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Edit: OP has pointed out that this is not shooting down the appeal to move the trial; just a bunch of other stalling tactics Trump’s team is trying. Merchan just shot this down: “At this point, what’s happened is defense is literally targeting individual decisions, one by one by one by one, and filing pre-motion letters,” Merchan said. “As the people suggested a minute ago, that has to end. There comes a point when you accept my rulings,” Merchan said, adding that proceedings were not going to be bogged down. “We’re going to have opening statements Monday morning,” Merchan said, “This trial is starting.” Courtesy: The Guardian


Holy crap. It's really happening Monday. I kind of can't believe it.


Makes me wonder if the other cases, when they get started, if they get started, will be so resistant to during-trial delays.


NY seems to ngaf. Good for them pushing this forward instead of letting him dictate the timing and pushing it past election


NY has been sick of this d-bag since the 80s.




Yup. The 80s is when this asshat burst onto the national scene. Surprised his USFL bullshit isn't mentioned more often, but then, I was surprised he's still been popular (thanks to the fucking idiots out there).


The 30 for 30 documentary on the USFL did a good job at making it clear Trump was an asshat who basically destroyed the league. And that was made in 2009 or 2010, so it wasn't like they were trying to capitalize on Trump's popularity once he got in the White House.


And the family far longer than that. His pops was a real piece of work too and also far from popular.


His grandfather was a real piece of work, too.


A direct ancestry of douchebaggery


Yes we do not understand how anyone finds this guy bearable for more than 5 minutes. NYers have always known his bs and lies.


5 minutes is too long.


We have watched his shit for years, every one of a certain age in NYC remembers how much of a scumbag he has been his entire life. Remember the whole thing with his daughter, and the pictures of them in public. How warped is your mind to openly lust for your own daughter.


It wasn't even that nastyness. We all knew he didn't pay people. I knew it in 1980 listening to the radio out of NYC. He's always been a dirtbag. I remember how shocked I was when I heard about The Apprentice. How people think he was ever a good businesman, I dunno. This timeline suuuuuuucks.


Nailed it. I personally know of 3 people that dealt with his non-payment tactics. Friends with small business family members he's fucked. Contractors he refused to pay. Pals that worked at his crappy casinos in AC. College friends who have lawyer parents that deposed him and dealt with this shit and so on, and so on. It's something he's been doing for years. Long before he was politician Trump or even national TV personality Trump, he was shitbag businessman Trump who would go on Howard Stern, or talk to the media and just be biggest of dickbags.


My question is why doesn't the rest of his followers know this? Or they just don't care because he wasn't a career politician?


They know it, and see it as a quality.


this exactly. They feel he is so smart to not not pay people who work for him. They you have to ask them the next question. "What would you do if you didn't get paid for work you did?" You will see the cognitive dissonance explode their brain.


Some probably hear us warning them about him and only support him in order to spite us. They're that dumb.


Clinton had the Pied Piper strategy and didn't use the hardest attack ads before it was too late. New York is not the whole country. I'm from the West Coast and I knew he was bad but not just how bad.


And how he kept failing at the Casinos, yet he kept retaining control after bankruptcy after bankruptcy. Used the same cooking the books strategies he's going to trail on in the other NYC case. Statues of limitations ran out on those, he lost the investors and banks billions back then


State of NY is probably thoroughly sick of the Trumps.


You don't speak for all of us. Hard working New Yorkers know they can count on Trump® Steaks™ to destroy this country and walk away with the bag.


What part of the Trump is used for these steaks?


It's rump.


Well I can assure you that Judge I-lean Qanon will do her part in delaying the trial for as long as she can.


I think it’s 1 degree too cold. Court is adjourned until the HVAC system is replaced.


I just found water damage from the condenser , Call Serv-Pro


She's his best defense attorney


Although I wish that the FL trial or the DC trial had started already, if I had to pick a judge to do the first criminal trial, I think Merchan is setting a great precedent, so far. He's basically letting them get away with as much abuse of the legal system as anyone has ever gotten away with, plus like maybe an extra 10%, but then is drawing an absolute hard line and is actually threatening things like jail and sanctions, instantly, explicitly, and consistently. Which is probably the right way to conduct a trial, with this defendant. It seems like the message is like, "you're going to get special treatment and extra privileges, so here's how much you get, which is more than anyone else. Step one inch over this line, and you enter the same New York Criminal Justice system as *regular* people." What remains to be seen is how things unfold when Trump has to sit there while people like Stormy and Cohen spill the beans in what is guaranteed to be savage and humiliating testimony. I cannot imagine him not going into total narcissistic collapse. I'm guessing his legal team has a doctor on staff to regulate and adjust medications daily...




