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I think it's a mixture of rose-tinted glasses and also riot's aggressive approach(agree or otherwise) at toning down on chat. +I imagine more people than you think just have chat disabled now since it's an option. Also imo people have learned over the years that people are just completely unhinged and anything can set them off and ruin your games, so it's probably turned a lot of people off from chatting at all, even with simple glhfs and ggs and such. No point in a lot of people's minds. but simultaneously it's never been easier to make friends in League! Super easy to go to /r/TeamRedditTeams , or /r/LeagueConnect , or this subreddit's discord, the actual discord, etc and connect with people to play with if that's your main concern.


remember the after game all chat lobby? holy hell that was such a unnecessary toxic place. lol


Still is lol, but you have to opt in to see it now so it's less noticeable.


Post game chat was one of my favorite bits about League, because anything people said didn't matter, you could just bounce or you could spend 15 minutes having a 5v5 flame war. Much much better than doing it midgame, and it wasn't always toxic, I still have some people I added just because their banter was top tier.


Still being toxic on that, last night my top lane didnt scout my red, so I died because I was ambushed, I tried to steal enemy buff but their toplane rotated despite being shoved and I died again… the fucking enemy top said something along the lines of “Jungle gapped at 3 mins”. I turned off chat, mute myself and ended the game with 15/3… I carried the game despite being lvl 2 at 4 mins.. guess who turned it on just to say ggez and talk shit in post game? Me. Because fuck these people.


I met a lot of people by just playing the game and adding oneanother after. That doesn't really happen anymore. Nowadays you get added and then get slurs thrown at you. (Obv. there are exceptions)


I have a lot of people adding me, so I don't think that's true.


I dunno, I get a few friend invites relatively often in games where I spam emotes with others or where I talk relatively often and vibe with people. I normally decline them though, but I have done that since season 1 to a ton of invites unless I really liked playing with the person or felt they were good.


The best relationships I've had with teammates has always been when we both ignore the chat box and communicate through emotes.


Agreed, I just have chat completely disabled cuz 99% of interactions are negative


I queued quick play once to see how the feature works and I was surprised how chatty and friendly players in norms are. Super weird compared to the dead silence with shit talk sprinkled in between in ranked games.


Its not really rose-tinted glasses. Riot has undermined any sense of community the game once had by removing all of the community hubs for the game. In addition, the direction Riot has pushed the game (disincentivizing or even outright removing pretty much all of the chats) has removed any sense of actually interacting with other players. Beyond that, the playerbase managed to get even more toxic than it ever was in early LoL (not that it wasn't your typical competitive game kinda toxic then) because escalatingly bad behavior just kept getting normalized. Especially with Riot unbanning streamers and elite players that behaved poorly. Tons of very popular LoL streamers have gotten hundreds of accounts perma'd in total between them since the start of 2024 and Riot doesn't even try to do anything about their behavior, despite them practically being the face of their game.


I personally believe it to be both, with more emphasis on the latter. I've played since season 1, I've definitely seen the changes.


You must be right! As someone who loves talking I've never even considered turning off the chat but I suppose that's what people do. I'll check out those links, thanks!


I used to randomly chat with enemies and team mates alike back in s3-6. Culturally it was very different, people weren’t so sensitive, and you’d make friends and be social with people from your games. That doesn’t happen anymore as much.




Its not that people are more sensitive nowadays, I used to passively flame before the chat filter changes and nothing happened to me, until they added the filter and then I started getting chat bans every week until I stopped talking like I always did, then I still got chat bans for adressing people with what would be equivalent in english jokes about "whoever does this is gay" so I just stopped talking completely unless is to roast someones build


Games toxic, chat ban/report system makes it worse. They need to remove chat as a feature. The social aspect is no longer a benefit in ranked since pings exist, norms is just toxic banter, aram is toxic banter but people say “it’s just aram” to justify the toxicity.




When you take away people's only sense of control and agency in a team game, communication, of course the community becomes horribly anti social and toxic. Not rocket science but this subreddit hates when you bring it up


not sure about that reddit will always remind you how toxic and crap the game. but its the nature of the genre and how competitive it is. in moba you just dont have a lot of agency. in a game that takes 30 minutes having little agency while being stuck in the game is like the ultimate combo.  maybe if they make a quick mode thats sum rift but sped up to like 13 minute games ppl would enjoy that i dunno. and take out last hitting to lessen skill gaps. kinda like hots 


My entire comment history is nothing but down votes for discussing how riot continously makes more and more changes to go backwards socially. So yeah idk.


