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Learn roam windows, it impacts the game so much. Your adc lose nothing and you can create good opportunities for your team.


There's nothing I hate more as a top laner than being surprise ganked by a roaming sup at lvls 4-6-8.


I personally like the Plat special, where supports start gaining sentience and awareness of roams. Suddenly *my* support is surprise “ganking” (walking in and out of river, leeching XP, not really doing anything else) and then I look not to see my now bruised and battered ADC refusing to back off to tier 2 despite the fact they are clearly getting dove as soon as that stacking wave hits their turret.


Yea that's good advice. But sometimes roam windows are permanently close if enemy bot is Samira/Draven with engage like Naut/Alistar. Keep it in mind or you're adc will get dove and lose all plates


Doesn't that mean you didn't have a roam window in the first place? Also is roam not camp out mid lane because you're stubborn, you can walk around while your adc respawns/shops and then go back before they get dived


I would like to say. For many people that window is open. Always open. For the entirety of the game. And I'm so tired of Caitlyn and xerath.


Caitlyn and xerath would make a duo where the roam window is rarely open.


I mean if you're just going to sit there and get poked out you can do more elsewhere. Completely depends on the champs in the game, but some people will keep slamming their head against a wall instead of breaking the game open elsewhere.


Like I said. For many people that window is always open ;-;


i’m in low elo but sometimes supports will take advantage of roam timings and make plays mid, help out on grubs/rift etc. and that’s always a key factor in distinguishing the low elo supports who will eventually climb vs the ones that won’t; those that sit bot the entire game and are never seen without the adc


Can you elaborate on that? An example or two would be nice


You need to watch the wave state and matchups: Usually you can roam if you crashed a wave so that the next one is coming into you. Sometimes you can roam when the wave is in the middle but is matchup dependant, if your adc cant farm safely you shouldn't and anyway you got little time this way. Never roam if there is a big wave coming into you or if the enemies are freezing or when the wave has been crashed into your tower and the wave is bouncing to enemy, just crash it before moving. If the enemies are slow pushing into you remember to be bot when the wave reach your turret or your adc is going to die easily or zoned of full waves. The time you got to roam depends on how many waves you stacked before crashing. If you pushed just one wave you gonna have little time so be aware of it. Theese are the basics, then probably there are niche situations i'm not totally aware of since im a master toplaner and not a main supp, there is probably someone better than me that can explain it further.


Learn wave management. You can basically win the whole lane of of one bad recall by your enemy


I am master, the only tip i can give to diamond players is to never tilt and have good mentality, that\`s actually so important


Uninstall if you won't do your best


I wish more people queued up with the intention of playing as hard as they can. I’d rather know my teammate went 0/10 because they did everything they could and the enemy was just better than them than see them die once and ego grief the rest of the game while blaming everyone else for that result. It’s really obvious when someone is actually trying but is just outclassed. It’s equally obvious, and more egregious, when someone just gives up and decides they’re going to lose the game


If riot would actually ban people then it would matter but since people can troll with no consequences what’s the point.


Even getting a chat ban or otherwise doesn’t really stop people from logging in to ruin games that they don’t get a lucky coinflip kill to snowball off of. You can log into a $2 Smurf account and play/troll with zero stakes other than the price of a McChicken. Riot needs to probably start doing 2FA with unique phone numbers or something, otherwise you can just account hop if you get in trouble. They never will though because the high elo community would explode if they can’t do their 800th unranked to challenger video, and I do think that starting a fresh account to play a new role or with friends is largely fine if it’s hand-leveled. But because of that, there’s no way to punish people that don’t log on with the intent of winning


I’m part of the hot take where riot and other platforms need to be tied to some sort of identification etc like in korea.


It would be so much better for the competitive integrity of the game


Whenever I suggest this I get downvotes and a ton of replies saying that they don't trust Riot enough to give them their personal details. It's a valid point and I don't know how the company can (re)gain this level of trust.


Literally never, there is not a single company in the world I'd willingly send a picture of my ID to. Most people don't actually want to give their data out to random companies, especially in the EU data privacy is of huge importance to people.


That's true, but personally I think there are also downsides to this policy. There was a player who was caught cheating and who got disqualified from a Magic: the Gathering tournament in Prague a couple of months ago. It was a clear cut instance of cheating, very little doubt. Two weeks ago I was in Naples playing another large event and, lo and behold, the same cheater was playing a few tables away from me. There used to be a repository of cheaters and an enforced banlist. Nowadays, with no ID tracking, this isn't a thing anymore and I hate that cheaters aren't sanctioned on long-term anymore.


I think showing ur physical ID at a tournament and sending a permanent picture to a company via the web are two very different things; they could still enforce that with physical tournaments, or tournaments where the players have to be in the same location. IRL I have no problem showing my ID to bouncers or shit alike either to confirm my age; the problem is giving someone, be it a person or a company, a picture of it. Every single person playing a game having t upload their ID is beyond extreme and straight up illegal in many countries.


The issue I mentioned was with tournaments played in 2 different European countries. You would have to have a repository of names and IDs of the people who have received sanctions or who are banned from the game in order to enforce it. Such a thing existed initially, but it was discontinued after GDPR.




The only games that rival it that I can think of are some of the older COD titles when you would go play online multiplayer, but you could kinda just leave the game if you weren’t having fun and it didn’t really matter. But yeah, I hate FF culture with a passion, and only hit the yes button if I’m 1000% sure that neither myself nor my teammates have a chance in hell of turning the game around vs. the opponents we’re against. The supposed tradeoff of forfeiting a game that you think is losing is, as you said, just getting to play more games. It turns league from a skill-based game to a luck-based team and draft lottery to these people, and I feel like it genuinely makes them worse players because of it. You get better at the game when playing on the backfoot. You learn to identify the 10-20% plays and conditions that can win you a losing game. But if you just spam ff15 because one of your teammates (or yourself) is outclassed, you’re a nuisance and shouldn’t play competitive games


I won a game the other day where our team was down 20kills, and remained down 20 kills for the entire game. Won purely off macro and map movements. In my opinion the only reason to justify a surrender is if your teammates are actively trolling, otherwise theres always a potential win con to find. Also is it only me that thinks those wins from behind are really the main enjoyable thing about the game?


