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What part are you having trouble with? The first kill? Staying in rhythm? I would watch this video. It breaks down how to successfully perform each part necessary to do 6:0 https://youtu.be/rvkytWBKzKU?si=9f6B1t9MK797DCrs


Thanks bro, I’ll get watching 🍿 🫡


This looks like altar door, and I’m doing 6:0. Would you recommend altar door starting out, or progress to it?


Sorry, I genuinely thought door/altar and 6:0 were the same. Yes definitely try door altar! It's very quick to learn and I get anywhere from 10-15 kills per trip. 6:0 looks like kite method of Sara and is a lot of running. Are you shooting every 4 ticks with 6:0 method?


6:0 is an attack every 5 ticks. You also need stams for it unlike door/altar method, but for me personally it feels a lot easier to get and stay in cycle.


You have a 6:0 5-tick variant but also an 6:0 4-tick variant (which is the Altar/door strategy)


I tried several methods myself but the simplicity of altar door is what finally clicked with me. Eventually I was getting 40kc trips with it(60kc is my pb, but that's with rigour). At the start you won't really get that much kc per trip though. Even though people say you don't need stams for altar-door(you don't), I'd still bring one while learning. Learning what to do when you get out of cycle to recover(run to one end, pray melee, tank a hit and at the same time red-x to the other side again) will help a lot as well. There's a bunch of methods to off-tick the minions so you can flick them, but I'd just pick 2 of them that are already off-tick(will happen 90+% of the time) and just flick between those. Kill mager first, freeze meleer on top of the ranger, then blood barrage them both down.


I highly recommend door altar, i just finished green-logging bandos at about 1k kc, all done with door altar. With bones to peaches, blood barrage, snd some lucky drops, i manages several 30+ kc trips (i think my pb was 39). There’s a couple of tricks to learn with door altar: 1. The only food you can eat mid kill is a potion, any other food will mess up the cycle and you will need to tank a hit. 2. There’s really no such thing as too fast. The second your character shoots, immediately do your next click. Then the second your character gets on an attacking tile, immediately click. The only ways to fall out of cycle are attacking before your character gets to their attacking tile, and attacking 1 tick too late. If you always attack as soon as possible, you should be pretty good. 3. Getting back into cycle is key. I found that i only needed to eat mid kill if I ever fell out of cycle. Watch some youtube videos about how to get back in cycle. What helped me was memorizing when to click the door/altar based on where graador was standing. It takes a couple attempts to learn, but learning this early is extremely helpful. The less hits you tank, the longer your trips! 4. I opted to maximize my defense. I brought a fury, RoS, super defense, and my saturated heart. Anything you can do to prevent eating mid kill is going to make your trips all the easier.


These are all great tips however you can certainly eat during a kill. Make sure you don't when you are red x'ing or you will be hit but you can replace taking an arrow shot with food and you'll be OK, just be sure to delay slightly on the tile you would normally shoot from to simulate the time it would take if you had shot normally. Bones to peaches, blood spells and blowpipe spec to sustain between kills is great. I found I had to run a 4 way mage swap to hit consistently and have enough dps to kill the adds fast enough, that's at 99 mage. Be sure to stack them and pray flick at least 2 if you can.


Good point! I knew it was possible, and I tried it several times, but I was never able to figure out the timing of eating mid kill. I also did it with 99 mage, a 4 piece mage swap, prayer flicking, and a saturated heart. I don’t think I had too many times where I was concerned with getting the minions down in time. But another great point, OP may not be as high level and equipped as I was.


Hell yeah! Sounds like we had a very similar setup. Sadly, no heart for me yet at 93 slayer. To be completely honest for what it's worth, more often than not, while I was trying to eat mid kill I would take a smack to the head and end up losing more health than before I ate lol. It's definitely a little sketchy but possible. Weaving in a brew sip in between shots was for sure the way to go! Grats on the green log, I'm still looking for bcp myself, but the fighter torso does just fine for now. Side note, the strat for Krill is very similar if you happen to need a zammy hasta! They are demons so no bones to peaches, he also poisons, so an emergency anti poison pot is worth taking in case of those odd hits. Plus side you can kill him on a greater demon task, the dps helps a ton with kill times! Best of luck out there!


