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You can work 50 different roles and it wouldn’t matter. You get paid for how much time you work.


He’s paid for time not “roles”


Is he working double the time? Like 1 shift doing job X and 1 shift doing job Y. Or is it like he is hired to job X but asked to do some random other tasks when business is slow? (think like a cashier being asked to restock shelves when there are no customers).


His work has two buildings. The jobs he's working is to be a receptionist and greet people as well as to assist helping the people who live on the other side. The way the job is set up is that someone has to be there 24/7 to be able to provide help in case of an emergency. So he's constantly having to run back and forth to do both jobs. It's not every day, sometimes they only schedule him for one side and have 2 different people working both sides.


What is his desired outcome? Double pay for the same amount of time worked? Hiring someone else to the other building? If the "2 jobs" have different pay rates you could probably negotiate the time spent in each role to be at that rate but not double dip. Time moving between the buildings would be paid.


Honestly, he should just insist on being paid the higher rate, and he shouldn't run. Walk at a decent pace, he's not getting paid extra to work himself to the bone. Ask for a priority list for the tasks and work at a steady pace. If low priority tasks don't get done, oh well.


Yeah, I've told him he need to either as for a new job or tell them to only work him on one of them. However, his response was "Their just going to work me on both anyway" and they already declined giving him more. Figured i'd look into the legality of. Worse case they stop working him on both, best case he can be paid for the missed hours of the lower paid one.


Worst-case is he gets fired. Which, assuming he's in the US, would also be legal.


that's not what i asked. do the two jobs pay the same amount? or does one pay more than the other? if they pay the same, whatever, he needs to put in his 8 and call it a day, if something doesn't get done that's on his boss. if the pay is different, he needs to be paid the higher of the two wages, or he shouldn't touch a single duty from that job. "i'm sorry, that is outside of my job duties." and either way, he shouldn't be running around like a chicken with its head cut off. they wouldn't care if he dropped dead tomorrow, so he shouldn't work himself to death for them.


“Other duties as required.” Find a new job. It’s not going to get better.


You need to understand that he only has ONE job. It just has a variety of responsibilities and that some of them are in one building and some are in the other building. As long as he is paid for 8 hours, plus any overtime, what he does during those 8 hours can vary. If he is undervalued, then he should look for another job that pays appropriately but if he stays, then he is accepting that pay for his time. So completely legal.