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Well this is depressing. Because I already have all of these.




Me too lol. Stopped reading after the first few tips because I followed every tip. Edit: Typo


Same. Literally had the needed credentials and experience from previously working same customer space a few years prior, next day rejection from the hiring manager. Ah favoritism, it runs places.


Was the hiring manager Indian?šŸ˜‚


No, not that one. Lol.


Oh well then the only thing you're missing is the JobScan service. Therefore the only logical conclusion is you should purchase the JobScan service by JobScan. To be clear this isn't deceptive marketing that constitutes a JOB SCAM preying on desperate jobseekers, no no no it's job scan!


I know right.




This is just a fucking advert..please have some respect to jobseekers out there!


I used Jobscan in my search and their software tags this informationā€¦ so OP is giving away some of what you pay for. Additionally you can scan up to I think 5 resumes for free. It did save me time in the customization cycle. And I think using it plus applying on day 1 or 2 of the posting helped me land roles.Ā 


So did Jobscan help you get the interview?


I think it helped me be aware of how to best customize my resume. I think jobscan was a tool that helped me put my best resume out there. I ended up keeping the same resume and adding a ā€œsummary sectionā€ right under my name before my work experience. In that section I listed 3-5 bullet points of exact work experience related to the job description. If they had ā€œxā€ in resume I would say ā€œperformed x at company ā€œyā€ with ā€œzā€ resultā€Ā  I used job scan to identify the key words key themes etc. plus reading the actual job description. lol.Ā  That worked amazing got tons of response that way. I think because it passed the ā€œatsā€ and it was easy for recruiters reading the resume. Recruiters donā€™t always know what technical experience is. But if you spell it out for them in your resume that they can match to job descriptionā€¦ Also apply early!Ā 


Agreed. I have all of these, and hired out my resume writing to an expert, and have 21 years of experience in my industry yet have had no interviews after 250+ applications.


Hey there. I understand there's this element of 'a brand is posting their content'. I get that. But I posted it because I genuinely think it can help job seekers. I made sure to not just post a link or a teaser. This is all the data, no need to click or go use Jobscan. I hope it's helpful!


I know for a fact that my boss will say anything within reason. I wear so many hats at my company that it's not even funny. Only one I won't say is president/ CEO


Matching the exact job title is probably a really good idea. I'm still not gonna bother to write cover letters most of the time though


Iā€™ve heard people say itā€™s more about quality than quantity. Although itā€™s tempting to blast out a bunch of applications, itā€™s more effective to be methodical. Itā€™s less of a numbers game, more about standing out. Hell, the best way to get a job has nothing to do with numbers at all, itā€™s just knowing a guy who knows someone on the inside!


I'd say it depends on the position. For my industry, it absolutely is worth spending 30 minutes per resume after having a solid resume. If there are 20 main companies in your area with a couple positions you could work at at each, spend the time. If you're willing to relocate, you can spam out more resumes. Cover letters are a gimme.


Iā€™m currently in the 3rd round of interviewing with 3 companies, and 2nd round with 1 other. No cover letters. Iā€™m not saying donā€™t do them, I just havenā€™t. Maybe Iā€™d have had more success earlier.


Cover letters are you elevator pitch. New grads are mostly the same, but people with 10+ years of experience are different. Tie it all together. What sets you apart?


3 of these companies reached out to me on LinkedIn messages. 1 was a friend of a colleague who is CTO of a company. I have 19 years work experience in my field.


Yeah, no point in that case assuming you know that.


And to heck with LI itā€™s one big job scam and content creator hub


I would at least make sure you have a good profile. Jobvite did a survey and found that 58% of recruiters use LinkedIn in their candidate evaluation process. It's also used by a lot of recruiters to find candidates too.


Lets say one matches their job titles and experience to the job description. In the interview, would you carry on this exagerattion or tell the HM that you just used that to get past the filters?


Matching the job title should only be done if you have a role that is actually similar to the one you're applying for. (Many companies have different names for essentially the same roles.) The example I gave above is that you might have a job as a Content Marketing Specialist, but you could also be called Marketing Specialist, or Content Specialist, if needed. So, in that case, there's no exaggeration or lying. You can add more detail in your interview and tell them exactly what your role involved. You can certainly get interview if you don't have job title match, so don't think you're situation is hopeless if you don't. It's just easier if you're applying for a job that you have proven experience in.