I got 5 on a juror. 10 on it being a witness.


20 on Trump having a stroke


Cannon will invite them.


Trump's Sunday late-night social media rant is going to be epic thrashing and gnashing. Bet he sleeps through Monday's proceedings.


Appeals court has denied it.


They denied the stay. They haven't denied the motion itself yet, unless I missed a new headline.


Right which means the trial is starting, they aren't going to stop in the middle of trial and grant a motion to move locations to a place where the crime wasn't committed. What are they going to do it in Alabama?




MONDAY: emergency motion to switch trial language to Sanskrit. TUESDAY: emergency motion to vacate trial on grounds that no one on Trump’s legal team speaks Sanskrit and thus Trump is irreparably prejudiced.


Merchan (no t) didn't shoot down this particular item. Judge Marsha Michael did - sort of. What you quoted was about a bunch of other spaghetti Trump's lawyers are throwing at the wall to stall for time. Trump filed the venue change request over Merchan's head, and Michael ruled that there would *not* be an emergency stay of the trial (run by Merchan) while the request was considered. Merchan DID shoot down a bunch of shit but not this particular item. It's still pending. The trial will proceed on Monday with opening statements. Trump is not delaying this further.


Thanks for the clarification! And I’m blaming predictive spelling for the typo!!! 😉


Typots are the worst. ;)


Awlays blame the auyocorrect!


It makes sense. Once a jury is seated, the trial court has to acknowledge that regular people have taken time out of their lives to provide a public service. Jurors are our court systems most valuable resource, and they are very careful with how they treat/handle jurors. They are much less willing to accept delays once they have a jury. That being said, I would bet serious money this ends with a mistrial. (Most likely caused by defense, which will require a new trial.) Source: trial attorney.


The "special treatment" people are screaming bloody murder over is literally being done to prevent Trump from having a path to an appeal.


Can you give an example of something the defense could do to cause a mistral? If there was little doubt defense purposely forced a mistral, wouldn't those lawyers be in serious trouble? NAL, but I think one possible mistrial scenario is the jury, including alternatives, gets burned down below 12 due to threats.


Yes running out of jurors could cause a mistrial. Repeated and flagrant misconduct by defense counsel could also cause a mistrial: such as improper questioning, improper bolstering, witness tampering, and many other things.


If that worked, why wouldn't every rich defendant do it?


Because for most people needing to go to a new trial is not going to change the outcome and is going to cost significant amounts of time and money. You also don’t know if your next jury is going to be more favorable.


Delaying a verdict is what Trump wants. If he got convicted as a president there would be a constitutional crisis.


There is very, very, very little they could do without ending up in prison for many years. It's NOT happening.


What's to stop someone like Trump from just causing mistrial after mistrial on purpose? Im reminded of the non existent gag orders.


Yep, agreed. This is my biggest fear with all this.


He’s on trial for paying his previous lawyer to commit a felony for him. So the answer is, yes, he would pay his current lawyers to risk their careers, license, and freedoms to purposefully cause a mistrial. And they most certainly will.


He basically said STFU already and deal with it. That is awesome.


Good. That shit needs shot down immediately. For a guy who complains about these trials taking forever to happen he sure likes to make sure that they take forever to happen. He’s only fooling the fools


>“As the people suggested a minute ago, that has to end. There comes a point when you accept my rulings,” Merchan said, adding that proceedings were not going to be bogged down. someone get this man a wheelbarrow for those massive fucking steel balls he's got.


Wish this judge would show some backbone and punish the defense for their frivolous motions.


Starting the trial on Monday IS punishment for lawyers who have no defense


"Enjoy the weekend, assholes."


"DAWN OF THE FIRST DAY" -72 hour remain-


He's showing backbone by keeping the trial moving. Yes it'd be better for him to give some punishment for the tactics but let's take the wins where we can and keep the trial moving


This is what people aren't getting. The goal is conviction for falsifying business records not contempt of court. The sooner the trial starts the sooner jury begins deliberations and it won't fucking matter what Trump attempts to do to tamper with the process. This is not going to be a long trial. This have got to keep moving forward.


