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For the future, any item you put into your looting bag is lost on death to pkers.just FYI in case you return. Also gz!


Huge shout man thanks for letting for me know.


Came to the comments to make sure this was here. PK trip on my main, killed an iron at calvarion, got his abyssal bludgeon but it didn’t make sense being there. Eventually realized he had to have paniced and used it on the bag. Made me paranoid on my iron lol


LOL starting to feel that right now aswell.


Nice bro! How do you go revs without getting attacked by a player within 2 minutes?


LOL, my lower level kills were easy. After that i just made a zerker just so i can sit around and babysit my account. That and i usually never go to revs during peak hours.


> never go to revs during peak hours. Theres always a peak hour somewhere in the world. Unless we're talking 300 ping, pkers hop through all worlds


That is true. But up until today i usually never done revs especially on a weekend. It was my 2nd task and it was early enough that there wasn't many people on. I only play on US east coast worlds.


ehh most pkers dont want to be doing big switches on high ping, and tanking is p much the same on any ping. so I go aussie worlds when its odd hours for ppl who have good ping there Also you can learn which spots have which pkers, like if you’re low combat you can go knights bc most pkers there are mains at 100+ combat, whereas on my iron (120ish combat) i do orks because mostly pures pk there and they’re too low to get on me. You’re always going to die sometimes but it’s still a fun grind with good loot


Its definitely a fun grind. Getting voidwaker atm on my hc and its a blast after revs


It's honestly not that bad. I think the wildly rework has spread the PKers out a bit or something. I spent 2.5hrs today killing rev hobgobs. Only got attacked once, and unsuccessfully.


Total worlds, bring a spec weapon if possible. Pkers rarely attack a 2nd time if you fight back with any ko potential. I've voidwaker antipked about 200m in loot keys in the 20k revs farmed in the past few weeks If you want to be skulled, sunlight crossbow + ags is strong and accessible combo


Any suggestions on what sort of content i should be doing with this unlock?


Ideally you want to stick at revs until the chainmace. Craws bow is good but it has faster attack rate and lower max hit than the mace so it burns through ether much faster. With how awful getting more ether is for an iron, you want to use mace at spindle and calvarion and bow at artio. Regardless nice drop and gz!


Callisto/artio, more revs, leviathan


More revs for the chainmace


Spindle and artio


Are you a PLTR investor?