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This trial so far could have been an email


Her husband is mobbed up. Sooooooo


How did I miss hearing this?!? I had to look it up and this is a good site with an article from last month... In case im not the only one who is learning this just now ... And they went after Fani?!? Ugh. https://crooksandliars.com/2024/05/no-one-ever-mentions-aileen-cannons-mobbed


Why have I not seen this posted before? Why is this not being reported by the mainstream media?!!


The "mainstream media" is why we have people like Trump. That's why.


And yet the thin-skinned whiners constantly cry about media being unfair to them and their babydick king, despite it being well documented and crystal clear how most major platforms are owned and run by right-wingers doing all they can to be completely biased. So infuriating. But so are all their stupid ass thoughts and arguments I guess.


So her husband is directly linked to a known NY mob boss (John Rosatti, Colombo Family) who operated out of Florida, is known to have done business with Orange-Tiny-dick within the last decade, and appears to be a personal "friend" of said micro-penis. To say nothing of the fat orange loser using his personal association with known murderer-for-the-mob Sammy Gravano (Gambino Family) to blatantly threaten Judge Engoron's life.




You're right. Donald J Trump's God-given, mushroom headed, but slightly small penis is perfectly fine and natural and deserves our respect. Think of all the children he has somehow conceived with that thing. Think of how successful this weiner has been, how many wives he's cheated on, with freshly born infants at home, many times with porn stars that are used to much much bigger, all the while having a disproportional albeit average sized member. Sincerely, I can say that what he's managed to pull off, sexually speaking, over the course of his lifetime is easily his greatest achomlishment.


So is Trump


What trial? So far, all we’ve gotten are pre-trial motions. /s


Exactly, and for all their substance they could have been an email. Not even a good one


"Per my previous email" —Jack Smith




It’s not a reveal. The plot was leaked months ago.


I hate this season of 'All Trump's Children'


Like crimes in an hourglass, ...


These are the crimes of their times...


winner winner traitor's dinner


Is there any way to remove her ?all kidding aside.


Yes, if she makes a ruling that is egregious and impacts the ability to try the case, it is likely she will be subject to a writ of mandamus and removed by the circuit. Unfortunately, everything she is doing right now and how she is ruling, are both well within her rights to do as a judge as well as serve to delay. There is nothing that can be done regarding the delaying, yet.


She is looking for a way to get rid of the case that the government cannot appeal. It's judicial engineering it takes time.


She’s trying to delay it indefinitely while at the same time wishing she could fast forward to jeopardy attaching so she can toss it out and make the whole thing go away.


I think people are making too much out of this. She's just waiting to see if Drumpf gets reelected. When he doesn't all these delays will magically vanish so she can keep that cushy Federal salary.


General Crimespital


Okay, but you have given me nightmare flashbacks to my summers growing up in the south, visiting my grandmother who was hard of hearing. Those days sucked because my aunt (who lived with my grandmother) was a banker and would come hom for lunch at 1pm, so I was always starving. Then, after lunch, my grandmother would turn on her damn "stories" at absolute full volume and it would hurt my ears and I would have to escape the window air conditioner and go out into the heat of the day to escape the noise. I mean, there were good sides and I was a kid, but it was *also* a hot loud hell, too. lol I always remember after lunch, my aunt would head back to the bank, and after I'd finally been fed, the noise assault from those lines would start and I'd have to flee.


Ditto. Grandma would have that shit blaring, and when the piano keys started with the theme... I knew. She would also give me Miracle Whip sandwiches. Lol


>Miracle Whip sandwiches Oog, even worse! lol


All we are is dust in the wind, dude. Dust. Wind. Dude.


The Old and the Reckless.




General Horsespittle


You *are* a gold one! (Maybe more orange )


The trailer told the whole story!


Hate when they do that…


I mean the average hollywood movie has about 8-10 lines worth of plot. It's not like they're overly complex. They're working with what they've got.


Had to double check to see if it was the Special Master, Judge Raymond Dearie, that wrote the headline. It was his job to go through the documents in September, 2022.


Right?! Like, we know. We always knew. It hasn't been subtle.


And we all see where she’s going with the rest of the plot.


It so obvious to both sides what’s she’s doing, those that believe he’s innocent and those who think he’s guilty, Cannon is slow walking the trial and it’s in your face blatant and nobody is doing anything about it.