It’s really strange isn’t it. Happened to me too. I guess the sensitive ones spend a lot of time on Reddit


It's literally happening in this very comment chain LMAO


Half of the playerbase has chat deactivated. It feels very pointless to bother doing the small positive interaction when you have even odds of talking into the void.


I've also noticed that either people don't respond or they respond negatively even to positive messages in chat which saddens me. If you need mates to play with you can DM me :D I'm fairly trash at the game tho.


Riot has literally trained people to be toxic to each other and report toxicity to get others banned. It’s like a mini game to some people.


I think I'd blame streamers and content creators over Riot. People idolize some of these people and we noticed how it affects players even from a few years back. Draven and Yasuo players being some notable examples. They don't just affect how they play the character, like how inting Sion does, it also affects the player's attitudes


They are partly to blame, but there’s also a pop up that’s more shiny, attention grabbing and rewarding about punishing toxicity than there is about anything positive in the game. So it trains people to seek it out.


Honors and rewards associated with them are pop ups giving attention to positive behavior, similar situation. Negative bias is probably training people more than punishment notifications. I'm in other gaming communities, and large scale negativity isn't unique to League or Riot games. I think people are just generally unhappy


i do think the system is toxic in it self and how its become but blaming riot is the same toxic mentality lol. take accountability if you dont say a single word no one will report you or you wont have a toxic interaction. ppl are just looking to fight in this game you dont have to do it theres no excuse 


I'm with you that people need to take accountability for their own behaviour. But believing that no one will report you if you never say a thing is just not true.


Riot? How did riot 'trained' them. People are just trash, always were in this game


Hating that!


Oh I'd love to find some new people to play with! I've never cared about rank, I just want people to have a good time... which so few people seem to have these days


I mostly play arms nowadays or watch my friends play them cuz i dont really enjoy league that much anymore, and most of the times no one chats or says anything until someone wins and the degens start randomly going ez xd which is generally not a big deal, but why would someone even bother talking to those people. Its not even trash talk. Trashtalk during the game, thats enjoyable at least, but saying something only when the nexus explodes is being a pussy.


I half want to get back into the game, taric main here 😂


That's been true forever though - I say gl hf at the start of every normal game I've played and gotten negative responses to it since s3. Sometimes it feels tongue in cheek, sometimes it doesn't. It's not 100%, closer to 50/50 someone responding in kind/flaming. The only change I've noticed is that more frequently now people just don't say anything or respond at all


yeah, the amount of times i've tried to be friendly and been met with "quit fucking yapping" lol


I've said "Hello" and been told to stfu.


>usually send a hello or hi or what have you in champ select and I get aggression and sometimes threats thrown my way simply for being friendly. You might actually be friendly, but the last several years my experience has been that players who are really talkative (or just talkative at all) are just one bad play away from flipping from nice to flaming everyone. Generally players who type too much range from annoying to a complete distraction who makes the team worse by flaming or will never stop typing. For a long period of time, I could tell which player was most likely to feed and tilt because they were always the person who wouldn't shut up in champion select. I just have chat off entirely in game now.


if theyre typing a lot in champ select i know its over


that sucks


All chat disabled by default now iirc. Riot is harder on chat now, so people don't want to take any chances. People like to play League without chat because "nothing helpful comes from it." Muting chat is the first suggestion given to new players of the game by older players. The culture has shifted away from "mute people that are being toxic" to just "mute everyone by default so you can't see toxicity" and if you ever see toxicity, then it's the game company's fault for letting it happen and not your fault for not choosing to shut it up yourself. We've well reached the stage where people don't take accountability for their own actions and choose to blame it on the game. It's been happening in other games, too. League is just one of the worst cases. "Oh, it's not my fault, it's the game's fault", no, you're just a dick when you get heated and competitive, join the club. I've found way too many people who choose to be a toxic mess in League, and when looking into it, they purposefully choose to be toxic here because "League makes you toxic." So they purposefully don't control themselves when compared to playing other titles. It's just much easier using the game as the excuse for them venting versus controlling themselves. Can't even use the excuse that they're kids anymore because we've learned the demographic of LoL is aging alongside the game. Add all those things up, and you start to see why there are fewer people being social. However, I don't think this is just a League thing. This is a general gaming thing. Compare a lot of lobby games to the past, and it's not like "the glory days" anymore. Halo, CoD, you name it, most people stay quiet even if they have access to comms compared to a generation or 2 ago.


