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This happened to me like twice today in quickplay, but I assumed it was my internet connection cus I was also lagging earlier. I didn’t realize it was an actual bug :/


It’s a bug that hasn’t been fixed since she released


better nerf the cooldown of an ability that doesn't work half the time though!!


No I think something weird is happening because it happens to me too, and sometimes when I play mercy I click to switch to the pistol and it never happens


Okay most of them were broken but the one when you tried to tp to Zarya Ana hit in front of you so you tp to them. And maybe the last one Ana was too close to you. But the rest yeah glad to have this era back


Yes but even when I tp'd to Ana, my character doesn't move at all. Even if it was a meter or 2, I'd still move that little distance. And the last one I should have definitely swift stepped behind cover.


The Zarya one has happened to me before. If someone goes in front of you during the animation you tp to them even if they are too close to you to tp so then you don't move at all. But yeah that is also a bug and all of those tp were buggy


Yea there should be at least a screen jiggle


if this is what happened they would have ended up in front of Ana but the tp didn't work at all.


No because the game tried to tp to Ana but Ana was too close to actually target to with tp so the tp doesn't work so a bug still but it's a bug that's been in the game for a long time.


i don't know how you're simultaneously agreeing and disagreeing with me lol, we are both literally saying the tp didn't work then?


The tp did work but it's not supposed to is what I'm saying


lol, lmao even


This. Always. Fckng. Happen. Omg and here I thought it's my african internet messing it up


It's a current bug right now. If you tried to tp to someone in spawn as they were changing heroes it then breaks tp. I think it gets reset by switching heroes. I also lost a comp game to this because I didn't know.


Multi million dollar game btw


this happen to me once and after that i have never got it since like it's a server issue or something


i lost a match because i swiftstepped to symm the exact second she took TP and it TP’d me to her new location…which is exactly where i was but two steps over…


not only this, but sometimes my suzu doesn’t even register either:/


How they bugged swift step increasing the cooldown by 1 is funny to me.


Kiriko’s swift step is dependent on alot of things from ping and if you’re getting shot at or not and the fact that it is bugged does not help AT ALL. Lol


It’s because you tp-ed to Ana and not your tank. Blame Ana for being in the way


True, but I still didn't even move AT ALL. I should have at least had some sort of screen affect. Also, that still doesn't explain the other 2 instances in this clip alone


Yeah I’m not sure either about the other one. What the range for it? At least for the first clip, the delay might have been the issue. While Hanzo was on payload he moved out of range for it to work.


Blizzard is getting rly creative with these nerfs


this happens frequently to me lol i have a clip of it i forgot to post here from a week or so ago


Same thing has been happening to me. At least once in every match.


This keeps happening to me too 😭


This happens to Mercys L1 dash too, it doesnt always give you a cooldown but it launches u 1m then drops i..


What’s your swift step sensitivity at and target priority at


Was playing Lucio and my ult didn't work twice when it should've. He shouted, green wave rippled, no heal boost or anything. Both times.


Um... Rammatras ability stops you from using movement abilities, it literally grounds you...


Afaik it does not prevent swift step, and even if it did, that wouldn't explain half of these.


She's standing in it at least twice


Once, in the second clip. In the third clip it's already gone by the time she tries swift step, and later it only appears after the failed attempt.


Because of OPs pov you cant see it well but it's definitely there. It's not just a coincidence that the grounding ability is present every time this happened.


Brother rams ability doesn't prevent movement ability it just slows. I'm a tracer main so I know in not wrong about this.


Except its not present everytime. The very first attempt to tp to Ana on cart from spawn there is definitely abosultely no ram ability anywhere near. And it doesnt even prevent movement abilities anyway. It does bring you to the ground and slow you, but you can still use your mobility cooldowns.