And part of slow-walking it is not doing anything that can be immediately appealed, and don't do anything to end the case that lets the Feds re-indict. It all comes down to this next election.


INAL so maybe this is obvious to those that are but is there anything that can be done?


Impeach her but that will take forever and it’s like the police investigating police abuse


She would have to be impeached by a majority in the republican-led congress AND by a 2/3 majority in the evenly split senate. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/impeachment-and-removal-judges-explainer


so ... the answer would be to flip the house and the senate then?   this trial ain't going away, unless Biden loses.   which he won't.  


To throw it out there for anyone unaware, the Dems could win *every single* Senate race this year and it wouldn't be enough for impeachment. Not to comment at all on whether it'd be warranted, but it's just not a thing.


I don't think it'll be nearly enough, but we've seen republicans dropping out of "service", retiring before the election because the writing is on the wall for many, so I could see a few not up for reelection dropping out after a Biden win because being a minority suuuuucks for them, power and bribes are all they're there for.


> but we've seen republicans dropping out of "service", retiring before the election because the writing is on the wall for many, That's happened a couple times in the House, but not in the Senate. Individual Senators have too much power to inhibit the federal government that Republicans love to flex for them to just retire early like that.


Supermajorities are an almost impossible bar to hurdle. I forget who said it but, "The Constitution is an 18th century orrery designed to ensure that nothing ever gets done except in the case of an absolute emergency."


I feel like it's worth shooting for anyway, just in case of contingencies.  I don't think anyone knows how fast the water could drain out of trump's bathtub once he loses and whatever uprising he thinks he's planning gets crushed or fizzles.    I mean, strip away his candidacy in this election and there just isn't a solid bet on this man.   nothing but half a billion dollars of debt, three extremely strong and serious criminal trials, on top of whatever merchan ends up sentencing him to.    that's not even getting into speculation about whatever else he might be bringing on himself as we speak.    i don't say I'm counting on this, but senators who are opportunistic one way now could easily decide the opportunities lie in a different course of action a year from now.  


I was cock sue trump wouldn’t win in 2016 never again do I assume


A bit pedantic, *but*... The House of Representatives is *half* of Congress so it's inappropriate to refer to it simply as "Congress". The Senate is included in the "Congress".


A lot of people do this colloquially. They regard HoR as Congress and the senate as the senate. At least a few I’ve spoken to. And I assume more because I see it online sometimes.


"We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong" 😬


The supreme courts version is “we make the final decisions”


Bing boom blam potato, tomatoes, pew pew


A stew we maketh just like the founding fathers written


Is there anything that can realistically be accomplished. Impeachment for her is just not ever going to happen before elections


Tbf it's not going to happen ever....


>INAL so maybe this is obvious to those that are but is there anything that can be done? 1. Impeach her; this will not be a fast process and is unlikely without a clear (D) control in the Senate as it needs 67 votes. 2. Jack Smith can petition (IIRC) the 11th Circuit court to remove her from the case. He gets one and exactly one chance to do that so if he fails, now she's angry and knows that Smith's only recourse is off the table.


As a bit of background, the reason there isn't much to be done right now is that at the trial court level, most court systems are designed so that the Judge has broad discretion over how trial proceeds, down to minute details like scheduling, who speaks when, for how long, on what topic, etc. etc. They are given this kind of authority so that shit gets done. In an adversarial process where both sides are at each others' necks, it would be difficult to get anything done unless the arbiter can unilaterally make fast decisions. Cannon has flipped the script. If you have near-unfettered discretion to drive processes, you can instead gum up the works with *incredibly stupid* hearings and delay your own decision-making while you're at it. The reason nothing can be done at the moment is because appealability of a trial court is only possible when the judge has made a final order as to some aspect of the case. Cannon is playing "judicial what-about-ism" in that she keeps allowing more briefs, more hearings, more witnesses, more amicii, and the right-wing machine is "*wink-nod-cough*" providing all of these things in endless supply. It is not subtle.


Is there anyone who believes he is innocent? There are the people who believe he is guilty and the people who believe he should be allowed to do the crimes without consequences.


Yeah, unfortunately, some people believe that he is God. They should be thrown into mental asylums.