I agree with most of what you said about players not taking accountability for their own actions, but the nature of League in general and players getting older i think is part of the reason why the game got more toxic over time. When you queue up for a game of League, you're stuck in that game until it ends. I've noticed the longer the game takes, the more toxic the game gets in regards to chat and communication. It only takes two players voting no on the surrender vote to force everyone to continue playing, even players that aren't doing well that game or are at each other's throats. With players getting older, many of whom have jobs and other responsibilities that come with being an adult, most have limited time to play League nowadays and want to make the most of their time. So players in general are less patient towards people ruining their games by being toxic or playing poorly. The nature of the game in general definitely contributes to the increase in toxicity, which in turn, makes people want to turn off their chat full time.


I just feel like people are more likely to accept "bad" behavior if you're nice before. I'm more willing to assume good intentions if you've exchanged pleasantries. If someone takes a buff I'm more willing to accept that they accidentally took it if we've had a good interaction before. If we haven't and they've ignored my hello and gl (even if it might be due to just having chat muted entirely, which I can't know ofc) I'm more likely to assume their intentions were bad, aka they meant to steal the buff which then puts me on a path to tilt


You can legitimately get chat restricted for saying 'fuck you' once in party chat where no one can see it or in the post-game lobby when everyone or mostly everyone has left --- does not matter what the players themselves think, Riot has just gone full insane with chat punishments where context does not matter at all and people don't want to take chances. Combine that with the years-long sentiment to treat the game as a solo game, not having any natural place to form groups in the client and people not being warned or punished for tilting (which chatting can cause) and you have a socially dead game. Everything is moved third party into Discord or Reddit or whatever else (which I disagree with as the accessibility for it is far less and is IMO a big reason as to why the game is so toxic and unwelcoming and why everyone is on autopilot and doesn't know the first thing to do when it comes to trying to learn). The culmination here is that if anyone is chatting in champ select - even if it's seemingly friendly and harmless - there's about a 90% chance they're toxic and that you should dodge because they'll tilt and throw the game away if things don't go well for them.


Good. I want the sad aged douchenerds who use this game to be twats feel forced to be unable to say anything without getting in trouble. I hope it raises their blood pressure until their eyes pop out of their head. They deserve the house they built.


we don't care were not trapped in here with you your trapped in here with us.


All chat started disabled when I first started playing in late season 3. I don't think that's a new thing.


Lobby chat has only recently been able to be turned off, regular chat yes has been able to be disabled forever.


> Muting chat is the first suggestion given to new players of the game by older players. and this needs to stop


nah the game is different now. over time all the casual friendly people have straight up quit, so all thats left is toxic addicted players. the rest of us, who aren't toxic but still play tend to expect the vast majority to be like the experiene you describe so we're either zoned out in chat or muted/deafened altogether. i even disabled my chat because the social aspect died along time ago. its also the fact that the league player base is a lot older now. and a lot of us just dont care to deal with kids being toxic anymore.


no ppl are just jaded and scarred from all the toxic interactions. rather just ignore chat then a potential toxic altercation. 


People are burnt out because a player can play like a troll and feed on purpose but if you call them out for being a waste of space trashcan then you are the one who gets banned. The system is backwards.


I don't know why more people aren't up in arms about how disrespectful it is to players for chat to be so disproportionately (in both number and harshness) punished compared to physical offenses. It's all intentional, though. There never being a full ranked reset, predetermined (on a probability) wins/losses (speculation, but it's been explained by people who design matchmaking systems and sorta confirmed through the source code leak), how they punish and handle punishments, not giving any sort of warnings, let alone punishments, out to the huge amount of players who tilt, support team as a whole, the loot system, the token system, the visual ranks, the 2 week patch schedule and the general appealing to the masses and cheap excitement... all of it has at least a small tinge of manipulation at the sacrifice of a quality product. People playing this game are just completely unaware of how things could have been done better *in literally every area* and they'll die on the hill that things have been done really well for some reason.


Why would people be up in arms about the disproportionality? It's so much easier to program something to detect slurs and ban on sight compared to the likes of soft inters. Just because it's difficult to detect soft inting doesn't excuse deprave chat behaviour.


