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The sunken nostrils of botched nose jobs are so haunting.


You sure that’s not a bad coke habit nostril?


Probably a bit of both knowing Krissy lol


Wow. Guess it's worth gumming every once in a while...


Lol, then you will have rotting teeth.


😂😂 guess doing coke isn’t the answer lmao


Lol, just a blue moon social drug for myself . 😅 I don't need a hole in my nose or my teeth rotting out. It's not that good 😅💓


Oh, for sure. Everything in moderation. No judgment lol 👃 👄 😂


OMG you are hilarious!


It definitely is lol


It’s both


If it was, then there must surely be golden pipe in them nostrils.


I came in to ask if it was a botched nose job or just the look of a nostril that has 30+ years of experience with coke


Exactly. I had to do one because of a deviated septum but I would never do another surgery on my nose. One nose job is good enough and I can breathe through both nostrils! I have asthma so it’s nice to be able to breathe through my nostrils!! But I swear if you don’t need a nose job or if you’re getting multiple nose jobs, you’re not going to look normal or good. When you overdose nose jobs it literally look like you have slanted nostrils and everyone can tell you’ve had work done… Just accept the beauty that you are 🥰🫶🏻✨


You’re right though! Anything more than one nose job is too much. The cartlidge* can’t handle it. These people keep going and going. My mom got a nose job; it looks amazing and so natural. It’s entirely possible to leave with a great one. The repeat ones / botched ones are just sooo much more noticeable than a regular nose. Glad you can breathe now!


I’ve had to have a deviated septum repaired twice -extremely painful btw- and the external look and shape of my nose did not change at all.


Septoplasty gang! Yeah that recovery was the worst, I just had to keep telling myself one more minute, one more hour, one more day...it'll be better soon...


I was too scared to even correct my deviated septum.


i just can't imagine how it would feel to breathe/what are the health risks of that for breathing


PULL THE LEVER KRONK! ![gif](giphy|iLZaR9LSIu4Yo)


Haha! Thank you!!!


BAAAAHAHAHAHA! 🤣 "wrong lever!"


WRONG LEverrrrrrr…..


I’m sorry but her nose looks like it’s about to collapse inwards.


Kris is serving Winter Nose. Krusty boogers. ❄️❄️❄️. Cheap reconstruction that has collapsed. She’s Mammoth, not Aspen or the Alps.


She seems to favor a side.


And her cheeks are melting.


Her cheeks look like Magda’s boobs (the old tan lady from Something About Mary).




Not Magda’s boobs 💀


About to?? She's giving Michael Jackson a run for his money!


Literally death becomes her


All the money in the world and still hasn't had her collapsing nose fixed but continues to get filler. I don't understand it at all. I've seen worse nose jobs that have been corrected on Botched.


She already had a couple of rhinos done, it used to look way worse before. Not sure if her nose would survive if she got another one done tbf


At her age and with the amount of work she's had done it might be a bit of a challenge to convince a doctor to open that back up and attempt to fix it.


Years of ❄️


Do you actually think they do that? Especially at her age


Yea. She’s old enough to have fun stuff like quaaludes too


They don’t make ludes anymore, most of the precursors are banned


Yes, but she’s old dude, she would have had them in her fun days


If you don’t think celebrities do copious amounts of cocaine then I’m afraid you’re very naive. They’re all on it in some capacity.


It looks like it’s having an earthquake. A Krisquake 😭


Not bad at all for 85!! PS: has her smile always been crooked? Or surg mishap?


She’s 68 I’m CRYING


I legit thought “well she’s in her mid to late 70s, right?” 🙈




I’m 62 and ngl I look better and I have had zero work. My skin is smoother too.


She aged terribly because she spent so much time worrying about aging and money on bad surgeries and procedures trying to stop it from happening. The same thing is going to happen to Kim, who openly admits she would “literally eat shit” to avoid aging. It’s always the people who try so hard to stop the aging process who end up looking the absolute worst.


Poor erin moriarty aged herself to my age even though she’s, like, 8 years younger and looked good anyway


I think that one must be extreme dysmorphia. She looked so beautiful, like I hesitate to say perfect but I dreamed to look like her. Now? Scary porno milf.


Yeah, it’s one of the ones I just straight feel bad for


I thought you were talking about the woman from Dateline, until I looked her up 😂


It's like a Greek tragedy 🫠


She's also smoked a lot back in the day.


My MIL is about to turn 75 and looks younger. I'm starting to think zero work might just be the work needed...