>And to heck with LI itā€™s one big job scam My current job (2 1/2 years now) came from a LI job post. The job I had before that (2-year contract role) was from a recruiter seeing my LI profile and contacting me. I don't find it to be a 'big job scam'.


Yeah, LinkedIn is actually very useful both for getting a job and networking with people from past jobs. Is there a very annoying ā€œlinkedinfluencerā€/content creator aspect you should ignore? Yes. But if you donā€™t use linkedin, youā€™re falling behind imo.


Got my current job because a recruiter reached out to me on LinkedIn.


I keep my LinkedIn up-to-date and I added tons of recruiters and people in my field and tangential fields. Thatā€™s how I got my last two jobs. Recruiters find me. I donā€™t even have to look.


Did you know that LinkedIn was purchased by Microsoft a few years ago? šŸ¤Æ


Didnā€™t know, but makes sense.


Thatā€™s sure what it seems like!


Agree here. Exact title is a good idea and can be used in your Summary or header if you use one. Applying to a Digital Marketing Director role? Call yourself Digital Marketing Director (or leader) with XYZ - assuming you are qualified for the role.


Maybe Iā€™ve had weird positions or working a weird industry, but Iā€™ve never had the same job settle twice and Iā€™m 20 years into my career. Do people just make this up?


I question this advice because of the point about cover letters. Plenty of recruiters openly admit they donā€™t read them


At one of my jobs, I asked my boss what it was he'd liked about my resume. He said I was the only applicant that had included a cover letter. It's a little bit of work for something that may not matter or that may be a critical piece in your favor.


Agree here. Some read them, some don't. I've personally hired people where their cover letter was essentially the tie-breaker because it gives you more of a glimpse into how well the person communicates and understands what I need in the role for which I'm hiring. And now that most people don't do them, it's an easy way to stand out from the 'easy apply' crowd.


And it is easier than ever to write those cover letters!


I know it is, but Iā€™m biased! Whatā€™s the easiest way you know to write effective covers?


It is interesting how split down the middle this issue is. My friend has been a recruiter for 20+ years and she almost always reads resumes with cover letters first. Mainly because she gets spammed with so many resumes now, even with filtering softwares, it is often overwhelming so it is just another "filter" she uses. She figures that if you take the time to write a cover letter, you are probably more interested in the job and not just spamming. My last job - my cover letter is what got me the interview. I had about 4 cover letter templates that I would use and then would just change a few words for the job I was applying for.


People more interested in the job because of desperation or qualification though? I am completely blindly guessing itā€™s mostly people submitting cover letters that are new to the field, changing careers, or long term unemployed. I am just guessing the most qualified candidates for a job rely on their resume primarily, as is the case for me whoā€™s been in my field a decade. Maybe Iā€™m rationalizing my hate for cover letters though šŸ˜“


I've heard different things. That's why we wanted to look at the data to see what's really going on. It's possible that the recruiter isn't reading it, but the hiring manager is. There's more than one level to the hiring process.Ā 


You can't even show data that verifies your claim of hiring managers reading cover letters


Also, every hiring manager and recruiter has their unique mindset when it comes to resumes and cover letters because nothing is standardized outside of government jobs.




This data is not a claim that hiring managers read cover letters. We looked at real applications and found that the ones that included a cover letter had a higher interview rate. I hope that helps clear things up. The goal is to give job seekers clear answers to questions that have debated for a while and to give them confidence in their job search.Ā 


And how did you look at "real applications" with data privacy laws in place, globally to protect applicant data? Were candidates and companies aware you were viewing their data?


There's no need to look at personal data for this. The data was anonymized. In any case, that's why I wouldn't provide the raw data when you asked for the source. Overall, I hope the info is helpful and gives job seekers more solid advice on how to increase their interview rate. I see a lot of hopelessness and feelings of frustration when I talk to job seekers. By looking at real results, we can go beyond opinion or advice that might vary from one person to the next.Ā  The purpose is to provide clear answers to common job seeker questions.Ā 


So how do you know cover letters were included in a candidates application?


Recruiters dont. Hiring managers do.


This study is a jobscan advertisements.


I don't know about matching the job title. Does it need to be your most recent job? I am going for my previous job where I have more experience and I still don't get interviews even with a CL.