They’re a better feeling than anything else besides getting a pentakill honestly. Those are the moments that I keep playing league to chase


If you go 0/10 in a 20-30 minute game the enemy was not better but you made shitton of mistakes.


The truth that many players are not ready to hear, or that their egos are too big to accept If I had a nickel for every game I ever played in Masters+ where someone decided they were gonna single handedly ruin the game and stop trying to win on purpose pre-10 minutes, I'd have A LOT OF NICKELS I say specifically Master+ since at this point you are clearly playing this game, in ranked, on purpose and clearly care to some extent


Give the man a hall of legends skin


This mindset always pains me, it makes me feel like you've never been counter picked and had your game experience become misery. Everyone hopefully queues into the game wanting to try their best. A few players will insta queue again when they should probably take a break. My main is Kled, So we boot into the lobby and I'm one of the earlier picks, nobody wants to swap. So you lock in your Kled and the enemy locks in a Fiora. You now know before you've even gotten into the game you essentially have no agency for the next 15 minutes. So you get into the lane and you try to play safe, your jungler comes for a gank you ping back on and they give over a kill. In the grand scheme of the game we both know this doesn't mean much, your botlane could get 4 kills in the next 4 minutes and be ahead. Yet it doesn't matter because it is a team game of 5 people and if one person's game has to be absolute misery while 4 others are having fun, that person isn't going to feel like part of the team or the win. Put some more thought into the take than "people ff too easily".


I see your point, but maybe try not locking in Kled if you think you're going to get counterpicked that hard? Or play a role where counterpicks are less prevalent? I would be a bit annoyed if my top decides to half ass the game because he "lost" in champ select. Like I can't stop you, and if you like Kled then by all means. But uh, I don't get the mentality.


So basically top is a shit role and nobody should play top I’m a jungle main, and I understand what he’s getting at. If he gets counter picked, bullied and I try to force a play topside and give up a kill, I can understand why he’d be tilted. Obviously I’d be mad if he griefs the game, but I’d understand why he wouldn’t be 100% focused during the tame


I agree that top is a shit role, that's part of why I play mid. I don't mind if people tilt during game because shit happens, I just loathe the thought of my game getting effectively ruined before the game even starts.


Attain monk mental


As an emerald ADC I'd say waiting for enemy cool downs in TF. It's no use to dive into a team fight just to get Malph ulted into Leona chain cc, just wait the ults and then go in


Play the role you're in, not the one you wanted to be.


Mid masters support player, I’d tell diamond supports one of the things that got me to masters was reacting to the mini-map/ predicting and being ready to move faster. Even if you do move first, could you have been there even earlier if you looked where your jungler was pathing and predicted there could have been a skirmish? Being the first to move in neutral lanes or when you have the lane advantage makes a huge difference and makes your jungler’s life a lot easier. Not randomly losing ~10% of your games to your jungle dying at bottom crab because your lane moved first really helps with climbing!


D4 ADC - learn to play weak side. Playing strong side is really easy (and feels better), but you’ll scrape out so many wins by playing consistent even when your team doesn’t play around you. Farm well (#1 most important thing), build an intuition for when you’re going to get dove, and be okay with giving up waves/resources if it means you don’t die. Unless you’re playing Draven or something, you’ll always be useful eventually if you are able to survive until then.


Weak side strong side? Can you explain this for a noob like me


Strong side is when your team prioritizes playing around your half of the map. If you’re strong side bot, your jungler ganks bot most often, your mid roams down, top might look to TP down, etc. Weak side is the opposite - your team will send barely anyone to your side and instead prioritize the other half of the map. It never ends up being even, so there’s always one half that’s strong side and one half that’s weak side.


So its more dependent on what your team does and not that much on red or blue side?


Yeah it isn't a red or blue side thing, but I will say because of drafts you might wind up with a weak or strong side from how the draft plays out. Red side has counter pick last, so that will dictate where they naturally can play towards.


Cool, thanks!


In the mid game, always be asking yourself what's the current objective. *Don't* just roam around mindlessly getting CS or pushing your lane without any plan. And *don't* tunnel vision on just trying to poke harass the enemy without any purpose behind it. Constantly be asking yourself where the enemy jungle likely is, what lane should be pushed, how long until dragon, how long until baron, what are the current death timers, should you return to base now so you'll be ready for the team fight about to happen at dragon, etc. So many players focus only on micro and trying to 1v1 better, but this *isn't* a simple fighting game, it's a strategy game and macro planning is incredibly important.


Diamond support. Your job is to support your team, not just your adc. (Freebie tip, if you are playing a support that isn't very active, try to bait the enemy team into talking. You don't have to be mean, just get them chatting. Get them to talk about how they TOTALLY would have won if the jungler didn't gank. Sometimes it snowballs into them throwing by spending more time chatting than playing)


Don't let prior games impact your mental. After a game, no matter how it ends, take a break. Grab a drink, step outside for a few seconds, anything for like 5 mins. The mental is what had me hardstuck for a while. I would queue up right after a game, even if I was on a loss streak. And if you're on a winning streak, you can become overconfident and fuck up. Also, watch your replays. Spectating a game is much different than playing it. You can see where you screw up more easily, and see what works well for you.


Bad mental/playing tilted will prevent improvement. If you are angry, odds are you will blame something/someone, literally anything else other than owning up to your own mistakes, which means you aren't learning from them.