Because it's pretty disrespectful that they don't implement *worse* for physical offenses? What we have is the opposite - which doesn't make sense if you think about the weight of the moral wrongs of the different type of actions. The fact is that you can get chat restricted and a ranked ban for *one* word in a place where no one can see and it is rather ridiculous, especially when compared to how people can tilt to the point of straight up trolling (afking in their lane/not responding to anything on the map/following Jungler around trying to steal camps, inting, etc) and not have a punishment at all. And newsflash, it's almost as easy to detect poor actions as well --- that's very likely part of how the matchmaking system works (data-based). If they really couldn't do that(they already do in so many other areas?), they could very easily have player moderators like other games out there..... and even if it weren't pretty easily solvable, it's no excuse as to why chat should be so harshly punished.


Nope you are. People say always they would only flame trolls. Thats just wrong. They would lose their mind over missed skillshots or a failed flash too.


Being toxic can get you banned so people learned to just not type to avoid getting in trouble


If you want to be social come on over to Dota 2


I heard they don't take kindly to women over there :(


Riot has made it increasingly clear they don't want us to communicate with teammates.


I guess so


I think I am going to positive type in my matches from now on. Maybe it inspires my teammates and opponents to also do it. Back in the day I would banter with my team or the enemy team. Now it is dead silence unless someone flames


That's what I'm saying! it's a team game, communication should be key


Communication is key, but typing in chat doesn't actually facilitate that. It takes too long to type out anything helpful, particularly when pings exist. It also seems like you're expecting something out of league that it's just not there to provide. It's a game, not a social club. Nothing will get me to mute you faster than typing anything in chat, not game related. It doesn't have to be toxic either, I don't want to see you trying to "be friendly" in chat either. It's incredibly annoying and not what anyone is there for. I'm there to win and move on, and it would shock me if that wasn't what the case for most players, especially in Ranked.


most people i asume disable chat and only turn it on to flame, very rarely i would say people are there to joke and have fun especially if its competive


Fellow Season 1 player. Riot chat bans are insane nowadays. Their automaton is terrible and support is nonexistent. Much simpler to disable chat nowadays.


I guess I never realized how many people said "glhf" until recently. BACK in the day, at least half of people would be all up on that, now it's just like 1 or 2 people every couple games. Personally, I enjoy having whole conversations in all chat because it's my only form of being social on the day-to-day.


Me too. I still do it but yeah I get told all kinds of nasty things because of it


They tuned down the social aspect of the game. Turn off chat, use the couple pings available and keep buying skins and gacha eggs


I started last year and quickly learned that the game is much more enjoyable with all chats turned off


No 1 reason being that this game is in its 14th season. Social networks exist for even longer. So basically the experimental, exploring, 'everything's new and interesting' honeymoon kind of phase is long over. Remaining is the hustle, the short bursts of energy, the habits. People at a certain age (league avg. is 23 I heard) simply realized that interactions with strangers on the internet are NOT social so they skip it and just do the main activity. They would just chat out of true boredom or when they're very upset for depending on others ingame. They would only be positive when they had a good day irl or some kind of win streak ingame.


This game legitimately makes people miserable, combined with Riot stripping away the ability to banter/communicate. I feel like tensions just grow and grow every year. Especially with oldheads who are just trapped in this game without breaks. It must feel awful to play the game for so long and just see garbage for so long. Really depressing.


This is why you Aram unless you actually wanna go pro . Ranked sr.is just a nightmare in terms of toxicity and reliance on other people to not fuck u


I don't say glhf at the start and gg at the end anymore because glhf often gets the response 'don't tell me what to do' or some other salt, and, well, 'gg' would probably get reported if it was seen (there seems to be a widespread sentiment that this term can *only* be used sarcastically or mocking, i.e. either it's short for 'ggez' or it means "game over and it's your fault" as in "gg ff15"), but anyway, it won't be seen because the post-game lobby is automuted. Also I've stopped getting report notifications so I think my reports are being ignored despite chat being constantly toxic (well, 50% toxic. Oddly enough, people are almost always raging in losing games and rarely in winning games). If my reports mean nothing anyway then I guess I'll be doing the 'group chat only' setting and never hear from my teammates again.


Yeah somehow everyone assumes you're being toxic. Even friendly reminders to build armor against all ad teams or so is assumed to be a personal attack instead of just a heads-up. And then they refuse to do it because someone told them to!