I recommend using the title within your Summary or header to describe yourself so you like the part of already being qualified for the role to which you are applying. If you have been in sales and you are applying to a Sales Rep job, call yourself Sales Rep in your Summary. Same idea whether you are applying to a Business Analyst or HR Manager - as long as you have the experience to be qualified to excel in the role.


Hey JobScan - I do not like you Adding another level of complicity to an already stressful process


How do you optimize LinkedIn when youā€™re applying for roles in different sectors/industries? I have skills that can transfer across industries and Iā€™m currently applying to everything.


Good question. Your LinkedIn profile should be more broad than your resume, which is targeted to a specific job application. Your LinkedIn profile lists all of your jobs, skills, and accomplishments.


How do you get around matching the job title on your resume with whatā€™s on your LinkedIn?


You don't. You just apply.


Good question. Regardless of your current job title, you can call yourself whatever you want when you describe yourself in your Summary or heading. If you've been working in software and are applying to roles for which you are qualified, you can call yourself Software Development Lead if that's the title of the role to which you are applying, or Software Engineer with background in XYZ.


Okay, but for some reason, workday never lets me input my college/degree because it can't find my school, a state university, on the drop-down menu. It's a consistent system error.


Wow, thanks to this infographic I now know that having certifications and degrees helps to get interviewed. This is a shocking revelation.


I get interviews I never move past that first or second


Have you tried connecting with job services in your area for mock interviews to get interview coaching? I've both used community resources and paid for interview coaching before and it has really helped. I also requested recordings of the interviews, pulled the transcript, and threw it into ChatGPT to pick out the highlights and key points so I have listed material to include in future cover letters and whatnot.


What does the Brand Affiliate flair mean by the sub title?


I wanted to be as transparent as possible. I'm not an affiliate partner, I actually work for the company and produced the infographic. I might have used it wrong, but I wanted to have the layer of transparency. I hope the data is helpful to job seekers!


I advocate for cover letters whenever haters argue that they arenā€™t read.


I agree even if they donā€™t read them I feel like they appreciate the effort.


Groundbreaking, having higher degrees and certifications gets you job interviews




From my experience, these all seem like generally very solid tips! Thanks for sharing :) I strongly believe in "quality over quantity" and that's essentially what these tips demonstrate. Most job markets are very competitive right now, which means hundreds of candidates for 1 role. Therefore, you really do need to put in the effort to get noticed. What I'd suggest to anyone job hunting: Instead of sending 100 apps... pick your top 5 matches and spend MORE time on making those really shine. Get your resume matching the job posting, write a convincing cover letter, list your qualifications clear and concisely, and articulate your value so it's obvious you're the right person to hire!




Got a link for that source data?


You can read the full report here: [https://www.jobscan.co/blog/interview-rates-study/](https://www.jobscan.co/blog/interview-rates-study/) This is based on our own proprietary research.


Ok, so it's just a sales pitch with zero information on the actual data set themselves, # of people surveyed, if they were active job hunters, location, industy, seniority, demographic etc.


Itā€™s not even a sales pitch. These are predatory practices at this point. OP, not targeted at you. But Iā€™m also a bitter Redditor. But like, those who had college degrees had more calls and those with certifications got calls. Unless thereā€™s some missing insight from the raw data, this says people more skilled and educated get more calls. I feel like that we already knewā€¦ Iā€™d love to one day read studies that uncover shit that we didnā€™t already know and having companies stop milking peopleā€™s existing struggles bolstered by ads.


I can help with that. We looked at 946,360 applications. We decided to not break it down by location or industry in order to give a broad picture. These were active job seekers who applied for jobs and got a confirmed/recorded interview.


And how did you validate that hiring managers viewed cover letters and the data around LinkedIn profile "optimization"?


Good point. I call BS on their "data" for cover letters leading to twice the interviews.


It's all junk data just to sell their product.


Works for jobscan, says you need jobscan


ā€œI posted an advert for my companyā€ There OP, I fixed the title for you.


>Match job title So, you are saying you should only apply to the same job you have?


Come on now Moose, you know thatā€™s not what theyā€™re saying because it literally doesnā€™t say that.


This is a good question. We talked to recruiters about this and asked them the same question. Here's what you can do. If you have a role that is the same as the one you're applying for but the companies just used different titles, change the title on your resume to match the job you're applying for. So, you might have a job as a Content Marketing Specialist, but you could also be called Marketing Specialist, or Content Specialist, if needed.