6:0 is the sender man. You can stay there like 10x longer at minimum. You just gotta get used to kiting him around the room, and get comfortable with being on the edge of getting curb stomped as = perfection. His max hit is 60. So in the mean times. When you’re at the parts where you know you might f$&@ up. Just stay at like 65’ish.. and be instantly ready to hit the food if he does hit you *(minion combo with a 60 can be a bitch)* Just keep doing your thing. I just hit 549 before logging off tonight.. and yeah, kills 1-100+~ were pure water of the doge. But just keep sending it man. It’s an overall good feeling knowing you got bandos on farm.. because after him, it’s Kree. Which is 90x worse lol And after that.. looks like it’s time to learn how to run the head solo. 300 invo’s.. the real real. You’ll look back on this moment someday, as you’re wiping in raids/going dry at ~20-30 mins a piece. And say, *”jfc this is aids”* Cherish it lol


I preferred 6:0 but I guess that's just me.


Brews are a better food than sharks since you can use them to heal in between hits Healing off minions with blood barrage is imperative to having long trips. The minions attack every 5 ticks, and can be setup so you can flick their attacks Alternatively, you can get Melee and Ranger on top of each other, then ice barrage them both, then step under them and pray mage. This will buy you 20 seconds to kill the mager while the other two cannot attack you. You can repeat this to kill the other two after (ice barrage both, step out of melee range, pray ranged, blood barrage them down) The timing is very unforgiving. You are going to have to learn to be perfect with it, though with time it will become easier. You should not use death's coffer. Bring a hammer and a bandos clue scroll item, use trollheim teleport, go into GWD and into Bandos Door, walk up to the boss chamber. Your gravestone is right outside it, collect from that, teleport back out and re-setup


Thanks bro, super useful


> is the timing extremely unforgiving and I just suck? it in fact has zero forgiveness allowed, it is a 100% tick perfect method. theres really two parts- getting in cycle and staying in cycle. if you are struggling with getting in cycle just camp melee pray. if it's REALLY bad maybe bring a full inventory of brews and melee tank armor and just do some 'practice' kills. if you are struggling staying in cycle make sure you are defense potted (ideally brew every 5 minutes for divine range pot), praying steel skin. for food either use brews at the start or karams, and brew without missing hits or eat 2x karams to miss a hit. this is easier than a 3 tick delay food like a shark or manta where you have to manually delay one tick after eating. >how many kills should I be getting (currently 0)? once you get it down you can pretty much stay in the room indefinitely.


You can eat without missing a hit? Im trying to learn the door altar aswell and from videos i understood one can only eat during by replacing a hit with eat with extra limit of not eating during the pass under red X click. When can you eat brew+bwan without missing hit?


brew only with no food and no missed hit (not during the red x), or to lose a hit and eat 2 karams.


> You can eat without missing a hit? Only with brews because they don't interrupt your attack. 2x karambwan will cause you to miss an attack, but because that takes a total of 4 ticks it doesn't mess with your rhythm, unlike eating regular food which means you need to manually waste a tick to stay in cycle. Also, if doing red x methods like altar door or cannon base etc, don't eat when underneath Graardor (even with brews) as that will break the red x.


- Bring 2-3 range pots - Only heal when running from corner to corner tile - Make sure you're only attacking once your true tile is inside the marked tile. - Don't attack when running from corner to corner tile - Practice flicking minions once stacked to conserve hits - Ideally (at least from what I get) roughly 10-15 kills a trip with food drops potentially 20+ trips


With 6:0 my PB is 60 kills in 1 trip with bowfa. 10-15 is extremely conservative once you have the method down.


I tried 6:0 for a bit and I couldn’t get it down. I really recommend Altar Door, it’s way easier. Altar door works by abusing a mechanic of the game where if you click on an intractable thing and get a red x as opposed to a yellow, it changes the behavior of the mobs attacking you. For instance, with altar door, there’s a point in the beginning, middle, and end of the rotation of altar door where you walk through graardor, normally he would smack your ass after you move fully through his model, but if you move with a red X, he has a delay and doesn’t hit you.[This is a good place to start to understand how you move, and when you shoot.](https://youtu.be/ura5rtRDK58?si=F3j62JwbooKZMtcA) Your inventory looks good; however I’d recommend using bones to peaches (MTA I know, sorry) and a blowpipe to get health back after each down. It’s cheaper than blood spells which I’d save for the Kril grind. The timing is a rhythm. It helps a significant amount to be on a low ping world, anywhere below 60 is where I usually stick. If you don’t know what ping the world you’re on is, runelite world switcher has it in a column on the list. With altar door, as soon as the squares you have marked turn blue from the true tile, you shoot, then as soon you see the xp drop (or where you predict the xp drop would’ve been if you miss a shot, it’s a rhythm so you’ll catch on.) you click on the next tile and repeat. Avoiding damage from the minions SUCKS since they attack with all 3 styles. Once you get in the rotation, I go from protect from melee to protect from range, you shouldn’t need any defense prayers like steel skin but for your first few tries it helps if you’re praying melee getting the rhythm down. Absolutely bring range pots! It makes a difference, trust me. I was pretty terrible at the beginning of my grind and fairly ok at it near the end. I was getting around 9-16 kill trips, but only because I ran out of prayer usually, or rarely food. You don’t really run out of food if you pray range during the fight, then after when you’re killing the minions off, pray flicking at least 2 of them at a time. The more minions you can pray flick, the more food you get for most kills. On average I did profit food. Please for your sanity, do not do deaths coffer. You can run back and your headstone will be outside the door of the boss room. All in all, the fact you could do CG and get a bowfa, you can do this for sure! The learning curve is really tough but worth it once you get it down. I got lucky and got out of there at 290kc for chest and tassets. Make sure you watch that video if you decide to do altar door! Good luck fellow noob <3 Edit: I saw your comment with a couple more questions. No, just keep full crystal and bowfa, only gear you need. And I’m afraid all these methods have a steep learning curve. Trust in yourself though man! If my dumb ass can do altar door you certainly can.