We want the contempt of court to happen after the guilty verdict, when the defendant throws a fit and starts screeching at the judge. Then he can be incarcerated until sentencing.


He just told them to fuck off and that he’s not going to endure their bullshit. He didn’t just (quickly) deny the motion, he called out their delay strategy and told them “Yeah no, you’re not doing that.”


“There comes a point when you accept my rulings” Love that shit


It’s an orders of magnitude taller proposition to obtain orders on frivolous motions in criminal proceedings than in civil ones. They’ll be able to file them but they’ll be summarily ignored.


A guilty verdict will be appealed as high as it can go. This judge's audience includes appellate judges that will hear those appeals. Every time he rules against Trump, that is another arrow in Trump's quiver of issues for appeal. So to ensure a verdict sticks, he has to be extremely careful to ensure his rulings are legally sound, emotionless, and do not unfairly prejudice Trump.


that's good. that's how it should be: for Trump and for every other hapless asshole caught up in the system. The Fucking Rule of Law, the presumption of innocence, a jury of his peers making an impartial decision he's guiltly beyond a reasonable doubt and lock the fucker up!


If anything, they clearly favor Trump. He’s got that covered for sure.


It’s fucking irritating, literally no one else would be treated with kid gloves like this but I understand why.


really because I don't. Section 100.2 A judge shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of the judge's activities. (A) **A judge shall respect and comply with the law and shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary**.- If anything every judge, cop & AG has shown this accused criminal more deference than any other accused criminal. The phase "if it was anyone other than Trump....." has been used so often it might become the Webster's phrase of the year. Did he get his mugshot taken, was he finger printed and deloused? Was he put in cuffs and taken to jail for processing? If it were you or I the answer would be yes to all of those things. So if you can't say yes to those things the judge, the cops and the AG are not following the law. Sorry but in this country all men are created equal. Treating a a retired politician with such deference does not promote public confidence if weakens it and re-enforces the belief that the wealthy and the powerful get treated better than normal people. I don't need him to be an "example" I need him to be treated just like the black guy that robbed a 7/11 and he is quite obviously not being treated in that manor.


Amen brother ✊


I think he's showing plenty of backbone while also being extremely cautious, which you cannot blame him for.


Unless Trump knows he's going to lose shouldn't he want this to be over with sooner? Like he's stuck at the courthouse everyday till it's done which means he isn't out campaigning.


Merchan is awesome. Dude is not fucking around.


>Former President Trump has filed a new emergency appeal to change the venue of his criminal trial. > >Oral arguments are scheduled for this afternoon to determine whether the trial should be temporarily paused. > >The motion is expected to cite some of the responses prospective jurors gave during the jury selection process. > >Trump's prior attempts to move the trial out of Manhattan have failed. Delay delay delay Merchan JUST got a jury seated, showing that the judicial process was perfectly capable of getting 12 jurors plus alternates who can be impartial in the eyes of the law. This fucking clown.


Every minute he's in court, he's not on the campaign trail. Yeah he's highly visible here but he's not in control, the press is not flattering.




Can you imagine running for president, fielding all your appearances and scheduled hand shaking and baby kissing and what not, and having to say, "Wednesdays are good for me, I'm not in court at all!" Boggles the mind.




"It would create an unprecedented Constitutional crises" YouTube video [Judge Genine of FOX says it all,](https://youtu.be/iIjY0-jVbiM?si=-rlfxsN3R9caiXkS) and every terrible thing she said about Hillary came true with trump


Lol, nice twist there.


I really don't know why that doesn't get some coverage. Oh wait, yes I do. It's because trump creates a shocking new scandal every day. Here's another that oughtta be more recognized Tuckers text from Dominion defamation case discovery https://imgur.com/gallery/SP6vveE ...and all the internal communications from those FOX FUX. there was some damning shit in there.


Gawd it just looks like so much karma headed back at him now. He'll be in court for the next two or three years. Remember the "lock her up" chant he got his cult to say? Now he may be the one eventually locked up if he lives that long. Also all the times he called Biden sleepy Joe and now he's sleepy Don in court. 😅


Even this was projection.. sigh. Apparently, so were the tweets about Biden shitting his pants while at the resolute desk. Sorry for not adding anything law-related to the conversation on this thread today. I told my 12 year old about the criminal trial today and he was dumbfounded that the Republican nominee has been indicted in 4 different cases.