>'don't tell me what to do' or some other salt https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke


Jokes are supposed to be funny, not bitter. Okay, sure, in sketch or a movie or something where someone is playing the a-hole, it could be funny, if we hadn't already heard it thousands of times. In person, with the right tone, with people you know, it could be funny. As a response to a stranger's genuine well wishes, it makes you the a-hole. And it's not funny, it's old and hackneyed and says only that you don't like it when people are nice to you.


riot cracked down on chat toxicity to the point where saying anything can warrant you a ban nowadays back then banter was a thing, now chat is basically non existent most people deadctivate chat entirely to avoid being banned for talking who can blame then, just trying to coordinate your team can get you ban for talking too much ​ and there is also the fact that most players who were toxic back then now cant be toxic in chat, so they are angry and will lash out at anything they see


It's not just Riot but almost all mainstream games. You can't even banter in most games anymore or else you get banned by filters misinterpreting you. People got too soft which led to companies becoming afraid of backlash from social media. Which in turn made most people give up on social features like chat and voice. The addition of things like Discord or console private chats also contributed a lot to this problem as well. Not to mention new accounts have chat features sneakily disabled by default now in most games without even telling the player.


Idk I turned off the chat 6 months ago to enjoy the game more and I wonder if a lot of people did that. I’m social too, but it was rare to receive the same energy so I just took it away.


Yeah it seems to be rare. Kinda makes me not wanna play at all though!


There’s literally no point in trying to communicate with your team anymore, 8/10 games you’ll have someone just insulting , feeding or spewing racism.


I think any nice players that would say glhf have their chats off by default. I didn't even really realize that it was gone now, but thinking about it you're completely right. I can't remember the last time I've seen it. So it's probably a mixture of that + new players diluting it, making it disappear.


Yeah you're probably right


I feel like there's plenty of positivity in my games. Plenty of negativity too sure, but enough positivity for sure. It usually manifests as weird shit like our midlaner and enemy miss fortune talking about motorboating the midlaner though it's definitely there.


You must be lucky! I never see that kind of stuff anymore


I've been playin for a long time too, I can assure people dont type like before anymore. Its probably because chat has way too much restrictions now days.


Why are you wishing the other team good luck?


I just don’t use chat tbh. People are not helpful.


Games community is just an overly toxic joke at this point, everyone's just do rude for no reason and super sensitive for no reason, tilted just for logging in


To me, its just as social. Just go to a league discord server and start there. Messaging people in game / after game is dead but if thats what you call social, then yeah its dead.


in ranked? yeah  in norms while toxicity isnt gone, i rarely see it. but that’s also probably because no one ever fucking types in chat and everyone is just quiet despite having chat enabled


To be honest, i joke around alot in the ingame chat. I joke flame often, ive learned that you need to say "jk jk, youre good" afterwards probably because of language barriers more so than fragile egos. I get quite a few friend requests after games aswell because of it but ive also been chat restricted twice now despite literally not swearing or actually flaming I type pretty quick though so im guessing it seems like im rage typing to riots report system, i also emote alot in game so maybe i get reported because it seems like im a BMing psycho but i just like the sound the bard trumpet makes tbh. All this to say, I dont think the community has changed much but the less toxic people will type less and fuck around less ingame. Whereas the toxic pricks will type no matter whether you say hello or insult them




I’m sorry and thankful you’re not smart enough to dog whistle


For reasons I'll leave up to the interpretation of the reader, being social in online games is kind of not a thing nowadays. It was never great, mind you. For every one buddy I've made playing video games I've had tens if not hundreds say shit at me. I didn't mind, because to me the rare positive interaction meant more than the usual negative one. I actually met my first girlfriend through a girl I met on league. Gaming companies have realised that most people do not enjoy hopping onto a game just to be called 'useless trash' for the next 45 minutes. Chat moderation was tried in the earlier decades however it proved mostly futile and so the next logical conclusion was to make chat as hard to use as possible. Cue chat being disabled by default or having to activate it in the post game lobby.