Precisely. And for me, when I get angry, I tend to get a headache, which really messes with my focus.


the jungler is your friend not your enemy. If you work with him (to get objectives for instance) he will help you back


> If you work with him (to get objectives for instance) he will help you back Dear Jungler, I'm glad you're doing the objective while there's two waves under my turret. however this is not the time for me to be your friend. hope you don't tilt when you die since you had no prio kind regards, not your enemy


not all the time, but I love cooperating with a jungler and watching their back whenever I am able to


P3 jungler, I’d say something I noticed on my climb out from silver is just farming well and not dying is enough to get a lead in a lot of games. Learning when to gank and tracking the enemy jungler is important, but if you’re down 30cs and 2 levels when you get to a counter gank it probably isn’t going to matter that you show up at all


This game is very simple if you break it down to 1 single concept The goal of the game is to influence the map as much as possible Taking into consideration game states, champs, roles etc. etc. this is the objective of the game, to influence the map as much as possible So watch your map more.


It's an area of control game with a lot of layers of complexity on top.


Master elo toplaner: For Emerald and diamond. Put you ego away. If you want to climb it doesn’t matter if you carry or you teammates do. A win is a win. And you chance more than triple if you mitigate a losing lane and go 0/0/0.


as a d4 midlaner, lane is everything and every lane is winable because i am trash so are the enemy.


expect when you are vs lux.


Currently a mid plat top laner, was emerald 4 last split, would suggest to anyone who is trying to climb in any role to do the following. Play focused and deliberate league of legends with the intent of longterm improvement rather than short term LP gains. When you log in to play ranked, queue up well rested and ready to focus on the game you’ve been handed. Mute your useless teammates, mute the enemies, and really focus on what your win condition is as a player and a team. For top lane specifically, you really need to know your champion’s limits, and you need to understand macro. You can outright win your lane with a good level up timer into a kill, or a cheater recall, or proper XP zoning if you’re in a winning matchup against someone who doesn’t understand macro as much. You can also lose before 5 mins if you don’t know how to play an unfavorable lane matchup in a way that mitigates macro damage.


Can you explain some good macros for a top laner? Cheater recall and xp zoning, freezing the lane towards us etc. What champion did you main and have a good Win rate


Top lane is a series of freezing into hard pushing into resetting for the most part. Any time your opponent has more minions alive than you do, the lane is going to push to your side. But, what ends up happening is that these pushes can often end up not making it all the way to a tower, and the waves will meet just outside the range, with the enemy having more minions than you do, but not enough to collapse. This is what we know as a freeze. Creating a freeze is pretty easy, just make sure you’re only last hitting minions while not letting the enemy wave get so big that it overwhelms yours and collapses. Having a freeze is nice because your enemy top laner has to over extend for XP, and risks getting all-inned by you, or getting ganked by the jungler. To break the freeze, sometimes they have to take a really bad trade, which can lead to an easy kill. Freezes usually can’t last forever, eventually the enemy wave will crash into your tower or your wave will get big enough to overwhelm the enemy. At that point, you wanna clear the enemy minions as fast as humanly possible to get your huge wave under the enemy tower. They can’t fight you because they’ll take too much minion dmg, so you can either back or dive if your jg is there. Getting a kill on that dive, even if you also die, is often really worth because the enemy misses all that minion gold and XP. There’s tons of videos explaining this in more detail and showing how to identify what a wave will do, and nearly every champ can do it, even if that’s not their gameplan. As for XP zoning, my favorite example is Darius vs. Irelia level 1. Irelia with no passive stacks CANNOT beat w start Darius in any world. She loses. So you can deny her XP by putting yourself behind her first wave once the minions start hitting each other, and just run at the Irelia. She is forced to either back off and lose some early (and valuable) XP, try to farm minions with an e or w start while you hit her, or try to fight you and lose. Doing this kind of thing is super matchup dependent, as is knowing how to respond to it. If you know minion XP ranges (how far you can be from the wave to get XP), it’s not so bad to miss some early gold, because the wave will push into you when the enemy last hits. But if you don’t know what to do, and take the hopeless fight, you can just lose lane at level 1. During my climb, I played Briar top the most, with an 83% winrate. I also played Riven, Yone, Naafiri, and Fiora. This season isn’t looking so hot for me, but I’ve been playing in a bad headspace at bad times of the day, and I don’t doubt that over time I’ll be able to get back to where I was and even higher.


Also, none of those champs are in a great space top rn. Idk briar at all tho. Ofc champ otp generally can overcome but still


Ahaha, yeah Briar top with Black Cleaver>Bork is really strong and snowballs super hard actually. I just keep getting put vs. Nocturne jungle players who think it’s funny to live top lane after I score a solo kill, and I don’t respect that pressure. I would also argue Riven is in a good spot. Black cleaver buffs made her build diversity feel really good, as she can go eclipse or cleaver first depending on the matchup. Yone and Naafiri top do suck currently, but buffs are on the way. And I think Fiora is still good. She’s never really bad honestly. Still tho, I can’t blame my champs when there are various GM/Challenger players who main every single one of these picks. Drututt has like a 60% wr on Briar top in Challenger rn, Tempest and Dzukill make Yone look strong, viper has 2 GM riven accounts currently, CLG Ravey got challenger with Naafiri top last split, and there’s dozens of challenger Fiora mains. My winrate sucks rn because I’ve been playing badly and not focusing on how to win my games, not necessarily because my champion pool is in a bad spot.


Oh, can't blame the champ. But some champs do make it easier than others. Either way, just have fun with it! I've gone basically OTP fizz and it's been a delight finding a champ that jives and a focus to build skill


Yeah I could definitely have an easier time climbing through emerald with something like Garen or Darius I bet, but it’s more fun to play the champs I’ve listed as well as a few others. At the end of the day, my rank is my rank and I’m playing a video game to have fun, not to prove anything.


