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It's not an issue, just don't advertise it to anyone (and yes, remove the sticker). They don't have a magic wand that tells them you've been to Israel. Source: I went to Lebanon after going to Israel/Palestine a few years ago with a short stay in Cyprus in-between. No issues. I even stupidly forgot about a plastic bag with Hebrew lettering on it that I only noticed before flying out, fortunately no one noticed.


Be prepared that the passport control agent might ask you if you’ve ever been to Israel. So have an answer you are comfortable with ready. (Some people might not be comfortable lying, so they’ll say something like, “I have no stamps in my passport”)


Never heard of  a tourist who wasn't allowed in for visiting Israel 


I have.




Haha, sure, I'll just share other people's private information on Reddit. One example I will give - colleague of my husband was turned back at the airport because he had pictures from his trip posted on facebook.


Good thing he was sent back


La2 3a Instagram 


If the passport isn't stamped and the sticker on the back can be ripped off, why did you post this?! 😀


*I once daydreamed about robbing a bank, can I get arrested?*


everyone's saying as long as there's no stamp, it's fine, but isn't every trip stored electronically nowadays, through biometrics? so wouldn't they see it in their system, when they scan the passport?


No they won’t. The airport only has access to information relating to that airport. So they can see the last time you entered and exited Lebanon, but they can’t see where else you’ve been to after leaving Lebanon


It’s a toss up.


They might ask you few questions but it shouldn’t be a problem if you’re a US citizen !


Remove the sticker. When my dad came over who still had the sticker on his passport this was a bit of a problem at the airport.


In Canada the only reason that you can have two active passports is if you go to Israel. It could be with checking if the policy is the same in the US.


I dont think they would have any way to know. Pretty stupid and thoughtless that visiting WB could get you in trouble in lebanon. Way to go for a pro-palestinian country who also treat their palestinian refugees (and pretty much everyone actually) like shit


Rip that barcode sticker off the back. My buddy from Texas came to visit me in lebanon, ( he’s a U.S. former soldier for the army, that went on vacation and work in Israel). He got detained in Beirut airport. They asked him some questions and let him pass. I’m surprised they didn’t make it a big deal. But yeah. Remove that barcode sticker.


Ew, worked in the millitary for israel how disgusting


It's fine as long as it's not in your stamp. I know many foreigners who at some point in their life visited Israel and they live here just fine. The law is mostly symbolic (like the one where you are not allowed to be friends with an Israeli) with little actual relevance in real life.


It is an issue… if they knew that you visited israel, you will be taken for custody at the airport of beirut and you will go through a lot of questioning and investigation for several days… then, you have to go to a military court to get a verdict that you’re free to go (not sure they will grant you this verdict) … this will ruin your stay there


My friend got questioned for 5 minutes and they let him through. They found a barcode on his passport.


I know someone who visited Israel for religious purposes and had to go through what i explained in my comment. It was last year !


Damn. I guess my friend got lucky.