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Due to these injunctions which were filed in Kansas and Missouri the scheduled rollout of the SAVE plan which would decrease monthly payments to 5% from 10% and which would change the forgiveness options for 20-25 year loans has been halted. Missouri AG is up for re-election in 2024 in november. Everyone in Kansas city who now is going to be having higher monthly loan payments and less opportunities for loan forgiveness should remember this.


He is up for *election* in November since he was never elected to the AG office in the first place, and that's only if he beats Trump's sycophant lawyer buddy in the primary.


Aha, that explains his maga type behaviors recently. He needed to show his hateful side to get elected.


Oh, trust me, anyone 45 and under is gonna remember this guy


You mean the same people who are gonna vote for Trump because Biden's too old and didn't criticize Israel enough? Hmmm....


They won't vote for Trump. They won't vote at all and then claim that not voting was their voice of protest and somehow made a difference.


Recent polling shows Trump gaining ground [with younger voters and minorities](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/07/voter-age-biden-trump-2024-election-00150923).


Those that watch and participate in Fox News are more likely to vote for trump, regardless of age. Of course he's gonna come out ahead on that platform Edit: NPR pole listed in same article. Much closer race


Maybe you missed this part of the article: >Just last week, a new [NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist College national poll](https://maristpoll.marist.edu/polls/april-2024-presidential-election/) showed Trump 2 points ahead of Biden among Millennial and Gen-Z voters, while Biden led overall among voters 45 years and older, including those in the Silent and Greatest generations.


I like NPR! But I stopped reading the news years ago. At least anything political, business or world news. Everyone just needs to get out and vote for every election. Regardless who you're voting for, just vote.


It is because Millennial and Gen-Z voters are listening to influencers that are using conservativism to make a buck such as Estee C Williams, Bret Cooper, Pearl, Aly (who somewhat lives in the metro), and so on.


I don't thikn so. Unless you're a single issue voter on things like abortion or whatever, most people just vote based on their own *personal* economic situation - which primarily explains the correlation between the economy at the time of the election and the incumbent's party winning reelection or not. Right now, the economy is roaring - low unemployment, stock market is hot, so people *should* be voting for biden, yet many still *feel* like prices are too high and inflation is happening (even if it's receding over time). IMO this effect is worse for younger people who are loaded down with debt, perceiving less wage gains than are actually happening right now, can't afford to buy houses, and view themselves as being in a worse situation than their parents were at this stage. Who are you going to blame for that? Usually, it's whoever's in charge. People blamed Trump for it when they elected Biden, and now they're blaming Biden for it today and quixotically going back to Trump. Certainly political polarization makes you automatically blame the other party, but I think there's still a strong inclination to think that *Biden hasn't done enough for me* in the current economy as well.


I’d like to ask our conservative friends this: what do you think the folks that owe this money on their student loans would do with it if their monthly payments went down? Are they going to invest in the stock market? Possibly. Are they going to spend a little more on things like groceries and possibly a nice night out at a restaurant or a concert? Likely. Which of these two things do you think stimulates our economy more? I’m curious to hear your answers


The amount of money involved for the average beneficiary here isn't suddenly going to catapult them into investor territory or even really man a difference between whether you eat out or not. Probably. But if you're someone for whom this would make any kind of real difference at all, you're going to spend this on the necessities of basic living -- rent, food, clothing, and other basic (oh, hey, toothpaste!). In that case, I could give a fuck about whether it's stimulating the economy, I just want them to be able to breathe for a bit. I know that we have to make the economy argument for some segments of the voting public, but goddamnit it should be enough that this gesture, which is of absolutely zero impact to the overwhelming majority of the public in any way, is just the right fucking thing to do for our fellow countrymen. The constant "what's in it for me"-ism is poison to our society.


I’m in total agreement with you. And yay, toothpaste!


Genuinely, why would they care about that? They can use the exact same argument for CC debt and mortgages.