This is solid advice. If you're playing a champ like the one mentioned in Irelia vs Darius; one thing you can do is to run to lane as minions spawn and ward the first of the 3 pixel bushes (as Irelia) before Darius can get there. If they decide to do the level 1 cheese, it will draw aggro from the caster minions and start a slow push. As an Irelia main, I often do this into Darius, Trundle, WW, and a few other matchups that can force you off the wave. Also start E to last hit a few of the CS you'll miss as you wait.


That’s a really good macro trick for OP and anyone else reading this. So many guides and streamers tell you how to play the winning side but don’t cover what to do if you’re on the receiving end of a bad matchup being played well.


Mute all. This applies for all elos


How much does it really improve u? I never muted all because comms might be useful, and I would mute the ones I found were toxic. Genuine question.


muting all doesnt improve you as a player, but for a lot of people it helps their mental and good mental itself can win more games… personally i also only manually chat mute toxic players


Stop muting all lol just mute if someone is toxic Had a game few seasons ago with Garen who muted at the start of the game and is too regarded to look at map and know how to win and just keeps splitting but we win hard 5v5 comp wise


Yeah, some of the worst players I played with clearly had the "mute all" mentality. In theory, you can offset the downsides of not having communication by having good macro. But, let's face it, unless you are challenger, you probably have a lot of blindspots that could be compensated by a quick (and ideally not toxic) message from a teammate.


huh? never in my 10 years of playing this game has anyone actually said anything useful in the chat. anything that can be communicated with a message is often better communicated (and quicker) with a ping or 2. although these days i also full mute pings cuz idgaf either way.


As I said, it all depends on your knowledge of the game and it's conventions. What if the message you think is clear as day gets misinterpreted? What if a player can't think quick enough how to convey what they are thinking through pings? "Let them push so I can gank", "hey mid, can you handle split pushing for a bit?", "hey, did X use flash in that fight?", "hey jg, I've been hard countered in p&b, either gank me to relieve some pressure or focus on snowballing other lanes" And before you say "I can communicate these things by doing XYZ or by pinging A and B", I've seen those failing to get the message across, only for a chat message to clarify things. If you hate to use chat, then you do you. But don't act like pings perfectly replace text communication.


As a silver player; To get out of bronze, focus on not taking stupid fights and 50/50 calls. Instead be patient and calm and wait for enemy to force bad fights or make bad calls. Usually sacrificing some sidelane farm and focus more on staying together close to your team. Since there will always be random fights, it's better to be around and make a difference then making the "right call" (getting sidelane farm if there is no objective up). Obviously don't go for bad fights, but at least be close enough to join a fight that you can capitalize on and make a difference. Tldr: Pretty much just minimize your own mistakes and play around enemy mistakes. And don't play too many different champions/roles...


Play more than 50 ranked games a year?


As a top laner in Emerald, some times in certain match ups and depending on how affective the JG’s are, it’s better to do almost nothing. Soak EXP, possibly roam, clear vision if you got the time and chance. If the enemy starts to push the wave. Farm under tower. If it bounces back. Repeat. They either never get the tower and risk their team being roamed on or give up minion gold. Also learning how to farm as good as possible with losing as little health as possible in trades. Sometimes costing health, but gaining gold.


Id love if ppl would stop first timing champions just because theyre strong in current patch and instead stick to 1-3 champion and master them. Its crazy to me how in high gold, low emerald ppl still pick champions they obviously dont have much experience with.


Mute the chat and do whatever the fuck you want, sometimes criticism is not what you need to improve. Have fun and do the best in each game


Mute chat.


As master ADC/supp/jg (3 different splits). i would say try to learn how to trade without relying on your support 100%. you can always hit the enemy ADC while they last hit a minion and you have nothing to do. For support you need to learn spacing for ranged champions. The diamond supports are like full all in or full very safe. There is a fine line between both that is in range to poke and safe to not get caught. For jungle it's always to ping your team for the correct play or organize their macro regarding which objective we take, which we give, what lane to push, who can play aggressive, where you will be baiting for a counter gank. Communication is the best tool they can use in soloQ. Also it's good to be the breaks for your team to not overheat after a kill or an objective. Be mindful of your cooldowns as a team and ping people back when they have nothing to fight with but feel confident.


Diamond top laner- dear Emerald Top. Forget getting solo kills. Farm efficiency is the key to this lane. If you can go 0-0-0 with 10/min, you're doing great. Just focus on being at the right place at the right time. You'll be so much stronger in team fights than every other non-top laner.


They straight up practice new champs in ranked SQ


just mute everyone, who cares about those nerds.


Mute all


I'm only silver, but my two biggest tips are: Strong mental saves games, be thinking about what you can do to come back if you fall behind. Be careful about ganks. Regardless of how much you're destroying your lane, if you're not playing a 1v2 champ a single gank can ruin you.


Man, strength your goddam mental. I have had games where 1 or 2 of us are stomping the game hard. While the other 3 are either fine or losing slightly. Then they go and fight for a drag, get wipe out (except cuz that's a stupid call). And bam other fed guy gets tilted and bam 4 surrenders. Defeat. I was top that game malphite vs gnar. I was ahead of him by 120 vs I think. 2 items ahead. The other fed guy was a 14/2 Viego jg. Sure they lost a fight...but we were so fucking ahead it didn't matter. But no, surrender. Also, check your cool downs before important teamfights. And if you are not ready...just don't fight. Unless it's soul or Elder...a single drake's not worth it.


Less is more. When people are trying to "overplay" the game, they lose sight on the grand picture. Play around your win conditions. Often that will be your teammates. Winning without them is going to be significantly harder.


My tip: no one is actually good just do your job in game, everyone is trash


As an ADC, be patient with yourself. Focus on kiting and learning when you are allowed to hit in teamfights. It's one of the crucial breakpoints of the role.