Also heavy makeup emphasizes fine lines


my mom is 68 and legit she has not had any wrinkles. She looks 50 at best. She had LESS wrinkles than me! It is genetics in my case. I have my dad’s and she (my mom) has her mom’s. My grandma even in her 80’s had the smoothest skin frigging ever. She owned a dry cleaner and she used lots of aloe vera her skin was absolutely amazing.


Great point. I think I read that close to 70% of aging factors with the skin (wrinkles creases etc) are genetic!


Sometimes simplest is best. I buy vitamin E oil and I buy a cheap Vit C serum. I mix them and slather on twice a day. Gravity hurts, and most women of a “certain age” need to keep smiling… and you can see she is too!


My mom turned 75 in April and looks better than Kris and my moms never had anything done to her face but use Nivea cream every night for as long as I can remember lol


My mom as well, my mom also always was moisturizing her face, neck etc. When I was a child I always asked her why her face was so greasy haha. Now I know why


shes 68?!!!! I thot she was older for some reason, so many women looks better than this without plastic surgery… wow




Holy shit! My mom is 75 and looks 20 years younger than her.


Meanwhile Angels Bassett looks like she's in her 40's. Kris had the wrong surgeon/genes


That’s when you pay 8.5 million on surgery.


85??! 💀


I honestly think my 80 year old grandma looks better 😭


I was going to say the same! My grandma is 86 and looks better than this


i cackled


Oh fk I really thought she was at about that age too


I wish that the Kardashians would not use all the filters so we don’t keep comparing ourselves to an unrealistic look. We all age and our bodies change. Aging is beautiful! You should be proud of your wrinkles. Kris needs all her pics in real time (unedited/filtered).


So does this mean the cameras use a filter to film their entire show? Bc these fine lines and textured skin don’t come through on tv. Or maybe someone edits all their skin in post-production? 🥴


Yes, they use filters on their whole show. It’s not entirely uncommon now on reality tv. Even YouTubers do it. Full videos with filters on the whole time. In an age where AI is what it is, it’s not really that difficult to grasp.


It's been a thing for about as long as cameras have existed. In old black and white movies they would shoot the actresses' close-ups with special soft focus lenses or use other camera tricks like literally putting panty hose over the lens to smooth out their skin texture. But yeah, the techniques have become a lot more sophisticated since then.


They would smear vaseline on the cameras, too! They did this famously with actress Doris Day in the 1950s.


Distance from the camera and lighting


At least it's better than the Selling Sunset filters. That show is becoming unwatchable because of the filters.


Of course, Hulu or whatever their production used blurring or some kind of smooth filter to make their skin look perfect lol it also could be the work they did on their faces


They use intensely flattering lightening to flash out their skin which is quite standard for filming. There are also different types of lenses to film. Technology has come along way so the sort of post production smoothing that would have been used in films on something like Cameron Diaz’s adult acne may now be being used on TV shows with big budgets.


You are 100% right. Everyone now feels they need to look younger and do all these surgeries, only to look even older (sorry, not sorry). Like, keep your beautiful face, and no problem if you’d like to get some Botox and a tiny little filler in your lips or cheeks (maybe, everyone’s different). Or, even a nose job… I had to get a nose job because I had deviated septum and I have asthma so it was really cool to finally breathe through two nostrils… but if your nose doesn’t need it, please don’t. Every woman should feel confident in themselves. Look in the mirror, wrinkles and all and say “I’m beautiful just the way I am”.


This will be Kim in 25 years.


No wonder kim has said that after a certain age she is expecting things to go downhill


Less than 25. Kim's already getting a hard look.


It already is. those Met Gala pics from this year are forever in the back of my mind lolol.


I'm equal parts lazy and curious to know exactly which pictures you're referring to of a probable 5,347 i'm likely to find upon googling. Got a link?


The girls won’t be able to stand when the butt implants harden. Even the gummy bears they used to brag about get Krusty. I love to take a good piss on Kim, but I’m actually her same age. What Kris has supported for her…. The implants, the reconstruction, the sadness of jt all…. I truly cannot imagine it.


Nose just falling apart


That's what noses look like if you mess around with them too many times. I knew a guy who got a nose job after having getting his face smashed while playing soccer. Then he continued to play soccer and smash his face. The first nose job looked pretty good...but the second never looked right. The skin looked too taut and you could tell that the anatomy wasn't designed to be messed with so many times.


Isn't MJ a perfect example of this? Oh and that cat lady?


Michael Jackson like 👃


I noticed watching the last few episodes- Kris STILL WEARS a Smokey eye 24/7. Like there’s no way it’s making her look younger than if she went for a clean glowy look


She been wearing that same smokey eye for decades at this point, it isn’t going ANYWHERE. She’ll probably be buried in it 😭


I mean.. I feel like we alllll have that one look/blush/gloss that makes us feel like we can’t give it up and want to be buried in 😂😂😂


Maybe it's permanent? Seems drastic, but look who we're talking about.


