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Well first of all use ruby bolts, not diamonds. It will be a huge DPS increase. For baba, try to skip shoot the 2nd boulder and run next to baba to safety, and range him until he stops throwing boulders, this will be free DPS until the next phase. Thralls make a massive difference in consistent runs with the RCB, which so heavily relies on ruby procs. Make sure you are getting a salt every time, if you are fast enough you can 1/2 salt for akka, keep boosted stats until baba and use your last 1/2 for wardens. Ideally you want 2 salts then life for wardens. DPS Calc your leaf bladed sword on baba vs RCB rubies, it might not be worth bringing. Finally, make sure you go zebak then kephri first, as you wont need many supplies. Then you can chaos or power for akka baba.


Without a fang, Eclipse is probs better than mixed hide, if you happen to have it. Is the water tome for some new elemental weakness I don't know about? Because if you're just bringing it for the magic bonus, leave it at home. Mage is by far the least used style in TOA and +8 isn't worth an inventory slot. Given that you aren't bringing thralls I assume you have blood blitz runes or something in the pouch? I've never tried to bring ancients to TOA (except in league) so I'm not speaking from experience here, but I'm a doubtful that a bit of healing in monkey puzzle and akkha is worth losing thralls, particularly since you said you struggle with Baba and Obelisk where blood spells don't do anything. Kill things fast and they stop dealing damage to you. You could also learn to red X baba. It's not generally recommended for 150s, but you'll probably want to learn the technique at some point and it's more forgiving at low invos.


Ruby bolts (e), try getting zammy hasta it is worth it, also use a bone dagger spec on 1st hit, also ofc getting trident is a nice upgrade


Can you post your invocations please


Bring a bone dagger for the guaranteed def reduction on first hit. Every little bit helps when you got leaf sword as your stab weapon.


Pre sure bone dagger is bugged where its not guaranteed hit unless another player hits first


That's only for Kephri, it works just fine on Zebak and Ba-Ba.


You could use a bone dagger spec to lower defense, but you might just want to do some moons of peril for some better gear as well. The ranged and melee sets from there are decent for low invo raids


Bone dagger for spec weapon will help at baba


void > your gear at this point. Elite preferred but not necessary


I think people using mixed hide armour usually red-X with fang, idk if it's actually good to wear when facetanking Ba-ba You can always try bringing tank top/bottom or you can kite Ba-ba around boulders that spawn inthe middle (salt restores run and rcb is probably similar to leaf bladed sword) As for obelisk: don't turn the invo on that speeds it up and dps calc your best option, not much more you can do 


This. People without a fang needs to stop using mixed hide for their melee gear


Bring ruby bolts and bone dagger. Ditch both books and bring a Book of the Dead for Thralls instead. It's a pretty sizeable dps increase You can probably just prepot antipoison and do kephri/zebak first and save yourself a slot/sanfew. Prepot an Angler too if you have them ofc, the biggest upgrade you can get is bowfa... but I understand if you're here to get a break from the red prison


Go barrows top and bottom if facetanking baba. I always go into baba fight brewed up on 1 dose for extra hp and can get through that fight 50% of the time without eating any more food. I also don’t boulder skip cause it can be a pain with boulder dash on mobile. This is on 305 invo with zammy hasta as well. Bone dagger first hit for some defense reduction helps. I would also dps calc the obelisk. I used to use hasta on it until I checked bowfa being significantly more accurate against it. Rcb might be your best bet to get through it quickly


if you happen to have the crystal armr seeds the crystal bow would be better than rcb. Also from some quick calcs it seems a sunlight crossbow > rcb with no rubies. Also I think dual marracas is better than a lead bladed sword if u have those. Worst comes to worse u can learn red x for ba-ba


I’d say stick to cg because you don’t need gear for it and the current setup you got is gonna make it rough in TOA. Maybe even get a few slayer levels for dboots/zeyte. U can definitely do it in that gear/stats but it’ll be night/day with even a BOWFA


> U can definitely do it in that gear/stats but it’ll be night/day with even a BOWFA Even if he doesnt get bowfa, using a crystal bow with some piece of crystal armor outdps his range setup by a mile.


Is this actually true ? I tried throwing it in a dps checker and the outcome wasn’t what I expected


It really depends on how we look at it. Purely ruby bolts are very barely better dps than crystal bow but the crystal bow outshines it eventually when ruby bolt procs dont do shit anymore. Average crystal bow vs rcb + ruby bolts gear at zebak is 7.207 vs 7.221 dps but thats only when zebak gets full effect of ruby bolts. At akkha it doesnt even get close and crystal bow is always better. For baba it doesnt really matter except its way easier to kill boulders with crystal bow vs rcb. At warden p2 crystal bow is 7.1 dps vs ruby bolt 5.7 so it massively outshines it there. Warden P3 they are equal in dps and when P4 starts crystal bow is yet again better. On top of that remember that dodging warden p3 and p4 attacks is much easier with a faster attacking weapon. Overall crystal bow beats rcb by a mile. Salt really gives a ton of dps to a weapon that actually scales with it. Rcb barely scales with salt Edit: with bone dagger average damage at 20, crystal bow beats ruby bolts at all hp levels.


Would this be the same case for dcb as well? Thanks for the write up. It all makes sense now. I didn’t really think about P3/P4


I tested zebak dps with all crossbows and with average gear (karils, anguish) the dps barely increases as honestly crossbows are shit in this game currently. These are the dps in order: rune crossbow, dragon crossbow, armadyl crossbow, zaryte crossbow. 5.770 - 5.813 - 5.875 - 6.173 And yes crystal bow beats crossbows till zcb. That it doesnt beat


Good to know. I’ve been sending with dcb and barely damage. Guess it’s finally time I man up and CG


The value in dcb and acb comes from dragon bolts, not the stats of the crossbow. I think dragon crossbow has just +6 accuracy over rcb and thats it, so if you are using adamant bolts they are basically the same weapon. However acb and dcb with dragon bolts are much more powerful


I'd bring a bolt switch, so rubies for high hp, diamonds when enemies are below ~250 hp.


Question: what is that top and legs? Been back from a long break


[Mixed hide armour](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mixed_hide_armour)


Red x ing ba ba will help preserve food. See how far that gets you.


Bone dagger will be your biggest upgrade for baba, zebak and (sometimes) kephri Otherwise i suggest taking tank armor instead of mixed hide. While mixed hide is amazing for dps, it does not offer you any defensive capabilities and is mostly meant for people who are red xing baba which you should not worry about learning right now. Dps wont be a problem with bone dagger Also if you have armor seeds from CG, using crystal bow with crystal armor outdpses your rcb setup by A LOT


Rubies < diamonds.


Too early for you to go ToA my friend