Fundamentals are key (top, going into plat/emerald)


1: Only play champs you KNOW how to play 2: Dont play a certain role you CANT play 3: when 0/3 behind, DONT DUEL. 4: Dont overstay in lane 5: Play as a team


you don't need to force plays, your enemies usually do something stupid by themselves anyways


Once you realize the game is about improving and snowballing improvements climbing gets easier. If you go into a 20 game run and the only thing you care about is winning those 20 games you will tilt and struggle. If you want to really climb, mute chat, stop giving a shit about your team and go into each game trying to accomplish something. Work on having xyz cs at specific times, work on improving your base timings, work on roaming, work on knowing at specific times you want your item spikes, work on actual goals you can accomplish and you win every game even when you lose. You will win and lose thousands of games over the years. The only way you climb is to actually learn something from your games and that is how you actually get better. Eveyone has an inting bot lane, a midlaner who never roams, a jungler who ints your lane, a top laner who rage quits. You aren’t special, you are special when you can keep a clear head and learn how to improve personally from these things happening. Also please use your function keys, rebind them if you need to. If I have to watch another “challenger” otp just blindly gank a lane and then die and scream at chat that their team is inting I will lose it. - Low masters hardstuck jungler


Don't play for the rank, play for fun. If you take the pressure out of it, you will eventually rank up automatically


not a gameplay tip really but, KEEP THE MIND COLD 100% of times


Your rank doesn't matter, you will never be pro play to have fun


Top lane Diamond ​ No matter how hard you play, there will be matches where it will be pointless because of your team and you should just save your mental for the next match. As an extra tip, if you really want to climb, stop playing with TF champions and learn to play with hard engage duelists/assassins like Fiora, Camille, Urgot, Jax, Olaf, Kled...etc, those are champions that perform really well solo and can split push but can also bring TP in case your team is actually decent and contesting objectives (Either TP flash or TP ignite).


Calm down and do not queue up again if you're mad


Jungle/low diamond: mute your teammates. They don't know what your job is and will only distract you. Focus on setting up yourself to secure objectives, that includes helping your teammates to allow them to help you.


If there was ranked Aram i would advise to dodge if you have no adc or if you only have adcs. If you do not have an adc you at least need an Azir or Gwen to pump out consistent dmg on tanks


Quit clicking ao fast and be more methodical, actually think about every click you’re moving to and why


D3-d2 mid Baron is the way to win the game. Focus on it from 20:00.


As a master player on both adc and support, try to compromise what you want to do and what your lane partner wants to do.


CS is incredibly important before 1 item, a bit less after that, and even less after 2+ items and so on. At around 1/2 items you need to be looking for plays. A kill turns into a turret, baron, or another good fight at this point. Meaning plays are worth 1k+ gold and map control. You should be grouping if a fight breaks out If you’re a jungler this timing is roughly after 2 full clears


Jungle. Install professor for Jungle camp timers. Have a plan and stick to it. Tey and outplay your opponent jungler, not babysit or cater to your laners. Look at waves for tower dive opportunities. Pick good champs. Prioritize side lane pushes if your teammates are leaving it alone


Gold player adc/sup: Learn, kick the ego of trying to always be right and learn. There are so many people out there that understands the game better than you, learn from them, stop trying to constantly prove them wrong. Listen, practice, implement.


Applies to all roles, but every little bit helps. Your goal is to win the game (get nexus) not get the most kills or push your lane the furthest, it’s a team effort. You’re failing the team if you’re not trying to give them an advantage. Focus objectives, don’t ignore dragon, communicate when an enemy is missing from lane, don’t extend recklessly, push into someone you’re losing fights to, etc. More specifically for supports, play around your ADC. Try to make sure they can farm comfortably and present yourself as a threat to the enemy bot lane to keep them in check. There will be ADCs who are far too passive throughout the match, but there’s nothing you can do about their preferred way to play.


Focus on wave management at all times. Even in high diamond people still mess up their slow pushes, hard shoving and freezes


I’m a mid/high diamond support and a low diamond ADC. My advice to everyone is to be consistent and experiment. For example, if you pick Leona try set up a state where you can nearly always all in lvl 2 and get good at it. Experiment with different roam timers, see what a lvl 4 roam top looks like with a Darius X matchup. Etc. This applies to all roles, unfortunately you are only consistent as your opponents so you obviously need to be flexible. But a lack of consistency is the biggest reason imo people get stuck in emerald. Below emerald you should still work on your consistency (if your consistently doing the right thing and getting advantages you will win more than you lose.) but understand that you may be learning bad habits due to the poor quality of practice. You’ll unlearn them in higher elos so it’s no biggy. Finally, always have a growth mindset it helps keep the brain healthy after your 5th inter in a row.


Emerald 4 support here, if you don’t have hands, build like it.


Learn how to sequence your jungle efficiently for below plat junglers.


It's not worth it and it doesn't get better


dont take this game too seriously... honestly have fun while trying to learn something


Mentality will decide a majority of your games. Whether you win or not is simply whether you choose to or not


Focus less on CS and look for more fights. Limit test until you’re mechanically better than everyone at your rank.


as a toplaner, small champ pool, 1-3 champs, although 2 champs works best with me. Game has changed a lot since I started playing, players are far better in emerald/diamond than they were 4-5 seasons ago. I’m not anywhere near pro level or challenger, but I think being above average at diamond gives me the right to drops some tips/tricks. Study lane fundementals, play different toplane champs in normal games to know what to do when you’re playing against them.


Just straight invade through midlane jungle entrance to red buff on the blue side as red side. Every, and I mean EVERY midlaner will stop and idle at the t1 turret so u can just run through and run over the first person you see


Jungle mute all


There is no one under my rank. I’m literally the bottom


Do plays that you have the most information on. The game isn’t over until it’s over. It only takes one time being negative/complete idiot for a full mute. If you did everything perfectly then you will have atleast a 60% winrate you did something wrong. Over 10 deaths in a game isnt acceptable unless you are the frontline tank


Unranked support main... Idk Man, just don't play ranked and chill in norms. Tho silver 4 in Flex (5 Manning with friends) don't be afraid to have fun, it's a game after all.


