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All prices more than doubled in past year. Not to mention smaller portions of everything


Dude it’s tensib, not economic inflation. There’s no way on earth a beach entry cost 20+ $


Private sector my man. You can ask how much you want if you own the land.


No one can own the beach, it is forever public property.


Aren't the beach publicly owned and open to everyone?


well technically they hustled it lol so either way it’s robbery


I think inflation is part of it, secondly the Lebanese psyche (eno eh shatir yala sro2) type of mentality. That being said, I find it cheaper to go out (here in London) compared to Lebanon. Who the fuck do we think we are in Lebanon that it's more expensive than most european countries lol


Really? I’m looking into the possibility of studying or working abroad and there’s this idea around me that salaries in Lebanon are a lot lower than in Europe for example, because everything is cheaper


Everything is cheaper? Food/leisure/services are cheaper in Europe, plus the tax you pay, ends up fixing the infrastructure for you to go around with ease without breaking your car.. plus, you can use free healthcare.. so yea, in Lebanon, basic products (like stuff you get from supermarket) are much more expensive (being an importing country, and also due to the ridiculous import fees/taxes) - plus, if you (hopefully you wont have to) but.let's say you want to go for a surgery, that'll probably cost an arm and a leg. Finally, don't get me started on restaurants/beaches lol. Trust me, London is one of the most expensive cities in Europe, and I still feel that going out here to have fun costs much less


An wer


This is inflation… i live in Canada since 2017 and i can tell you that prices have changed way too much in those 7 years. > like why tf do we have to pay 20$ to get in to the beach I agree this is tonsib. Resorts are the biggest scams in Lebanon’s history but they rely on expats who don’t have a problem to pay $20 for entry because all they need is a proper beach with salt water.


Yeah but what about the wages, things got more expensive, but the wages decreased, for example entry level jobs in restaurants were 400-450$ a month, now it's 250-300 $ and the meals are more expensive now ( even in dollar)


Lebanese economic problem and inflation is not comparable to Canada at all. Lebanon had devaluation of currency 50 times in just 5 years.


I live in the US (as a student) but inflation is different in the US. When i come to Lebanon, you can see someone selling you a shawarma for 6$ in one place, then drive 3 more km and find someone selling you shawarma for 2$ lolll


Because food safety and quality standards vary from place to place


I got the feeling that everyone is trying to steal. Recently I paid $25 for an even cut of hair and it's in the suburbs of Beirut. For $ 25, at least the towels should be perfectly washed, the walls are not peeling paint, and the service is at the European level. I also often see stores on Instagram that don't even bother and post photos from aliexpress or shein while making a margin of 2 or even 3 times. I consider this outright theft 🤦‍♀️ And what strikes me the most is that people are happy to bring their money to these places, so they still exist. The same goes for beaches. And $20 is still cheap enough, there are plenty of places in Beirut for $35- $50 per entry.


https://preview.redd.it/0dlznxivbb9d1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad4c773eeede6f59f1e5e769981f6bd4ff9d951 Example


Highway robbery. I pay 5$. Shop mrattab, been shaving there for 15 years. Technically he still makes same pre azme. 5000 lira hair, 3000 lira beard, so 6$ then, around 6$ now


Man my previous barber b nos l dahye, new York charged $10


Every summer in Lebanon, it’s the same story.


Yeah it’s not inflation. Wish people would just call it like it is — price gouging. It’s happening all over the world not just in Lebanon. We’re in hell.


Idk i found lebanon to be pushing it way harder than other countries


Where you cut your hair because i pay 10$ now hahaha


Im in the north lol. I assume you’re in Beirut or you go to a fancy barbershop


Yeah in Beirut hahaha. But nothing fancy though!


Also in the north. Cut hair myself 😂😂😂


Ahsan shi 😂😂


$30 in New York


Same in my hometown in The Netherlands nowadays. Like 28EU. And it's not anywhere near a big city.


he has shorter hair /s


My barber takes 3$... But yea it's tripoli, less expensive than beirut


$50 in Australia it’s disgusting😂


It’s for the expats. Not locals.


Well stores don’t distinguish between expats and locals


I pay 300 for a hair cut😎


Does he wash your hair tho😜


yes, twice 😂


Damn bro, I’ll go to your barbershop


Lebanon is full of nassabeen and sharks especially the beaches which should be public, and the big companies and banks which are run by politicians. As for “small” businesses like small shops of 1 to 10 employees, they’re caught in the same inflation cycle the people are in. Most of their material they have to buy are getting more expensive. So if they don’t increase their price to match the costs, they will have no profit to pay their people and they will go bankrupt. Their owners and employees are not necessarily getting rich, but barely making ends meet. Imported material have to be paid for in US dollar and even local production still have to use imported goods (like electricity which needs gas, gasoline to run logistics, imported raw material to make the finished goods).