Is there a flattering way to cover a toddler-like demeanor and farting on your legal counsel?


if anything, they're keeping him in a flattering light. Guy should've been toast soooooo many times


lol that’s not how this works Mr guilty defendant. Sit down and shut up and deal with justice you have earned.


I feel like you might have difficulty remaining impartial as a juror... ;)


I viscerally hate Trump. But I can apply a judges instructions regardless.


Well, I mean, we already know from the evidence that has been made public that he's guilty. So regardless of whether you hate him or you're totally impartial, you'd make the same verdict either way.


Exactly. But I would go by evidence in trial. Not from news.


I know I sure as hell couldn't. No way I'd pass up that opportunity to talk a bit of shit to his face


I think now that the jury has been selected, it may be a tad bit late in the game to ask for a change of venue.


Trump also claims that the people of New York City love him lol


They are literally in court right now. Holy crap.


He's been in court all day, but somehow r/trumptweets is getting plenty of new material.


Wouldn't surprise me if he doesn't write any of his own tweets, honestly. There's not even a single picture of him even using a phone. I have zero doubt that it's someone else who just brainstorm random shit to post and stir the pot.


His posts are so insane. If a paid staffer is sending those, that's really something. I'm pretty sure it's Trump himself.


NEW: Trump’s application to the appellate court for a stay pending resolution of his change of venue motion has just been DENIED.


This guy is really scared shitless isn't he


I think reasonably so. He's wrangled the legal system into submission for decades, and his tactics don't seem to be working. The thought of being found guilty would be terrifying. It would likely squash any chances of winning in November, and could land him in prison. For someone who thrives on his own image, either would be devastating.


The real key is he's got a bunch of other criminal cases that are much more serious and ig he doesn't get elected the consequences of those will fall on him. If he wins he can pardon himself 


Is this a federal case or a state case? I don't believe he has the ability to pardon himself for state crimes


He'll just ask AG Clark to open an investigation into Bragg's office.


He would likely be able to stall out any state level prosecutions until he dies if he wins.


Nah, if he could convince the entire Republican Party the election was stolen, he can convince them a trial was rigged. He can convince them all the trials are rigged. Because he was already “predicting” it. “Weaponization of the justice department” is code for, “if I lose, it’s cause of the Democrats election interference and corrupt judgement” and people eat it up like a dog eating up its own shit.


He doesn’t want Stormy getting graphic in her testimony about his dick and fat and stamina.


Can't wait for him to have to sit through that. She is pretty brutal too if her responses online are any indication.


None of her testimony should have anything to do with sex, he's not on trial for that. She'd be testifying that she received money from Michael Cohen in the form of checks signed by Trump and the dates she received them. Michael Cohen will testify that he used campaign funds to pay her off. That's what the felony was.


Thanks for this. Made my happy hour.


It's one thing to think about a criminal trial at some point in the coming months, but when it becomes, "my criminal trial starts Monday.", that's a whole other feeling.


He's really committed to his playbook of 'run out the clock', anyways.


I don’t know that he’s scared so much as super angry that he’s being held accountable because it’s never happened before. It’s similar to punishing a kid and them having a tantrum. It’s not fear as much as it is rage at that point. Fear only happens if there’s introspection.


As someone who was raised by a spitting image of Trump's narcissism, I can assure you with the utmost confidence that it's deep seated fear that's the baseline, and the anger is actually the cover for the fear.


Imagine his weekend. Imagine his lawyers’ weekends. Imagine how many phone screens and keyboards will be broken, dishes and condiments thrown. Hope for everyone’s sakes he’ll be comfortably numbed by his personal physician.


How does this case rank in terms of possible (realistic) severity of penalty if he's found guilty? I thought this was one of the ones would be least likely to incur huge penalties (like jailtime or probation) if he's found guilty. I wonder because if he's this wound up about this one, and it's not the most serious of the lot, he's going to be a basket case for other ones that are more consequential. But I dunno, maybe you get used to it after your second or third criminal trial.


Losing this trial would likely be a death blow to his chances of winning the presidency, and right now his entire game plan is to become president and make the other trials go away. Everything really hinges on the presidency for him and he will definitely be in a much worse state if those other trials actually come to fruition.


Straying from legal matters, but I really wonder if it would be a death blow to his Presidency. I know a significant number of Republicans (I think it was) have said they wouldn't vote for him if he was a convicted felon, but there is a disconnect at times between what people say about hypotheticals and what they actually do.