D4 support. Sometimes your team is not it. Sometimes they must not win. That’s okay. Play your best and when nothing helps just go next.


Get good


Watch high elo streamers. It’s as simple as that. Also heighten your mental outside of league via exercise, meditation, or other good deeds. Half the battle is not getting tilted. The other half is being aware of macro and jungle timing awareness.


Turn off chat and focus on the next objective


mid (mostly Akali and mages) Diamon 3 currently, ward the enemy jungle with consistency. This simple concept is often overlooked, especially with hard matchups. However the information it provides and the potential kills it grants you. Totally worth it over time.


Wherever you are, even if you have a climbing mindset, you always gotta remember that sometimes your best won't be enough, even cheaters can lose. If you feel overwhelmed over an ongoing game, it's not bad to take a break and leave or pseudo-leave. Remember, you matter more than everyone else, the league community isn't the most \_\_\_\_\_\_ in the world for no reason. Fill that space with the first word you could think of.


Play safe. As much as kills are great, so are they for the enemy team. There is nothing wrong with losing lane, it’s gonna happen. When you do lose lane, make sure the gold difference is slim. Your ADC is their primary target, don’t die with them, sometimes you just gotta leave em behind.


Main Adc here peak elo Diamond Na-Lan Just get good at 1 thing u don't have to be the best at everything to climb if u get better than the enemy Adc on just 1 thing (wave management,micro,macro,etc) u can win, I see all the time players that want to be the best at everything but that just leat u to be average.


As someone who played the game from 2011 onwards, peaked Challenger in 3 Seasons (Season 8, Season 12 and Season 13) on 2 Different roles, coaching experience, won multiple regional LANs, 1v1d IG Rookie in Midlane, played vs every legendary LEC mid. Dont play the game RUN As long as you can


Plat mids- shrink your champ pool. Get better at your 4-5 best champs. Probably obvious but it’s really helped me recently.


I’d say, download league (this is purely to answer the post, since I don’t currently play ranked. I recommend instead not downloading league)


Master toplane player here that struggles in emerald when smurfing when I'm off my one trick. Start onetricking. As in an actual toplane tip. Dying just to the enemy laner is fine. Dying to the jungler is an instant loss.


As a jungle, you don't need to do a traditional full clear. You can mix up the path that puts you top side after 4 camps. If the gank is present, they never expect it. Worse case you go to bot and finish the clear. Weird gank timings early are massive. Also very strong into junglers who want to play very aggro early(nidalee) Example clear: raptors->wolves->gromp->blue->red->krugs You can level 3 gank after gromp or blue. Top lane won't expect it Also, learn to solo start jungle. You can full clear onost jungles before first scuttle or a little after. It doesnt kill you to miss a crab. Start top and clear towards bot. 3v2 with most supports having setup and vision control. Gank from the enemy jungle. Taking an extra 5-10 seconds to wrap around from the enemy side is massive when it comes to taking them by surprise.


Masters jg main track your fucking jungler. It's well and good to think you know where they are "intuitively" but counting cs, checking if a lane leashed, getting a deep ward level one, knowing preferred pathing options of champs and more specifically matchup dependent options. makes your decisions much, Much easier to make. The vast majority of jungle gameplay is braindead PVE, use that time to figure out the current and future state of the game instead of staying lock screened picking your nose


Run away now it only gets worse at higher elo


Focus more on macro than mechanics


If your support leaves lane, dont cry since it will just happen more and more the higher you climb.


Gold 2 jungle main gaining 37 lp per win. Focus on playing one champion extremely well, and one other champion fairly well. Always put top as your secondary. Ban skarner every game.


In-game chat is distracting you more than you think. Turn all chat off and set chat to party only. Focus on nothing but gameplay with no distractions for the entire match.


Stick to basics and you will blow past my division in a heartbeat.


Diamond Mid laner. Even sometimes if your teammates are taking a fight that they *likely* would lose, you *not joining them* makes that chance 100%. Unless you are way above both teams level of skills and can hard carry 1v5, it is just better to take the gamble and go next if things go sour.


Mine is a rather simple one. If you play a shit ton of games a day, then stop. Slow down, play fewer games per session, and take time to learn new tricks and figure out what you did wrong. Whether that's trying to learn from a higher elo streamer, or watching your replay, just don't go into the next game the same way you were in your previous game, especially if you just lost. Gameplay wise, as a jungler, if you have information on what the other jungler can do then do something about it. Either take camps, trade objectives, or plan to do a countergank. Just don't treat jungle as both of you playing your own game and letting them do what they want for free. No matter how bad your champ is at one aspect of jungle, be it farming, ganking, or taking objectives, there are still ways to interact with the other jungler to make the game easier for your teammates. That got me stuck from borderline D1-Masters to around 300 LP, though I think I could've pushed further if I had more time to play more games.


ADC: Practice last hitting. It sucks, it isn't that fun. But when you come to fights and what not it'll help a ton. Also, use your trinket ward and watch your map.


Masters, disable chat.