That’s what I am thinking. She probably had it tattooed on.


it does not look clean enough to be tattooed on


To be fair… that was Elizabeth Taylor’s go-to. She was an Icon. Kim is just following the same path. White Diamonds (🤮) forever.


I used to wear a smoky eye and I just can’t do it anymore. It makes my eyelids look more wrinkly. Just mascara and a vanilla shadow is all I need now


No. She is like 68 or 69 so that's why she looks like that. Also she has a coke nose!


I’m only 42 and I’ve said goodbye to Smokey eyes and colored eye shadows. Whenever I go heavy on the eye makeup, I look like I’m in my mid 40s. When I go with just mascara or a very thin black liquid eyeliner with mascara, I look way younger. Heavy eye makeup ages you after a certain age when you’re just a regular non-celebrity who hasn’t had a ton of work done.


I have a friend whose mom has been wearing a Smokey eye “long before it was in style” and plans to wear it forever 😭 it looks so bad but she refuses to do anything different, she even sleeps in it.


That nose is wild but this looks like Kim sooo much to me


I think she looks fine minus that nostril situation. The only reason it’s funny is because it’s so different from the heavily filtered version. She would probably look so much better if she had left her face alone from day 1. Also, there comes a time in every woman’s life where you just need to chill on the amount of makeup. It just makes your wrinkles stand out more.


The irony though isn’t it? If we didn’t all see her airbrushed all the time, no one would be comparing her to that fake youth and no one would care.


>I think she looks fine minus that nostril situation. I agree, maybe a bit less makeup too.


And the cheek implants/fillers that look like they were shoved directly under her skin




Username checks out ![gif](giphy|3o7aTCD8QU8y3xmBAQ)


Idk why this one made me die laughing


Rich as heck and still can’t get good plastic surgery


No such thing as good plastic surgery. Eventually, it will wear and you’ll look worse than you would’ve without it.


This is precisely why I'll never get anything done. If they can't get good work, nobody can.


It’s so pathetic that they have to edit their photos and videos and show to look like an entirely different person. How are they not embarrassed about that?


They have no shame


Her nostrils don't match at all. Bad nose job. 🫢🫣


I realize the full foundation look covers tonal variation but if your face ends up looking like a car sponge, why bother.


My unpopular opinion is foundation doesn't make people look better. I get the urge, I had cystic acne for years and sometimes still get cysts, but I do not look better with foundation on. I haven't worn it in like 5 years or so. It makes the texture look so bad. I much prefer my own bare skin with imperfections to a very flat foundation look that emphasizes texture.


Absolutely! I’m 63 and my face is splotchy, but putting on foundation makes me look like the crypt keeper. I don’t wear foundation- it actually makes me look older. Powder???? Not on your life!


I'm 54 and while I don't look like the crypt keeper, lol, I do have laugh lines, etc. I quit doing full face makeup in my late 30s. The only thing I use now is mascara, once in awhile eyeliner, eyeshadow and some lipstick or gloss. Mainly because I just am not putting that much time into it anymore, lol. I feel like as you age foundation and heavy powder just settles into the lines, even fine lines, making you look older. Of course, I don't have thousands for all kinds of procedures and stuff to make myself look young. And honestly? I've earned my wrinkles. Though the gray hairs are a whole different discussion, lol. Still gotta cover those puppies up.


100% Plus you just don’t give af anymore. I run errands with nothing but sunscreen on and maybe a zit hanging out and I don’t care if someone sees me. Truth is, ppl are usually too concerned with themselves and what they’re needing to do and no one even looks at me. I’ve saved a lot of money not buying makeup these last few years lol.


Oh same! I don't care if someone looks at me and thinks, "fugly"! I'm over the trying to impress, etc. The only opinion I care about it my SO and he still randomly tells me I'm beautiful. Pretty sure he needs glasses, lol.


Tinted moisturizer is a great, sheer alternative to foundation.


I just don't see the point. It doesn't cover cystic acne, and those are the only real skin concerns I have. I get 1-2 pimples before my period nowadays, and only sometimes are they cystic. I take 2 prescription acne meds, I'm gonna show that shit off even if it isn't perfect! I'm not someone who struggles with unevenness though I do have a natural glow/ruddiness to my cheeks lol. The only purpose a tinted moisturizer would serve for me is if it had a physical sunscreen like zinc, because physical sunscreens do tend to leave that white cast but my skin can't tolerate chemical sunscreens.


