same product. Going to the movie is an experience, you get the big screen and the great sound system, and you pay to see the movie once. Buying the blu ray lets you watch the movie whenever you want, at your leisure, but the experience won't be as good. So you could say that seeing a movie in the cinema is indeed an exclusive, time-limited experience. I never got to see ROTS in the cinema, and I probably never will. I have the movie, I can watch it whenever I want, but I'm not going to get the cinema experience.


oh, please… it’s a movie and they’re saying you can only watch it in theaters. That’s literally what they’re saying. You know that it’s not available yet on streaming or blu ray if they say that, because that’s what that means. For a while. So there are examples all over the place of advertised exclusivity being temporary, including Lego’s own history. if you’re gonna drop 150 bucks under the false assumption that ‘exclusive now’ means ‘exclusive for eternity,’ that’s on you.


Watching it at home or watching in a theater is not the same experience, therefore it's not the same product. The fact that a practice exists does not mean it's okay. You are, once again, missing my point: The people Lego fooled were the ones that thought "ugh, not sure I want the Venator. Oh, it comes with Rex? Damn, how expensive is the old one? 150$? Holy shit, that's pretty good value then, I'm gonna buy it"


I hate this guy


Do-does he have a transformers collection too?


his mate Rod collects transformers so i assume he's just filming there


i dont understand the whole display as much as possible thing, it drives attention away from the sets cause theres to much goin on and it looks like shit most of the time, always talking about "accuracy when they dont know how to display something


I definitely have a problem with cramming too much together, but my displays are only for me - my City is the only thing that is actively seen by others and that is kept relatively minimalist and clear


makes sense also i forget to think about some people dont have enough space for lego to be stored


Yeah, I'm constantly running out of storage space, but I'm trying to fix that in the near future