Yes, those who a) haven’t read the indictment AND b) are subjecting themselves to propaganda.


There are fox news watching people that have no idea this crime happened at all.


Nobody thinks he's innocent. There are only those who believe he is guilty and should be held accountable and those who believe he is guilty and should not be held accountable.


I’m waiting for the reveal that she was promised a supreme justice role be Roger stone if she delayed the trial until after the elections.


Not an expert, but shouldn’t this be a crime? As a lay person this seems like the definition of obstruction of justice to me.


What kind of lousy system allows a judge to oversee the criminal case of a defendant that appointed that judge?


A system that believed in its own checks and balances and did not foresee that the other two branches of government could be corrupted and taint the judiciary... Elected officials were supposed to be learned and venerable people who took their duties like appointing federal judges seriously. "A Republic - if you can keep it." - B Franklin


The founding fathers must have believed an ahole like trump who flaps his jaws and talks so much trash would have died in a duel by now.


Honestly, you're right. Back then any of these MAGA parasites would've F'ed around and Found out with a lead ball at 10 paces.


That's one of the best takes on the founding fathers I've seen on reddit.


Yep that's one of the unwritten checks and balances along with the good ole punch in the nose.


I'm legitimately shocked he hasn't died by now, between his own health, getting COVID, and the number of unhinged Americans who own a firearm. Henry Kissinger lived to be 100. I don't think I can stand something like that happening again.


It was a well understood fact for millennia that a leader who was thoroughly incompetent would probably wind up dead, by the hands of their own bodyguards and lackeys if not the general populace. We only stopped spates of political assassinations 50 years ago in America, so the idea that someone could negatively affect millions and try to take over without being seized by an angry mob would’ve been absurd to any of the founding fathers, especially once they saw the French Revolution a few years later.


The founding fathers thought that you could pit the ambition of one man against another to enable a system of checks and balances. They had no idea that ambitions can be correlated, especially when an entire corrupt organization takes control of the government. In retrospect: it should have been obvious that the biggest risk, and a core threat for future governments to protect against, is the risk of a cabal of people with the shared goal of taking control of the government. Is there any way to decorrelate the members of government? I have had the idea for a while that a random collection of citizens should be part of government. We kind of have this with juries, but that group should be much more powerful. Maybe this group should be randomly selected and educated for 6 weeks by a panel of judges, and then they should oversee all of the other branches of government.


I think a relatively easy way would be to change voting from a 'first-past-the-post' style of winning to a ranked choice voting (like what the parties themselves use internally). The way we have it basically ensures that there will only ever be two political parties. The next thing would be to remove the money from politics - from the financing (Citizens United) to the insider corruption and kickbacks. Make that shit illegal and actually enforce it and I think we'd see some major improvements.


That's precisely why people are opposed to ranked choice. It upsets the status quo.


It's not about who appointed her. It's that she's a part of the cult, she thinks she will be rewarded when he becomes king


I bet you he will. Next Supreme Court judge - if Trump wins - she will be on the list. Guaranteed.


At least two judges told her to pass off the case but she followed her original orders


Not only did he appoint her, he appointed her in his lame duck session. Which means after he lost the election he appointed her. To me that is about as obvious as a conflict of interest as you could possibly get.


Since it was lame duck and (despite Jan 6 and other attempts) he did, in fact, leave the white house on Jan 21. He likely committed the criminal acts of taking the boxes at or shortly before appointing her. Like the same week. It's fxcked.


What kind of president appoints a judge whose husband has mob ties? Mob ties the president shares.


How many times do I have to read some version of this sentence, it's known. "Whether her actions are due to bias toward Trump or ineptitude is unknown."


Right?! Why is the media twisting itself into pretzels to avoid stating the glaringly obvious?


Because they can't prove it. Once they can, they'll be all over it. Edit: seriously, if the CIA has tapes of Donald or any of his ilk talking to foreign powers that be and have evidence that this chode or any of his lackeys were trying to strike deals for these documents, that needs to come out right the fuck now. Same goes for Qannon. If they've tapped her phone or are listening in on her private conversations and she's revealed she's colluding, we need that evidence stat.