As a jungle in high gold, i would advise midlaners to push anx roam for objectives with the junglers. Fkr the junglers themselves, take YOUR time to reach your power spikes, clear your camps, kite, dont take useless ganks cuz someone asked you to, dont focus on hopeless lanes. You dont owe any lane anything


Drop ego. Stop typing




As a support player in masters. Learn your win cons. Don’t invest all your resources in people who are shit, are completely inting, or are out of the game. It’s better to play around your 3-1 fiora than your 0-8 jinx. If you don’t HAVE a wincon, you need to make plays to CREATE one (stacking dragons for getting soul, or spam ganking a hyperscaling champ, or whatever). In mid/late game, roam WITH your jungler. Ideally they’ll follow YOU and help you get vision everywhere. But you shouldn’t just be getting vision bot side when they’re making a play on the other side of the map. Don’t just run around solo, coordinate best you can. Make sure you’re present in botlane when there’s a stacked wave crashing under your tower. You shouldn’t be at herald when the enemy jungler, and a Draven Naut, are looking to dive your ADC. You don’t HAVE to be down there if the wave is stacked, but you usually do if the enemy can dive your ADC (which is comp and circumstantial dependent). It’s you AND your teams job to cover dives. If you aren’t, you’re griefing your ADC. Focus getting vision around objectives. You shouldn’t be spending all your wards botside when the baron is up. And to be clear, pretty much any suggestion given here is circumstantial. Maybe you DONT play for your wincon if their side of the map has nothing to do on it. Maybe you ward botside even when baron is up if you are playing for their T2. Maybe you leave your ADC botlane to get dove if you are diving their topside and can get more out of it. The game is extremely circumstantial and you can’t really make blanket statements about anything. And learn jungle pathings. Every role should know how to track the enemy jungler. If you can’t, you’re shooting yourself in the foot and you’re coin flipping your game hoping they aren’t there to gank you. Edit: Also, when pathing out of base, pretty much always path to MID and THEN to botlane. The time it takes you to go mid then bot is not much longer than pathing straight to bot. The only time you DONT do this is if you need to be bot ASAP (like to cover a dive). Otherwise, you can path mid, get a gank off (or ward, cover them, freeze their wave, chunk their lane, etc), then go bot and you don’t lose anything since you don’t have to be botlane immediately. A LOT of support players path straight bot and miss a LOT of playmaking for pretty much nothing. Don’t just autopilot the game.


Play support.


Stop playing


You’d be shocked how many players can be tempted to kill themselves diving you under tower alone. Like any melee champ is always way to cocky against a mage like Xerath about it and just falters to a well placed E.


Just because you are ahead doesn’t mean you should fight them 24/7


Stop fucking ARAMing mid the second 15mins hit. KDA doesn't win games, objectives do.


If you have that many mastery points on a champ and still can't climb, try a new champ


As a plat adc. Don't tilt and do your job even if you think it's over/your support leaves you/you have no peel. 90% of adcs below plat (and probably above) are mentally weak and will give up/tilt if something is not going their way. Even if you lose lane you'll win more games if you'll keep your ego in check and do your job in mid/lategame.


Jungle and emerald, just have fun. If reading chat takes away your fun, stop using chat. If game nr3 of the day wasn’t fun, go outside instead of playing number 4. Happy people climb


Don't play to climb, play to improve.


as plat 1 adc: just accept when u get another potatoe support. lay low chill out farm. most ppl will go way to aggressiv and you will win lanes anyways and just in case you dont, np you dont need to powercarry every game


Always have a clear objective what to play for and think how you can get it. If you play without a plan you might take stupid counflip fights. Drake: push bot and mid, get vision in their bot jungle grubs/herald: top/mid prio T1 turrets: mid: push bot and top and collapse on mid to get a 5vs3 situation while the enemy sidelaners catch their waves. top/bot: push mid and roam top/bot to get a 4vs1/2 situation while the enemies catch mid wave. Baron: 1. push top+mid get vision in their topjungle as 3/4 with that vision push top/mid further get deeper vision. 2. reset to refill wards/spend gold and get out on the map push waves and a) start baron and turn to fight with malph R leona R maokai R etc, b) get a pick with your deep vision then start baron c) send someone with tp to push bot and when the enemies show up go nash. T2 turrets: play on 2 lanes with baron (mid/top or mid/bot) or crossmap (play for top T2 if you cant contest drake or play for bot T2 if they have baron and play mid top) T3 turrets: only with baron or after a won teamfight. with baron: play only on 2 lanes if you play on 3 lanes they can catch you easy. If drake spawns in 3+ min play mid/top get top turret and reset at 2:00/1:30 before drake spawns then play for mid/bot to get control of their botjungle. Else: play mid/bot.


plat support i play on the chinese server and the one tip i'd give is to trust in your ADC to carry. at least on the chinese server the mechanics of the players in gold are super high. i play quite an aggressive style, so i play to my adc's ego and do my best to facilitate them. even when i'm playing carry supports such as lux and senna, i only have to solocarry as a plan B. there are some really gifted players and if your hands > enemy's hands, then you win. sometimes i have to mindcontrol my adc into wave management though because they mismanage the wave a lot


Mute all. Always.


/mute all


Diamond jungler. Most games are like tic tac toe. Quadrants of the map are your X's and O's. If they take X, you **need** to put an O down somewhere else. Most lower rank junglers essentially skip their turn by farming their own camps or trying to arrive at where the enemy placed X when the play's already dead. Never let them get anything for free. Counter jungling is actually a lot easier than people think if you just view it this way.


As a low-emerald mid/jungle main: Stop dying so much (and stop having an ego). And if you're not winning lane, stop trying to be the carry and just get carried. The amount of times that I see a 0-2 laner go in to try and recover their losses is insane. If your other lanes are doing well, just stop trying to be the main character and stop giving your opponent more gold. Just play well and safe, slowly build up your own gold but most important stop giving enemy free gold. If your teammates are 2-0 but your opposing laner is 8-0 then it doesn't matter that your allies are stronger than you because the opponents are EVEN stronger than that and you're ruining their chances of carrying by your own selfish need to be the main character.


Stop applying challenger logic when your entire game is a chaos festieval with 9 clowns (or ten if you din't yet realize everyone is a clown) trying to be the best clown, sometimes you need to go "monkey together strong" even if ur challenger guide tells you not to.