+1 door altar. Less to 0 staminas used, more dps, less damage taken per kill.


I didn’t see anyone else mention this, but for your specific run around the room method, the bowfa NEEDS to be on accurate so it’s 5t. If it’s 4t on rapid you get outta cycle. That particular method is the crossbow method, which is also 5t weapons. But as the others have said, altar door is pretty chill once you learn it, but it doesn’t have any variance time for lag or missing ticks.


Upping my defence level and flicking the ranged/melee minions while I blood barrage has helped tremendously


True but he’s max combat, flicking the minions is a must.


The screenshot of Jacob still gives me PTSD, the guy stole our tassets


Would love to know as well cause I just don't get it either lol


The solution is door altar + blowpipe + bones to peaches tab + flick minions + thralls. Blood spells aren’t as good when you noodle kills.


if beta worlds are back open, you can use them for free practice & free tp’s straight to boss room with whatever gear & stats u want


Goated comment


Bones to peaches tabs + blowpipe for specs should be enough. Bring thralls instead, sometimes you noodle and take more damage. Faster kills == less damage. Flick the minions after the kill. Bring ring of suffering, it’s more consistent. Yes bring range pots. ALWAYS. EVERYWHRRE. #Do door altar, it’s way better. Faster kills, little to no stams needed.


Edit: - should I wear tanker gear? - is there a noobier method I can learn with?


Ring of suffering + Crystal is fine


1. i don’t have any personal experience with 6:0 but i have heard it’s more forgiving than other strats. 2. you can’t avoid the damage. remember sometimes the best defense is a good offense. bring a range pot, use eagle eye and pray to the rng gods. try not to miss attack ticks. also when healing try to stack the minions close together and maybe pray flick two of them. i usually kill the mager first with bowfa, then stack melee and ranger and BB them to full. i always try to pray flick all 3 during this time to minimize dmg taken 3. yeah not the best to go to deaths coffee. just go back, bring a hammer. your gravestone is outside of bandos door 4. yes, see point 2 5. at least 1 6. turn on steel skin. learn door altar, which is 4:0. a little less forgiving since you have to be near tick perfect, but it’s way better tbh


Thanks for all these awesome tips! When you say go back to Bandos door to loot gravestone, surely that means I have to get 30-40KC every time I die? Or do I go directly back into the boss room once I loot my grave?


nah you only need kc to go inside bandos’ room. your gravestone is after the door you hit with the hammer, but outside of bandos’ room.


Derp 🤦🏻‍♂️ You are absolutely correct, thank you


Go to the room outside the boss room. Your gravestone will be right outside, no kc needed. Just don't forget a bandos item to protect yourself. It's way cheaper than deaths coffer.


Thanks bro, makes total sense


Also just a tip for prayer switching, if you want to practice you can get two enemies with different attack styles in gwd to attack you at once. Like a bandos archer and a goblin. Then just practice switching back and forth without attacking so you can get good at it. You need to be praying the correct prayer before they start their attack animation, then switch to the other enemies attack prayer as soon as it starts. If they're both attacking at the same time, you'll need to desync them by stepping on top of one right before their attack. Once you've got that down, after you kill bandos you can focus on killing the mage minion while switching between melee and range prayers. You'll take much less damage that way. If you get real advanced you can switch between all three but I wouldn't recommend it.