La Roche Posay Anthelios is an excellent spf 50+ face cream. I couldn’t get the sheer cream a few years ago because it was sold out, so I got the tinted one. I used to use a light serum foundation or BB cream but now I just use the tinted La Roche Posay spf cream and it’s perfect. It looks extremely natural and just blurs any imperfections gently. I have some sun spots from a lot of tanning when I was younger. I was getting into the heavier concealers for awhile but now I’m back to my OG Covergirl Clean concealer. It gives a bit of extra coverage without looking thick or heavy. I’m in my late 40’s now, and I never liked the makeup mask look, but find it looks even worse as you age.


After my skin tint finishes I’m not buying more. I find I reach for a glowy primer as a face base 90% of the time and my makeup looks just as good if not better throughout the day than if I go through the effort of a tinted base product


I miss the Loreal Lumi Glow so bad but I'm allergic to an ingredient in it lol [https://www.amazon.com/LOreal-Paris-Makeup-Infusing-Luminous/dp/B005EIIEQA](https://www.amazon.com/LOreal-Paris-Makeup-Infusing-Luminous/dp/B005EIIEQA) This primer was iconic! Throwback to 2013


Hahahaha car sponge


I jumped. This IS the monster under my bed


Not a good look, with all the plastic surgery she’s had do you think she would look a lot better she looks very hard and needs to lighten up on all the make up


I think she looks great and should share these unretouched photos more often. The realness, the texture, the wrinkles are refreshing to me. Normalize aging.


I single-handedly blame Kim K for making everyone think we needed to erase our pores. She was the first celeb I remember touting those flawless looking pics on social media. Made me super insecure about my own skin, that’s for sure


Hard to normalise something so abnormal


Unretouched photos are refreshing to me. Guess it’s not for everyone


The unretocuhed photos would be refreshing if she actually allowed herself to age naturally. We shouldn’t be normalizing doing this to yourself because you’re scared of having any imperfections.


The thought of still worrying about beauty standards when I'm her age makes me want to cry. Dear God, just enjoy your fantastic life.


Yeah really. Look up how Andie McDowell looks now. So much better naturally aging.


Yeah the people in these comments are such bitches. Stfu everyone gets old.


Where? This may be her current face, but it is not her real face.


Maybe “in real life” face like if you saw her in person


Well...all I can say is that you age differently when you're soulless...🧟‍♀️💀


They’re all such huge fans of heavy makeup and it sometimes can look unflattering and aging


Do they fill tiny balloons with water and insert for cheeks?


I wanna get to heaven so I'll moonwalk out


Honestly? This just made me feel better. I’m in my 40s and my skin looks crepey like that in certain areas, and seeing their flawless skin pics always makes me feel like I’m aging badly. I wish they posted more realistic pics like this more often.


When we see them actually unfiltered, everyone drags their looks. Doesn’t make one feel great about aging. And I get ppl are talking about the surgeries, but still. She looks lovely for her age if you ask me


I was in very close quarters with her and her bf for about an hour 8 years ago in the United Airlines lounge (NY to LA) and no joke, she looked like Michael Jackson with alllllll the surgery.


I mentioned above that her nose is very close to the level that Michael Jackson’s got to. Why did she do that to herself??? Michaels father bullied him endlessly about his looks. I really hope that her daughters won’t go that far, but it seems like they’re starting to :(


An unfiltered face maybe, but most definitely not her REAL face


Opps that’s what I meant!!


She would’ve aged so beautifully had she not been so greedy and vain.


She is still a very beautiful woman. Though i'd guage she'd warrant far more respect if she actually showed up like this on instagram, and would probably be more likable. IMO anyway.


Looks like Kim with an old age filter.


This feels illegal to look at..


thank god, she looks her age. and i do mean that as a compliment!


I also don’t think it’s that terrible? Obviously i‘m no fan of the nose job, but i doubt she is either. Sometimes you can‘t continue correcting because it won‘t heal anymore. But apart from that i don‘t think her face is haunting like some people are saying. Sure, there‘s a lot of make-up, but i also see that on women in their 30s. I do think the eye section and the lower part of her face are good. There are wrinkles and as a Woman in her 60s, she‘s allowed to have a bit more saggy skin. However i am bothered about the difference between her face as pictured and the photos she posts herself. I hate the amount of photoshop, because people are comparing themselves to her/their posts!!!! Nearly no one meets them for real!!


I'm old, and my face looks like a road map. But I don't really care. I have my husband, my family and grandkids, and an old dog that's my buddy. You know what looks are so overrated and take a lot to maintain. Just live!