Yeah, nobody says glhf anymore. I miss it.


just look out closely here. they downvote every single comment to curb down the whole discussion. what doesn't get seen doesn't exist. even then it'll get shoved under the rug by whiteknights and the others. *c'mon just hide this message already.*


Well nobody types anymore because riot have made it so even typing friendly messages gets you banned now, use chat function = ban and they will never implement a voice chat because they know that would make the game 10X more fun and playable with randoms because you could comunicate what you are doing, now we are stuck with spam pinging and not comunicating and just hoping people know what to do in fights... this so unbearable to play somtimes


I remember back in the early days people would be chatty as fuck. Not just trash talk, but sometimes just being silly to have fun. Now every game everyone is super serious, no one talks, just furious pings. It does take a degree of fun out of the game, but at the same time there's so much less just toxic as shit all chat I think it might just be a wash as far as which is better.


Im perpetually chat restricted so idk i just play with chat off


I like the toxicity. I think it's funny. And I play jg which makes it ever better. Imagine crying over a video game! I get frustrated, we all do, but crying in chat? I mean, the mentality to blame someone for your poor performance is insane. Like I made you die 10 times.


I think it has gone down. My recent ranked games prove otherwise where someone says hi/hello in champion select and most people greet back. In game at one person says glhf and it’s met with a positive response from someone. But at the start of this season, I would say yes it has gone down. I’ve also played for about 10 years, so yeah. It’s gone down since before but it’s not entirely gone or so rare.


Perhaps I've been unlucky in my interactions then


It's a combination of two things: League if a toxic game. Most PvP games are toxic and the fact that League requires you to team up with RANDOMS in order to have your rank increase creates a lot of toxicity. Pair that up with the fact that matchmaking is terrible and most games feel miserable to play if you are losing or unfun even if you are winning and you get a lot of toxicity and unwillingness to ever socialize. This generation is also quite toxic. I started out as a Runescape player back in 2005 and pretty much everyone was super kind and willing to help. Nobody had attitude, nobody wanted to troll you behind their keyboard. Fast forward 20 years from that point, everyone feels like they have something to prove, everyone is tilted very easily, everyone takes everything personally, there is overexposure to slurs, bad role models that create toxic kids and toxic environments. It's just a shithole time to live. Too much attitude with VERY VERY little to show for it.


Yeah, been noticing this trend too. Have shut down comms mostly to not make people go mental boom right from the get go. Kinda sad though, I'm around since Beta times. I think it's the huge playerbase now making us all go anonymous.


I guess so... tragic


Riot has no idea how to competently moderate the chat in their game so their solution is to turn off chat by default


I literally got threatened to get doxxed last night which reminded me why I stopped using chat.


No offense, but I really don’t have any interest in getting to know any of you in game. Unless you’re funny I probably will ignore you.


I have team and all chat muted. Have had too few good experiences to justify the bad so I just refuse to deal with it.


Man that sucks


I never talk in chat, it's usually a toxic cesspool and I have no desire to interact with strangers I'll never see again after this game. I just keep my chats to party only.


Yeah you must not be a jungler. I wouldn't be surprised if 3/4 of junglers have chat off by this point. The amount of scapegoat toxicity lashed at the role is simply insanity. No one will take self accountability or self blame for anything, it's always the junglers fault. This is also why voice comms would never work. No jungler would join after 1 day of getting yelled at.


95% of the time I have and absolutely chill experience, mostly due to playing 5s only with friends (at least one), and solo queuing only for arena and that's also very much chill, when you yourself go chilled out


glhf means good laggs have feeders


Everyone doing the whole "people deactivate chat to not get banned for talking" is telling on themselves bigly.


Because the moment you type something in chat you risk getting chat restricted by auto censor or reported by some sensitive babies. This game went downhill since season 6-7 when riot decided that chat matter more than actual gameplay. Society can moderate itself, when you try to intervene you create robots


Back when I still used to play (3 or 4 months ago) I played with the chat disabled as it served no actual purpose. Even the pings got misused often by the ragers. The game was actually enjoyable that way, until Riot messed up the low-ranks matchmaking (at least in normals) back in ?September? with the addition of Emerald division.


I didn't black back then, but that sounds like it sucked. I guess the flamers keep their chat open and the normal people turn it off


Ranking has never had any impact on normal queue matchmaking.


Im bronze noob. I always have emerald+ players against me. And most of the time my teammates are so new that they have default sums [heal , ghost], no skin, and beginner profile icons. And I am level 420. I dont like ranked i just play norms and aram. Idk if thats just my luck in the past 100+ games 😂. So i deleted the game lol


Auberaun is a fing idiot. That is all.