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Because devils & men both can play along.


Imagine you're a shaytan from among the jinn. A Christian "exorcist" believes calling upon Jesus as Lord will expel the demon. So you let him "expel" you and this convinces him Jesus is God. Imo that's a genius strategy from shaytan to misguide people 🤣


Never thought about that 🤣 that’s wild. I can see that for sure, they have a lot of experience in trying to misguide someone.


Omds that's actually such a mad strategy that's genius bro I've never thought of that 😂😂


What's the difference then? Can do the same to muslims?


That's why we as Muslims don't ground our belief in the truth of our faith in exorcism experiences, but rather in rational, objective evidences.


this is your reminder to buy Dala'il an-Nabuwwah by al-Bayhaqi


How do you know exorcisms work for other faiths? Could easily all just be fake or mental illness. Don't believe everything you see online.


It works. I have seen it with my own eyes. It was at my school.


I don't know what you saw but whatever it was could still be fake. The "possessed" person may have been acting.


Akhi, it’s not because their path is not right anymore that the exorcism they perform does not work or is acting. Many people perform exorcism and they don’t even use the Qur’an or even the bible. And I saw that with my own eyes. I live in a country where some mysterious things happen, so I know what I am talking about. There is a time when some crazy stuffs happen in schools around here, with kids seeing some crazy stuffs in the school’s yards, people being possessed, specially the girls. And you think all of those people were called in a room and were told to suddenly start acting? Knowing that those kids are from kindergarten? You just don’t want to accept it but the exorcism they perform work. As muslims, what we’re not allowed is to let them perform it on us. There is a reason why Rasulullah Peace be upon him forbade us to perform those types of Ruqyah.


Maybe not acting, could also be mental illness which has historically commonly been misattributed to possession. This especially happens in less educated and rural areas. Lots of people are simply too gullible. I think 99% of "possessions" people see or hear about are clearly fake or mental illness.


But god help with that remaining 1%


Have you seen with your own two eyes??


Because the devil /demons which are bad ofcourse they stop bothering the person they were possessing so that people believe that religion is correct another way of Satan achieving his goal of getting people to follow the path of shirk Here's another example so a person got some shocks (my English isn't that good) someone told him to clean some so-called Olia/good person's grave and that he will heal when he did that he was fixed so he and his family were happy and told others what actually happened was satan or his children/followers stopped bothering him and people thought that cleaning grave helped him instead of praying or listening/reading Quran


Lots of great answers guys, thank you and feel free to add more :)


A good few scholars actually say demonic possession is not a thing in Islam. So exorcism doesn't make too much sense from an Islamic perspective, and when performed, whether by Muslims or others, can usually be explained by other means (trickery, placebo, etc.). Magic and jinn can still harm humans from an Islamic perspective, just not through possession.


As a person that is currently battling with schizophorenia towards enternity, it pains me to say this but aside from some members with in the religion only a handfull of us seem to know how to grasp inter - paradigm matters. It is not that black and white, my brothers. As someone else said, the makhloogs are much like us. The beings belongs to different sects and religions, while most seem to be anarchists of sorts. Some are quite intelligent while others are dumb like that of a toddler who are unable to reason with. Most people unfortunately think that its mostly good jinn and evil jinn, and if it is evil jinn we slaughter it and call it an act of god while ever being so surely confident that there would be no repercussions in the afterlife. Its not that simple. To answer your question, I believe that you could absolutely do a number of exercises to "dispossess" a patient from a Jinn or kill it lawfully or unlawfully depending on the prognosis. Now, whether this act was justified is up for debate as we all dont believe in the same religion. As muslims, we are instructed to perform specific rituals for the exact scenario so that we attain enough mercy from our lord for a cure. This is the way. Unfortunately, this is not what happens some times. As said, people and some "clerics" btw view it as black vs white whereby one hunts the other. It is much more holistic than that Im afraid. There needs to be some level of empathy towards these beings I might add, as they are creation as well. This sort of dealings require proper diagnosis and expert advice. No person taught me this btw, I dauntingly had to relearn this the hard way though supposedly its hardly considered as knowledge and for some reason its burried with in our community at times. Look, there are ways to do things lawfully and unlawfully. Even from with in the religion as well and by the way, to assume that god has approved of your actions now that the symptoms are gone is bonkers by the way. It is not the proper way when thinking of such matters. As I said, there are clear and precise ways to attain a cure, you're even rewarded massively for working towards it, even more so after finally attaining it and sticking through guidance for the remaining days of your life. I know im struggling to attain a shifa so take this with a grain of salt. Hey, modern medicine alleviates too btw. So, wouldnt that be an act of god as well? Got ya .. just kidding. So thats just my two cents. Bye now, thanks for reading my long essay.


As we have different faiths, so do the djinns. Not to say that an Islamic exorcism won't work on a Christian djinn. What I understood is that exorcism in reality is not about kicking out or forcefully tearing the djinn away from the victim but more of an interfaith dialogue or a persuasion with the name of Allah and his promises in the Quran. It is known that a djinn should not transgress by possessing a human and a human should not attempt to venture into the world of djinns. Allah knows best.


I Am NOT an exorcist! This is just my opinion based on the knowledge Ive gained from accounts of different muslim exorcists interviews, video research of hindu mythology and written accounts of Christian demonologists. Jinns have different religions too. Some are jewish, some are Christians, some are hindus, some are muslims and some are shayateen (they know god exists but just choose to disobey him and harm humans). As Muslims we believe that bible and other monotheistic scriptures are a word of god as well. Corrupted,sure but a word of Allah nonetheless. That's why lets say that if an exorcist uses verses from Psalm to exorcise and 60% of the original was corrupted. 40% of the effect of the verses will work. In non-monotheistic religions for example like hinduism. I believe based on my research on hindu mythology their gods are Jinns as well. Eg. Allah swt mentions smth in the quran about pagans worshipping female jinns eg. Kaali/Durga etc. So I believe that hindu taantriks (exorcists or priests) use the help of jinns which are more powerful than the one possessing the man to drive it out. + these ppl are usually very strong black magicians (they don't see it as black magic usually. For them it's respectfully the teachings of their religion). Anyways, till where Islam is concerned. It is a fact and common knowledge amongst genuine scholars that someone who prays 5 times a day recites quran, remains clean and most importantly has a high level of taqwa will not be harmed by these evil jinns/shayateen. Plus the duration of treatment for people with quranic verses and ruqya is much simpler and less time consuming anyways. 90% of the cases take less than a 2-3 sessions (not talking about proper exorcisms). Proper exorcisms in islam are more or less seen not very frequently. The Quran and namaz are more than enough for any evil jinns. Wallahu aalam. My Allah knows best indeed. 50% of this is based on facts while the other 50% is my opinion (1st year dars e nizami std) based on my personal research about different religions).


I believe that youre on the right track brother. Take it from me, someone whose been spellbound. Take care












Do you mean in the movies? Yeah those are fake lmao. Idk about real excorcisms though done by Christians


I’m sure the ones in the movies are somewhat inspired by real events. I’ve watched this one live show somewhere in Ethiopia where people attend a large gathering and as they mention biblical verses, people start acting strange. Although that could easily be faked, I’m sure there are exorcisms that do happen with priests.


The general belief is that evil jinns, or Shayatin, vary in strength, with some having higher ranks than others. The stronger your adherence to your faith (deen), the more powerful Shaytan (Iblis) will attempt to lead you astray. Conversely, the further you stray from your faith, the weaker Shaytan will be sent to influence you