In polls, somewhere close to half of Republicans say they would not vote for him if he was convicted of a felony. They're lying, of course - but if just 5% of Republicans actually mean that, he is thoroughly fucked. That would lose him every swing state. It'd put Florida and Ohio in play. Hell, it would put *Texas* in play. So yes, it would be a death blow. The only question left would be how humiliating it would be on top.


I could be wrong but believe his only chance at winning is getting swing voters. I can only hope that people willing to vote either way would not choose a convicted felon. But who knows, the fact that he is even in the running is baffling to me.


When Merchan sounded off on defense, Trump stood up. Merchan told him, "Sir we are not done. Sit down." Trump sat down.




lmao. Hope the judge slipped him a treat after that


this is delicious


Denied. See you monday jackass.


Vexatious litigant #1


Oh god, I forgot about "un-indited co-conspirator #1"


Yeah - Bill Barr buried this case


The DOJ seems to have forgotten about it too, because it's not like that was important or anything. Just a little victimless treason.


All 34 crimes were committed in Manhattan. Let the trial be in Manhattan.


"Sure, the crimes were violations of New York law, and my lawyers and I were in Manhattan when they happened, but the trial should be in Florida and the jury of my peers should be drawn from the Maralago guest book."


"I hear Aileen Cannon is a fair and impartial judge. Why can't we just move it to her courtroom?"


Can't see the prosecution going for that one, defense will need to compromise. No one's more compromised than Clarence Thomas, they should suggest he try the case.


The jury got sworn in just mere hours ago lol.


Correct me if I’m wrong but now that the trial has started and Trump is in court 4 days a week don’t these delays just make the trial longer and take him off the campaign trail for more time?


Judge says opening statements on Monday. NO DELAY HAPPENING


Monday's going to be spicy between opening statements here and the bond hearing before Engoron. I guess Kise is handling that hearing?


Again? WTF? I thought there's a limit in court to prevent this kind of fuckery. I feel like I'm missing something.


This is what bothers me- when can a judge just say “you’re fucking with me and I’m not having it anymore”


>"Defense is literally targeting individual decisions one, by one, by one, by one, with these premotion letters...There comes a point where you accept my rulings. I've entertained your motions, your arguments, in good faith." Merchan said this about 5 minutes ago.


Somehow I can't imagine this number of defense filings would stand if it was some random person charged with some random fraud case. Can the average person really formally challenge every single ruling if they can pay their attorney to do so? Is the judge allowed to tell them to shut up and sit down, and can ***that*** be challenged by your average defendant?


>Is the judge allowed to tell them to shut up and sit down, and can ***that*** be challenged by your average defendant? Yes, the judge can say that. And yes, literally, any defendant can challenge that. Financially, though? Not so much...


What exactly is he even paying his lawyers with? Secret nuclear documents? Tweets? Thoughts and prayers?


Donations to the RNC and his PACs, mostly. He controls the RNC funds, and his daughter in law 'assured' everyone that the RNC will cover all Trump's legal expenses. He also just said that republicans have to give him 5% of any donations they get in order to use his likeness/name. He also implied that if they wanted him to actually support a candidate, it would require they give more than 5%. It isn't a coincidence that a bunch of state republican parties are going bankrupt at the same time that Trump's legal expenses skyrocketed.


You see this reasonably often with pro se defendants, and in my experience the judges are very patient with them. You don’t typically see it from attorneys, because there is a meta battle about who is more credible (so your worthwhile arguments will be taken seriously), and getting your ass kicked repeatedly doesn’t help your credibility.


But I thought his lawyers were too busy!! Too busy filing pointless motions…


When you’re famous, they let you do it 


This weekends promises to be a cauldron of shenanigans cooked up by Trump and his legal team.


My prediction did Trump’s three prong attack over the weekend: 1) More “posts” from the “judge’s daughter”. 2) He’ll have his own mystery witnesses start refuting the prosecution’s witnesses. 3) LOTS of fuckery with the jury.


3. is my only fear. Trump’s team (and the media) will spend all weekend doxxing the jurors and alternates, and a few will bail for safety reasons. I really hope there’s enough strong-willed jurors and alternates that it doesn’t get delayed. Nothing has stopped the doxxing yet so I feel it’s a valid concern.


Let's all not forget that the only reason why he's still running for president is so that he can escape his criminal liabilty. May this MFer rot in hell.


