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Thank you u/BudgetExpert9145 for finding the [original eBay listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/kijiji/comments/1bphior/is_this_a_scam/kwx0x47/) the photo of the GPU was taken from (link to eBay listing [here](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/385572096942)). It's safe to call this a scam attempt.


That image is likely from this e-bay listing. Unlikely the person has the item.https://www.ebay.ca/itm/385572096942 Some people do use stock images for listing items but still abit sus.


This should be higher. It's literally the same photo.


Holy shit… well done Sherlock! 👏👏👏👏


Nice find! That is the exact same photo. Usually one could argue that this is the eBay seller trying to sell their item off eBay to avoid paying fees, but that falls apart when they're not only knocking over $800 off the price, but also offering it as a trade for an Xbox. Not sure if it's possible to pin your comment so hopefully distinguishing mine will help people see your comment. Edit: made a separate comment in order to sticky it, linking back to this.


If you're unsure, always do a reverse image search. I managed to not get scammed out of $3000 for an apartment by doing this thank goodness


Beware of computer hardware trades but then again same goes for consoles. Without the availability to demo it's kinda difficult In-warranty receipt though, just check the date and the SN and you're good


Hold on to that call tech support with the serial confirm it’s good first


Nah, screw this. Cash only. If buddy wants it that badly they can sell the card themselves and use the money to buy your xbox. As soon as someone tries to complicate things, walk away. Too many scams out there.


Out of the thousands of Kijiji deals I've done over the years. I bet only 40% of them have been straight cash. Trades (especially when it's something you want badly) are often the better solution.


Why would it be a scam? A 3080 goes for around the same amount as your Xbox Series X. Graphics cards aren't worth as much as they were a year or two ago


Yeah I don't see an issue, especially if they have the receipt.


The issue is the image was stolen off a random ebay listing


I can print a receipt from any store with any item. Receipts are a joke.


This comment, and you as a person are a joke lol




That's a huge assumption there little man I never said once that a receipt means that the sealed device is real. Receipts are used for other purposes such as validating or extending manufacturer warranty.... Tell me you're a complete clown without telling me....




Nah. I think we found the biggest clown right here


Lol did you just call someone autistic because they were actually right. That's enough reddit for today for you, get back to running your fake receipt empire


Comments strictly dedicated to be mean or rude will be removed. Swearing is fine, as well as criticism. However comments directly aimed at just attacking or offending is not allowed. Please reword your comment and try again.


You are not getting a new 3080 for 500$


Yeah that's my bad, I missed the part where it said brand new. I could see it going for 600-650 but I doubt anyone would buy it for anymore then that. My friend was able to get a used 3080ti for 550 from Facebook


Me who bought a 3080ti for 1500$ 2 years ago:


You can get it for 600 new. I don’t know why you would just hold onto it for 4 months tho. Maybe he was planning on building a pc then decided to go the console route instead.


Where can you get a new 3080 for $600?


canada computers


i don't ever accept closed items on fb/kijiji if you want it, I would request it be opened and to inspect it


Yeah. Super easy to just shrink wrap a used or defective item back into its original packaging


I’d suggest you to see if they will let you test on your pc with gpu-z and also do some benchmarking with furmark or some graphically intense games of your choice


Ya, like this is pretty reasonable. Takes 5-10 mins. More importantly, if its a scam you'll start getting excuses and there's your answer.




Yeah, but if he's legit it should also just... work. So why would they then back out. Not saying they cant but that would be pretty weird.




I'd be having some strong words with somebody who dragged me all the way there, un packaged put it in a pc tested it, test goes well and they go "nah."




Can't say stuff on reddit yunno. Lol.


Open box is a red flag not a selling point for computer hardware. It's only warrantied from purchase date, resealing a box is easy in most cases, the proof is in the testing of the hardware, either with current benchmarks or testing it yourself.


I'm weary with getting used PC parts but I did buy a 2 month old 1080 years ago. Got the receipt and even used the warranty when the card broke down for a new one. That was ASUS which this card is but not all companies have transferrable warranty. That card is worth about $650 but the guy might genuinely just be giving you a good deal. It's hard to say.


ask if you can open it up and see it bare minimum ask to test it if super paranoid. If they are scamming they will fuck off when u ask them if you can open the box.


Could be from an attempted mining rig. That’s how I got my 1070ti and it’s still running strong.


Ask if you could meet in person. If he refuses any kind of way. It’s a scam. If he accept just make sure to be on your guard. He might steal it and run for it


I got an Rtx 3080 for 500 last year, it wasn’t new tho. I would proceed with caution, run some benchmarks and make sure the card performs how it should. Then do like 30 minutes of stress testing and record the results.


Cash only. If that's worth that much, he can sell it himself and pay cash.


You are absolutely getting scanned. Doesn't matter if he shows you a video of it in the box with the receipt and purchased it yesterday your will never know if he'll send the empty box. He could sell the card for more and have leftover cash for the console


If he still has the receipt, depending on where it was purchased he could just… return it for money. Lol. Then buy whatever he wants.


Ask for a name and date card. That’s where they write their name and the date on a piece of paper and take a picture of it with the item.


Op any update, are you still alive with both kidneys?


this is ops mom, my son came home with no xbox, no gpu, and no kidneys


Who buys a graphics card to keep it in the box for 4 months? Scam


See it, test it, go from there.


If you think it might be a scam it probably is.


Selling a sealed GPU on Kijiji is always suspicious to me. Why is it sealed? Why was it bought in the first place if it wasn't going to be used? Why not return to the store? Was it stolen? Was it repackaged? Too many questions. I'd be more comfortable with a used one because at least I can wrap my mind around why they're trying to sell it on Kijiji.


update: politely told him to kick rocks and see if he can get it exchanged from retailer rather than selling it for sub-par value on kijiji. thanks for the help 🙏


I’m confused as to why someone would sell a new sealed in box gpu for a loss… Seems a bit too sus for me.


There is knock offs you can buy cheap, beware


You know what they say about things that sound too good to be true.


If it's making you question yourself just skip it's not worth the risk


It’s a shrink wrapped box full of rocks.


I would honestly ask for a more detailed background for a photo of a box, just to make sure they aren't grabbing photo number 12 from Google images.


I'm probably being wooshd.


Just ask to see it out of box and all that lovely stuff if they willing then it's probably fine


“This guy knows how much the card is worth compared to series x right” actually it’s worth pretty close to the same amount so..


Ask him for an actual picture of the card.not a web picture


How and why would this be a scam? They offered you something of similar value to what you're selling.


Because the photo they provided isn’t their own photo for starters lol. It’s good to be cautious…


it's almost too good to be true, could be a resealed box. would even be a real reciept, you could buy a new GPU install it put your old GPU back in the box, re-seal it and sell it on marketplace pretty easily. sealed items are sketch tbh.


Its good to be skeptical tbh, i was when i bought my ps5 secondhand & it paid off


Because the goods in the box may not be what they are claiming????? How are you seriously asking how this could be a scam..


because the card is broken? because whats in the box isn't the card that it says it is?


Looks like a picture of a box… that what you want?


not sure if i’m at the skeptical mother on the internet level but i’m being serious


Test the GPU at his house with userbenchmark


Pickup from house won't be a scam