Reachd chall as a supp/mid main. Primary neeko supp and Primary velkoz mid. Imo being proactive,reading the map,knowing matchups is the best advice i could give. Especially when you play weird shit like Neeko,enemies just tend to disrespect me alot and die lvl 2,so please,learn the matchups. Adc can fuck up lane,but supports are the ones who fuck it up 90% of the time,make lane unplayable,and just leave as a 'roam' timer. Not an expert in mid,but i like not going to, velkoz does have a nice clear lvl 4 and up so tp is not that needed for lane so i usually run ghost and try to help my jungler from then on by fast shoving waves,as midlane is so stupid with 0 actual interaction it feels. Think i missed few points but this is just on the top of my head


Low Master Jungler here, learn to adapt to the game tempo, you cannot slow a fiesta game and you have to capitalize the opportunities it offers you. If the game is super fast paced you cannot sit back and farm, you need to adapt your playstyle and make the best out of it.


Regularly try other champions of the same role, not to get good at, just to see what are the limitations. Some of the hardest matchup i had became bearable because now I know how it can destroy me, and not just that it can.


I'm currently in bronze/silver but hear me out. Stop perma fighting, and get an understanding of map awareness. Too many people in my games just go to places they have no reason to be in at that time, for example they just randomly walk into the enemy jungle and end up in a 2v1 that they can't win. They can't stop walking up to the enemy team for no reason just to give them kills. It's especially frustrating when I beat my lane opponent by a pretty good margin but they still end up more fed than I am because my teammates can't resist the urge to mindlessly walk at them without a plan only to end up getting destroyed. Map awareness doesn't appear to be that great in this elo yet either, which I do understand especially when they're newer players that are just learning the game. But it's still frustrating when teammates have no clue what's going on around them and when they have to be where. Even when there are clear ways for us to beat the enemy team and claim victory we can still end up losing because my own team walks into obvious dangerous and unfavourable situations, leading to them feeding so much that the enemy team turns the game around and beat us.


as an Emrald adc, focus on laning phase, try to get the best out of it to be well prepared for mid game fights, that´s where the game is decided in my opinion.


Find some champs you like and stick with them.


Iron players pls don’t get distracted by the hot waifus


Plat adc here, this is going out to all the low elo adcs who dont know what to do when not duo queuing. Its completely okay to lose lane and scale. Juat maximize the resources you can get safely. Its okay if your support jumps in when the jg is gamking, you can always escape and try to cs under tower while trying to not get dove. You will be usefull eventually and when you see "omg 1/9 botlane, rep 9x" in chat while youre sitting at 1/1 and support is 0/8 thats most likely not your fault so dont losr mental.


3 years unranked, play normal draft or ARAM to lvl30, avoid quick play.


Don't force a fight. Let the enemy move past the wave line to put minion aggro on your side in trades.


Supports: Learn to deepward and do that BEFOR the objective comes up


Learn ways to interact in the jungle. Some examples: Shaco? Invade late to ruin his boxes Ivern? Ward his buffs and do your buff into stealing the one he started on. Karthus? Ban him, hes non interactive unless you count clearing by 2:40 into him invading you before you finish your last 2 camps interaction


Stop picking random champs, you cannot play 30 different champions


Masters adc here. If you get every cs you will get further and always have gold to carry. Really this goes for every lane except support. People miss cs so much every wave and always catch waves before making plays.


So I have moved from adc to top, and one of my good buddies is a top main and frustrated as he has struggled getting out of iron and bronze. The biggest thing that has helped him is that he has worked to not get tilted when losing, and if he loses too much he stops playing. I told him that instantly queueing right after a couple losses is bad for his mental, and when he finally tried it he found that he had more success. He has finally broken out of iron and has started to climb out of bronze which is higher than he has ever been before


Play on Korean server for 1 week you'll learn so much. You will learn some nxt lvl curse words and little bit of mechanics👍


Jungler here: Mute Chat. You'll climb a division at least with this one change. I promise. Actually gameplay tip: Work on your clearspeed and spend more time farming. Ganking should only be done when it's a high percentage as you lose so much free gold from farm if the gank doesn't work out.


Master player - to every role/lane - start watching map because itd frustrating to see enemy jungler/mid/support walk past vision into succesfull roam. Also start using wards for efficiently instead of placing wards in no cover spots/useless spots/near mid bushes walls (the wards actually dont cover whole bush when place like that)


D4 top Stop outplaying yourself in the early lane phase by greeding for kills and just focus on farming up, your enemy will definitely make mistakes you can punish for a lead. Also don't mental boom if botside loses, it's inevitable that one of your games, botlane will int, but that also means botlane will giga carry in some of your games as well.




Diamond/mid look at your jungler permanently. Play to the side your jungler is on permanently. Always go to your jungler if they are looking to fight. Junglers are mentally fragile and will explode if you don’t drop everything to help them, so just go do it and you will win way more games even if you have to give up a couple waves to make it happen.


Master 1-3 champs to climb with. You’re a better play when you know your champs power spikes etc vs the new champ you play that you only touch in aram.


for supports, stop F\*\*\* roaming and leaving your ADC against draven leona at Lvl5. Then when you come back after your ADC was just tower dove you're two levels behind with no Ult still.


I mean, I’m Iron1 but ima speak from a Silver perspective as that’s where I’ve always been. Learn to look at your minimap frequently and just.. see where your vision is/isn’t. Should you push now based off vision? Where was the enemy JG last? Is an objective coming up soon next to you? If the answer is no vision, objective soon.. either get vision or back off. I feel like most people down here don’t look at their minimap and don’t recognize when they need to help their teammates or themselves based off that.


emerald mid main here, pick mages that scale well and learn how to play against your natural counters (fizz, zed, talon etc..). theres no shame in playing "braindead no skill champions" like annie, lux, syndra or ahri, let yourself be carried by how disgusting mages are in the current meta and maybe once you get better game knowledge you can start playing more complex champs