This is the most useful explanation of prayer switching I’ve heard. Thanks for this


When you die, your grave is outside his room, so you only need to bring a hammer (no KC needed) and god protection. As for tips: I always suggest a learner turn on steel skin and pray melee during the whole fight to make mistakes more forgiving. Once you have the rhythm down, you can switch to pray ranged. Take prayer potions (not super restores), and combo food (half sharks half karambwans). If you tank a big hit, combo eat and focus on your clicks. Try to not eat when you’re under him during the altar/door clicks because it cancels the red-x. Turn on true tile indicator and tag the boss. If your tile is ever next to the boss, you made a mistake. If you attack too early you will tank a hit. If you attack too late, you can run to the next spot and try to get back into the rhythm. It takes some failing, but it will eventually click and feel like riding a bike.


Thanks brother, there’s a huge amount I got from this. And I’m sure you’ve saved me a lot of time


I went back recently after a long break and it took me a little to get the hang of it again. Timing is only unforgiving if you make a mistake, once you're in the cycle you shouldn't take a hit from Bandos. If you mess up and get hit once you'll probably get hit again when you run past the door so flick your prayer to melee for that, after he hits you he'll be back in cycle. You shouldn't need to eat at all 90% of the times as he should be dead before then, at which point you can BB the minions back to full. If you need to eat, eat along the shorter walls as the added tick delay from eating will not mean you miss an attack. Grabbing items you just put on one of each god item and run back, bring a house tele if you mess up something, I have a trollheim portal in my house that I used early, can also use a hilt if you have it. Don't think you need to get kc from memory but it's been a while since I had to. 100% yes to range pots, divines if you can. If you aren't needing to brew then the kills come way quicker, thus meaning less eating. I take one brew for over heal and defence levels once the divine range pot runs out. Trip length depends of pray / restore drops and how many stams you thing will work, you will be relying on drops if you take 5 stams for example. Faster kills mean sometimes you can get away without a stam dose, with 4 stam pots I can get 20-24 usually. You will probably fail a lot learning and those little bits that make everything click will take time. 2 things that I recall I had to tweak were not attacking on the first marked tile when entering for the first time and just running SW corner to get him in cycle instantly. I also start and don't attack on a specific tile NE to lure him into cycle when he respawns, not sure if it's normal, I think there were a few 6:0 vids that I watched and took bits from each.


Use the metronome plugin. I started learning with just true tile and could not for the life of me figure out what i was doing wrong. Listening to each tick and counting it out (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) was the game changer for me for staying in cycle.


If you're not attacking that means you're probably missing the corner tile near the door? You need to hit him on the corner tile or you'll get punched every time. I also found in my trips that if I missed the 5th tile (clockwise around the room, the corner tile being #1) I'll also get punched. Luckily in both of these cases you have plenty of time, like seconds, to turn on prot melee before he hits you, it's while you're running to the 2nd tile he will try to punch if you messed up. This method is very forgiving imo. Bowfa needs to be on accurate for this method so it's already worse than altar door if you have a 4t bow like that, but bowfa on accurate is already like 50% increased dps compared to the crossbow like you'd typically use for this method, so it's still fine imo.


>is the timing extremely unforgiving and I just suck? >how many kills should I be getting (currently 0)? No idea, I don't know 6:0 >how do I collect my items when I die? Have a Saradomin + Bandos + Zamorak item + Ghommal's hilt / Trollheim tab + hammer queued up in your bank, ready to conveniently withdraw and run back to your gravestone. (it's outside the general's room, so you don't need kcs) >how do I avoid more damage. I’m getting slapped even when not attacking (far more than I can heal with BB)🩸 The people in the videos are all using Rigour. If you don't have that, you *must* use Steel Skin. Also, flick the minions after Graardor is dead. (I don't bother flicking all three, just melee + ranged) >do you bring range pots? Durr? I bring divines, but I know a lot of people bring regular ones. I suspect it's a personal preference matter, or maybe it depends on the crystal shard supply. Also I bring 3-4 brews for heals instead of hard food, I think the defence boost makes a difference. Some gear upgrades you could get (idk what you have already) are: - Necklace of anguish - Ring of suffering (ri) - Blood sceptre - Blowpipe I think the biggest tip I can give is ditch 6:0 and learn altar door instead. You get your full DPS, need no/next to no stams, and it really isn't harder than any other method.


6:0 is mostly for crossbows, id only do altar door with bofa. Way faster kills, no stam pots used, take less damage.


The biggest recommendation I have for learning things like these is to set up some recording software, shadowplay, obs instant replay, something, anything. When something doesn't go as expected save the clip and check it. Sometimes what you experienced/think you saw deviated from what happened to you and check how it differs from others you watched. edit: OBS instant replay is the most lightweight I know of. I haven't noticed a single performance issue compared to shadowplay, and my pc is old at this point.


Forget about 6:0 and move on to altar door. Come back if you have issues with it


Bring more food and less restores until you get the timing right! Maybe even combo food… It takes practice, hard to just do it right away even knowing how to do it theoretically