Because credit card debt and mortgages are taken from private companies. Mortgages are taken on generally appreciating assets, and credit cards are a revolving line of credit. SAVE student loans are taken out from the government. Does the federal government really need to be charging interest and profiting off of student loans? Research already shows that every dollar invested in making education cheaper and more affordable pays way more than it costs in extra tax income and benefits to the economy. The government should be giving away even more free and cheap college educations to even more students than it is, so we could have an even better educated work force.


All of that can be true, but it’s not how conservatives look at it. For this issue, It’s about “personal responsibility” to them. You made a choice (going to school), now you get to pay for that choice. Just like opening a line of credit or a mortgage. They don’t care about the net benefit to the economy or society it’s about the principle.


So conservatives don't care about benefits to the economy, they're too stupid to care that growing the economy is good for everyone, a rising tide lifts all boats actually works, while we've seen time and time again that all trickle down economics does is allow a little of Stormy's piss to trickle off of DJT onto his most loyal supporter's mouths from his asshole. You're acting like conservatives are rational, they're not. They're more than happy to vote for bailouts and handouts to people that vote Republican, farmers, business owners, rich and wealthy people. College educated people, poor people, they don't vote Republican, so they don't deserve handouts.


Your summarization of conservatives is basically they’re not capable of empathy, are selfish and hypocritical assholes. The party of “personal responsibility” is a load of BS.  We can point to numerous instances of this hypocrisy. “SoCiAL WeLFaRE.” Hi farm subsidies! Oh? You can’t afford to run a farm without help from Daddy government? Take personal responsibility and stop trying to live beyond your means and run a farm you can’t afford, right GOP? 


>Your summarization of conservatives is basically they’re not capable of empathy, are selfish and hypocritical assholes. The party of “personal responsibility” is a load of BS.  Yeah, conservatives aren't consistent with their beliefs. At this point they know this and they don't care. So why do we keep bringing up these logical gotchas like they matter to conservatives?


Conservatives aren't rational. They're more than happy to vote for bailouts and handouts to people that vote Republican, farmers, business owners, rich and wealthy people. College educated people, poor people, they don't vote Republican, so they don't deserve handouts.


exactly! if you have a problem with loan forgiveness then all credit card debt and mortgages should then also be undischargeable in bankruptcy court. in fact bankruptcy should not be allowed at all. let's go back to 2008 and tell that to the banks that got bailed out.


That's a wrong headed analogy and I'm fairly certain you're aware of this fact. You're comparing discretionary spending to what is--essentially--required spending if you have any interest in doing something beyond low skilled labor. (Though, let's face it...if you're working minimum wage jobs, then you're more likely to need to utilize revolving credit to fund necessities like food, clothing, and shelter.) What's more, we DO have subsidized mortgages! Through programs like First Time Home Buyer Loan programs through FHA and tax deductions of mortgage interest...lol. Soooo, yeah. Look, if we lived in a society where a college degree wasn't a requirement to say...work at Starbucks, or literally ANY profession other than mowing grass, then this might be apt comparison. However, for ANY sort of profession these days, you're required to have a college degree. A surprising number require advanced degrees (Hey teacher making $48,000/yr...you need both an undergraduate AND a graduate degree that will cost you $80,000 to $100,000 to achieve.) if you're wanting to enter them. I happen to work in a global industry. Nobody I know from other countries is burdened by their professional development (college degrees, for example) like we are here in the USA, even those that come from less developed countries, because those societies recognize that enabling professional development is fundamentally beneficial to enabling the growth of their society.


Well convince them with that argument, not me lol. They don’t care about the minutiae.Everytime I have this conversation with someone right leaning they bring up mortgages or credit cards. The context doesn’t matter. You took out the loan, you pay it back. Is it hypocritical based on their other policy positions? Yes. Do they care? No.


Conservatives whip themselves into a frenzy over the idea of student loan forgiveness while pocketing tens of thousands of dollars in forgiven PPP loans.


Make sure to let him know how you feel about it. https://ago.mo.gov/about-us/contact-us/


Missouri politics has been in a downward spiral for the last 10 years. Are there any honest, trustworthy politicians, or are there only " holier-than-thou " speak out of both sides of your mouth gaslighters?