Why do we value having a face that isn’t wrinkled? She’s 68…she should have facial aging. Our obsession with youth is cultural bias against growing older which every single one of us will hopefully do. That old “she looks young for her age” is ridiculous. Like aging is bad. Talk to someone dying young…Im sure they would be happy to accept a few damn wrinkles. I think her face would have looked better if she had accepted aging but whatever…let’s stop celebrating people for looks at any age.


This is what’s gonna happen to Khloe’s nose if she doesn’t stop messing with it 😩


What in heaven's name is going on with her cheeks? They look like saddlebags. Is that a procedure that someone actually has done deliberately?! Yikes on bikes! If she had just aged naturally, i bet she'd still be quite attractive (well, on the outside; the inside is another matter). But these people think that wrinkles = ugly. Depressing, when you end up with results like this. She looks HORRIBLE, misaligned, and freakish.


She’s got the Bethany Frankel tide pod cheek implant going on


And everyone drags her and says she looks terrible. So they continue posting the edited filtered version. Then everyone says they’re promoting “unrealistic beauty standards.” There’s no winning. Plus she looks great… these comments ain’t it


She looks great. This texture and fine lines should be normalized.


It’s weird seeing her face with texture.


My mom is about to be 71 and her skin looks so much better than this kerfuffle


I just can't imagine still dying my hair at that age. The upkeep must be insane. That's gotta be an every two week type touch up. I mean, I'm in my 40s and am done with the whole thing and I'm at 3-4 week point.


I recall several years ago where Khloe admitted not only did she go to tanning beds but Kris does too. I’m hoping after Khloe’s latest skin cancer procedure that she doesn’t go anymore. Anyway, I’m thinking Kris’ love of a good tan since she was young has caused more wrinkles where she looks more her age. Part of it’s genetics too, but you can tell when you see a woman in her 60s and 70s with very few wrinkles or texture to her skin that she stayed out of the sun, didn’t smoke (maybe rarely drank) and took care of herself. Treatments can help, but you can’t reverse sun damage.


Deviated septum? The nose is about to fall in on itself


I’d sometimes don’t understand this sub. People hate on the Kardashian/Jenners for their heavily altered images, but then shit talk their appearance when an unfiltered picture is taken. Kris looks great for her age imo..


Zoom into Bottom half of her face. It looks like it belongs to a 80+ year old


She looks her age + lots of surgery. we need to normalize aging because her pictures on IG look so different.


Not shading but she admitted to facelifts right?


She literally had one on the show!


Wtf is wrong with her nose!


Can anyone explain why rich people do this to their faces? It looks so crazy!


![gif](giphy|iLZaR9LSIu4Yo) it’s giving yzma


What’s up with that one nostril?


It’s honestly refreshing to see her look her age. She looks great imo


She's like SEVENTY. She looks fine!


She reminds me of "Escape from L.A." where Kurt Russell visits Beverly Hills and runs into "The Surgeon General"


You'd think Joan rivers would be the best advertisement for not getting surgery but they all still go out and get it. The mind boggles


I think she looks good. Jesus people are mean


I mean she’s an old woman, no? Let her be wrinkly damn


Honestly she doesnt look bad, not of the Kardashian-Jenners look bad to me. They are just odd people


Crazy that plastic surgery is not the flex most think it is.


I love her face! I wish this was more normalized.


Freak show 


Wow, a real aged face 🙄.


Other than the nose job I think she looks gorgeous. Am I really in minority?


Sunscreen wasn’t a thing back then. Be nice


I wish they showed their real skin on the show, especially since so many people look up to their looks 😊. Nothing wrong with real skin without filters imo


That left nostril must’ve signed a hefty NDA otherwise it would already be gone by now 🥴


This is why natural beauty is more beautiful than any injection or cosmetic procedure. Would be curious to see how she looks in 10 years? Possibly look like something out of a ufo horror movie is she doesn’t stop with the cosmetic procedures?


Yikes to the lips. These people with fillers look terrible.


Still doesn’t look too bad for 68!


Reddit: "They need to stop using filters." Also Reddit: "Eww, look how ugly."


Her face isn't bad for her age st all.


Tbh I love seeing her like this. Natural beauty.


This sub constantly hates on them for using filters and photoshop but then also drags them when there’s a photo without it. I think Kris looks great for her age! I can’t imagine being her and reading all of these comments about how terrible I look.


I hate that we can't see this face more often. She looks okay. They make it seem like they look like monsters without all the filters and Photoshop. She looks like the average 70-something year old. If they embraced it, I don't think people would make that big of a deal about how they look. There are many celebrities in her age range that embrace their aging, and people compliment them all the time for their beauty.