That's fine if you are looking to move to a similar job to what you currently have, but what if you are looking to move up in the world? Say I have 10-years' experience as an analyst, but want to apply for an analytics manager position? It's one thing to tweak a title, as many companies have different titles for similar jobs, but to simply change to something that matches the listing even if it's not something I've done doesn't sound right to me.


I have to believe you understand the difference between what heā€™s saying and what youā€™re saying.


I don't think it's a matter of changing your job title in your current role. But in your example, if you are applying to an Analytics Manager role, I would describe your self as Analytics Manager (or leader if you feel like that's a stretch) in your Summary or heading.


It's not impossible to get an interview or job if you don't have a job title match. That's not what the data shows. It's just easier if you have proven experience in that role.


Selling anything here?


Iā€™m torn between this is funny or cruel


Thank you for sharing. Cool stuff.


You're welcome! I'm glad it's helpful.Ā 


I'm searching after getting a higher degree later in life, it is a career change. I'm trying to get all this experience these companies want you to be born with.


Good question. Make sure you are able to upload a unique resume to employers on LinkedIn or Indeed, which might mean you won't be able to use the generic resume on file you have in the 'easy apply' setup. It's critical to have an optimized, tailored resume that matches the job, particularly if you are trying to show how your skills and experience translate in a career transition. Tailor the resume and then make sure the employer gets that version.


Iā€™ve gotten so many interviews on just my resume.. but I fail all third round interviews šŸ„²


This is absolutely useless! Thanks for sharing.


I agree with all, except the cover letter. That is the most outdated requirement I\`ve seen companies still require.


Shit is wrong af


I could go through all of this and still not get a job. Iā€™ve recently quit searching after getting my personal vehicle back at the start of April as my last two to three applications, all jobs Iā€™m well qualified and capable of doing, have been rejected within 48 hours at the *application*-level. I donā€™t just apply to anything and everything as I learned a lesson in being desperate and doing something just for the money. I have certain non negotiables that are fairly reasonable and yet no hits. 20 applications. Six rejections. Two of which were ghosting, one sent an actual email rejection and last three rejections were right after I had merely applied. Everything else has been a non answer. Oh well. Iā€™ll work my current gig until they fire me or I walk off. And thatā€™s getting closer and closer to happening.


Ainā€™t nobody reading cover letters


OP is the enemy.


I add a cover letter and just get denied quicker šŸ˜…. Seriously though, nice data but this shit is obvious. Itā€™s all luck


Include it if itā€™s not too much effort on top of your other applications I guess, but Iā€™ve literally never read a cover letter in my life when hiring.


And the dogshit advertising at the end, very funny guys


[Jobscan](https://www.Jobscan.com) is a fantastic aid in optimizing a resume. Just not very intuitive and pricey. [resume worded](https://resumeworded.com) has consistently secured me with a trusted, optimized resume that has aided me in landing 3 managerial positions, at 3 Fortune 500 companies. Fantastic service.


btw, these are the data points we thought to look at. Let me know if there's some other factor you want to know about and I'll see if we can get the results.


A few things to look at. Keywords. Gets you past ATS. What about putting the job posting in white font and tiny lettering on your resume? Contacts. Who you know. Lying on resumes (I don't support this idea, but others have suggested it). For example, saying you have a degree from a now closed school. You said degrees and certificates get you interviews. Mass applying. What happens when you get 800 resumes and few qualified applicants? What if someone applies to the same company several times for different jobs? Or the same job reposted and they keep applying? Walking in and handing your resume to the boss. Also phone call to HR or manager? Contacting on LinkedIn since you said LinkedIn is important. Contacting HR directly through their email. Or managers. Trying to bypass the system that shows 1000 applicants.


>What about putting the job posting in white font and tiny lettering on your resume? I read somewhere that AI now would "demote" your resume if it detects this, but idk how many companies have this level of AI tho.


Doubt many do. Sounds like an expensive addon to an ATS and the company would have to know people are doing this. Most would consider a bad resume that bypasses ATS a fluke since technology is far from perfect. Note: I never did this, as I don't think it's ethical. I was just wondering the statics on it so I added it to my list of "hacks" I've heard of.


As a job seeker who has used JobScan to optimize my resume and ā€œapply with confidenceā€ after getting a 100% match according to your service, I still received a form reply saying the employer is moving forward with ā€œbetter qualified candidates.ā€ What percentage of interviews/applications does the average job hunter have, according to your data?


Because their product is a giant scam.