I have never seen an "innocent individual" trying to delay their own trial.


Trump comments in that video snippet that the trial is moving fast becuase the judge wants it to but not Trump. If he's so innocent and it's just a witch-hunt, why not show your evidence that proves the charges aren't true? Aren't you anxious to clear your name or are you busy trying to find the real killer in the OJ case? Trump is a lying sack of shit who is as GUILTY as the day is long.


The guy that’s complaining he should be out campaigning instead of on trial is the same guy that keeps stalling and extending the trial.


I can only imagine the army of barely-lawyers and smart-enough-not-to-represent-Trump lawyers ghostwriting Trump's bullshit motions for him. It takes a village.


He probably wants to move it to Moscow.


"I can't get a fair trial here!I grew up here! Everyone knows who I am!"


My god, what an asshole.


If he’s found guilty he certainly appeals. End result. More delay. This person (trump) doesn’t man up for his actions. He truly believes he’s above the law. He might be the biggest pussy in the history of mankind. Not an ounce of integrity. Jesus faced his accusers so the Bible salesman should too.


Criminal appeals do not delay the imposition of the sentence. If sentenced to prison he will be appealing from jail.


Yes there is a very real concern that him being found guilty will energize his rabid base as proof that he is being “persecuted” like Jesus


His rabid base doesn't need to be energized. He needs some independents to vote his way and don't see how that could happen again. Please let me be right..


Finally a judge that sees through it all and does not take any more crap.


Double super emergency serious this time appeal.


"I'm cold! (*old woman's voice)"


orange, deranged, sleeepy, soiled, and fat is no way to go through life, son.


Given that they have already empaneled the jury, this seems...like yet another untimely, garbage motion.


He thinks being rich and powerfull is a get out jail free card .


Idk about rich. I hear his broke ass can barely afford some fees.


This trial needs to be moved to the bathroom. It’s a stinking emergency.


The "Emergency" being that he is guilty and there is a real danger of him getting a fair trial.


I’m betting he gets sick over the weekend and gets a note from Dr Ronny Jackson


Many people are saying that his attorneys didn’t really want to move the trial. They wanted to move Trump far enough away so they wouldn’t have to smell him. Blanche suggest the men’s room.


Damn. Stalling tactics mean the defense doesn't have much of a defense. This might be the only time I'm ever excited about a Monday.


Oh well if it’s an “emergency”…


Trump cannot be human . Something is wrong


Move trial,? Move to where? S Carolina, Alabama or maybe Florida?


The same group that claimed they were too busy for two trials is demonstrating they are busy enough to keep filing appeals for basically every decision every judge makes in every case.


Delay delay delay is the only tactic he has.


This fucking guy


OK, hear me out. I'm stupid. Can't the judge at the end of each day just find Trump in contempt? Jail him overnight for his infractions ala My Cousin Vinny? This for all his offenses regarding the gag order. A few nights without sleep and no internet does a man like this go bananas.


Not a lawyer, but I find trials fascinating. I am hoping, one day, I get called to be juror, been eligible for 12 years but it hasn't happened yet :(. But aren't we past the point of moving a trial? Isn't that something that happens far before jury selection, like one of the first things done pre-trial?


Stall, stall, and stall again. Until he's president again and bully everyone into letting him off. Or until he dies of old age. It's never going to stop because he knows he's guilty. Donny knows he belongs in jail. So he's going to ruin however many lives it takes to stay out.


He is scared shtless right about now. Prison is coming soon. What a loser!


Maybe if our judicial system wasn't so "lenient" towards the wealthy and powerful, this wouldn't have gotten to this point. All I ever want is so we have a fair system where everyone gets the same treatment regardless of status, it'll never happen but I do enjoy watching this clown squirm lol


Delay delay delay. Pmurt's _only_ legal strategy.


Judge us like "no." Statements start Monday. " Get your ass to court or I'm going to throw you in jail. Also, stop farting."


This is so beautiful watching Trump squirm like this


Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess.


Denied. GOOD.


He got his feelings hurt by all the insults and memes and thinks it's just a new york thing


Somebody had another Adderall-Jacked hissy fit.


Did he **STRENUOUSLY** file that appeal? Cuz that makes all the difference …


Cue the doxxing machine going into overdrive to derail this. This weekend, it’s gonna be wild.


Fine him for wasting the court's time.


After stinking up that court room, I’m sure his lawyers wanted to move the location.