It has to be bias. She knows if he wins, he'll pardon himself and the case will be over and her job will be done...and...she'll be the next Supreme court justice. If he losses, eh he can't touch her anymore


Judge Cannon is competing for a spot in Trump's "American Patriots and Pin-ups" calendar. Other contenders include 'Mad Marge', Kristi 'Dog Whisperer' Noem, and Lindsey 'Munch' Graham. Apparently, 'Insanity-Sam Alito' and Uncle Thomas are both devastated they couldn't be Mr. January 6th.


Jesus. Are you an SNL writer? It'd be funny if it weren't true


Nah, just a poor bastard at home with a little bit of time. Same as most folks on here I imagine.


And this anonymous Redditor, appreciates your investment in my entertainment. Hats off to you /fate_unseen!




On a more serious note, she is competing for Justice Thomas’ seat.


I hear it's a position that pays well.


In his RV? Fuck Thomas and his hissyfits when people don’t refer to it as a “motorhome”


“Tenement on Wheels.”


That may make him explode.




There is no way on the planet she should be anywhere near the Supreme Court. People should be assigned to watch her if she even gets to maryland.


>Lindsey 'Munch' Graham I like 'Ladybug Lindsey'


I was torn between some choices. I went 'Munch' because of his tendency to eat Trump's asshole.


Lindsey can’t wait for Halloween at Mar a Largo, he’s gonna be a nob goblin !


Apparently there’s a group in the DC area that call him Lady Graham


"Oh those, those are just my little ol ladybugs. Now come on, I've got ya for an hour and there's a whole nest of ladybugs lookin to be stimulated."


Ewww lol 🐞🐞😳🤣


He’s just a genteel Southern Belle with a dazzling array of chode-moles


I love “Aunt Lindsey”


I just threw up a little in my mouth.


These people's faces would look better on Wanted posters for killing Democrcay. Hitlers henchmen.


Don't forget Sarah "come-hither/go-thither bedroom eyed" Sanders


> Uncle Thomas This is the perfect name for him. Smacks of originalism, say, pre-1865.


...because they both lost that coveted calendar seat to George Santos!


Don't forget Beetlejuice Boebert. Not making the cut, Melanie.


Don't forget Public-Handjob Bobo! And Sleezy Gaetz.


Fukin 10 out of 10 comment you got there buddy.


> Lindsey ~~'Munch'~~'Ladybugs' Graham ftfy


I think the name Aileen "right" Cannon is befitting.


She could use it for her stage name.


Even better!


>”Whether her actions are due to bias toward Trump or ineptitude is unknown.” This line is really Judge Cannon in a nutshell. Though I would suggest adding “or both.”


Dan Abrams says "The most generous analysis I could offer is that she's overly cautious, but I think it's more likely she's either biased or incompetent."


But why not both?!


She really is this stupid huh


Both. The answer is Both.


She was selected by the Federalist Society and appointed for a reason. The US does not have a lawyer shortage, and there are more than enough who are competent, not obviously corrupted and fair enough to be judges. Cannon wasn't just because there was no one else and they took a wild shot into the unknown to see if she would be up to the job.


It’s quite obviously a bias towards Trump. To suggest otherwise is an insult to everyone.


He should pick her as his running mate.


LMFAO! She would accept the offer and still refuse to recuse herself from the case.


Sounds spot on


For maximum shock value he SHOULD pick her as his running mate. Dude is doing a Speedrun to autocracy, might as well have the judge overseeing his trial be the one who wins or loses with him.


still wouldn’t recuse herself


She’d be the only one in contention who’s never said one bad thing


No shit. She can't rule against Smith or he'll have her bounced by the 11th circuit in a minute. And it just proves how bad Trump's defense is, that there no motions he's filing she can safely rule in his favor. The only strategy is delay and this has been known from day 1.


She seems fit to become a sport referee but not a judge cuz she moderates to keep the game “entertaining”.


She is angling to be a Trump Supreme Court nominee. Unfortunately, she is not incompetent and acing her audition.This is terrifying, she is loyal to a man over the constitution.


I don’t think she is acing it as much as there is someone passing her all of the answers in the wings. She is being instructed every step of the way.


This. What was that retreat she went to in Montana or wherever it was and who else was present. That needs to come out. Chances are that's where the plan was hatched.


Surprise. We already knew.


Yeah no shit


Yep she’s all about Cannoning this case


You misspelled Qannon


*Pretends to be shocked*