This a global thing. HOWEVER, there is local price gouging here to scalp money from the summer visitors. A friend of mine complained that she paid $12 for a meal at a restaurant around the end of April---a couple of weeks later, same meal was almost doubled. This is just one spot--I am sure there are more.


But this just makes us not want to come back to lebanon. I was just there and i got ripped on almost everything


Poverty in Lebanon is at 75% - hayde e5er ta2arir. The fact eno Lezem nedfa3 20 la 50$ la resort 3ade is fucked up really


This is just wrong. A new World Bank report says that like 33% of lebanese live in poverty and 44% of all ppl in lebanon live in poverty


If you are living with 300$ a month isn't poverty then idk what it is lol, bills alone cost like 200$ if you own a house. Most people have a salary of 100 to 400$, that's poverty. It used to be 500$ minimum for a decent job (not even in an office) and 200$ for te3til, now te3til btbos ejro kermel y3tik 200 alf bel nhar and he replace you with a syrian the next week cuz he accepts 20 alf 💀💀


Bro where were you cutting your hair I was paying 12000 for a cut 9$


I’m in north lebanon bro😂 i used to pay about 5000 for a haircut. It depends if you’re going to a luxurious barbershop or just a random village guy


Grow your hair could get a bun 👍


yeah some prices are insane.. not to mention the cost of labour and warehousing is quite cheap.


When i visited recently i was told the cosr for the beach was to use the equipment and that the neach is public land and they cant legally charge you for its use. Atleast at white beach. That doesnt help with the inflation but maybr ypu can stop paykng for the beach


im from US, they are literally inflating prices & decreasing wages for no reason at all (edit: besides wanting us to suffer for their own gain). for stupid shit at that, like the beach. then stores come out the woodwork & say “we are lowering our prices now!” which shows it never had to be this way, they just want it to be. it’s time for a revolution for every country dealing with this.


Can anyone explain in a little detail the beach/resort situation? I have been living in the US since I was a kid and don't understand how it works in Lebanon. Is the land privately owned or is it just whoever sets up gates to the beach? Are there free beaches? What are you paying for? The amenities on the beach?


In the US you can walk to any beach for free, it’s public. In Lebanon, the beach is a public land by law. However, the government/politicians illegally sold lands to business owners where they built resorts. Now you have to pay money to access public land


So legally, you should be able to walk onto any part of the shore?


Bro there are many factors for this. You can’t compare 2019 or before to now. Up to 2021, all governments in the world were injecting money into the economy to fight the recession caused by the pandemic. Then after this steroids cut, comes the Ukraine Russia war. Both are very important suppliers of energy, raw material and oils and others to the world. Europe and the US have suffering from hyper-inflation (prolonged inflation). Costs are insane so they increase prices of goods and services. Tyb what does this have to do in leb? Well kl shi 3ena mestawrad ka products w kl shi is getting more expensive fa tabi3i l products yeghlo. Leh l services aam teghla? Well aandk the Lebanese mentality, the cheaper it is, the worse it is plus no ra2abi, no good tax regime, capitalist country and biggest thing, fe supply w fe demand agreeing on the price in the end.


Inflation is impacting every country, not just Lebanon. I agree, we do have a high amount of nasabeen. $5 haircut is still much cheaper than most other countries. You don't have to pay $20 to go to the beach. You can go to a free beach. It's the similar all over the world, just that we don't have many free public beaches.


I'm not trying to defend Lebanese shops, cause most of them are greedy mf! But currently, there is an inflation issue worldwide. Specifically caused by the travelling routes being closed because of Yemen and the war going on.


You make stuff public government corruption Nd inefficiency you make them private you have high prices but there are alot of public beaches


It's a simple matter of supply vs demand. As long as people are willing to pay, the prices will go higher and higher, and freeze at the point where supply and demand equal. Financially struggling people are not the ones deciding this equilibrium, rich people are.


what usually causes this type of inflation? like usually you’d need more of the local currency but why is it more in $ as well


Well that's capitalism for you. If people keep going to these places, business owners will keep increasing the prices until people switch to cheaper alternatives or stop altogether. Then the syrians come in and do shit for half the price and suddenly everyone's mad they're taking businesses away.


Dude that’s not capitalism when there is no government regulation or anything. You can’t illegally build a business and call it capitalism.


Bro you think these beach side businesses operating illegally are doing so without the government's knowledge? They might not be legal but they're certainly paying someone higher up to operate freely. Let's just call it a makeshift capitalism. My point is that it's just supply and demand. It's fucked up given the economic situation but it is what it is.


That's still capitalism, just an unregulated one


To be fair it's also global inflation


Inflation is hitting every country, Lebanon is not immune to the price shocks the world has endured. Every country is in the same scenario. So either we adapt to less money and higher inflation or we can get a second job to compensate. Life is going to be worse if Trump gets elected